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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

"I don't see how you've heard of my group before but never the less.. Call me blaze I am the Sage of fire and rebirth" he stated simply giving a slight wave "Nice to meet you saitama ive heard a lot about you" he looked at the other man "who might you be?" he said while running a hand through his flame red hair @Salex
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FrostXShadow said:
"I don't see how you've heard of my group before but never the less.. Call me blaze I am the Sage of fire and rebirth" he stated simply giving a slight wave "Nice to meet you saitama ive heard a lot about you" he looked at the other man "who might you be?" he said while running a hand through his flame red hair @Salex
"my name is genos, rank 14 class-s hero, i am saitama's disciple as well" genos said @FrostXShadow
"Nice to meet you Genos as I told you I am Blaze leader of the 7 sages" he waved at the man "so what used to be in this area?" he asked pointing to the empty lot "and who is that guardian over there..the one being hugged by the Curo" he said pointing towards shadow and Lou

((Curo means idiot incase you were wondering )) @Salex
As Lou stood he waved at Shadow as he said "Me? I'm the guardian of this dimension, D-87 don't you know?" Asked Lou as the purple tent in his eyes, flashed a passive purple glow for a second, before it lowered back down to just a tent. @Salex @FrostXShadow
FrostXShadow said:
"Nice to meet you Genos as I told you I am Blaze leader of the 7 sages" he waved at the man "so what used to be in this area?" he asked pointing to the empty lot "and who is that guardian over there..the one being hugged by the Curo" he said pointing towards shadow and Lou
((Curo means idiot incase you were wondering )) @Salex
"this used to be a warehouse where the group of heroes stayed, before an anomaly came after us, bolt our leader died then was reborn" he said @FrostXShadow
Ryan Davenport

"hm D-87 huh" he turned and looked at Saitama "we really need to destroy this thing it's becoming a pest..The Sages will back you up next time it attacks"


Shadow screamed as he tackled Lou with a hug he heard someone say the word curo and he looked back "How do you know how to speak Kamensian it is a dead language only spoken by members of the O'Brien family ...TAMME FALL EL" he looked asking him who he was in the language while continuing to hug Lou

@Salex @Zedisback
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FrostXShadow said:
Ryan Davenport
"hm D-87 huh" he turned and looked at Saitama "we really need to destroy this thing it's becoming a pest..The Sages will back you up next time it attacks"


Shadow screamed as he tackled Lou with a hug he heard someone say the word curo and he looked back "How do you know how to speak Kamensian it is a dead language only spoken by members of the O'Brien family ...TAMME FALL EL" he looked asking him who he was in the language while continuing to hug Lou

@Salex @Zedisback
"Me? I've just been training." He said with a chuckle." As he would hug Shadow patting him on the back, as he said "So what happened to the warehouse?" Asked Lou as he stood in the hug.

As Gary was running around cleaning the lot, he was done it was now just an empty lot, as he said "Well that is done." As ran over to the said of SHadow as he saw Lou as he said "So you're not dead." He said with a chuckle. @Salex
(( sorry I was In the shower ))


Shadow stopped hugging Lou and turned to glare at saitama "Bolt and Saitama destroyed my warehouse" he said with clear anger in his voice his eyes flaring bright gold


Blaze chuckled "I am Ryan Davenport you would know me as the sage of fire" he said with a bow

@Zedisback @Salex
FrostXShadow said:
(( sorry I was In the shower ))

Shadow stopped hugging Lou and turned to glare at saitama "Bolt and Saitama destroyed my warehouse" he said with clear anger in his voice his eyes flaring bright gold


Blaze chuckled "I am Ryan Davenport you would know me as the sage of fire" he said with a bow

@Zedisback @Salex
Lou chuckled as he said "Shadow want to help me test, how much stronger I've gotten? I already did it once with Genos." He chuckled, as he waited for what Shadow would say as the purple tent turned into a passive purple glow. @FrostXShadow (Don't worry about it)

Shadow looked at the man "a sage huh" he shook his head and looked at Lou "Sure lets see if you can beat me" he smirked teleporting a few feet away, he pulled up his hood and his hair covered his eyes but you could still see the golden hue shine through along with a smirk plastered on his face he got into a fighting stance "Alright Lou make the first move" he called out

FrostXShadow said:
Shadow looked at the man "a sage huh" he shook his head and looked at Lou "Sure lets see if you can beat me" he smirked teleporting a few feet away, he pulled up his hood and his hair covered his eyes but you could still see the golden hue shine through along with a smirk plastered on his face he got into a fighting stance "Alright Lou make the first move" he called out

As Lou stood without any warning, he seemed to disappear and reappear behind Shadow as he said "One of the basic techniques I know the body flicker technique." As he would shut his eyes for a second, as the passive purple glow, would grow more intense, it could now be seen by all, as he did the body flicker technique again this time with the afterimage technique, as he said "Dimension Force: Afterimage Explosion." After those words he said the trail of afterimages around Shadow would explode. @FrostXShadow
Shadow jumped teleporting into the air dodging the explosions "woah you can do that now.. that's cool" he said before spinning in the air forming five daggers and throwing them at Lou as he was falling he created a sword, he teleported to the ground in a crouched position then lunged himself at Lou. so now 5 daggers were falling from the sky and Shadow flying at him


Blaze looked at the two fight "hm theses two are strong and how does Niklaus have multiple powers that trait doesn't run in the O'Brien blood line" he questioned mentally while watching the fight take place

