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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

"maybe we can't beat them.." he formed a dagger in his hand "but we sure as hell can try" he smirked and his body and presence faded he appeared next to his clone "hey there dang I really do look good" he disappeared before the clone could turn his head as he reappeared in the sky falling slowly he looked at bolt "oh hey bolt long time no see" he threw a dagger at the clone before teleporting to bolt's side "for some reason I think we would fare better if we were you know who" he said with a smirk while his hands glowed with a golden hue he looked at bolt waiting for his response

@Zedisback @Salex @Shammy the Shamrock
Bolt sighed before shooting at the copies "I never knew my mom and my dad was an asshole when he was young." He said the substance started to spread faster and made one of his eyes orange.
As Lou snapped his fingers, as portal opened up behind him, as a beam would fire out of the portal, as he watched as his copy did the same, as he stood around keeping the portal opened, as the beams seemed to clash, hoping he could beat his clone.

As he would laugh he said "Let me give you something else." As everything flashed black for a minute and without anymore warning, everyone on the planet, could see the moon falling down, coming to the earth and a rapid rate.

As Gary ran, he looked back, as he would look forward, as he would saw a building, as he ran up it, as he would think if he knew of anyone who could run fast like him. @FrostXShadow @Shammy the Shamrock
"what the heck" shadow asked before side stepping a dagger flung at him by his clone he turned his head and put a finger in the air "Tsk Tsk Tsk Niklaus your gonna have to do better than that..try to keep up" he smirked teleporting into the air before his clone noticed and throwing a dagger, he watched as the clone looked up and threw one of his own, shadow smirked before landing on the ground "this is gonna suck" he sighed before allowing his eyes and hands to burn a bright blinding gold he started rapidly throwing daggers at his clone watching as the clone did the same matching his every dagger "how am I gonna beat this thing..he shook his head and looked at the anomaly whilst continuing to throw daggers "is this the best you got.. woah I sound like my brother" he heard bolt ask him about SL he stopped throwing daggers and teleported in time to dodge a dagger, he reappeared next to bolt "sounds like a plan lets do it" his hand glowed as he placed it on Bolt's shoulder preparing his power

@Zedisback @Shammy the Shamrock

((srry it's so long xD ))
As Lou looked up, he looked in shocked as the moon came, down as he lost sense of the space of between the earth in the moon, like it was being deleted... As Lou stopped fighting his clone, as he snapped his fingers, as portals opened hope, sucking everyone up, taking them out of where the moon would hit, knowing that they wouldn't be able to block a moon.

As the space between the moon and Earth was deleted, it would come closer to the earth, it wouldn't blow up the planet, it would really just damage the city even more than it already was, as he would sign at them trying to run away. @FrostXShadow @Shammy the Shamrock
Bolt let them teleport at the same time, SL growled "You cheated first," he said bringing out his dagger in one hand, the black stuff formed a giant hand in the other. His eyes were golden with a blue tint, he searched for the anomaly.

@Zedisback @FrostXShadow
his smirked turned into a grin "so now im going to cheat but im just going to do it way better" "bolt maybe we should get rid of the moon problem first before we take out the anomaly and what is this stuff" shadow asked Bolt knowing only bolt could here his voice at the moment SL flipped the dagger around and continued to do so while smirking

@Zedisback @Shammy the Shamrock
As Lou looked something came into his mind as he said "Say, do you guys know how to stay energy?" Asked Lou as he said "Because if I do this will make me, well tired, so I would more than likely need more energy." Said Lou as he lowered both of his hands to his front hoodie pocket. @FrostXShadow @Shammy the Shamrock
SL smirked "not my fault if you die from this" his body turned into electricity and zapped into Lou giving him a large boost of energy and power "Alright kid get it done before your body gives out and you die a slow and painful death" he said through Lou's mind

