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Fantasy Heroes of Driesen(CLOSED)

Levi looked behind him at Marcus and another strange looking man. The man opened his mouth to say something, but right as he did, a trumpet sounded and the cell ahead of them opened. A giant was released and began to walk forward. The ground started shaking and the sound of his footsteps filled the air. 80 powerful entities versus this one. It didn't stand a chance... "Alright, lets get this over with." If I could ground him then other people could easily deliver a finishing blow. Might as well start strong, he thought. Right leg... shatter. He charged toward the giant along with a multitude of other people. A scratch was all he needed.
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Shrio Date

Go - 100% / Shiro - 0%

Location - THE ARENA

Go felt a pair of eyes on him, someone whom he did not get to become acquainted with whilst in the barracks. He did not know the man's intentions or thought's, as he was not able to sense any malicious intent. The match was about to start, so he could not afford to inquire any further, whatever it was it would have to wait.

The entire arsenal of contestants now stood in the arena, a mix of anxiety, and curiosity filled the room as they awaited, eyes forward and staring at the iron gates. They could only wonder what kind of challenge would be presented. The sound of a trumpet cut through the air, and the iron gates split open. It was finally time.

Two beady eyes peaked outwards toward the contestants, and then the rest of the giant figure ascended from the shadows afterwards. It was slow, but powerful, one hit was all it would take to kill a mortal man. This must have been one of their weaker captives, a way to start off the first round. Many brave men and woman alike charged forward, whilst ranged attackers stayed back. It would seem that some contestants even regretted their decision to compete, choosing to cower, and attempting to claw their way back in to the barracks. Shiro scolded the cowards mentally and held his ground, he focused for a moment before the ground beneath him split, shards of the earth snapped upwards and surrounded him, the shards rotated around him, gradually picking up speed.

One after one, these shards were released and launched forward at an alarming rate, he aimed directly for the stony beasts head. But his assault was not yet finished, he focused a second time, the ground around him began to tremor as he continued. A small boulder was lifted from the ground and then forged with the surrounding rubble, before it was launched forward in a fashion similar to a trebuchet. Go aimed towards the general direction of the beast, ignoring any particular parts of its anatomy. He did not know the biology of the beast, nor did he know if the head would be the most effective spot to hit, he went off of what he knew from normal living creatures. This was just the start of their trial.

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The trumpet sounded and immediately a... What is that? Marcus's attention was now focused in on the being in front of him. It looked like an animated stone construct. He had never seen anything like this before. Marcus now understood the intensity of this situation. People were going to get hurt in this... Maybe even die! He wasn't going to let that happen, but how could he hurt it. He couldnt use his sword on a rock! He could try melting it but his abilities never consisted of a "controlled" nature. People would get hurt if he did that... Just like back then... He analyzed the creature for a few more seconds and saw Levi charge in. I'll break the stone if I have to, he thought. Marcus sprinted towards the creature. The battlefield was chaotic. Minions had been spewed out by mages and arrows strewn across the air. Marcus stabbed his sword in one of the giants crevices and used it to infiltrate its back. He used the momentum to launch himself near the giants head to land a critical blow
Jackson spotted the large giant, whipping the ground around its feet with tentacles to wetten the sand and force it to sink. The massive creature dipped down further and further as his tentacles pulled it deeper into the thick muddy quicksand. He continued to summon more squads and order their advancement into the battlefield further, acting as a large unit of soldiers to rout the enemy.
Levi dropped the temperature of the nitrogen in the air while running towards the enemy, but as he did, he saw tentacles shoot out of the ground and pull the beast into the Earth. The beast showed no real sign of emotion as this happened. Levi slowed down to a walk as he witnessed this event unravel before his eyes. Marcus appeared beside him and continued sprinting toward the golem. He maneuvered his way up to the beast's head in a manner Levi had never really seen before. He looked back and saw that strange looking man he had seen earlier now hurling rock pieces at the creature with ease. There was so much... power radiating from all these people; all he could really do was stand in awe and watch...
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Fayde Roliskall

Fayde stared as the stone giant emerged from the gate at the other end of the Arena, she did not budge when those around her either charged, got ready with spells or ranged weapons or even went to the gate, screaming to be let out, it was only the start and it was chaotic, Shiro she saw at the opposite of her, was surrounded by shards of earth and even a small boulder, and they all were shot from besides him, she could -see- the very energy moving the earth.

