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Fantasy Heroes of Driesen(CLOSED)

Ziegel was enraged now the pile of bodies had to be moved and the wolves decided to wake up again. He turned three hundred sixty degrees, the work was already done for him but all the other people had to deal with these stupid wolves who denied there deaths! He turned towards Fayde to see the void that opened in her backside had fully healed and she was able to stand upright. Ziegel frustratingly clawed a huge hole into the ground and slammed his head into it like an ostrich to make even more space. He was going to dig a tunnel around the arena that only he knew about, and maybe Fayde if she cared enough.
Satisfied with the Wolf's quick death, Heinrich decided that now.. he was done playing Doctor. At least for now. He looked around. Numerous wolves had gotten back up to continue fighting, but all of the fighters that were not dead or teleported away were healed as well. His attention turned to the small wolf approaching that lady. How small.. how cute, he thought it.

"I wonder what kinds of screams you will make..?" he murmured to himself as he jovially galloped towards it. Klaus' laughter would pierce the thing's ears as he leapt for it, aiming to drag it to the ground as it had its previous two pack members...

@Amber KB @Mitchs98

As the last of the hounds died, an army of stewards made their way through the wreckage - picking up animal and human bodies all the same. They were all bloody and torn to pieces. All gone within minutes

The heartless, blonde woman made her entrance from the top of the iron gates once again, "Well, dear audience and contestants, we've had quite an interesting journey, haven't we? But it seems we are nearing the first part's end. It looks as if we've lost almost 12 men and women in this fantastic affair! 24 total were considered unable to go on and can no longer participate, but it is time to begin round three!"

As the words exited her mouth, a black shadowy fog seeped through the bars. It engulfed the ankles of the contestants. A terrifying shriek shook the arena, and a sense of fear spread through man and woman alike. A great black shadow emerged from the now open gates. It was shaped like a dragon but made no attempt to fly. And its eyes were the only thing not black and ghostly. They were large, yellow and crisp. It eyed the small man who looked like no more than a boy. It had power, and the ethereal dragon could smell power. A small light flickered in the shadows belly. It grew and grew, then made its way up to his throat, and out of its mouth, heading straight for the boy. @Brinie

"Enjoy!" shouted the woman amongst the madness that had just erupted below her safe stage.
Jack summoned up three squads of weak skeleton warriors, all of which he knew would be immediately obliterated, as he summoned another few golems to march forward. He sprouted up tentacles from the ground that didn't really serve any purpose other than to put on a show. In fact, most of what he was doing was just for show. He just hoped to intimidate the thing, swirling up tentacles around its feet to keep it off balance and jolt it's perspective off.
Heinrich paused.. over so soon? He looked all around, then at himself.. and over to this Anne individual. He seemed utterly confused.

"Did I... did I zone out?" as the blonde woman spoke, Heinrich held his head. "Could have sworn there were a few more doggies left.. but oh well. No use complaining."

Heinrich looked down at his feet.. seeing as they were practically invisible.. the presence approaching must have been quite formidable. As he gazed upon the shadowy Dragon.. Heinrich's brain was going haywire with signals. Something in him said that this creature.. it held horrible things in its heart. There was no one that Heinrich enjoyed hurting more than evil beings, as well as misguided goody twoshoes. Certain this phantom was the former, Heinrich began chanting and reciting prayer. His Holy Symbol started to radiate with lightning of a pure white hue...
Fayde Roliskall

Fayde watched the remaining wolves die out, with a satisfied nod, she looked over at Ziegel and his new headpiece. Well then.. Fayde went over to stand by Ziegel and watch the Iron gate, when suddenly she felt a wave of energy, she looked over and saw the man who looked like a bird, while she noticed the wounds of anyone else either diminish to minor ones or close up entirely, her own wound went slower, but her Essence did replenish from the spell and from taking a few wisps of the spells energy, breaking the strands down into nothing but Essence.

She felt her back and surely, the massive claw-marks was closing, a few seconds more and it'd be like nothing had happened, that is when she saw the wolves ha also been healed, yet Ziegel and herself were free from danger, everyone else had to fight a bit longer. More time to recuperate for the next one. Fayde thought as she looked down over at Ziegel.

