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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Bolt looked at his hand and back at the anomaly "You know, my suit was made to help with stand a nuke, but it takes a nuke to withstand a nuke." He clicked a button as the side of the gauntlet showed a warning symbol, he grabbed the anomaly with his other hand and before both could try to teleport he set it off. A explosion of blue surrounded the area, the ground below was vaporized and when the smoke clear Bolt had vanished, the only thing left was the kinetic mask.

@Zedisback @Salex
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@Zedisback[/URL] @Salex
saitama survived the blast luckily his suit only ripped in some areas and only got some burn marks as he backed away a few kilometers, he goes to the site, as the dust cleared he only saw his mask and no sign of bolt, knowing how strong the anomaly is he took by a chance that the anomaly survived. he took bolt's mask and said "well done... nice fight", he then took a heroic pose with his cape flowing behind him and readied to fight the anomaly @Zedisback @Shammy the Shamrock
Ray jumped as she felt the power "My mom gonna have a busy day today. One villain caused this much destruction," she said taking her flower off in respect. "Que sus almas descancen en paz," she said with a sigh at the home that had seemed to vanish, Ray did a cross movement with her hands.

(Translation: May there souls rest in peace)
"That was a nice attack it did some damage to me." He said with a laugh, as without warning a blast left his hands breaking the sound barrier again, once again using a blast that would destroy molecule bonds of whatever it hit as he walked out into view. @Salex @Shammy the Shamrock
Zedisback said:
"That was a nice attack it did some damage to me." He said with a laugh, as without warning a blast left his hands breaking the sound barrier again, once again using a blast that would destroy molecule bonds of whatever it hit as he walked out into view. @Salex @Shammy the Shamrock
"oh no you don't" saitama said, he then flew in a blink of an eye right in front of him, he then curled up his fist and straight up charged and put and punched the anomaly, which made a shockwave so loud anyone in a 5 mile radius could hear the voice and a crater was made from the punch exerted underneath @Zedisback (welcome back, where've you been)
Salex said:
"oh no you don't" saitama said, he then flew in a blink of an eye right in front of him, he then curled up his fist and straight up charged and put and punched the anomaly, which made a shockwave so loud anyone in a 5 mile radius could hear the voice and a crater was made from the punch exerted underneath @Zedisback (welcome back, where've you been)
As it saw the hit coming from Saitama he would laugh, as he would , make himself intangible so the punch wouldn't get him, as he would say "You'll have to try harder than that." It mocked, as it disappear and reappear, as another blast left his hand as he would just laugh, as he would just look at the damage by the punch as he said "Now this will be fun." (Sorry I ending up falling asleep.) @Salex
(wow, thanks to rpnation i learn new grammar! for example: intangible)

"i would stop the games, you will pay for the lives you costed in just one day" he said, he was in the sky with his cape heroicly flapping behind him @Zedisback
"Don't you get it you can't beat me, why don't you make like your friend Lou, and Bolt and do an attack to kill yourself." It said making fun of his lost friends, not really sure if they are really dead or not, as without anymore warning, a wave of nothingness would escape his body in each direction, as it would level even more of the city taking even more lives. @Salex
Zedisback said:
"Don't you get it you can't beat me, why don't you make like your friend Lou, and Bolt and do an attack to kill yourself." It said making fun of his lost friends, not really sure if they are really dead or not, as without anymore warning, a wave of nothingness would escape his body in each direction, as it would level even more of the city taking even more lives. @Salex
what seemed to look like buildings falling costing lives, were just empty vacant shells. genos, atomic samurai and a now concious iaian escorted the survivors off the city and now are currently in a highway where there is a gate from the hero association that was set up to block people from going in the city "you see.... nothing has hurt me before, i'd like to see you try, and for them i seen many fellow comrades come and go, but every one i avenge, this one i will make no different", he said, he then flies and rushes to the anomaly and says "consecutive weak punches" and punches with his right hand over 50 times in a milisecond, which made a shockwave making everyone beyond the gate able to hear the punch (punch from saitama: http://img03.deviantart.net/b573/i/2015/319/4/4/consecutive_normal_punches_by_thechamba-d9gtq59.jpg )
Salex said:
what seemed to look like buildings falling costing lives, were just empty vacant shells. genos, atomic samurai and a now concious iaian escorted the survivors off the city and now are currently in a highway where there is a gate from the hero association that was set up to block people from going in the city "you see.... nothing has hurt me before, i'd like to see you try, and for them i seen many fellow comrades come and go, but every one i avenge, this one i will make no different", he said, he then flies and rushes to the anomaly and says "consecutive weak punches" and punches with his right hand over 50 times in a milisecond, which made a shockwave making everyone beyond the gate able to hear the punch (punch from saitama: http://img03.deviantart.net/b573/i/2015/319/4/4/consecutive_normal_punches_by_thechamba-d9gtq59.jpg )
As he would stand taking a few of the hits before he teleported away he said "This will be fun." As within the the sky a giant bomb of nothingness that would destroy molecule bonds yet again as he said "DODGE THIS AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS!" It yelled, as it started to fall, breaking the sound barrier yet again, hoping he would dodge it, as he couldn't help but laugh this was golden.