Then there was the individual who rose upwards with.. Bones and flesh? Fayde wasn't sure, but the person seemed to be summoning skeletons and more flesh-like limbs? Fayde stood confused, yet she understood as she watched the skeletons, it was not necromancy, those would have required actual materials.. Bones, these were conjured creations, pure energy. Why is he using so much? The leaflet did say three monsters.. This is just the first one.. She glanced up at the individual again and shook her head. Makes it easier for the rest of us. "Ziegel, I got an idea, you're quick, you can easily do some damage on the top of that thing." Fayde spoke as she started to charge forward, shield front, but her sword was still sheathed. Fayde's arms started to glow, as her Essence shifted, the glow itself faded quickly again, yet wisps of energy still moved over her arms.

Fayde stopped, digging her feet into the ground. "Hop on the shield, Ziegel, we got this!" Fayde spoke again to Ziegel, who had clung to her head, not that Fayde actually felt the weight as much as a human being might.

She perished her thoughts, and raised her shield slightly at an angle, Once Ziegel hops on it, Fayde would turn around, and then use her might and empowered Essence to lift and throw Ziegel using her shield to launch the goblin into the air, (Just like a springboard!) Towards the giant!

Watching Ziegel in the air, making at least sure he would hit the giant, Fayde then resumed her charge towards the monster, yet not attacking, instead Fayde stood defensively, waiting for an opportunity, she instead kept an watch for the giants attacks, hoping to either latch on to it's arms/weapon, or dodge the attack, or if it comes to it, attempt to block using her empowered strength.

@Reznor @Amber KB


Fayde Roliskall


The Arena

Essence status:

95% Active: Normal: Recovering:

Orbs of Essence:


Essence Empowerment:

Arms: Strength empowered:

Jackson rose dozens of tentacles from the ground to fully cover and surround the others to act as shields so that they wouldnt be killed by his next action. He then fired off a maelstrom of boiling acid and bone across the entire arena, immediately vaporizing anything left standing. He cast aside his platform and stood on the ground, releasing the tentacle shields that were covering the others.

(He's going to make sure nobody else shows off their skills.)
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A peal of trumpets cut through the air, though their shouts were barely audible over those of the crowd, who tugged and pulled eagerly at their protective nets. The iron gates on the opposite end of the arena swung open, revealing a massive stone construct waiting on the other end. The beast that stepped out from its shadowy prison was no man-made golem, but a real, living rock giant, its eyes filled with rage and hate. Many of the other fighters charged at the monster without a thought. Cailan waited.

Impervious as they may seem behind their stony armor, these giants were still flesh and bone at the joints; the elbows, the fingers, and knees, and what not. At last, Cailan dashed at the giant, concealing his approach under the cover of summoned tentacles. The beast would not see him, as he was far too occupied with fighting away the other combatants. When he was close enough, Cailan leapt from the forest of tentacles, swung around the monster's ankle, and drove his spear into its exposed tendon. The giant roared in agony as it fell to its knees, still desperately staving off the onslaught of warriors.

(Not home right now, so I did this on mobile.)
Before Klaus could say anything, the battle had begun. Instinctively, one hand flew to draw his Mace, and the other, his Holy Symbol. The ground shook as the giant emerged.. and Heinrich was giddy to begin.

In a flash all around him, his allies had begun attacking the thing. With prayers in a whispered murmur, Heinrich shut his eyes as his holy symbol glowed with power. He held the symbol close to his chest.. And as the glow seemed like it would burst, Heinrich held his arm up high, the glow broke from the symbol, and split into three orbs. One flew towards Jack, another for Thalia, and one for himself. The orb that flew to Jack would imbue his brain with a vast swathe of additional intelligence. Intelligence, Heinrich thought, was the source of power for Wizards, and this boost to Intelligence would more than likely find a way to make his magic stronger or faster.. Maybe both. Thalia's Orb imbued her with a sort of hastening quirk; as though her adrenaline began to overclock. No doubt lied in Heinrich's mind that this would make her faster. Heinrich's own orb appeared to do nothing.. though that was only because his face was hidden behind a mask. His lips were quivering..

