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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

FrostXShadow said:
Devil stood there taking both hits "well that hurt abit" he said he was about to turn around when a bullet hit his shoulder "DAMN IT" he yelled "iron" he automatically realized what it was he turned to the police his eyes no longer blue but fiery red with yellow hints "Burn in hell all of you Hellion Cannon" he said shooting a giant blast of fire killing most of the officers, he turned to clash "your annoying" he said before round house kicking her into a nearby building and putting a hand on his wounded shoulder attempting to heal it
@Shammy the Shamrock @Salex
most of the officers died on the blast, but ones that didnt they shouted "FIRE NON LETHAL!" where then they proceeded to shoot the black devil in the arms, legs and un-vital parts of the chest @Shammy the Shamrock @FrostXShadow
Devil noticed the bullets and back flipped over them, he landed behind the officers and proceeded to kill them before they could shoot him he looked to clash covered in blood "no you idiot my weakness is not Bullets" he shook his head before punching an officer sending him into a building and kicking another sending him flying into a truck

@Shammy the Shamrock @Salex
FrostXShadow said:
Devil noticed the bullets and back flipped over them, he landed behind the officers and proceeded to kill them before they could shoot him he looked to clash covered in blood "no you idiot my weakness is not Bullets" he shook his head before punching an officer sending him into a building and kicking another sending him flying into a truck
@Shammy the Shamrock @Salex
suddenly an officer behind him, a private who has just enrolled in the force and has a wife and 3 kids, shot him in the head with a handgun from behind (just to make it more sad when he dies) @FrostXShadow @Shammy the Shamrock
Clash shrugged "Seems like it, and idiot please, stop being a whiny bitch and just say that you can be killed by a butter knife." She said laughing, she rose an army of shadows and pointed to him. "Sick him, the one who smacks him gets to be my Debby," she saw the man with the balls to shoot him 'Christ he's dead' she thought throwing a disc at the devil.

@FrostXShadow @Salex
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Devil dropped to his knees and fell to the ground, as he did so a pentagram would form around the man and hands would reach out and grab him slowly dragging him to hell, the wound slowly closed and devil rose to his feet slowly blood coming from his eyes "I am so glad that wasn't pure iron or I would be dead,oh and by the way you just killed your friend shadow" he stated blood pouring from his mouth "crap if I stay in this body I will die" he looked a clash "well it was nice seeing you again goddess but I must be on my way before I die" a pentagram formed around him and his form flickered until devil was gone and shadow was left dead on the ground

(( thanks Salex you just killed shadow good job))

@Salex @Shammy the Shamrock
FrostXShadow said:
Devil dropped to his knees and fell to the ground, as he did so a pentagram would form around the man and hands would reach out and grab him slowly dragging him to hell, the wound slowly closed and devil rose to his feet slowly blood coming from his eyes "I am so glad that wasn't pure iron or I would be dead,oh and by the way you just killed your friend shadow" he stated blood pouring from his mouth "crap if I stay in this body I will die" he looked a clash "well it was nice seeing you again goddess but I must be on my way before I die" a pentagram formed around him and his form flickered until devil was gone and shadow was left dead on the ground
(( thanks Salex you just killed shadow good job))

@Salex @Shammy the Shamrock
(never, never, i never have, and i never will kill an rp character without permission)

the private kneeled down, tired and amazed on what he has done, he was then lifted up by the remaining police force and was cheered for. as ambulance started to arrive they recognized shadow who was a hero who attended the first battle of the city, they carried him to a stretcher and got him to the best hospital there is at the next town, they performed a surgery for 4 hours straight trying to save him, with the doctors relentless to give up @FrostXShadow @Shammy the Shamrock

Shadow laid on the table half dead from the bullet lodged in his head "stupid police officers" he mumbled as he faded in and out of consciousness his heart stopping and starting again every so often

FrostXShadow said:
Shadow laid on the table half dead from the bullet lodged in his head "stupid police officers" he mumbled as he faded in and out of consciousness his heart stopping and starting again every so often

(it was a handgun, the caliber isn't that great so it won't penetrate it fully)

the doctors took a scalpel and took out the bullet, the damage was tremendous but they have done this before. the bullet was extracted and the doctors continuously worked on him (now here is where you decide, does shadow die? or survive? @FrostXShadow ) @Shammy the Shamrock
( (ill let him live I guess))

shadow's hand shot signaling the doctors to stop "can you please stop cutting me open" he mumbled before falling unconscious again but still alive

