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Fantasy Heroes of Driesen(CLOSED)

Shrio Date

Go - 100% / Shiro - 0%

Location - THE ARENA

The giant finally went down, after managing to claim a few lives. From back here, it looked like the giant was powerless against the magical abilities of the contestants, although surprisingly the few swipes that the giant did get in proved to be incredibly fatal. Luckily he managed to help bring it down without sustaining any injury nor did he exhort himself too much, and was well prepared for the following round. The next wave would come soon, his eyes gazed forward, ready to see what new creature awaited him.

The iron gates sprang open and an onslaught of hounds came forward, they moved too fast for Go to hit accurately from back here so he had no choice but to dash forwards. The hounds made quick work incapacitating the first few competitors that stood by the gates, and even managed to kill some before he made his way in to the immediate battlefield. As he dashed forward, he noticed some familiar faces, the goblin called Ziegal, and the woman called Fayde, he was about to provide aid to the two, but they made quick work of the beast that surrounded them. He would complement their coordination later.

One of the wolves tried to swipe at his side with its large claws that had held an array of deadly claws. The claw phased through Go however, and the hound fell on its belly and slid forward from the momentum. The earth around the hound shifted, splitting upwards to hold its limbs in place. The hound struggled and yelped for his companions to aid him, but none came. Shards of earth flew towards the wolves direction like shrapnel, carving through his body and opening a number of wounds. It appeared dead, but only for a moment. It's white beady eyes flicked onward and then turned a bright red. It easily broke the structure Go had created and charged right for him.

Jack saw the powerful magic of the strange being in front of him, and deciding he could use another magical ally, swallowed up the wolf that was about to kill him with a massive tentacle, strangling the beast to death and throwing it at another wolf and sending the two flying off and skittering against the ground.

(Most of that post was about strangling wolves to death will black magic and throwing them around, not very "Awww", but I'll take compliments where I can get them.)
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The corpses of many of the hounds laid askew on the ground, some of them were maimed in absolutely gruesome ways, the others however, still had some life in them. They were not your normal animals, like many of the inhabitants of Driesen they were infused with a unique power. The most dangerous aspect of these hounds was what happened after being mortally wounded, a certain incantation would take place and their power and ferocity would reach entirely new heights.

The hound was directly stabbed in the chest, it's organs were macerated by the woman's sword, but it still had lived. It appeared stagnant for but a moment, before the eyes that were previously empty flickered on with anger. The hound stood upwards again, a viscous liquid dripped from its mouth and on to the floor of the arena, still somewhat unnoticed. The wolf was certain that the duo had thought he was long dead. It stalked them from behind, slowly approaching, when it was within adequate distance it swatted a mighty paw downward at the woman's back whilst she was busy assisting the goblin.



The poor hound was being entrapped by numerous tentacles, it's body slowly being compressed and deprived of air. It's eyelids drooped downward shutting only for a moment before turning a bright red. It was helpless still, its windpipe was being compressed by the sturdy tentacles. It watched with twisted eyes as the wizard Jack buried three of his brothers beneath the ground. The tentacles that wrapped around him could contain him for no longer. It's immense strength easily overpowered that of the limbs surrounding him, tearing through them and charging freely towards the wizard Jack with extended fangs.


The hound was sent upwards for a moment before crashing back down on the floor of the arena. It yelped in pain, whilst struggling to turn upwards like a turtle that was flipped on its shell. It's eyes turned a crimson, as his struggling picked up in intensity, the still delirious wolf dashed in the direction of the doctor, ready to carve at him with his claws. The wolves eyes were still hazy from the prior blow to the head, so the direction he went in was skewed.


The first wolf was instantly killed by the spear, it cleanly pierced through his skull and destroyed his brain . The other however was not quite finished. Blood poured from the open throat wound freely, the hound laid there with its body motionless on the ground. It only took a few moments before it stood back upward, with blood still steadily dripping from the wound that was inflicted like a faucet. The still-living wolf cut off the wood-elves path to collect his spear, ready to swat him away with a mighty claw should he get too close.


The alpha of the pack had already torn through or incapacitated numerous opponents, and it now laid its eyes on a wood-elf girl. Fresh blood had painted the wolves fur and lips, and it did not look like he was quite satisfied. The hound was still a few meters away, close enough to implant a few arrows in to his skull if she was swift. It began its charge towards her, his unnerving white emotionless eyes had met her own. He had consumed far more than he had needed, yet his hunger was not yet satiated.