@Amber KB @LordOfThePitch
Sigismund said:
Fayde RoliskallFayde stared as the stone giant emerged from the gate at the other end of the Arena, she did not budge when those around her either charged, got ready with spells or ranged weapons or even went to the gate, screaming to be let out, it was only the start and it was chaotic, Shiro she saw at the opposite of her, was surrounded by shards of earth and even a small boulder, and they all were shot from besides him, she could -see- the very energy moving the earth.

Then there was the individual who rose upwards with.. Bones and flesh? Fayde wasn't sure, but the person seemed to be summoning skeletons and more flesh-like limbs? Fayde stood confused, yet she understood as she watched the skeletons, it was not necromancy, those would have required actual materials.. Bones, these were conjured creations, pure energy. Why is he using so much? The leaflet did say three monsters.. This is just the first one.. She glanced up at the individual again and shook her head. Makes it easier for the rest of us. "Ziegel, I got an idea, you're quick, you can easily do some damage on the top of that thing." Fayde spoke as she started to charge forward, shield front, but her sword was still sheathed. Fayde's arms started to glow, as her Essence shifted, the glow itself faded quickly again, yet wisps of energy still moved over her arms.

Fayde stopped, digging her feet into the ground. "Hop on the shield, Ziegel, we got this!" Fayde spoke again to Ziegel, who had clung to her head, not that Fayde actually felt the weight as much as a human being might.

She perished her thoughts, and raised her shield slightly at an angle, Once Ziegel hops on it, Fayde would turn around, and then use her might and empowered Essence to lift and throw Ziegel using her shield to launch the goblin into the air, (Just like a springboard!) Towards the giant!

Watching Ziegel in the air, making at least sure he would hit the giant, Fayde then resumed her charge towards the monster, yet not attacking, instead Fayde stood defensively, waiting for an opportunity, she instead kept an watch for the giants attacks, hoping to either latch on to it's arms/weapon, or dodge the attack, or if it comes to it, attempt to block using her empowered strength.

@Reznor @Amber KB


Fayde Roliskall


The Arena

Essence status:

95% Active: Normal: Recovering:

Orbs of Essence:


Essence Empowerment:

Arms: Strength empowered:


Ziegel understood the game plan Fayde set up for him, but he was unsure how to go about it as he stared towards the creature, half of its body trapped in the sand beating away at skeletons and tentacles as well as the competitors. Ziegel stared at the eyes of the beast as he set his own plan in stone. He loosened his grip on the shield as Fayde angled up and squatted down preparing to jump towards the beast. Faydes arms glowed right before she thrusted Ziegel into the sky, his hind legs pushing off the shield, the golem looked up towards Ziegel with confusion and then raised its hand as if to swat him away. "Like hell you will..." Ziegel croacked. Unhinging the iron nails on his fingers Ziegel threw them into the beasts eyes like ninja stars. Its vision was blurred and it started swinging its arms at everything. He fell onto the beasts forehead and slid down, digging his fingers into the nostrils of the beast, it resembled a whole cave, the heavy breath of the creature made climbing up inside it much more difficult. When Ziegel decided he had climbed high enough he let his frustration out on the creature in a wild Temper Tantrum as the intoxicating gas filled his nostrils and came out every other end of his body. Cataracts formed in his eyes and his vision was very warped and cracked, he had no idea where he was now. Ziegel evaporated and appeared back onto Faydes shoulders, "Do your thing..." Ziegel said.
After striking, the giant took a slow swing at Marcus but missed. He was about to attack again when a goblin appeared out of nowhere and started flailing his fists around at the beast's head. Marcus disengaged from combat and took on a defensive position near Levi. He looked over and noticed that Levi was just... watching. Marcus was about to criticize him until he turned and analyzed the combat zone. He couldn't quite tell what was going on. So much was happening, but it seemed like one man was causing most of it. Marcus turned to find Jack in a god-like form bringing complete devastation down on this being. Marcus' s sympathy actually switched over to the beast. It was slowly being shredded by the endless onslaught of minions while its limbs were being held by tentacles... making it practically defenseless...
Fayde Roliskall

The stone giant was really getting the hurt on, Fayde wasn't sure how many it felled, not that she was actively looking for those, she couldn't help them, But it seemed that the fight was going good for the participants, from conjured creatures aiding them, to people attracting the giant's attention.

