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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Shadow sighed and stood up "because I hate them and they are the reason my parents are dead but I guess I can't help it" he dusted off his jacket "lets go" he was about to teleport before he looked at the group "umm do you guys need a ride?"

FrostXShadow said:
Shadow sighed and stood up "because I hate them and they are the reason my parents are dead but I guess I can't help it" he dusted off his jacket "lets go" he was about to teleport before he looked at the group "umm do you guys need a ride?"
"sure" all 4 said in conjunction "but where are we going?" saitama asked @FrostXShadow
"to the company" he said before standing in the middle "ive been wanting to try this but I didn't know if it would work" he held his hands out and touched two of the guys making them teleport to the company he then teleported himself along with the other two "woah that took a lot" he said stumbling back he shook is head "lets go" he said before walking inside

FrostXShadow said:
"to the company" he said before standing in the middle "ive been wanting to try this but I didn't know if it would work" he held his hands out and touched two of the guys making them teleport to the company he then teleported himself along with the other two "woah that took a lot" he said stumbling back he shook is head "lets go" he said before walking inside
"sir... please... wait... hhrrrmmpphhh!!!" iaian shouted as he ran to a nearby toilet and puking sounds can be heard, he then comes out of the toilet "sorry, my stomach is weak" he said. "alright shadow, lead the way!" saitama said @FrostXShadow
Shadow shook his head and walked to a door "please show your eyes and say your name and code name" a machine said as a camera appeared on the door shadow sighed and pulled down his hood letting his eyes glow "Niklaus O'Brien code name Shadow Stepper" he shook his head "ive always hated that name" "welcome back Sir Shadow" the door opened and he motioned for the four to follow him he walked to another door "Please show your eyes and say your..." "SCREW THIS" Shadow kicked down the door walking into his uncle's office

FrostXShadow said:
Shadow shook his head and walked to a door "please show your eyes and say your name and code name" a machine said as a camera appeared on the door shadow sighed and pulled down his hood letting his eyes glow "Niklaus O'Brien code name Shadow Stepper" he shook his head "ive always hated that name" "welcome back Sir Shadow" the door opened and he motioned for the four to follow him he walked to another door "Please show your eyes and say your..." "SCREW THIS" Shadow kicked down the door walking into his uncle's office
"uhh... shadow, manners" saitama said "the people of the west indeed have no honor for their reputation" the atomic samurai stated @FrostXShadow
Shadow looked back at them "do you want millions to die because I took the time to knock" he raised an eyebrow "some superheroes you are" he rolled his eyes

FrostXShadow said:
Shadow looked back at them "do you want millions to die because I took the time to knock" he raised an eyebrow "some superheroes you are" he rolled his eyes
iaian was about to unsheath his sword until atomic samurai stopped him "heh... typical" he said before going into the room with shadow and soon the rest followed going in the room @FrostXShadow
Shadow walked into to find his uncle sitting at his desk, the man looked up "what do you want you insolent brat" his eyes blazed a purple color shadow rolled his eyes and crossed his arms "Oh I just thought you would like to know that Black Devil is back and is out for all the O'Brien's because of this" he said pointing to his glowing eyes

FrostXShadow said:
Shadow walked into to find his uncle sitting at his desk, the man looked up "what do you want you insolent brat" his eyes blazed a purple color shadow rolled his eyes and crossed his arms "Oh I just thought you would like to know that Black Devil is back and is out for all the O'Brien's because of this" he said pointing to his glowing eyes
"hello old man" saitama greeted @FrostXShadow
them man's eyes glow purple "you brought the Japanese scum here how dare you I should kill you for this" he snarled at shadow, shadow shook his head and looked at saitama "you wanna handle that" he said pointing at the man "just don't kill him"

Kinetic fought in the cold, his suit protecting him from the elements. He saw his target charge inside a armored trick. He took it head on and threw the truck over. He looked around before swearing under his breath, he contacted someone on a phone, he walked into the snow, vanishing.
FrostXShadow said:
them man's eyes glow purple "you brought the Japanese scum here how dare you I should kill you for this" he snarled at shadow, shadow shook his head and looked at saitama "you wanna handle that" he said pointing at the man "just don't kill him"
(sorry was eating breakfast)