Shadow's mind

Shadow jumped the through the air throwing Daggers at his brother in the process "
come on little bro if you want to be able to stop devil from taking over your body you have to do better than that, this is your mind you have to use all you can" Alaric said as Shadow landed on the ground forming two swords and charging at his brother slashing "what do you think im doing Alaric" Shadow said while slashing his swords

@Salex @Shammy the Shamrock
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](Best last words next to "Now, now, my good man, this is no time for making enemies")

xD I know right
Bolt teleported back before she could notice, and walked into the non-destroyed part of the city. He walked into a grocery store "We are just getting food. The pizza place got destroyed so I need to get food for everyone, i'll be back in under a second." He said with a laugh teleporting around and coming back with bags "You want anything before we go," he asked standing outside.

@Echo Dreamsong

Ray became nervous, looking for siatama "He isn't here, where could he be." She decided to go outside and search, she walked around the destroyed city. She didn't find much, just death, and crippled people, she felt sick but continued his journey.
@Echo Dreamsong[/URL]

Ray became nervous, looking for siatama "He isn't here, where could he be." She decided to go outside and search, she walked around the destroyed city. She didn't find much, just death, and crippled people, she felt sick but continued his journey.
saitama walked for hours until he finally arrived at the city, he saw ray and decided to do something, he grabbed the clothes of a dead officer and smeared blood all over his face and the clothes, he then walks up to ray and shouts "BOO" @Shammy the Shamrock
Ray jumped and punched him as hard as she could. She realized who it was "I am so sorry Mr. Siatama, why are you wearing dead officer clothing. BLOOD!" She yelled running behind a piece of rubble, she hated blood. Ray went full death and walked up to him, looking down "PLEASE! NO MORE BLOOD!" She yelled, angry but soon calmed down and went back to Ray.

"heh, don't worry kiddo didn't hurt at all" he said, he then saw ray started being afraid and shouting, he then picks up ray and carried her like a baby "hey don't worry, this is... uhh.... cranberry sauce i picked up by the grocery shop" he said clearly lying "let's get home" he said as he then jumped as far as the hulk would in a single leap and landed right in front of the warehouse carrying ray with him @Shammy the Shamrock
Ray smiled "At least your back Mr. Siatama, Lou's been in the room. I believe Bolt is out getting a new recruit, also we may get in trouble because on they were on the news." She said grabbing his suit and looking around at the warehouse "Do you have groceries," she asked, hungry.

"hmmm, no we won't get in trouble, genos is famous so he will probably take care of that" he said "hmm... i think bolt's grabbing some groceries to eat, and also ray, it is pronounced 'saitama' not 'siatama', but don't call me mister alright, just call me saitama... altough come to think of it genos always call me sensei... well just call me anything except mr.saitama alright kiddo?" he said patting her head @Shammy the Shamrock
Ray nodded "Ok sensei, what exactly do you do at this time. You are either out or sleeping so wh-" she wiggled out of his hands and ran over to the table. She gave him a card "This is for you, you never took it when you were hurt," she said, it was a white card with crudely drawn of Saitama. She walked over to the kitchen, grabbing an apple but it disintegrated in her free hand. "DARN! I'm like that one guy with donkey ears," she said, referencing to Midas.

@Echo Dreamsong[/URL]

Ray became nervous, looking for siatama "He isn't here, where could he be." She decided to go outside and search, she walked around the destroyed city. She didn't find much, just death, and crippled people, she felt sick but continued his journey.
Stella frowned at him, not exactly sure where they were. "Um, anything but grapes? Grapes are horrid things!"
Bolt patted her head, eating a grape "Ok, let's go before someone tries to punch me for 'Being a Hero who can't protect the city'" he said walking back to the warehouse. He kicked open the door and walked in "Can someone help with the rest of the bag. I wish I had telekinesis like the president of the hero association." He said putting some bags on the table. He looked at Stella and pointed to Saitama "That's is Saitama, can kill anything in one punch, the little girl is Ray. She can kill anything with one touch," he said pointing to the small child.

@Echo Dreamsong

Ray looked over "FOOD!" She yelled grabbing a bag and ripping out bread. She started eating the entire loaf "I HAVEN'T EATEN IN SO LONG!" She yelled, sitting on the sofa, refusing to share.


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