"What are you doing?" She watched the goblin working on digging through the ground. Fayde watched Ziegel continue his work. "I'd like to help but, I'm not much of a digger with these gloves." She peered at her hands, then at Ziegel's claws.

But alas, her attention (And probably everyone elses.) Was drawn away as the Announcer came forth and the stewards and guards came to retrieve the bodies, Even more fallen.. Wait what. Fayde took a double-take as the iron gate opened, Fayde wasn't even sure what kind of creature it was, but it was something almost exploding with energy. "..Thoughts.. Distract? Attack from it's back?" Fayde processed battle plans in her head before looking at Ziegel and his tunnel. "Ziegel.. I'm going to put all my faith on you, friend.. I'll try and distract that creature, Mayhaps you can think of doing some severe pain with the tunnels of yours?" Fayde smiled internally, Ziegel and her had stuck together the first two rounds and came out quite unscathed, save for a minor injury that Fayde would have mended naturally in a few minutes.

This plan is the most dangerous, but I believe we can do it.

Fayde thought as she started to sprint, she had seen the dragon-creature eye Shiro in the distance. Seems single minded, there were people closer and it focused on someone else.

Still a bit off, Fayde started to hit the flat side of her sword against her shield, making the banging noise as she continued to move. "Face a warrior! Beast!" Fayde shouted, hopefully to attract the dragon's ire, her body started to glow the blue gold glow, which faded away momentarily again. I'm ready.

@Amber KB


Fayde Roliskall


The Arena

Essence status:

90% Combat: Active:

Orbs of Essence:


Essence Empowerment:

Body, Endurance:

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A huge orc had walked up to Levi and said words that were nearly impossible for him to decyfer. All sounds were meshed together, but he still understood the meaning of them due to the orc's obvious rising anger. Then the round was over... there was an announcement of some sort and the gates opened yet again. An apparition-like dragon walked out and stared everyone down in an attempt to intimidate. What is he made of? He seemed to be a being of pure dark energy, but he wasn't. The energy was being held and linked together by physical matter. The dragon spread its wings and began to aviate. From the direction, it looked like he was targeting somebody else. Levi let out a completely maniacal laugh, and as he did, the black marking on his arm began to spread all over his body, covering his face completely. "You should have targeted me..." Levi swiftly sliced deep gashes in both of his legs so that the internal nerves were exposed to the open air. He stood up and stretched his hand out. "I hope you weren't too attached to that right wing." Levi broke into a charge and let out a small whisper, "shatter..." Blood dripped out of his ears and his katana lost the omnious glow that it previously had. The dragon crashed down in front of him. His thoughts began to collect again. Silence everywhere... thats what I like to hear...
Jack continued to conjure and move tentacles around the thing's feet, managing to firmly grab hold of one of them and pull them down. Another foot was secured. Normally, tentacles were very easy for him, but in this case with such large and strong ones, it took quite a bit of effort. The squads reached the dragon-like creature and were immediately obliterated, but at least he got the thing to turn its head away. It wrestled its foot out of one of the constraints, but Jack managed to keep the other strong while summoning up a tentacle wall beneath the thing to stab it in the weaker underbelly.

The dragon swung its head towards the banging noise, irritated by it. It shrieked at the woman making that cacophony and swatted its claws at her swiftly before quickly turning away. It's feet were being lashed at by what resembled flaccid penises. It didn't hurt the ethereal dragon, but she terminated them in a quick and decisive manner, then focusing attention on its point of origin - a yellow man. He quickly summoned the flimsy flesh things below his tummy. The dragon yelped and jumped away, but not without scars in some of it's weakest places. It welled up the fire and aimed for the tentacles then craned its neck towards the man trying to hurt it, mustering all the fiery flames she could. @LordOfThePitch

