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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

"it's toying with us" he said knowing it all to well "sometimes people and things like this like to toy with others like a part of some sick game" his eyes flared gold and he crushed the can he was holding he was obviously angry "We need to find a way to kill this thing" he said while remembering something that happened in his past

FrostXShadow said:
"it's toying with us" he said knowing it all to well "sometimes people and things like this like to toy with others like a part of some sick game" his eyes flared gold and he crushed the can he was holding he was obviously angry "We need to find a way to kill this thing" he said while remembering something that happened in his past
"Shadow, near the end when we were in that thing, did you find yourself unable to move near the end?" Asked Lou not really sure what he could do to beat it, not sure if he was the only one who lost his movement. @FrostXShadow
"I could move just fine actually I was faster than usual" he sai calming down little an remembering what happened "I just couldn't use my powers is all..why?" he said as he got up to grab a box of nerds tossing one to Lou before sitting back down

"Weird, just before he tossed us out, I couldn't move..." As he looked around not really sure what happened, as he would catch the nerds in his hands, opening up the hands, opening up the box, eating some of them. @FrostXShadow
He opened the box and ate some "maybe because you two kinda have the same power so if his is stronger it cancelled yours out making you completely weak and powerless but then again I don't know this is my 9th grade physics talking but it is possible that if his power is stronger he could cancel you out" he shrugged and ate some more of his nerds

"Than again it could be because that thing isn't a dimension, whatever that was was draining." As he would sit back for a second as he looked over to Shadow "Lets hope he doesn't use that again.He seems to be more powerful in that place he could use his powers from what I could see" @FrostXShadow
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"hm maybe we just need to find a way for us to be able to use our powers more than we could, I don't think the place really takes away your powers I think it suppresses them to the point where you can't access them without dying in the process, bolt was able to use the rest of his power to charge his blade and I was almost able to form a sword" he sated while chewing on nerds

"Well to use my powers, I need to be in a dimension." Knowing they need to learn how beat this guy, sitting back trying to find a way to beat this guy "The only thing is, it seems to out class us. If what you said is true, and he has just been toying with us, wouldn't that mean he is holding back in fights?" Ask Lou. @FrostXShadow
Shadow sighed "that means he is stronger than he is letting us believe" he looked at Saitama "oh you passed out and I decided to leave you on the ground" he shrugged and looked back at Lou "so whats a way we can prevent him from using all his power on us because unless we can get someone equally powerful we don't stand a chance

@Zedisback @Salex
FrostXShadow said:
Shadow sighed "that means he is stronger than he is letting us believe" he looked at Saitama "oh you passed out and I decided to leave you on the ground" he shrugged and looked back at Lou "so whats a way we can prevent him from using all his power on us because unless we can get someone equally powerful we don't stand a chance
@Zedisback @Salex
"Huh... What are we talking about and what happened while i was out and where's bolt and lizzy?" He asked @Zedisback @FrostXShadow
"I don't think we can stop his power... see why I said we need all the help we can get to fight him?" Asked Lou "A lot of our attacks that hit seemed to do almost nothing... we may need an army just to fight this guy. Lou said as a joke, "So, do you know anyone that can help us fight him?" Ask Lou @Salex @FrostXShadow
"the only person I can think of is..." he trailed off and sighed "Is Alaric James O'Brien better known as Kazem" he sighed once again "he could possibly help he has control over matter he can destruct and reconstruct matter with the snap of his fingers" he grimaced "are you sure we cant do this on our own

He looked at Saitama who is lizzy, Bolt is gone and we are talking about that stupid thing that kicked our butts a couple of hours ago you know the thing you didn't help us with" he sneered his eyes flaring gold with a hint of red as he glared at saitama

FrostXShadow said:
He looked at Saitama who is lizzy, Bolt is gone and we are talking about that stupid thing that kicked our butts a couple of hours ago you know the thing you didn't help us with" he sneered his eyes flaring gold with a hint of red as he glared at saitama
"Let me rephrase this, i was out with lizzie going back to the tower, and lizzie was the girl just now, the one i came with" he said @FrostXShadow @Zedisback
"Maybe we could also, get other versions of us, from another dimension. They could help us too, but I think we should get him, we could use all the help we can get." As he shut his eyes for a second "This thing is a multiverse threat..." @FrostXShadow @Salex
Zedisback said:
"Maybe we could also, get other versions of us, from another dimension. They could help us too, but I think we should get him, we could use all the help we can get." As he shut his eyes for a second "This thing is a multiverse threat..." @FrostXShadow @Salex
"NO NO NO" he said "NO!" He shouted @Zedisback
Shadow Grimaced "did I mention he is my brother and I hate his guts but ill call him assuming that he will even help he stood up and yawned "well im gonna get all the sleep I can before I call my pompous brother to ruin my life once again goodnight" he said disappearing into his room and jumping on his bed falling into a deep sleep

@Salex @Zedisback (( welp time for me to get some sleep im gonna make Alaric before I do though but goodnight ))
"You fail to understand how powerful this thing is, not that long ago, we watched him make another dimensions fabric of reality collapse." He said to Saitama hoping he would get it. @Salex @FrostXShadow (Night)
Zedisback said:
"You fail to understand how powerful this thing is, not that long ago, we watched him make another dimensions fabric of reality collapse." He said to Saitama hoping he would get it. @Salex @FrostXShadow (Night)
"But hear me this, there will be multiverses and parrarel universes, there could be an evil version of everyone and me, and not even me and stop myself, if then who will?" He said before flying off to japan @Zedisback
Salex said:
"Well im gonna go to the hero association HQ, ill be back" he said as he flew off to japan @FrostXShadow @Zedisback
"Well the one we watched him collapse, was one of them,, where me, Bolt, Shadow, and everyone in the Heroes of Tomorrow, was evil the group was the Villains Of Tomorrow, and he made that one collapse so... yeah even you ,Saitama couldn't stop him in that one." @Salex
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