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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

FrostXShadow said:
Shadow gave a small chuckle "another guardian huh" he sighed and reached out his hand to shake Gary's hand "im Niklaus O'Brien better known as shadow" he smiled hiding his sadness
@Zedisback @Salex
As he would start to chuckle, he reached into his pocket, as within a second he moved five hundred miles per hero, as he put bunny ears on Shadow, taking a photo with his phone, and posting it on the internet, before shaking his hand in a second. @Salex @FrostXShadow
Shadow stood completely still being able to watch Gary put bunny ears on him and take a picture "Speed huh?" he asked tilting his head shadow disappeared from in front of Gary to on his back "GIDDY UP HORSEY" he laughed while waving his hand in the air

FrostXShadow said:
Shadow stood completely still being able to watch Gary put bunny ears on him and take a picture "Speed huh?" he asked tilting his head shadow disappeared from in front of Gary to on his back "GIDDY UP HORSEY" he laughed while waving his hand in the air
"Sadly I have to limit my speeds without this blue jumpsuit I have on." Gary said as he point out the plain blue jumpsuit, that covered everything but his mouth jaw and eyes, and a pair of Saitama's red rubber gloves. "Or else my clothes will burn up, I had to learn that the hard way." He said with the laugh "But nice to meet you I'm the fastest thing in the multiverse." @Salex @FrostXShadow
FrostXShadow said:
Shadow looked down at gary "nice to meet you fastest thing in the multiverse, im just shadow" he laughed still on gary's back hanging on
"Don't blink, I'm going to show you some of my speed." AS he looked back making sure Shadow was still holding on as he started running, at the start he was ten times the speed of sound, as a cone of air formed around them, as he stopped when he reached ten thousand miles per hour as he said "Sorry I'll show you more later, but that was slow, if you see what I have done in the past." He said with a chuckle, looking at the afterimages they left. @FrostXShadow
Shadow's face could show his amazement "t-that was so cool" his eyes were wide and his mouth open still shocked at everything he just saw "wait so do different guardians have different powers?" he asked

As he looked at Shadow Gary said "Well, yes and no, It is really just up to what powers you get being a guardian has nothing to do with it." Said Gary with a laugh as he said "And ,you think this is fast, that is slow. By the way the G-forces didn't hit you to hard right? They don't really effect me." He chucked. @FrostXShadow
"I'll show you something a little faster." As he started to run, at a running start he ran ten times the speed of light, running a smiley face in fire around Shadow, "This is still slow." He said before running at that speed again "Normally my clothes would burn up, but I have my heat-proof clothes on, waiting to see how Shadow would react he loved to show off. @FrostXShadow
shadow was mesmerized "th-tha" he couldn't even get words out he just let himself stay quiet trying not to embarrass himself by stuttering more, he finally spoke "that was so cool soo um how fast can you go?"

"I won't lie I don't really know" he said with a chuckle, as he waved to Shadow as he said "Well I'm going to go find a place to sleep night." As he ran off just leaving an afterimage. @FrostXShadow (Night I'm going to bed)

"ok" he watched as Gary ran away "so cool" he sighed and disappeared reappearing at an apartment he rented to sleep in because of the destroyed warehouse. he stripped and jumped into his bed falling asleep almost instantly

@Zedisback ((byeee ))
The building rebuilt itself, it did whatever Clash wanted. Clash sat at her desk "Hmm this body still has his powers. I need to get this place power back. I am the new C.E.O of my lovers company, or in Alex's case dad." She lifted her hand as something reactivated the power "Of course I should give Bolt at least the will to live, let him do what he has to do. I can control him when I must and become the most powerful women in the city. The group won't suspect a thing," she said regaining Bolt's blue eyes.

Bolt vanished and reappeared at the warehouse "Jesus fucking, fuck, fucker Christ, that hurt li-I'm alive. How? Why? I'M ALIVE, GOD GAVE ME A SECOND CHANCE!" He said jumping and smiling, not knowing of Clash, he fell right on the couch and wanted to see what would happen when they saw he wasn't dead.
Bolt smiled "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW! I remember nuking myself then the next moment I am at the warehouse. I guest I was just lucky, maybe god didn't want me in heaven, and hell was too good for me." He said laughing, just by the fact he was alive. He looked around "What happened while I was out," he asked walking over to the group.

Bolt showed his hand which had no kind of substance on it anymore "I could have been death, she has been part of my family for a while. Ray is the only one who can see and feel her without any special equipment. Maybe she decided to break the laws between the living and dead to bring me back," he said with a shrug. He studied his clothes realizing that they were caught in the blast, torn up "Shit, I need to get new clothes," he said teleporting and getting on a suit "This is the only thing I have," he said smiling and still jumpy.

Bolt sighed "Glad that he may not be dead, but we need to figure out what to do about the anomaly. I do have a temporary solution of what we could do to keep him out." He said going to a table and taking out something that looked like a brick, he grabbed a drill and drilled through it.

Bolt looked up "Jesus, you are a powerful fighter. I haven't seen someone rip the tear the clouds apart in a long time," he said teleporting to the roof. He took out a pen and paper writing something down 'Name: Siatama, Lv of Danger: 9, Trusted: Yes, Intelligence: Unknown probably 5 Weakness: Pull a superman,' Clash wrote down before pocketing the paper. Bolt smiled "Just good to be back. I AM GOING TO KICK THAT ANOMALY'S ASS!" He yelled before jumping off the roof and landing, hands behind his back.

Bolt shrugged "Well my kinetic suit is destroyed.....why is my tower the only thing standing. Also why are the lights on," he said pointing to the rebuilt tower, the power had been activated. Bolt became nervous as he sprinted towards the tower.

Bolt looked at the building and opened the door, he saw nothing "How the fuck was she able to build, and power this building. She would need some kind of physical form in order for her to touch the power." He said looking around at the building, seeing it like it was new. He ripped the floor tiles and found nothing "Her blood would be inside this place, it isn't where the hell is she," he asked trying to figure out where she had gone.


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