@Zedisback @Shammy the Shamrock
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As purple energy started to form around his person, he started to focus the energy he could get from the other dimension, as he focused all of it he said "Cover your eyes and get down on the ground." As he snapped his fingers, as it would seem to echo in their minds, as everything would lose its color, the fabric of their dimension seemed to shake as he would laugh as he said "I don't like to do this but, I see no other way to beat this moon." As he would chuckle, gravity seemed to break, as it was nothing more, at least not for a little bit, as everything seemed to shake, the five senses seemed to fade in and out for everyone, as the snap seemed to end in their minds, as five thousand portals seemed to open, all around them, as he would start sweating a lot, as beams would escape them all, as they all formed into a giant beam, as they all seemed to be pushed back just by the force of the beam, as the ground below them would crack, as sound just seemed to fade in and out, as the beam hit the moon, an explosion would happen that could be seen across the galaxy, as it would damage countless planets. As Lou stood he would fall to the ground as his body seemed to fade in and out of existence, as none of the heroes seemed to be able to touch him right now, as he said "I feel funny..." @FrostXShadow @Shammy the Shamrock
Zedisback said:
As purple energy started to form around his person, he started to focus the energy he could get from the other dimension, as he focused all of it he said "Cover your eyes and get down on the ground." As he snapped his fingers, as it would seem to echo in their minds, as everything would lose its color, the fabric of their dimension seemed to shake as he would laugh as he said "I don't like to do this but, I see no other way to beat this moon." As he would chuckle, gravity seemed to break, as it was nothing more, at least not for a little bit, as everything seemed to shake, the five senses seemed to fade in and out for everyone, as the snap seemed to end in their minds, as five thousand portals seemed to open, all around them, as he would start sweating a lot, as beams would escape them all, as they all formed into a giant beam, as they all seemed to be pushed back just by the force of the beam, as the ground below them would crack, as sound just seemed to fade in and out, as the beam hit the moon, an explosion would happen that could be seen across the galaxy, as it would damage countless planets. As Lou stood he would fall to the ground as his body seemed to fade in and out of existence, as none of the heroes seemed to be able to touch him right now, as he said "I feel funny..." @FrostXShadow @Shammy the Shamrock
"Louis, are you al-..." Genos said but was cut when his hand went through lou's shoulder, he scanned lou "atom count decreasing rapidly, we are losing him" genos said calmly, saitama landed back in and heard what genos said, he kneeled down and tries touching lou to no avail @Zedisback @Shammy the Shamrock @FrostXShadow
Salex said:
"Louis, are you al-..." Genos said but was cut when his hand went through lou's shoulder, he scanned lou "atom count decreasing rapidly, we are losing him" genos said calmly, saitama landed back in and heard what genos said, he kneeled down and tries touching lou to no avail @Zedisback @Shammy the Shamrock @FrostXShadow
"Guess I over did it huh?" he said, at this point, as he said "Don't worry I think I'll live, I think this is just a side effect, of doing that." He said as he would try to sit up, finding himself unable to move as he said "The rest is up to you guys."

As everything seemed to fall silent the voice said "Hmmm, how fun, will he live? Will he die, I will have to watch, that was fun watching him do that." The voice mocked, as it couldn't help but laugh @Salex
Zedisback said:
"Guess I over did it huh?" he said, at this point, as he said "Don't worry I think I'll live, I think this is just a side effect, of doing that." He said as he would try to sit up, finding himself unable to move as he said "The rest is up to you guys."
As everything seemed to fall silent the voice said "Hmmm, how fun, will he live? Will he die, I will have to watch, that was fun watching him do that." The voice mocked, as it couldn't help but laugh @Salex
"You imbecile, you should have let me take care of the moon!" Saitama said @Zedisback
FrostXShadow said:
lightning sprung from Lou's body and reformed as SL he looked down at Lou and back at Saitama "Don't worry he will live in the meantime we have an anomaly to take care of" SL smirking taking on the cocky side of shadow "lets get to work..shall we?"
@Salex @Zedisback @Shammy the Shamrock
"if the copies come again me and my disciple will take care of it" atomic samurai said unsheating his sword "ill go check the civillians that survived and rescue them to a sheltered place" genos said as he rushed out "and i'll deal with this anomaly son of a bitch..." saitama said cracking his knuckles @FrostXShadow @Zedisback @Shammy the Shamrock
Sl eyes burned with electricity "I'll take care of the anomaly, just make sure the clone clowns don't get in my way," he said as he took out a electrified spear. He charged and slashed at one of the clones vanishing and appearing on the other side. Bolt did a little dance "WE ARE BADASS," he said not noticing anyone.

@FrostXShadow @Zedisback @Salex
FrostXShadow said:
Shadow rolled his eyes "tell me something I don't know" SL repapered behind the anomaly he spun the spear it supercharging with electricity "so you still wanna play" he smirked
@Shammy the Shamrock @Zedisback @Salex
As it just passed in him not really doing much he would yawn, he picked to make himself incorporeal, the only downside to this was if he wanted to attack he had to undo this as he said "I'm not even trying really but want to hear a joke, your friend what is he called Lou? He could die." He said as he would chuckle @FrostXShadow @Shammy the Shamrock

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