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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

saitama curled his fist in case SL was thinking something different, meanwhile iaian and atomic samurai was holding the shadow duplicates at bay, genos however are having difficulties saving civillians, some have died crushed by rubble but some he saved on the surface @Zedisback @Shammy the Shamrock @FrostXShadow (im gonna be honets im not sure, maybe walk in the warehouse and start beating shit up? @Safety Hammer )
Salex said:
saitama curled his fist in case SL was thinking something different, meanwhile iaian and atomic samurai was holding the shadow duplicates at bay, genos however are having difficulties saving civillians, some have died crushed by rubble but some he saved on the surface @Zedisback @Shammy the Shamrock @FrostXShadow (im gonna be honets im not sure, maybe walk in the warehouse and start beating shit up? @Safety Hammer )
"Did I make the bald guy mad, you're so cute when you're mad~" He said as he mocked, as it couldn't help but laugh, hoping his words would get to him, wanting him to get mad. @Salex @FrostXShadow @Shammy the Shamrock
Ray flipped when she saw the city almost get destroyed by a meteor "¡MIERDA! ¡MIERDA! ¡MIERDA! NO QUIERO MORIR, ¿QUÉ HAGO, ¿qué hago," she said running around the warehouse. She fell to the floor and curled up into a ball, rocking softly back and fourth.
As the body of Lou seemed to fade away without coming back his presence seemed to fade out like a glimmer of life, but to those who payed attention, his presence could be sensed it was weak but still there, as he was inbetween life and death as he said "I see something, a force, a dimensional force and its calling me." Said Lou. @FrostXShadow @Shammy the Shamrock @Salex
as genos would return from saving the civilians all he could, he ran back to the warehouse and sees atomic samurai and iaian keeping the copies at bay, meanwhile he saw lou fading and ray curling up to a ball, genos immediately grabbed ray and carried her like a baby, genos kneels down to lou and asks "what is possible for me to do so i can assist you?" with an expressionless voice as always @Zedisback @Shammy the Shamrock
Sl growled "Why, Siatama I'm trying to help. What the fuck am I doing to you to cause you to try and fight me," he said looking back at Lou. Bolt sighed "I can't fight in this form....BUT I WILL FIGHT THE ANOMALY!" He said defusing with Shadow and flashing in front of the anomaly, he whistled for his glove. Kinetics glove flew and attached to Bolts hand, he became ready to fight, his body was red as the remaining electricity he stored swirled around him.

@FrostXShadow @Zedisback @Salex
Salex said:
as genos would return from saving the civilians all he could, he ran back to the warehouse and sees atomic samurai and iaian keeping the copies at bay, meanwhile he saw lou fading and ray curling up to a ball, genos immediately grabbed ray and carried her like a baby, genos kneels down to lou and asks "what is possible for me to do so i can assist you?" with an expressionless voice as always @Zedisback @Shammy the Shamrock
"The force is calling me away, telling me I will be able to come back later saying it has much to teach me, it says its impressed that I could use the dimension energy with out it letting me, as Lou faded back in again still unable to be touched as he said for now I must leave, as he stood up, as a portal opened up in front of hi, but it wasn't his normal black and white when he did everything all that could be seen in the portal was purple, as Lou walked off into it.