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Jack summoned up a golem, which immediately shattered as the wolf smashed through. However, it broke it's momentum and sent it skidding on the ground a foot away from Jack. He pulled out his mostly ornamental dagger and gutted it, declawing the beast and cutting off its teeth before it could get up. When the creature did, indeed pull itself to its feet and try to claw Jack's head off, his soft paws did no damage. Jack petted the creatures soft fur as, after a few more minutes of not accomplishing anything, the wolf gave up and lay at his feet harmlessly. Jack grinned at his new pet.

"I'm going to call you Fluffy. And we're going to be good friends, you and I."
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Heinrich, looked up just as the second wolf had lunged at him. The sheer force of the thing managed to knock him down, though fortunately he had been missed by the creatures teeth and claws. Thinking ahead, he tried to slam his mace down upon the beast, but he had missed, his mace making a hand sized crater in the dirt. Most.. unintelligent animals.. had no real concept of good or evil.. just a desire to survive. The doctor scowled to himself, on this thought.

"Temper temper.." he said beneath his breath, as he rose to one knee, noticing the snarling beast's red eyes.

Ziegel saw an opening where the Wolf had been decapitated. He reached his arm out and grabbed the sand, Fayde grabbed onto his hand and began to tug the goblin out of the Wolfs shredded insides. His head popped out and the light of day was visible one again, however the onslaught had not ceased just yet. One of the Wolves seemed to have risen from the grave and became feral as it clawed Faydes backside then pinned her, Ziegel fealt Fayde losing her hold on him but he was far enough out of the wolfs body. Ziegel ripped himself out of the bleeding throat of the wolf and lunged himself towards the feral animal knocking it away from Fayde. They sprawled onto their backs before scrambling to regain their posture and staring at each other dead in the eye.

Ziegels crimson eyes glued onto the wolfs crimson eyes as they both showed rapid signs of aggression and hostility to one another. Ziegel placed himself directly in front of Fayde to block the path to the Wolfs intended target. The wolf snarled before lunging at Ziegel, Ziegel leapt backwards and picked up Faydes sword and swung it at the creature. The blade easily slipped into the mouth and jaws of the creature as it hacked out its tongue, the beast lost its momentum and dropped to the ground. Ziegel lifted the blade upwards with all its might and heaved it downwards striking the wolf directly into the cranium. Ziegel would make sure it died for good by decapitating it with another swing, after the deed was done he turned towards Fayde who started to stand upright again.
Fayde Roliskall

Everything had been going well.

A glance is all it took, looking away from the be-headed, mutilated wolf that Ziegel was inside of, to look how everyone else was doing, one mistake is all it took, Fayde watched as the other participants fought, then most curiously, she sensed the energy in the monsters, those who had fallen yet spiked in energy, dark energy, it was then that she noticed it, they started to rise again, despite grievous injuries, unless they were heavily destroyed!

Fayde let out a more surprised than pained shriek, she hit the ground hard as she felt her Essence quickly shifting in response, her body the armor was pierced by heavy claws on the back, she felt it, but any pain that would have been there, was not.

Pain response, null. The not-thought went through her, the Essence twisted again, as she felt the might paw gone again.

Ziegel! The goblin had gotten free and tackled the Wolf away, efficiently the goblin had taken her sword and slew the monster, taking it's head for certainty. A mistake, I should have kept vigil. Fayde remembered, her metal backside slowly started to mend, but the process was slow without rest, rest that she would not take until the Announcer declared the end of the Arena.

"..Thank you Ziegel." Fayde spoke quickly, before realizing, she turned to the Wolf that Ziegel first had killed and with force, slammed the end of her shield down at the distended throat, breaking it open. "Good."

Fayde reached her free hand to her back, the wolf had really torn open her back, to everyone, the claw marks were quite open, to any human that would more likely shredded the spine and everything besides it, yet no blood, no organs, no flesh, just shadows and if looking closely, the other side of the armor, Fayde was empty!

She turned back again to Ziegel, holding a hand out to take her sword back. "I owe you that one, friend Ziegel.." Fayde looked over at every else fighting the risen wolves and those still alive? "Help out, or dig in.. Seems we are still winning ground, despite this major setback.." Fayde hissed almost in her hollow voice, the sound of metal bending on her bag got a bit louder as her body was momentarily covered in the blue gold glow.

Yet Fayde kept watch this time, scanning the surrounding area for any beast that heard her and thought to finish it off, one mistake, not to be made again.


