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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

"I have something for Saitama." It would chuckle, as his fingers wold snap, as something started to form out of nothingness on the ground, as it formed into Lord Boros as it said "I have an old friend around to see you Saitama." As he waited for them to fight. @Salex @FrostXShadow @Shammy the Shamrock
from behind them a loud flash was seen, what was then seen was the streets cleared out by a huge hole and the sky parted, with boros dead ripped in half, he had used one of his serious strike "i was right here, come on, boros? that the best you can do?" he asked @Shammy the Shamrock @Zedisback
Clash smiled and floated to the ground "Very resilient now let's fini-" she was stopped by Ray who was disintegrating her leg.

Ray grabbed her leg, constricting "YOU WON'T HURT MR. SIATAMA!" She yelled being kicked into a wall by Clash.

Clash kicked her repeatedly into a wall "Get the fuck off my leg. You're just making it easier for me to hurt you," she said, trying to get Ray off.

@Salex @FrostXShadow @Zedisback
Aristotle sat alone on a park bench, except it really a sit. It was more of a type of squat because his feat rested on the bench. He seemed to be tinkering with something not of human nature. At least, it wasn't modern human technology, it was advanced, so it wasn't alien technology. He finally put the strange pice of tech over his face, resting it over his eyes. He focused on a small briefcase that lay infront of him, eventually making it lift into the air. He smirked and slowly lowered it once more into his lap. He opened it and removed the headpiece, then carefully placed it in the briefcase. He closed and locked it before resting his eyes on the park around him. He knew that if the headpiece was in the wrong hands it could be used for evil, so he had to make sure to protect it any way he could.

The briefcase wasn't normal either. It was alined with a special metal that could resist extreme heat, and extreme cold. The only way someone could break into it is either under extreme pressure which will also break the headset, with the password that held the case locked, or someone really strong with a crowbar.

Clash smiled using a tentacle to rise up right in front of Saitama. She shot blast that stayed in place until she snapped her fingers, firing straight at him. She bashed Ray through a wall "Damn kid, whatcha made out of, steel," she said creating a disc and slashing right through her left hand.

Clash smiled "If that's what you want. I just got my ingredient, if she tries and stop me I'll take her right hand. I'll leave you with this," she said grabbing the left hand and teleporting away. The ground became black as it seem to about to explode.

Ray grabbed her bloody arm, whimpering in pain. The black ground evaporated around her, she curled up looking at Clash and shivering.

Ray gave a forced smile "That hurt like hell. I never believed anything could hurt me. I guess I am not invincible huh," she said looking at her bleeding arm. "Do you think they sell hands at walmart," she asked looking up at the ground.

The ground crumbled under its own weight then flew in every direction. Hitting more buildings and spreading to the rest of the ground around it.

as genos, atomic samurai and iaian killed the final rest of the hellhounds and golems, they rushed to saitama to only see saitama curling and hugging ray with her left hand chopped off and a building that's about to fall above them, genos grabbed atomic samurai and iaian out of the rubble falling but saitama didn't have the energy left in him, he bended over and protected ray with his back, as rubble fell on his back he still stood strong @Shammy the Shamrock
Ray said something in Spanish as the rubble disintegrated before touching him. She smiled and wriggled out of his grasp "You really need to rest, I know of a place that we can rest for a bit. Just until you get your strength back," she waved at the rest and looked up at the destroyed rubble.

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Ray ran over "I-is he ok, he did just try and stop 3 villains at once. THAT IS SO COOL!!!" She looked up and started talking to the air, she sighed "Is the ware house still intact, the city is completely destroyed....AGAIN!" She said getting hit on the head by a piece of rubble, she rubbed her head and tried to pick up Siatama, holding on to his cape, not making a budge.

"well this has been interesting" Devil sighed as a pentagram formed around him "Oh and thank Little Niklaus for letting me use his body until I can actually break free from hell" his laugh echoed through the city as he disappeared leaving Shadow in his place


Shadow fell to the ground unconscious not knowing what happen or how

(( just so you guys know Devil can't find a perfect vessel to place himself in so when he wants to come up to earth he will take over Shadow's or anyone else with the O'Brien bloodlines body

@Shammy the Shamrock @Salex @Zedisback
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Bolt gained possession of his body, not knowing what had happened. He stumbled through and alley acting drunk, his head swam as he fell on the side. He studied himself seeing himself bruised and smashed up by the battle he had no part in.

((Hey, Frost you want Blaze and Bolt too meet up :) ))
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(( yeah Sure))


Blaze walked by an alley he stopped when he saw a boy around his age stumble through it bruised and smashed up he automatically realized who it was "Hm so your bolt?" he said as he walked over to help the boy

@Shammy the Shamrock
Bolt got up cracking his back "How do you know my name? I really don't tell that to people, citizens really shouldn't be in destroyed city," he said using the wall as support, getting up. He studied the boy, he saw something he saw in the group but didn't say.

"I'm leader of the sages" he said "I make it my business to know every superhero or villain that walks flies or teleports into this town" he said with a laugh "I've already met the other heroes, maybe I should formally introduce myself," he took a step back letting his eyes burn bright red almost to a yellow "I am Blaze the sage of fire and the leader of the 7 sages" he gave a slight bow "but just call me blaze" he winked

@Shammy the Shamrock
Bolt laughed "So Bolt just met Blaze, wow weird world. I am Bolt like you already know. The sages, are they like a hippy group?" He asked letting his blue eyes spark to life. He looked around at the destroyed city "Want to see if there's a broken down burger place, I haven't eaten since the morning." He said walking in a random direction, not knowing where to go.

Blaze laughed as he began to walk with Bolt "The sages are a group of people who control and master the elements along with other stuff" he stated looking straight ahead "Such as my self being that I am the sage of fire I am also the sage of Rebirth meaning I can bring someone from the brink of death back to life" he sighed "but I haven't been able to do that yet" he said with a shrug before looking back at Bolt

@Shammy the Shamrock
as genos and the others try to take out the rubble weighing down saitama, they saw bolt. "HEY BOLT! HELP US OUT! MASTER SAITAMA IS DOWN THERE TRAPPED!" genos shouted towards bolt as he lifted another rubble with all he could but to no avail as it was to big @FrostXShadow @Shammy the Shamrock

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