Suddenly, Fayde felt weight on her shoulder, a quick glance at Ziegel and Fayde nodded. "Good work!" With that said, Fayde's arms begins glowing momentarily blue-ish, as it recedes away, Fayde fluidly drew her sword. "Hang on." She said, remembering that Ziegel was, after all, still on her shoulder.

Fayde readied herself, blade swung high and her shield close to her chest, a few strikes on the Giant, which was sunken into the ground, luckily, empowering her strength allows her to crack against the, well, tough as stone hide, a few well placed hits might even have bypassed the hide, Fayde felt.. Giddy? An uncertain feeling, her Essence shifted rapidly as she felt it fade and be replaced by focus again, a few more strikes, while watching the arms of the giant if it started to swing one of them towards the side she was one, Fayde's blade started to glow with the same color as her arms did before, yet it didn't fade right away, instead with each strike she made, a bit of it vanished, but the strikes she made at such points looked far more hurtful, if the giant could even feel it with so many others already laying on the pain.

A few moments after, Fayde would jump back, a few internal breaths as she re-focused. "Best be ready if it starts falling, eh? Ziegel." Fayde felt a bit giddy again, once she fought to defend Castle Skall, now?.. It just -felt- different, even for her.


Fayde Roliskall


The Arena

Essence status:

85% Combat: Active:

Orbs of Essence:


Essence Empowerment:

Arms and sword: Strength empowered:

Lia knew that now was the time for focus. This was a weaker enemy and taking her time would surely benefit her in the long run. She aimed for the stony behemoth's neck. Each time she aimed, she hit her intended target. Near the beginning of the battle, a surge of energy ran through her and she felt her aim steady to an inhuman extent and her arrows were flying faster than she typically shot. She looked to the cleric. He likely had something to do with her surge in abilities, unless it was just pure adrenaline of being in her first real battle. Either way, she liked it and continued piercing what she could

It was a powerful titan that she was up against, but she had seen similar beings wandering the Wood Tribe lands. They were much smaller, though, and perhaps weaker, but she knew just as every other young Wood Elf should, to focus on the parts that weren't so rocky, like joints and the neck. The more movement the giant had in an area, the weaker it was.

She attempted to yell this at Jackson before the arrogant pissant surrounded her with fleshy tentacles. This man didn't need help and didn't seem to want it by the looks of it. Thalia didn't want to touch the tentacles but cut through them with her dagger as well as she could. Lia saw as the battle came to a swift close...

Jackson's tentacles had the Giant lower to the ground, sunk and stuck. Several opponents madly struck at the remaining parts of the being. One particular Wood Elf was aiming for his tender joints. Good for him, she thought. The giant was still easily swatting away most fighters. An armored young woman and the goblin seemed to be a very good team. She picked him up with ease and tossed him at the face of the beast, where he clawed and ripped before disappearing and reappearing on the woman's shoulders.

Eventually, the titan had virtually stopped moving. A trumpet blared throughout the Grand Arena, and several soldiers made their way into the contestants midsts. They struggled to pull the massive creature out of his quicksand prison but were eventually able to free it and drag it back towards the rusty iron gate he had come out of.

She pulled her way out of those nasty tentacles to congratulate Heinrich Klaus and Mr. Montgomery, despite the fact that he used massive amounts of power and may be exhausted after our very first battle. She almost anticipated the Lobaiser clerics to summon him into the safe-zone, but to no avail. He walked up to them with way too much pride on his handsome face. He smelled like death.

The platinum blonde woman appeared once again - this time on a small ledge above the iron gates. She smiled at the audience and then at the contestants. "This is a day for celebration!" she shouted, "Over half of our warriors and wizards are still standing!! Sadly, though," she continued, her voice still booming, "Four brave men and women were crushed too heavily by the Rock Giant's fists... and teeth... and toes. They could not be assisted by our healers in their time of need. Let us take a moment to mourn them."