As Gary ran to Saitama he said "What are we going to do about that, he had somehow got back into the city as he waited to be told what to do he wasn't strong, he could only hit hard with his speed, he was just fast that was it, he couldn't do anything to this. @Salex
Zedisback said:
As he would stand taking a few of the hits before he teleported away he said "This will be fun." As within the the sky a giant bomb of nothingness that would destroy molecule bonds yet again as he said "DODGE THIS AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS!" It yelled, as it started to fall, breaking the sound barrier yet again, hoping he would dodge it, as he couldn't help but laugh this was golden.
As Gary ran to Saitama he said "What are we going to do about that, he had somehow got back into the city as he waited to be told what to do he wasn't strong, he could only hit hard with his speed, he was just fast that was it, he couldn't do anything to this. @Salex
"gary, get to the civillians and run, RUN!" saitama said, he then grabs the bomb and throws it to the anomaly "cheap bombs? i thought you could do better" he said @Zedisback
Salex said:
"gary, get to the civillians and run, RUN!" saitama said, he then grabs the bomb and throws it to the anomaly "cheap bombs? i thought you could do better" he said @Zedisback
As the bomb would explode nothingness spikes, came from the bomb, going in every direction as he would laugh hoping it would hurt someone, as he would stay waiting for the next attack.

As Gary nodded he said "I have to be fast this time." As he started running seconds later, going ten times the speed of light, just leaving a trail of fire behind him, as he started to feel heat on his clothes they started to burn up starting at his coat, as he ran at this speed just looking for anyone else left in the city, @Salex
(uhh zedisback, just saying it would take 0.1 seconds for something to go to earth to the moon if they used the speed of light, and if gary per-say used 10 times the speed of life, he'd either time travel back in time, or slow the time for himself thus becoming a portal of two dimensions and when he stops, he is over 1000 years old, just for extra information, the more you know :) )

saitama saw the bomb explode and rushed to him, he then threw 3 punches which were normal punches, and made shockwaves that made trees collapse in a 1 km radius @Zedisback
Salex said:
(uhh zedisback, just saying it would take 0.1 seconds for something to go to earth to the moon if they used the speed of light, and if gary per-say used 10 times the speed of life, he'd either time travel back in time, or slow the time for himself thus becoming a portal of two dimensions and when he stops, he is over 1000 years old, just for extra information, the more you know :) )
saitama saw the bomb explode and rushed to him, he then threw 3 punches which were normal punches, and made shockwaves that made trees collapse in a 1 km radius @Zedisback
(*manifests a rainbow in his hands, that says "The more you know." Over it.*) As he said "Throw your must powerful punch at me I'll let you attack me." He said he was being cocky thinking his attacks would be weak, thinking he could take them. @Salex
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Zedisback said:
(*manifests a rainbow in his hands, that says "The more you know." Over it.*) As he said "Throw your must powerful punch at me I'll let you attack me." He said he was being cocky thinking his attacks would be weak, thinking he could take them. @Salex
"heh... if you insist" he said, "very well, i guess ill use my serious move: serious punch" he said. he then puts his left hand over his right hand, curls his hand to a fist and then spins with his knee using all of the energy on doing a single punch, being saitama this was the same punch he used againts boros so it wasn't his greatest punch but it was slightly more powerful than the one he used on boros, but this time his fist touched the anomaly and the punch was so great that it split the clouds in a earthly level (scale of punch by saitama: http://otakuafterthoughts.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Try-to-top-THAT.jpg )
Salex said:
"heh... if you insist" he said, "very well, i guess ill use my serious move: serious punch" he said. he then puts his left hand over his right hand, curls his hand to a fist and then spins with his knee using all of the energy on doing a single punch, being saitama this was the same punch he used againts boros so it wasn't his greatest punch but it was slightly more powerful than the one he used on boros, but this time his fist touched the anomaly and the punch was so great that it split the clouds in a earthly level (scale of punch by saitama: http://otakuafterthoughts.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Try-to-top-THAT.jpg )
When the punch was over it seemed to be on its back, as it just looked at Saitama, as it said "That was a pretty good attack." It said as he stood up, as a pentagram would appear on the chest of the boy as he said "Have fun, as without anymore warning, it would explode, the explosion could be seen from space, as he would wait trying to see if Saitama was still alive hoping that it didn't finish him. @Salex
Zedisback said:
When the punch was over it seemed to be on its back, as it just looked at Saitama, as it said "That was a pretty good attack." It said as he stood up, as a pentagram would appear on the chest of the boy as he said "Have fun, as without anymore warning, it would explode, the explosion could be seen from space, as he would wait trying to see if Saitama was still alive hoping that it didn't finish him. @Salex
the pentagram exploded, altough saitama is still standing his suit was exploded thus leaving him naked "heh... mosquito girl all over again" he said, he then flies over to his old apartment in japan and grabs a new suit and flies back to genos and the others in about 40 seconds "it ran away, although i had to become moses and split the clouds for it to ran away" saitama said @Shammy the Shamrock @FrostXShadow @Zedisback
One of the few buildings that stood was the infected tower. A man rose from the ruble of the city. Bolt growled "Shit that hurt like fuck, good thing the suit protected me." Clash looked at her hands "YES! I got a body, my plan worked. I better get to my tower before anyone sees me," she said walking in bolts body. A hollow weak shell with a new master, she giggled and went inside "Pitiful anomaly, doesn't know how to truly kill CLASH," she said closing the door on the way in.

