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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Bolt found a burger stand and went inside looting it "We are a mad max group, I live, I die, I live again." He said laughing as he came out with some burgers he was able to find, he started eating "Technically wouldn't that be my job, my powers could bring back Frankenstein." He heard Genos "SHIT!" He yelled running over, he looked at the rubble and whistled, the gauntlet came to him as he started pounding rocks away digging like a mole trying to find Saitama.

@Salex @FrostXShadow
Blazed laugh "I guess so but blame this FIRE IS REBIRTH phoenix shit the sages expect me to have" he saw Bolt run he got up and ran next to him helping him dig he used his fire to burn away some of the ruble "who is under here?" he asked continuing to burn and dig

@Salex @Shammy the Shamrock
(I better not find this)

(how the hell did you know i was about to post that)

[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]
(I better not find this)

Salex said:
(how the hell did you know i was about to post that)
(*Waves Hands* Magic....I've been really wanting to watch one punch and while I was researching I came across this rape face)
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after the rubbled cleared, saitama was seen fainted and his jumpsuit having holes and with his cape torn to shreds, he seemed to be bleeding a little bit from his nose from exhaustion and have burnt marks on his face, genos picks him up and it was in time too as the police and ambulance with other authorities arrived, saitama was carried to a stretcher to a nearby hospital out of town while atomic samurai and iaian already left to help other survivors out of the town @Shammy the Shamrock @FrostXShadow

(well if you guys think that that is his rape face, this is my face when i stub my toe but have too much dignity to cry: http://i.imgur.com/NfORLqc.jpg)
FrostXShadow said:
(( Salex you scare me ))
"well what now" he looked to Bolt

(( I also like how everyone just kinda left Shadow laying on the ground unconscious half dead xD poor shadow ))

@Shammy the Shamrock @Salex @Zedisback
(yeah... screw shadow, he is good on his own)

genos then leaves going to the shelter to collect any corpses of the hellhounds or golems, and to have his body repaired, meanwhile the police searched the area for any more mysterious beings and/or fallen heroes, as such they are still searching hours on hours later @Shammy the Shamrock @FrostXShadow
as genos was walking towards the civilian shelter he saw shadow's body. "eh" was all he said before continuing his journey to the civillian shelter (challenge accepted!) @FrostXShadow
Bolt became nervous, he had never seen Siatama in this state and wanted to help. He knew he couldn't and let out a sigh, he sat on a chair running his hand through his hair. He sat there for hours playing with a ball of electricity.

Ray went outside and decided to search for something. She went into a destroyed store and grabbed a card and bear, her mom guided her back to the hospital. She sat near the chair writing something in the card.

@Salex @FrostXShadow
(( YU GONPLEI STE ODON * snaps genos's neck*))

Shadow twitches on the ground slowly getting up before falling back down "w-where am I" he asked as he slowly sat up looking around at the destroyed city, Memories of what happen flashed into his head, he cried out in pain as he felt both of saitama's punches effect his body. he coughed blood "thanks a lot saitama" he said chocking on his own blood" he used what power he had left to teleport to the hospital landing right in front of bolt unconscious once again with blood pouring out his mouth

@Salex @Shammy the Shamrock
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](Ray's has one arm, Saitama is in the hospital, and Shadow is bleeding to death.....Bolt is best leader)

(it could've been worse, bolt couldve been possesed by clash and attacked saitama... oh wait...)
Bolt ran up and took Shadow to his feet, he ran to a stretcher and placed Shadow on it. He talked to the main woman asking about Siatama before going back to Shadow. "What the fuck happened," he asked nervously, he was shaking at this point.

@FrostXShadow @Salex
Shadow mumbled "el fall Devil elctor manstat" in his original language before passing out again from blood loss coughing up more blood through his shirt you could see his pones slightly poking through from the impact of saitama's punch

(( just btw he said "The devil has returned" and does anyone know what u said to Genos earlier before snapping his neck???))

@Shammy the Shamrock @Salex
FrostXShadow said:
Shadow mumbled "el fall Devil elctor manstat" in his original language before passing out again from blood loss coughing up more blood through his shirt you could see his pones slightly poking through from the impact of saitama's punch
(( just btw he said "The devil has returned" and does anyone know what u said to Genos earlier before snapping his neck???))

@Shammy the Shamrock @Salex
(nope not at all)

saitama started to wake up as his eyes open, he saw a white ceiling, he then instantaneously stood up and shouted "RAY!!!", he then realizes he is in a hospital and calms down @Shammy the Shamrock @FrostXShadow
Bolt sighed "Sleep, you've been through a lot. I NEED A DOCTOR!" He yelled talking as the staff took the stretcher and to a room.

Ray found the room with Saitama and went over, jumping at her name. She walked up and sighed "I am so sorry Mr. Siatama." She said placing the bear and card on a chair. She crossed her arms and looked down.

@FrostXShadow @Salex
"you got nothing to be sorry about kiddo" saitama said as he stood up and patted her head "how's that arm doing?" he asked, genos meanwhile arrived to the hospital with flowers and arrived to saitama's room "i have gathered information from the internet to give flowers when they are injured so it can relieve pain and stress" genos says "uhhh... yeah thanks" he says as he puts the flowers at a table @Shammy the Shamrock
Zedisback said:
As nothingness beams would rain from the sky the voice could be heard as it said "I'm not done, friends" it would laugh, as he would start waiting for what they did next.

As Gary ran to the side of Saitama he said "What is going on?" as he ran in place. @Salex @FrostXShadow @Shammy the Shamrock
(welcome back! i thought you died)

"well other than i fainted, we took care of the threat with the cost of the city and ray's arm" saitama said @Zedisback
Salex said:
(welcome back! i thought you died)
"well other than i fainted, we took care of the threat with the cost of the city and ray's arm" saitama said @Zedisback
(Thanks, but I wasn't dead, just sleeping when most of the things went on, timezone's are thing xD .) As Lou would just shake his head, as he would snap his fingers, as a portal opened up behind him throwing him to where Saitama was as he just had his hood up looking down, as he would just sit. In a near by seat not even looking at the damage to the city. @Salex
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