But as the words left the woman's mouth, a foul smell overtook the air. Contestants and viewers alike were attacked by the stench. The Platinum haired lady smiled at the contestants eerily, without a proper moment to mourn the passing of those courageous and uncourageous alike.
"Oh, would you look at that! It's time for Round Two!" She disappeared behind a dark door above the massive iron gates. They opened again and this time a pack of 26 Hounds or Wolves or something streamed out, faster than lightning. They were huge - the size of a grown man. Some must have been nearly two-hundred pounds. Patches of hair were missing from their bodies from infighting and protecting themselves from the others. They had large, clawed paws and white, glowing eyes. The Hounds are swift, agile, and fierce as Cerberus, but much easier to kill if you hit a sweet spot. The ones closest to the gates were attacked first, some immediately needing medical attention and others staving off the frontal, surprise attack.


The beasts came out in droves, they would not be as easily focused down and restrained as the slow but mighty giant. A young knight clad in cheaply forged iron armor was the first to be assaulted. The alpha of the pack leaped upwards at a speed that the man's eyes could barely perceive. A row of fangs crunched against his shoulder, the mighty jaw of the beast easily crushed his clavicle, his scream filled the arena and immediately unmotivated anyone unlucky enough to stand beside him.

Three members of the pack charged forward, and quickly encircled both the tin woman and the goblin. Their beady glowing white eyes carefully watched them both, displaying a certain amount of intelligence. They encircled the pair slowly, sizing them up and seeing if an opening would present itself. The bravest of the trio was the first to attempt a strike, charging the two quick with its fangs barred. It's teeth aimed towards the tin's woman's armor in an attempt to crunch any underlying bones and to immobilize her if it hit. A second wolf, leaped upwards, aiming at the goblin that sat at her shoulders.


A woman armed with guns also appeared to be somewhat idle, another starved hound slowly made its approach towards her, with eyes filled to the brim with hunger. It did not think for a moment before it dashed towards her with its mouth wide open. The wolf was missing a tooth on the right side of her jaw, which allowed her tongue to slip through the gap, the uncanny deformity made her all the more imposing.


The spearman was unlucky enough to be in the midst of it all, all of the allies whom had surrounded him became incapacitated after the hordes initial attack. He was alone in the midst of all the terrible chaos. Two medium sized hounds stood at opposite sides of him, slowly approaching their prey. Their mouths were agape, and their tongues flapped about freely. It was almost as if the duo were laughing, thinking they found easy prey.


The other wolves roamed freely, combating anyone foolish enough to approach them.

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Fayde Roliskall

Fayde nodded satisfied as the Giant stopped moving entirely, yet she was still surprised as soldiers came and pull the corpse out, possibly also any who had fallen in the fight against it, her speculation was confirmed as the Announcer came and spoke. Over half? Still means a lot wounded, four dead? Fayde peered at the Announcer. At least they made an attempt to save those. She then started to notice those closer to the Iron gate gag slightly. "I believe, we will have company, Ziegel.." Already? Some of these people are exha- Her thoughts stopped as the giant hounds leapt from their imprisonment, the biggest one tore a knight to shreds and those close to him were quickly taken apart by the other hounds. First a strong massive foe.. Now, fast and intelligent ones. Fayde sneered internally.

"Get ready!" Fayde held her shield close to her again as the trio of hounds circles her and Ziegel, less of a back-to-back and more of a on-top of the other, Fayde made some quick thinking in her mind. Out-smart them. "Ziegel.. If these are like wolves, prepare to switch with me, we don't let them fight the one they are going after.." Her arms and sword sparked lightly with energy, the Empowerment still held. Still plenty of me to go.

Suddenly the hounds around them made their attack, two of the three at least. "Now!" Fayde shouted in the echoing voice of hers. Fayde turned around to face the hound that leapt for Ziegel, she went down on one knee and using her shield as leverage she gored the beast through it's chest with her sword, a satisfying cracking sounded as her blade plunged through the rib-cage of the monster, possibly hitting both or one of the lungs, if not luckily the heart..

If these do have hearts.. And arh, these weight a lot, I felt that through the shield, good I don't have bones, they would have most likely been broken from that impact.

