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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Stella shrieked at the lightning, nearly falling off the roof. "That. Was terrifying." She said with a sigh. "And, yeah... I have powers... I'll suppose you have them too? And I'd really like to be apart of the group!"
Bolt smiled "HERO TEST!" He yelled grabbing her shoulder and teleporting them to the beach through a lamp pole. "Alright show me what you can do," he said as he took out a small spider drone "Find this," he said throwing it into the sand as it vanished.
Stella stared at him, frowning slightly. "That was rather unexpected. And, a hero test? Isn't that normally something really dangerous?" She asked, tilting her head. Then after a shrug, she lifted her hand and brought the water up, washing most of the sand away.
Bolt looked at her "Do you want me to take you to the arctic and force you to fight a bear. That is how my dad got his group," he said walking down and grabbing the spider. He pocketed it "It was either that or an essay," he said grabbing her shoulder and taking her to the front door of the warehouse.

@Echo Dreamsong
Bolt walked in "Jesus if you want an essay I can print one out." He said laughing, he looked around showing off the place. He looked down at her "Do you have a place to stay, we have living quarters," he said going through the lights and falling on the couch.

@Echo Dreamsong
Bolt smiled "Of course, we have rooms available," he said opening a door to a white room with a bed. "You just have to fill them," he said teleporting away and returning with a paper. "Give me an essay of what it takes to be a hero," he said going into the room and guiding her in.

@Echo Dreamsong
Bolt patted her head "Go nuts, I need to go to get some food. I do have a group to feed," he said walking out of the room and getting prepared to go out. Covering his eyes with shades so no one could tell he was a super hero.
Stella got right to work, on the essay. Of course, she had a pencil. So after about ten minutes Stella ran out with a fully finished essay. "That was awesome!"
Bolt took the paper "Wow, you work fast." He crumbled the paper and threw it away "You're a hero now so congratulations on joining the Heroes of Tomorrow." He said walking outside, whistling as he did.

@Echo Dreamsong
Stella frowned at the crumpled up paper. "Man, not even a grade..." Then she dashed after him, determined to find as much water as she could.
As Lou got up from his bed he would yawn he couldn't stay asleep as he walked up to Eliza patting her on the head, as he would take a seat with her. (Eh forget sleep)
Shadow slowly rose from his nap on the couch his eyes turning blue as a pentagram formed around him, Flames shot up around him and he took the form of Black Devil "Guess who is back" Devil chuckled his voice echoing, the couch burst into flames as he got up, he cracked in knuckles and his neck before starting to burn everything in site

((sorry guys I had to kill the peace xD ))
Eliza smiled "Morning handsome," she said kissing him and laughing before leaning on his shoulder. She looked over at the door, her bat in hand, she looked up at him "What did you do, when you where out." She asked, curious of his adventure.


Bolt patted her head "You want to come, i'm just going to the store for a few things," he said walking towards a part of the city that wasn't destroyed.

@Echo Dreamsong
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Devil walked around "now now now who to kill first" he said as he walked through the city hell hounds following "hm maybe if I cause enough damage those heroes will come and I can have some fun" he laughed as he burnt down building killing a couple of civilians
(thanks for killing the peace)

the police got reports of the devil, half of the police force rushed towards them even with elite s.w.a.t members, the made a wall in front of him and shouted "PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR! PROCEED TO KNEEL ON THE GROUND OR WE WILL SHOOT!" with a loudspeaker @FrostXShadow @Shammy the Shamrock (just a question, the black devil'l weakness is iron, so will iron alloys do? as bullets are made of alloys)
Clash listened to the ruckus and quickly vanish to the site. She wore her suit and walked up to the police "Excuse me, I would like to say hi," she said moving past them and coming face to face with black devil. She crossed her arms and looked up at him "I can see you like to posses bodies too," she said looking right into his eyes.

@Salex @FrostXShadow
(( yes any type of Iron can wound or kill him, but remember you will also be killing shado))

Devil smirked "ooo im so scared" he raised his hands he looked at the girl "it's my specialty now if you excuse me" he pointed at the police officers and the hellhounds attacked killing some of them

@Shammy the Shamrock @Salex
Clash took out her disc "I'm Clara Tesla, newest owner of the Tomorrow industries. I'm here to do your fucking job," she said snapping her fingers as a tentacle bashed Devil across the face with a pole. She teleported behind him doing the same thing but in the back.

@FrostXShadow @Salex
FrostXShadow said:
(( yes any type of Iron can wound or kill him, but remember you will also be killing shado))
Devil smirked "ooo im so scared" he raised his hands he looked at the girl "it's my specialty now if you excuse me" he pointed at the police officers and the hellhounds attacked killing some of them

@Shammy the Shamrock @Salex
"FIRE!!!" a chief officer shouted, the whole police force shot at the hellhounds legs, arms and body but that did no good, it was until the s.w.a.t team shot their heads and they started to drop, hellhounds started to drop one by one, but a stray bullet penetrated black devil's shoulder and hitting clash in the process @Shammy the Shamrock @FrostXShadow
Devil stood there taking both hits "well that hurt abit" he said he was about to turn around when a bullet hit his shoulder "DAMN IT" he yelled "iron" he automatically realized what it was he turned to the police his eyes no longer blue but fiery red with yellow hints "Burn in hell all of you Hellion Cannon" he said shooting a giant blast of fire killing most of the officers, he turned to clash "your annoying" he said before round house kicking her into a nearby building and putting a hand on his wounded shoulder attempting to heal it

@Shammy the Shamrock @Salex
Clash put up a shield around herself, looking at her wound she removed the bullet "Really bullets, I am not like the devil. Seriously Lucifer bullets, that's your weakness. It is nearly comical." She said dashing right in front of him, she grabbed the bullet and propelled it into his other arm. She sighed "And you are a asshole," she said backing up and crossing her arms.

@FrostXShadow @Salex

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