Fayde Roliskall


The Arena

Essence status:

70% Normal: Damaged: Active:

Orbs of Essence:


Essence Empowerment:

Body, Endurance:

He stayed there for a couple more seconds Being ravaged by wolves. He tried to open his eyes to see the others, but it was soaked with blood and everything had a dark red tint to it. He only had one option left or he would die. Levi dropped his temperature to absolute zero, and all three wolves perished. Levi was essentially in an incapacitated state, but he was suspended while syanding up so it appeared as if hw was still concious... for now
Thalia had not had trouble for much of the Hound's massacre. They were wolf-like and vicious, but she was able to pierce their tough hide each time one ran for her. She stood away from most other contestants and kept her back to the massive wall. She could see when they were coming and from where. At one point, one got close enough for her to work on her actual skills with a dagger. She felt the wolf's flesh loosen as she dug her dagger further and further into it's neck. She had seen the dead beasts stand up again moments after life should have been gone from their bodies. She cut the dog's head off as quickly as she could and flung it away from herself.

She looked up for a moment, to draw her bow and continue her defensive murders, but as she did, she saw the largest of the beasts slink toward her swiftly. His eyes were red and demonic, so he must have been attacked before seeing her. She pulled out one of her arrows, and aimed for the beast's eye, but it must have seen her, because it dodged out of the way before her arrow reached it. This one was intelligent - moreso than the others. It could see its opponent's moves like a human and block and dodge like a goblin.

She drew a single arrow before it arrived neared her, and once again aimed for his eye, but before she released the string she jumped up and over the beast as swiftly as she could and shot the alpha in the crook of his neck. She loved the soft and fleshy pieces. It was too unexpected of a move for the animal to react in a timely manner, so instead it winced and angrily batted at Lia. She dodged these moves quickly and grabbed her arrow, twisting it inside of it's neck. More howls of pain tore from the animals mouth - pitiful. She grabbed her dagger and slit the Achilles tendon of each of the animal's feet, rendering it unable to walk on it's own. She picked up the pup's head and kissed it before slitting it's throat, and letting it's lifeblood pour out onto the sandy ground.
Heinrich rose to his full length, cracking his neck as the deranged wolf thrashed around, trying to get back on its feet. He looked around.. People were injured. The scent.. The sight.. It was all so enticing to the doctor. He hatched a plan.. Returning his focus to the wolf, as it was now back up. It let out a deranged and rabid slur of barks before charging him and leaping up to bite Heinrich's neck. Like the previous wolf, Heinrich's arm intercepted the attack. He heard his flesh split apart and his bones scrape against its teeth as it bit into him.. but he seemed only mildly hurt by it. Heinrich wrapped his entire body around the beast, taking both of them to the ground, where Heinrich kept it restrained. Loudly, he began reciting prayer.. And his symbol glowed intensely. 20 seconds.. He would need about 20 seconds to make this work. He hoped Jack or Thalia would keep him covered while he did this...
Jack noticed a wolf coming to tackle Heinrich while he appeared to be chanting. He immediately summoned a golem to block it. The wolf managed to avoid most of its fist, but it was still sent slamming against the ground. Another wild punch against the injured creature was enough to turn it into little more than a bloodstain on the ground under a massive stone fist. Jack nodded at Heinrich. The golem crumbled.

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Cailan thought he'd given both of the hounds the mercy of a quick death, a gift rare to come by in this colosseum. Instead, he found one of the wolves still alive, standing defiantly between him and the spear that protruded from its fallen comrade's corpse. Admittedly, Cailan was impressed with the wolf's tenacity, though at the same time, he pitied the animal's condition. Chained up, abused, and starved for days before being sent to perish in the arena. A wolf's place was in the wild. Not here.

A brief scuffle ensued between them. Fang and sword danced together across the sandy field like flickering flames until at last, the wolf could bear his blood loss no more. There it crumbled to the ground, dying, the last of its life spilling from its open neck wound. Cailan retrieved his spear, then knelt beside the wolf, running his hand through its matted fur and whispering a soft Elvish prayer into its ear. Then he granted his opponent the sweet kiss of death.
In the time between when Heinrich had begun preparing his spell and when Jack had saved his skin.. quite literally, ten seconds had passed.now eleven... Twelve... Thirteen.