Fayde threw the hound away from her shield, watching for it to die or collapse from it's wound, she then took a glance to the hound that did not attack her and Ziegel, she had already placed trust on Ziegel to slay the one that went for her.

@Reznor @Brinie


Fayde Roliskall


The Arena

Essence status:

80% Combat: Active:

Orbs of Essence:


Essence Empowerment:

Arms and sword: Strength empowered:

Heinrich seemed surprised. The Giant was killed quickly. He hadn't even gotten far away enough to strike at it. Strange.. but before he could let himself relax, the hounds were released. Overcome with a thirst to spill blood and inflict pain, Klaus tightened the grip on his mace, and laughed gleefully as he charged the first wolf he saw.
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Jack immediately summoned a single, fairly small tentacle, controlling it with a smaller one his hand like a joystick to bat any of them out of his way. One managed to avoid the tentacle and dashed at him. He summoned up a large golem from the ground to smash it. The damned thing avoid the golem and dived for him. He barely avoided it by sidestepping, and then covered it in 20 tentacles and strangled it to death.
Levi watched as the first round was brought to an end and the second one began. He knew he was ready. If one enemy just kept coming out like that, hed be fine. One on one combat was his expertise. Levi looked over to see Marcus observing the blood patches on the ground. He had no idea what he was thinking, but Levi didn't really care, but he also didn't necessarily want this guy to die. "Hey. Get ready." Levi redirected his attention to the gate as it opened. Fuck! I said One on one damnit, he thought. A pack of huge, unnatural looking wolves appeared. Honestly each one would probably bring a good 1v1 fight. 3 wolves seemed to target him directly. They charged at full speed towards Levi. He sliced one of their jaws and deflected the attack of another ones, but the third one bit him on his shoulder. He tried to reach his katana around to slice its throat, but then anither one sunk in, then another!!! His thoughts were rushed and panicked. Shit! I have to get out of this! He transformed his katana into ice and launched himself backwards. "Gah!" He hit the wall right before he traveled even 50ft. All the air was knocked out of him, he was bleeding from all over his body, and his sword was frozen in its sheathed form. He tried to clot the blood that was relentlessly pouring. The wolves got to him and continued their assault right as the ice had melted from the blade! The pain was excruciating. All he could see was red...
Marcus was appalled by how quickly they had been thrust into the next tournament. He wanted to pay respects to the warriors who lost their lives but didn't have time to do much else but react. Marcus was about mid distance from the gate and had already taken a defensive position near Levi, so unlike those closest to the gate he had a moment to gain his bearings. Levi was another matter all on his own. While the battle was raging he continued to simply stand still as chaos ensued around him. Marcus was unsure how he felt about this already feeble alliance that he had unwittingly agreed to. He already didn't trust this man and certainly didn't like the way he did combat. Marucs's train of thought was cut off as he noticed his currently most immanent threat. Two wolves began to charge and Marcus allowed his skin to harden into scale before engaging the wolves midway through their charge. He grabbed the first wolf by the scruff of its neck and slashed downward cleaving the beast down its midsection. The second wolf seemed to be taken aback by the swiftness in which Marcus had taken action but quickly recovered and lunged at Marcus's arm, biting down firmly on the scale he had transfigured his skin into. With his sword hand he brought the hilt of his weapon crashing into the wolves skull and had killed it almost instantaneously. Marcus stood above the carcasses of the two wolves he had slain and let his skin soften back to its original fleshy nature. The battle around him was still chaotic. The wolves struck many of the slower warriors with great ferocity but the ones that were better on their feet seemed to be holding their own. Before going further into battle Marcus looked behind him where he had stood just a few moments ago and and saw yet another wolf, lunging at his still motionless ally.
Two wolves rushed Heinrich, as he ran towards them. One of the Wolves made a lunge, but with a swing of his mace, Heinrich knocked it out of the air with a sickening crunch. By no means was this creature dead, but it certainly was in pain. The blow with the mace had dislodged some teeth and broken its jaw.

The second wolf lunged, and Heinrich stopped it from reaching his neck by holding his hand in front of it. He bit back the pain as he watched the wolf's teeth sink in.. But this was exactly what the doctor wanted.

