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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

As Lou stood up he had a look over worry on his face, could someone really take his powers away? Even after his training with the Dimension Force, as he jumped up from where he was resting, looking at Bolt as he said "What was that?" As he walked around the room not knowing what to think." @Salex @FrostXShadow @Shammy the Shamrock
Bolt jumped at Siatama's leave, he felt a sore pain in his head. He grabbed his head and fell to the floor, he passed out.

Clash repaired the tower, transforming into a unstable form while her body was away. "Really, this is why we can't have nice things. Unless you want to die then I suggest you just float way." She said standing on top of the roof, she summoned her disc, ready to throw.

@Salex @Zedisback @FrostXShadow
As Lou stood up he would laugh, as the purple tent turned into a purple glow, as he lowered both of his hands to his front hoodie pocket, as Lou said "Why don't you just quit, I fear something much bigger than any of us is coming, you know that man the anomaly, was able to use?" As he would smile "If I remember right, he may be a threat to all of us." @Salex @Shammy the Shamrock @FrostXShadow
Clash smiled as she backed up, she rubbed her head "GOOD! I can finally see egg man without his punch," she said taking out a button. She clicked it "Have a nice fall," she said as the building began to crumble and her unstable body vanished.

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Salex said:
as the building crumbled, he kneeled down, and jumped right out of the town, a little too far to the neighbouring city "well... guess i have a long journey back" he said as he started walking back to the city (gon go to sleep, cya in a few hours) @Shammy the Shamrock @Zedisback @FrostXShadow
As Lou stood, he would shut his eyes for a second as he would try to focus, as he would think of a way to beat Clash as he walked up to her pulling his hood down from his head as he looked her in the eyes, reaching into his hoodie pocket pulling out his badge as he said "I have to ask you to stop." As he would flash the badge before he would lower it back to his hoodie pocket. (Goodnight) @Salex @FrostXShadow @Shammy the Shamrock
Clash reformed "Cute, I can see why Eliza likes you, and you being the reason she dies in the future. I am sorry but I just can't stop it's too fun," she said poking holes in the air, right in front of his face. The holes created energy blast that would shoot on her command, he raised her hand and readied herself to point straight at him.

"Well don't say I didn't warn you." As he would snap his fingers, as everything would flash, in a blinding flash of light, when it was over him and Clash were gone, he and Clash were now in the Dimension Force, he was nowhere to be seen in it his voice could be heard all around inside as he said "Sorry about this but I did warn you." As he would laugh "I'm sure you can feel it the raw energy, the burning feeling." As a dash of energy dashed at Clash. @Shammy the Shamrock
Clash smiled summoning her Disc and slashing the energy in half. "You aren't the only one with that kind of power. I'm one in a million, there is no other like me, and there will never be. I ain't from here, I have killed the countless versions of you, I know every trick you can and will do," she said clapping her hands together as they became purple and filled with power.

"Hehe, as a snap could be heard, I say my powers could be a curse because well, that they let me view every other dimension, and the timelines of those dimensions, want to know something else, we have been in this same stop, countless times before, each time a dimension meets its end, it starts over from the beginning, it is sad to say, but I remember each time the dimension has repeated thanks to my powers." As he would snap his fingers again, as he would try to steal the purple energy hoping it was the Dimension Force. "Thanks for the boost, you forget I am one with this energy unlike you." As six blasts of the energy would come at her. @Shammy the Shamrock
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Clash created a shield and blocked the attack "Interesting, but there is someone you can never remember, me. I was lost from the dimensions, but after a while I got bored. The countless places became so small, so I spiced it up," she said letting her form become more stable.

"You can't understand how this feels, having to watch my father erase himself from existence over and over, having to watch my friends die over and over, they forget...but I don't. You can't know how that feels." He said as he held back tears in his eyes "This is my curse." As two swrpd slashes would try to cut Clash. He wasn't even trying to fight her, just discouraged her. @Shammy the Shamrock
Clash smiled "Oh I know, I was one of you." She said kneeing and slamming him down "I had my love erased from my dimension, everyone didn't know who he was except me. I never forget him, but he doesn't know me," she said kicking him away, she took out her disc as they became part of her hands.

"So who is this love of yours anyway?" Asked Lou, as he got back up from the ground As he would smile saying "Did you spend years trying to fix the machine, that did it to them?" Asked Lou thinking he was getting onto something "Because well if you did maybe we could work with each other to fix it." As he would snap his fingers, as ten disks would fly out from behind him to Clash. @Shammy the Shamrock
Clash slashed the disc in half "He died then was erased from the my world. I couldn't stop what he had done, he permanently broke my dimension, it was never able to reset. The world just kept going and going, FASTER AND FASTER, TOO FAST FOR EVERYONE!" She yelled then calmed down, she ripped a hole into the darkness "I need to prepare for my new home, call me Elli. I won't forget you, I promised," she said rushing into the hole and vanishing from the darkness.

"Hmmm, Elli, huh?" as he would snap his fingers, as a light would flash in the Dimension Force, before it would send him back to where he was before he entered, as he would sign as he would think about the last words she said "I won't forget you, I promised. Hmmmm maybe, maybe." As he would take a seat relaxing as he would wait for the others.
Elizabeth finished the box of donuts "Hey nerd, where have you been. I was waiting for you," she said kissing his forehead and sitting next to him, she yawned and placed her arm on his shoulder.

ELiza picked him up "You're not sleeping here, bed for you." She said taking him to his bed and placing him on top of it. She sat on the bed and guarded the door in case of intruders. She felt tired but kept herself awake, forcing herself to stay up. (Night!)

Bolt woke up and decided to do something he should have done a long time ago. He teleported to the roof and started building a sign to help with recruiting, it said 'HEROES OF TOMORROW,' he stood back proud at his work. He knew no one would come at this point but believed it to be good to at least try.
Stella had been using water to speed past. Seeing the sign, she lifted herself up using the stream she had created in the road. "Um, hello! What is this sign for? I don't think I've seen it before."
Bolt turned around "It's fo-" he was cut off by her water powers. He examined her "You have powers, HI! The sign is for the hero group I have made, we are always looking for new recruits." He said vanishing and coming back in a bolt of lighting, he started to paint the sign.

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