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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Atlas falls back and rubs his head "Alright then" he whistles as Zeus grabs him and slams you into a wall before continuing to fight.
Klaus slammed into the wall the wall cracking where he hit, some blood flew out of his mouth and he sank to the ground, he reached for the sword he dropped and stood up his hair covering his eyes "you know..." he wiped the blood from his mouth "that hurt.. a lot" at this point his eyes were blazing he swung the sword letting a giant blast of wind fly at atlas then he teleported towards him cutting his torso with the blade
The moment Atlas died Zeus stopped fighting and stared at both of them "THANK YOU, FOR SETTING ME FREE," he laughs as his form starts to altar and he becomes an indescribable beast.
he looked at the dead body in front of him and his eyes stopped glowing "d-did I kill him" he thought to himself before looking at the beast that Zeus turned into
Before the sword could touch his body he quickly teleported to the beast's face and kicked him with all his force before teleporting a couple feet away
The beast screamed as he stated to slam the ground in different directions until he said "BURN IN HELL MORTAL," he drills his hands into the ground and uses the rest to tear the place apart.
Klaus quickly teleports outside trying not to die..he looked around thinking that bolt followed him out "where is that kid?.. did he stay inside" he looked around frantically ready to go back in
Lighting could be seen hitting the place, one was blue while the other was red. The thunder became in unison as the two could be seen clashing against each other.
Lucas is walk around when he sees the lightning for afar "what the hell is that?," he said as he ran toward it.
Lucas hears the person yelling and laughs "I never turn down a fight," he said as he ran inside.
Bolt charges a the monster which is shooting bolts of lightning everywhere, Bolt charges into the mix creating more electricity.
Lucas enters and sees this, "there are more?!" he said as he watch bolt shoot lightning.
"Thank you for you manners, but you not the only one with powers," Lucas said as his arm grew in to a 5 foot blade.
Klaus sees a guy run inside the building "what the hell is he doing" he teleports inside and see's the guy with a giant blade were his arm should be as well as bolt jumping into the blade he felt useless "why couldn't I get a cool power" he said but still knowing he needed to help somehow
Klaus growls he looks around until he finds the sword he was using earlier he grabs it and teleports to the beast's face while it was occupied fighting the other guy he slashed at the demons eye an other parts of it's face
Lucas sees some appear in fount of the demon "where he come from?!" he said as he cut the demons left knee
Bolt teleports out of the blade and punches him down "HELL, that is where," he grabs the creature and crushes its face in.

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