Jack summoned up a wall of tentacles to protect him, the flames burning them to a crisp and continuing, but dampened a bit. He summoned another, then another. After around 5 walls, Jack was beginning to grow tired. But the flames had dissipated. His tentacles had done nothing to the beast. He thought it might be time to try his "last resort". As he was contemplating this, a thread of flame struck him in the shoulder, slamming him against the ground from his spot atop his cyclone hard and letting out an audible crunch. He screamed in rage and pain, his entire eyes slowly turning into pure bright glowing gold. He was tilted to his right as he pulled himself, as his right leg was broken in 3 places, along with his left arm jutting in the wrong direction entirely. It didn't hurt. He slowly spread his arms, levitating 40 feet up gradually as tentacles began forming around the arena floors and walls.
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Thalia felt her heart thump a little harder. This was no man or beast. It was not something she could just penetrate with a simple arrow. She had no spells that could enchant her arrows to help kill this foul... thing. And the cleric most likely wouldn't either. Him, Jackson, and other magic wielders would be the most useful in this battle.
Heinrich was ready. He held his Holy Symbol out, a high pitched cackle escaping his lips as his spell discharged. White lightning burst from his hands, poised directly at the Shadow Dragon. In Heinrich's mind this being was pure evil.. though its true cruelty was not up for the Doctor to decide. The greater this being's sense of evil, described to Heinrich as a disobedience of common morality with full on intent to make everything around it suffer and/or die, the greater the pain and damage this magic lightning would inflict.

Coal miners are very brave people, they're even considered to be braver than knights. They mine away at the stuff like a starving beast at meal time. Though it can carry consequences if you do not keep your focus at all times, creatures loom around corners attacking the miners but it's the least of their worries. Cavern Explosions have taken more lives than any horrid beast, most are triggered when a torch meets with the coal dust while the miners dig away at coal. The more that builds up the bigger the explosion.

Ziegel hadn't seen what the final beast was but he was determined to make it explode. He managed to create a network of tunnels which he can go under and pop back up to the surface whenever, if he was succesful he would pop out and grab a torch on the side of the wall. By throwing the torch at the beast while taking the form of coal dust he hoped to cause an explosion big enough to cause damage. Ziegel popped his head up to the surface to catch sight of the final beast, and there it was, A dragon. Its whole body illuminated by a shroud of black fog as it dominated the colosseum, however its whole body lit up as a bolt of lightning struck it and it roared in pain.

Ziegel feared he would be seen by the beast so he ducked his head underground as a new plan formulated in his head. The beasts fiery breath would cause an explosion that could damage it immensely, even possibly kill the creature. Ziegel started crawling as quickly as he could in his underground pathways before finding his target destination. Prepping his legs he bounced as high upwards as he could sand flying off the top of his head, the dragon had reared its jaws wide open and was planning on burning Montgomery.

Perfect! Ziegel capitalized on his chance and took on the form of coal dust, flying into the creatures expansive mouth and producing a dirty smoke in its mouth. The foul taste hit the creature instantly and its fiery breath swelled up inside its throat. Ziegel produced as much coal dust as he could while he waited for the dragon to act.

The dragon was wracked with pain by the fatal lightning but was not stopped from its original plan. It mustered up the ball of fire within her stomach first, aiming for the yellow warlock.

But as her mouth opened a black substance landed on her tongue, causing the creature to cough and gag out the fire from her belly. Tiny explosions began in her mouth and worked their way down to her stomach. The dragon jumped around the stadium, trying to alleviate the pain inside of her body. She managed to crush some competitors as she did so. Many of whom were immediately moved out by the wizards on the sidelines.

The dragon looked up, face filled with rage and pain. She had the intent to kill every being in this arena if it would mean her attacker would die. She clawed at their face and blew raging fires on the heads of every being she could.