With a first and second swing of the mace, Heinrich aimed for its legs, and the front legs snapped apart like brittle twigs. The creature yelped in pain and tried to let go and run away, but the moment its teeth let Klaus go, he pinned it to the ground. He hit the thing in the face and throat with the mace so many times afterward.. it was hard to tell if it was dead or not, past its gurgling of blood. Heinrich rose, turning his attention to the other wolf, bloodlust ever present in his lanky sway.
The wolf had its eyes laid upon Fayde something it would regret doing immediately as it fealt the sharp pain of iron force its way into its eyes. The wolf lashed around when Ziegel sunk his own teeth into the beast, it frantically flailed around in an attempt to stop him. Ziegel would then shove his fingers into the side of the wolfs' neck and pulled quickly towards Ziegel, the wolfs neck distorted and it fell to the ground. One remained there with its eyes glued onto the two, it opened its mouth wide open and charged towards the two of them. A gust of sand blew by and Ziegel took its form, flying into the wolfs mouth and appearing on the inside, it was very difficult to move so he clawed at its intestines waiting for Fayde to slice the creatures head in two. They proved to be tenacious creatures, there were going to be much more fatalities to add to the first four at the end of this round.

A long chorus of howls rose from behind the gates, filling the arena with their solemn song. When the gates opened again, a pack of starved wolves ran into the open like horses at a gallop, savagely devouring any man or woman they laid their eyes on. Cailan moved to withdraw, but soon found himself flanked on both ends by two of the wild beasts. He could see their eyes, white as silver, their fangs like sharpened steel, their fur black as night and themselves as big as small ponies.

Cailan made the first move, throwing his spear into the eye of one of his lupine assailants. As the other rushed in, the elf went for his sword, danced out of the way of the wolf's fangs, and slashed at the animal's neck. Ribbons of blood painted the golden sand as the hound tumbled forward to its death. These wolves proved to be far more fearsome than what Cailan was used to, and even now they had inflicted more casualties on the contestants than the rock giant. Cailan put away his sword and ran to collect his spear.
Another 3 wolves surrounded him, closing in. Jack waited for them to come closer before summoning 2 squads as bone shields to stall while he spun the ground around him by having a large tentacle underneath the sand. He created a whirlwind of sand with this technique, peppering and engulfing the wolves around him with mounds of rocky chunks. When they got tired, and stopped resisting after a few straight minutes of onslaught, he pulled them deep down below the ground to suffocate.
Fayde Roliskall

Fayde felt the weight of Ziegel disappear, she turned, looking at the beast that Ziegel slew, it's throat had been turned inside out, yet she did not have time to study the handiwork, the third wolf made it's move, and Ziegel made his too.

Fayde took a step back, watching the energy the goblin created as he took the form of a gust of sand, Fayde snapped out of it as she looked to the monster Ziegel had, thrown himself at it wailed and trashed in pain.

Fayde rushed forward, twisting her legs as she came up to the side of the wolf, she swung her sword upwards, it wasn't a crunching of bones that sounded, but it still felt as effective, Fayde watched the head of the wolf sail into the air and land a few meters away. "You okay there, Ziegel?" Fayde asked, a hint of concern for her effective ally.

At the same time, the glow of her arms and sword that faded in and out at random intervals ceased, a more golden glow appeared for a few seconds before it vanished too, yet Fayde was still on the look out, a quick count and about half of the hounds were dead, the rest were spread out so that by sheer numbers, the participants now wouldn't have a problem, at least, Fayde thought so.

"I'll need a moment, don't seem like the rest of these are coming our way... But I do see a few corpses of the other participants.." Lowering her shield, Fayde planted her sword into the sand, letting it rest as she reached her now free hand down to offer Ziegel help out of the.. Carcass. "Quite an amazing trick, Ziegel."


Fayde Roliskall


The Arena

Essence status:

85% Normal: Active:

Orbs of Essence:


Essence Empowerment:


(with the last of the 3 on Fayde and Ziegel, it looks like 12 of the hounds are gone now, mayhaps slow a bit down for everyone who is missing to catch up? Purely asking, Brinie and Amber are in control here so eh.)

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