As it stood he said "So, Bolt was it, lets play." As he would dodge Bolts attacks, as he extended his right hand, as a blast with leave his hand breaking the sounds barrier, he wanted to test how powerful he was at ten percent, whatever this blast hit it would destroy the molecule bonds. @FrostXShadow @Shammy the Shamrock @Salex
Zedisback said:
"The force is calling me away, telling me I will be able to come back later saying it has much to teach me, it says its impressed that I could use the dimension energy with out it letting me, as Lou faded back in again still unable to be touched as he said for now I must leave, as he stood up, as a portal opened up in front of hi, but it wasn't his normal black and white when he did everything all that could be seen in the portal was purple, as Lou walked off into it.
As it stood he said "So, Bolt was it, lets play." As he would dodge Bolts attacks, as he extended his right hand, as a blast with leave his hand breaking the sounds barrier, he wanted to test how powerful he was at ten percent, whatever this blast hit it would destroy the molecule bonds. @FrostXShadow @Shammy the Shamrock @Salex
"NO LOU DON'T WALK INTO THAT PO-.... lou profile marked: MIA" genos said as he failed to stop lou from going to the other dimension. iaian was still standing until the version of himself punched him straight to the chin, which made him fly up and land down with a thud, knocking him out "IAIAN! you'll pay for this, i will not let his path of the sword end here! i swear it!" atomic samurai said, he then continues to hold off the shadow copies but with 50% of his power, saitama sees the blast and he flies quickly up and is a few feet away from the explosion, seeing if bolt died @Shammy the Shamrock @zedis
Bolt ran, seeming to vanish, he tried to tackled the anomaly "5%" He said as his body released more electricity. He pointed at him as lighting rose from the ground, he felt his power leave his body but tried to keep as much in. He was tired of the anomaly and tackled again "20%," he said as his eyes lost there spark. He continued to fight, trying to get the anomaly down.

Ray looked up at the cyborg and the portal "How does that work? Who exactly are you," she looked at the shadows and removed her mittens. Ray grabbed a hockey stick that was sharpened and getting into a fighting stance.

@Salex @Zedisback
"Come on make this fun, I'm not even half trying." It said, as it dodged what Bolt did with his hands behind his back as he said "Welcome to my special hell." As a nothingness spear appeared in the air, as he slammed it into the ground, as the ground started to glow a blackish color, after ten seconds, anyone who was left on the ground would have their molecule bonds destroyed.

As Gary ran he found the other heroes as he saw the ground he grabbed Ray not really knowing what to do, as he ran hoping to not burn up his clothes as he jumped in the air hoping to stay off the ground long enough @Salex @Shammy the Shamrock
"if i would know, i would have chased him by now... for me, im just a machine who is a disciple of a hero just for fun" genos said with a smile "let's go ray, i'll lead you to a human shelter" he said reaching out his arms to resemble what seems a hug, he then saw gary take ray when the ground starten to darken, he analyzed the darkness in mere miliseconds and knew what to do, he then used his rocket boosters to fly and grabbed atomic samurai and gary @Shammy the Shamrock

saitama then continues to watch in awe as bolt tries all he could but to no avail, he goes down and lifts up iaian's unconscious body and flies above the ground
Bolt growled jumping off the ground, he clicked something on his gauntlet as his entire suit came into play. Bolt glared "Let's have some real fun," he said vanishing and appearing behind the anomaly. "Sorry hell isn't a place I prefer to vacation," he said trying to slam the anomaly down. He saw the suit at low power and used the last of his electricity to charge it, his eyes turned brown, and his hair was black. He had lost his powers and was now just a man in a suit.

Ray thought of what Geno said 'Disiple?' She looked over at Gary and frowned "I wanted to fight, i'm a hero too you Burro." She said flailing her arms in the air. She looked at the battle, she was amazed at their fighting.

@Zedisback @Salex
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The ground would stay black, as he would teleport out of the way of Bolts attack as he would laugh as he would just laugh the ground would kill most who touched it as he looked down seeing Saitama staying on the ground as he would stay "You're powerful, maybe you should tag out with your friend I'm fighting this is kinda hopeless for him." He said as he would chuckle, ready to dodge Bolts attacks again. @Shammy the Shamrock @Salex
Bolt felt his power weaken but kept going "I'm not letting you kill my group," he said clicking something on his gauntlet. "Commence all power to the fist, status: no survivors. Siatama make sure that there is no one in a 20 mile radius, that's an order, don't come back." He said getting into a stance as his body started to pulse with power.

Ray sturggled before getting out of his grip, she fell "MIERDA!" She screamed looking down at the ground, she tried to fly but to no avail.

@Salex @Zedisback @FrostXShadow
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genos saw ray fell and shouted "MASTER!", which then saitama in a blink of an eye rushed and held ray in his arms, "good luck bolt" he said, he and genos then rushed and told the civilians to go as far as possible, as they saw bolt charged up, saitama knew what was going to happen, he then rushed back @Shammy the Shamrock @Zedisback

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