Heinrich's Holy Symbol began to glow brighter and shake unsteadily in his hand. The wolf he had grappled with had exhausted itself.. and was now just mindlessly snapping its teeth and growling.
Shylock killed a wolf by chopping it in half with his axe and killed another by crushing its windpipe. "What weak creatures" He said as he through the corpse at another wolf. He kept fighting until he there were only a few left. When there were no more wolves near him he looked to the distance and saw a wolf be tossed through a golem while another was decapitated by a goblin. "What skilled fighters we have here. This would be more entertaining than I thought." He said as another wolf came charging towards him. "Come and embrace death!" Shylock yelled as he in turn charged at the wolf weapons ready.
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Brinie said:

The beasts came out in droves, they would not be as easily focused down and restrained as the slow but mighty giant. A young knight clad in cheaply forged iron armor was the first to be assaulted. The alpha of the pack leaped upwards at a speed that the man's eyes could barely perceive. A row of fangs crunched against his shoulder, the mighty jaw of the beast easily crushed his clavicle, his scream filled the arena and immediately unmotivated anyone unlucky enough to stand beside him.

Three members of the pack charged forward, and quickly encircled both the tin woman and the goblin. Their beady glowing white eyes carefully watched them both, displaying a certain amount of intelligence. They encircled the pair slowly, sizing them up and seeing if an opening would present itself. The bravest of the trio was the first to attempt a strike, charging the two quick with its fangs barred. It's teeth aimed towards the tin's woman's armor in an attempt to crunch any underlying bones and to immobilize her if it hit. A second wolf, leaped upwards, aiming at the goblin that sat at her shoulders.


A woman armed with guns also appeared to be somewhat idle, another starved hound slowly made its approach towards her, with eyes filled to the brim with hunger. It did not think for a moment before it dashed towards her with its mouth wide open. The wolf was missing a tooth on the right side of her jaw, which allowed her tongue to slip through the gap, the uncanny deformity made her all the more imposing.


The spearman was unlucky enough to be in the midst of it all, all of the allies whom had surrounded him became incapacitated after the hordes initial attack. He was alone in the midst of all the terrible chaos. Two medium sized hounds stood at opposite sides of him, slowly approaching their prey. Their mouths were agape, and their tongues flapped about freely. It was almost as if the duo were laughing, thinking they found easy prey.


The other wolves roamed freely, combating anyone foolish enough to approach them.

Anne Solaire

Anne had kind of stood off to the side observing everyone else when the giant emerged. He'd definitely be a tough target to take down just from looking at him, she wasn't sure if her shots would have any effect on it either beyond charge shots. She'd never exactly taken down anything so big before so she couldn't exactly compare. For the time being she opted to just observe everyone else rather than fight for herself, maybe the others could take it down and she wouldn't even have to participate. Of course the arena masters seemed to have other plans as soon a massive pack of wolves were thrust upon them, one running right for her. She sighed and drew a gun holding it firmly in her right hand before taking aim. She didn't intend on dragging any of this out, so she quickly charged a shot before firing right at it, not bothering to move an inch.

Ziegel waited for the other competitors to finish their portion of "meat", pathetic, unwanted, beasts that denied their own deaths. Lest the goblin wanted to be bored for the remainder of the second round he would have to occupy himself somehow. Ziegel stared at the decapitated head of the one he managed to finish off by himself, it had flesh within the head that Ziegel dug out with his enlarged claws. It took some time to get it to be fully hollow but he managed. He forcibly pulled on the jaw to make the space in between big enough, sickening cracks made Ziegel wince. And there Ziegel stood with his head in the wide gap he created between the wolfs mouth wearing his new headpiece that he craftes all by himself.

The colosseum seemed to be littered with corpses stacking on top of each other. Assortments of creatures leaning against each other incapacitated or dead they were placed into the same pile as the wolves, the dead, and the drunken men who passed out. It was an absolute mess since there was no way to distinguish the living from the dead, there was just one massive pile next to another massive pile next to another pile. They need a system Ziegel thought to himself but more importantly they needed to remove the piles before the third round.
Finally. Twenty seconds had passed. Heinrich held his holy symbol up high as a massive wave of soothing white energy flowed out into the arena like a shockwave. Anything that was not dead would be healed significantly. Deep, fatal wounds would close up into shallow wounds, moderate wounds and anything less would also he healed up fully. Unfortunately this also meant the wolves that were not yet killed. Heinrich looked down at the Wolf he had pinned. Its face was back to normal and as the pain drowned out with relief, it began to thrash with more vigor. Smiling to himself, Klaus proceeded to bring his mace down upon the beast's skull. Multiple times.