"sir, i dont think you understand, we have a god level threat in our hands and blast cannot be called, the only person that defeated a god level threat before is me, so i suggest you show us some respect" saitama said in a serious tone @FrostXShadow
The man stood up in a fit of rage "DONT TELL ME TO SHOW YOUR KIND RESPECT I WAS BEATING VILLIANS BEFORE YOU WERE BORN' at that moment he raised his hand to slap Saitama but shadow appeared with a sword to the mans throat "touch him and it will be the last thing you do old man" he said calmly but his eyes were glowing showing that he really would kill the man

((it's ok I have to leave in a bit))

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FrostXShadow said:
The man stood up in a fit of rage "DONT TELL ME TO SHOW YOUR KIND RESPECT I WAS BEATING VILLIANS BEFORE YOU WERE BORN' at that moment he raised his hand to slap Saitama but shadow appeared with a sword to the mans throat "touch him and it will be the last thing you do old man" he said calmly but his eyes were glowing showing that he really would kill the man
((it's ok I have to leave in a bit))

saitama then lowers shadow's sword he then raised his fist "do you see this old man?" he said, he then punched the air beside him which made a huge hole and decimated the building right beside the tower "that was my softest punch, my comrades here can do much more, so i suggest you give us some respect before we can respect you as i do not give a shit if you were beating villains before i was born" he said in a stern tone @FrostXShadow (aw damnit, cliffhangers man)
shadow laughed as he let the sword fade from existence "well that all I had to say old man tell the rest of the O'Brien's to suit up because I do believe we are at war with Hell again the man gave a shocked looked but then picked up a phone and began to call the rest of his family "saitama lets go ill meet you at the Warehouse I trust you can find your own way" he said before jumping out the window landing on a ledge and teleporting to the warehouse ((ill be back in about 30 min ))

FrostXShadow said:
shadow laughed as he let the sword fade from existence "well that all I had to say old man tell the rest of the O'Brien's to suit up because I do believe we are at war with Hell again the man gave a shocked looked but then picked up a phone and began to call the rest of his family "saitama lets go ill meet you at the Warehouse I trust you can find your own way" he said before jumping out the window landing on a ledge and teleporting to the warehouse ((ill be back in about 30 min ))
@White Shamrock @FrostXShadow [/color]

(sorry i havent clarified, but if you still are confused, here is the index:

this colour means saitama is talking

this colour means atomic samurai is talking

this colour means iaian is talking

this colour means genos is talking

if all the colours are combined that means everyone is talking at the same time)
Shadow looked at the person holding the photo and summoned a Sword "Who the heck are you and what are you doing here speak before I cut your head off" he says violently his eyes glowing

@White Shamrock
after going through the unbearingly cold himalayans mountains, the searing hot Indonesian climate, the dusty deserts of Iraq and the salty, seemingly infinite waters of the pacific, they arrive to the warehouse "im gonna cut up that teleporter for leaving us behind..." atomic samurai said as the 4 went in the warehouse @White Shamrock @Zedisback
while still holding up the sword to the intruder he looked at the 4 "what took you guys so long the company is down the street" he tilted his head then looked back at the man

@White Shamrock
FrostXShadow said:
while still holding up the sword to the intruder he looked at the 4 "what took you guys so long the company is down the street" he tilted his head then looked back at the man
@White Shamrock
"genos..." saitama said "oohhh.... i made a mistake in my gps that made us go all around the world...." he said... "genos, i swear to god if i didnt have principles i would cut you up by now" the samurai said "master! calm down, your blood pressure will be high again!" iaian said "well, at least i got this teddy bear from china on our way back here" he said as he held a seemingly white teddy bear @White Shamrock
Shadow sighed "I need sleep take care of this guy would ya" he pointed at the man before disappearing

@White Shamrock

((Sorry I have to get off ))
FrostXShadow said:
Shadow sighed "I need sleep take care of this guy would ya" he pointed at the man before disappearing
@White Shamrock

((Sorry I have to get off ))
"huh... who are you?" he asked @White Shamrock
As Lou got up from his bed, as he wake up seeing new people in the room, as he walked up, seeing them with Saitama, as he walked up to them asking "Who are they?" As he stood in front of them. @Salex

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