Ray sighed before looking at the air and talking to it "Mamá, Hola. Yo no voy a volver, USTED NO PUEDE HACER YO!" She yelled at the empty space, Ray tried to punch the air but was lifted by some kind of force. She was placed down, she looked at Saitama "Is it true, is Alex (Bolt) dead," she said placing her head down in sadness.

@Salex @Zedisback
Salex said:
the pentagram exploded, altough saitama is still standing his suit was exploded thus leaving him naked "heh... mosquito girl all over again" he said, he then flies over to his old apartment in japan and grabs a new suit and flies back to genos and the others in about 40 seconds "it ran away, although i had to become moses and split the clouds for it to ran away" saitama said @Shammy the Shamrock @FrostXShadow @Zedisback
As his voice could be heard one last time it said "I have to go for now if I want to play again later." It mocked "Don't forget to tell your friends the punch I have taken." It would laugh before it faded out.

As Gary stopped in front of the others, he stopped leaving flames behind him, now just a trail of afterimages, as embers could be seen all over his clothes, as parts of his clothes got burned out leaving holes in them, as he looked up saying "Maybe I went a little to fast." He said with a chuckle as he dropped to the ground rolling on it trying to put out the embers, as he waited to see what the others would say, as he rolled some of the dust off of his clothes. @Salex
Zedisback said:
As his voice could be heard one last time it said "I have to go for now if I want to play again later." It mocked "Don't forget to tell your friends the punch I have taken." It would laugh before it faded out.

As Gary stopped in front of the others, he stopped leaving flames behind him, now just a trail of afterimages, as embers could be seen all over his clothes, as parts of his clothes got burned out leaving holes in them, as he looked up saying "Maybe I went a little to fast." He said with a chuckle as he dropped to the ground rolling on it trying to put out the embers, as he waited to see what the others would say, as he rolled some of the dust off of his clothes. @Salex
"heh, your fast, but are you fast enough to reach from earth to the moon in 18 seconds?" he asked jokingly @Zedisback
As Gary looked up he said "I could get to the moon before that, but next time maybe I should get some heat-proof clothes." He said as he looked down, the flames had burned some of his skin pink as he just looked at it saying "Great I burned myself." He said with a sign. As he said "Wait where is Lou?" Asked Gary. @Salex @Shammy the Shamrock
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Zedisback said:
As Gary looked up he said "I could get to the moon before that, but next time maybe I should get some heat-proof clothes." He said as he looked down, the flames had burned some of his skin pink as he just looked at it saying "Great I burned myself." He said with a sign. As he said "Wait where is Lou?" Asked Gary. @Salex @Shammy the Shamrock
"oh yeah... you didnt know..." saitama said, he then singaled genos on which genos walked to them both and showed a hologram on his hand, which shows lou using the thousans of portals pushing the moon back and starting to fade, then he opens a purple portal and walks through it never to be seen again "i confirm lou as M.I.A" genos said @Zedisback
Ray looked up "What about Bolt....seriously that's a stupid super hero name. What happened, my mom wants to know if she is right," she said tugging at Genos, wanting to know what had happened.

@Salex @Zedisback

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