As Lou said "Dimension Force:Dimension Shift." After he said those words, he and Shadow would change places, as the daggers would now be coming to Shadow as Lou said "Try harder than that. (Sorry I was making a cs.) @FrostXShadow
The blades disappeared in a poof of gold smoke "heh maybe you should pay attention" he said pointing above Lou as a giant great sword would fall towards his head Shadow smirked throwing a dagger from his position then teleporting to Lou's side throwing another blade. he teleported to the other side throwing a dagger before teleporting behind lou and throwing another dagger. he teleported to the falling great sword and grabbed it using all his force to throw the blade downwards at lou he flipped through the air and landed on the grounded with his hands in his jacket pockets "I still have to make a name for this move I use it a lot" he said thinking of a name "five lade skewer...no to dark" he continued to think as the blades would fly at lou "wait I got it..FIVE BLADE MIRAGE" he shouted throwing a fist in the air

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FrostXShadow said:
The blades disappeared in a poof of gold smoke "heh maybe you should pay attention" he said pointing above Lou as a giant great sword would fall towards his head Shadow smirked throwing a dagger from his position then teleporting to Lou's side throwing another blade. he teleported to the other side throwing a dagger before teleporting behind lou and throwing another dagger. he teleported to the falling great sword and grabbed it using all his force to throw the blade downwards at lou he flipped through the air and landed on the grounded with his hands in his jacket pockets "I still have to make a name for this move I use it a lot" he said thinking of a name "five lade skewer...no to dark" he continued to think as the blades would fly at lou "wait I got it..FIVE BLADE MIRAGE" he shouted throwing a fist in the air
"You'll have to try harder than that!." Said Lou as he used the body flicker technique, to get behind Shadow as he would laugh as he said "You still need to try harder than that." As he would chuckle.

As Nero watched the two boys fight he needed to act now, he had a job to do, he needed to kill all the heroes of tomorrow, even if most of them had yet to even be adults. As without any more thinking about it he started time leaping, as he watched the five knives he would laugh, as he pulled out his nine millimeter pistol, as he aimed, as he would shoot it at the five knives hitting them all before he would let time go back to its normal speed, after one second, five gun shots could be heard. @FrostXShadow

all of the knives disappeared in a puff of gold smoke after being shot Shadow turned his head after hearing the gun shots he saw a man with a gun "tch" he scowled and threw a blade at the man before teleporting from sight to behind the man throwing a knife he teleported next to Lou "uhh do you know this guy?


"what the heck.." he saw a man with a gun and shadow throwing knives "hm let me help" he said putting his hands up, the blades would catch fire and blaze towards the man with the gun

@Zedisback ((I need sleep xD ill be on tomorrow morning byee))
As Nero would just laugh, he would would duck under the knives, as he stood waiting, after 30 seconds, passed he started time leaping again, as when time was slowed, he would fire his gun, two times a Shadow, Lou and, Blaze. After he did that the magazine would drop from his gun as he loaded another one in. As time would now go back to its normal speed after the second passed gun shots could be heard once again.

As Lou stood he said "No I don't." As Lou looked at him the purple glow would grow more intense as he said "What do you want?" Asked Lou before he was cut off by the time leaping. @FrostXShadow

"perimeter breach, someone's here" genos says, saitama then looks around to try to find the one who shot the guns, as none of the heroes used guns @Zedisback
As Lou stood around about to say his next words, he would feel two bullets enter his right arm as he said "Damn that hurts." As he jumped on Shadow pushing him down to the ground.

As he started time leaping again, he aimed his pistol, at Genos, as he would fire one shot at his right on and one at his left, as he would do the same to Saitama, as he would laugh seeing how easy this was. Before time returned back to its normal speed, after one second gun shots could be heard again. @Salex @FrostXShadow
Zedisback said:
As Lou stood around about to say his next words, he would feel two bullets enter his right arm as he said "Damn that hurts." As he jumped on Shadow pushing him down to the ground.
As he started time leaping again, he aimed his pistol, at Genos, as he would fire one shot at his right on and one at his left, as he would do the same to Saitama, as he would laugh seeing how easy this was. Before time returned back to its normal speed, after one second gun shots could be heard again. @Salex @FrostXShadow
what seems after they hear gunshot they don't flinch, as genos and saitama has taken thousands of times of gunshot and is not affected "oi, stupid guns don't work on us, if you wanna kill us you're gonna have to be more stronger than that" saitama said "saitama sensei, i scanned our surrounding and i see traces of time travel around here, i'll check on lou" genos said before running to lou @Zedisback
Salex said:
what seems after they hear gunshot they don't flinch, as genos and saitama has taken thousands of times of gunshot and is not affected "oi, stupid guns don't work on us, if you wanna kill us you're gonna have to be more stronger than that" saitama said "saitama sensei, i scanned our surrounding and i see traces of time travel around here, i'll check on lou" genos said before running to lou @Zedisback
As Gary was running around, looking for who was using the guns he said "Time travel?" As Gary looked in shock as he ran over to Lou making sure he was okay.

As he reached inside of his jacket, he pulled out a smoke grenade, as he waited for it to work after it did he would time leap jumping down to the empty lot, as he would chuckle, as he extended his right leg tripping Gary as he held his gun in his right hand as time speed would return to normal as he said "I wouldn't call it time travel." He would chuckle with his hood up. @Salex
"lou, you have been shot, you need medical assistance, ill take you to a hospital" genos said reaching his arms out to carry lou, then saitama realized something "... hey where's gary?" he asked @Zedisback

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