@LordOfThePitch @Amber KB @Reznor @Mitchs98 @Alushey @Lorkhan @Sigismund @Brinie @BigDsausage1996
Levi finally returned to a concious state and immediately collapsed on the ground. The Intense colors of the world seemed to blend In with the white parchment on which It was written. What had awoken him? He was completely soaked in his own blood and his heavy clothing had been shredded by the wolves that lay beside him. However, he felt no pain; he honestly felt little to nothing. He tried to stand up but collapsed again... and again. He observed his surroundings on the ground; Everything around him was extremely bright and blurry. And It seemed like the air around him had mostly liquified. His nerves wouldn't be able to fully return at this temperature, but the "judges" would surely bring him to the safe zone if he stayed like this... he used all his strength to push himself against the wall and sat there, watching... just like before. It always ended up like this... he came here to prove himself, but all he proved is how pathetic he was. How all he could do was watch...
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Shylock watched as people and wolves who were badly injured have their wounds healed as well as shylocks minor wounds. Shylock became slightly angry that some of the wolves he fought get back up but not enough to provoke his power. While he was seeing if any of the wolves came towards him he saw a man crawl and sat against a wall. *Watching as his comrades fight and die. What a pathetic excuse for life.* He thought. He was going to leave him be but saw a wolf running towards him. (Sigh) *I'd be a hypocrite to let him die so you better be worth my time.* He thought as he ran at full speed and slammed the wolf into the wall killing it then he looked at the man and decided to tell him off. "Why do you sit and watch as your comrades die! Stand and fight or die as a soldier!" Shylock yelled as his anger slowly grew.

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Lia looked at Heinrich, unable to comprehend what had just happened. All her scratches were healed and the deeper cuts diminished, but so did the those of the wolves around her. The battle was almost over, but he wanted to revive these murderous creatures. Only a few managed to stand up from their mortal wounds and continue the fight. Maybe 4 or 5 had not died already. Thalia was tired, and she really didn't want to deal with the undead at this moment, but she grabbed her bow and began firing lazy arrows at the suffering Hounds.

The Hounds slowly stood from their inevitable graves, given one more chance at life. Blood dripped from their parted, smiling jaws. One particular beast looked smaller than the rest, but somehow it seemed just as threatening. One tooth stuck out from its bottom lip. Looking around, the wolf spotted its preferred victim - a girl in revealing armor and a cocky attitude. He raced toward her, dodging the shots from her magical weapon. Too easy...


Another two circled a massive orc. They were fast but still injured, making them even more dangerous. One snapped at the large beings legs and tried to make him fall for easy prey. Another jumped toward his head, howling as it did.


One of the last two animals was quickly murdered by the Cleric that saved it. It whimpered in death, like a sad puppy. The other was beside a wizard of some sort. He had tried to tame it, but wild beasts cannot be tamed. It claws and teeth grew back, not as strong as before but sharp still and still capable of cutting the horrendous man. It remained on the ground for a moment, pretending to be unaffected by the magic. Then it leapt at the man, tearing at his face and chest.


Jack swung the dagger that was still in his hand at the wolf's head, only grazing it but still forcing the animal to sidestep. He then summoned up a squad of weak skeletal warriors for him to chew through while he summoned 3 sand golems to surround the wolf. The golems subsequently beat the living hell out of the thing repeatedly with their massive fists to the point of being highly excessive. After around 45 seconds of utterly destroying the thing into little more than dust, Jack grinned and gave Heinrich a thumbs up, sure that he'd have loved watching the show he just put on.
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Shylock noticed the two new wolves coming towards him and the man he just saved. "Stay calm human I'll deal with them." He said as he readied his axes and walked towards them the first one came running while the other stayed back. Shylock charged at the wolf and swung his axe but the wolf just barely dodged it. "Stand still!" He yelled as the wolf started biting at his legs. Then he noticed the other wolf had jumped towards his head. "HA you think that can stop me?" He said as he was able to grab the leaping wolf by the throat then kicked the wolf that was biting at his legs in the rib cage and made it skid 10 feet away. Then he slammed the wolf he had by the throat into the ground then stomped its head in. "Know prepare to face your demise." He said to the other wolf that had not gotten up yet. Then he grabbed his axes walked up to the wolf and planted his axe in its head.
LordOfThePitch said:

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