Jack's tentacles continued to grow larger and larger, curling around wildly and contorting around the arena. His neck twitched, likely broken, but he continued. His now massive, acid coated tentacles began wrapping the creature up, slowly begining to weigh it down and strangle it more, and more, and more. The thing staggered underneath the weight and attempted to claw the tentacles off it's neck (Tell me if that isn't what it'd do. I'm just guessing that that'd be the next logical move.) without too much success against his thick, heavy tentacles. The acid dripped onto his, steaming against it's skin.
Shylock did to best he could to dodge the fire but was slightly burned by it which in turn increased his anger and activating hell fire. Shylock's mind was blank and all that he felt was anger and only thought of death. He was then engulfed in flames and screamed at the top of his lungs. "YOU WILL FACE MY WRATH!" Then he charged at the dragon with its back turned axes ready and jumped on its back and used all of his strength to dig his axes into its skin. .
Many people's attacks seemed to phase through the dragon. The only people that were able to land a solid melee hit had enchanted their weapons before hand. He noticed an orc that seemed to burst into flames land a powerful blow. However, All Levi's power was completely sapped away after his opening assault. How am I going to attack this thing? He looked down at his weapon. It was still well below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, but was slowly heating up. It might still work. I need to attack now! He used a tentacle that was latched around the dragon as a platform to attack from as it would be impossible to climb up the dragon itself. Once positioned, Levi jumped off and lunged his sword into the drake's eye. The dragon screamed and threw him down to the ground. More of his nerves had recovered by this point so he was able to roll into the ground to mitigate the impact damage. The dragon had gone into a complete frenzy burning everything around it. As, it released its flames, many of the tentacles perished and fell to the ground. It immediately turned and charged toward the man who had created them. @LordOfThePitch

The dragon's eye began to ooze black blood. It twitched and clawed at the people attempting to fight it. Freezing swords and enchanted arrows pierced her shadowy scales. Roars of pain sounded through the stadium. The large, yellow eye melted onto the ground and with it, the rest of the dragon disappeared as if it was never there.

The woman had appeared on top of the iron doors by now. She had a cruel smirk on her face. "Well, it seems as if we have our finalists have made themselves apparent!" Eleven men and women stood left in the stadium. Each one was buffed by the outside clerics, renewing them to an almost clean bill of health. Each of them stood up and looked at the others. The first part of the tournament had already ended. The sky was dark. "Competitors - tomorrow night the trials begin. Get some rest." That evil smile spread across her lips before she waved the screaming crowd goodbye.

After a few more seconds, Jack fell down on the ground, hard. Most of his bones were already broken. This broke the rest. He immediately fell unconcious.
When the dragon fell shylock was back to normal and was really hot from the spell and he needed sometime to cool down but that would have to wait because he saw the man with tentacles fall to the ground unconscious. *Humans.* He thought as he walked over to his unconscious form and lifted him up because no on else seem to be doing it and headed somewhere to rest and maybe to see a doctor. "You fought well human I'm impressed." He said to the unconscious man.

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The beast faded out of view after its eye drooped to the ground, a strange creature it was. The first part of the tournament was completed and Ziegel fealt obliged to get out of the colosseum for the time being. Out of eighty people only ten others made their way to the second round the next day should be brief.

Ziegel spun around to find Fayde somewhere amongst the arena. She looked rather rejuvenated from the clerics spell, that or she could be living in the moment. He made his way towards Fayde slowly since there was no rush whatsoever and climbed atop her shoulders. @Sigismund
Klaus cracked his neck, taking a deep breath. He looked over himself.. A lot of the blood splattered over himself was not his own.. though the only thought that could come to mind was what he said out loud.

"My arm hurts."

He pulled up his sleeve.. nodding at what greeted him. Despite all the healing he had done his arm was still quite mangled; likely from baiting those wolf dogs. He then looked around. Despite the other Clerics patching him and the others up; the arm was still sore, but at least he could see it be reduced to something comparable to a cat scratch. Klaus looked around again.. for the folks he had allied with.

"Thalia? Jack-a-boy? Hellooo?"

@Amber KB @LordOfThePitch
Shylock looked at the man and said "The one in the cloak is named Jack a boy? He then looked at the unconscious figure and back up at the man. "An odd name but a name non the less. But you wont be getting anything out of him anytime soon he's unconscious." He said to the new man.

Thalia looked to Heinrich. What a strange man he was. How did he not notice his unconscious alliance member? "You do realize he's barely breathing, right?" She ran to Jackson Montgomery and picked up his head. How is he even still alive? she thought. "Mr. Montgomery? Can you hear me?" she said softly, squeezing his cheeks just a little.

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