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Fantasy Heroes of Driesen(CLOSED)

From bad to worse, Fayde had noticed the goblin following her, she started to pace faster, jog and then run like mad, and the goblin still was behind her, alas, she had not noticed the guard who yelled halt, thankfully she was able to stop abruptly, a perk of not actually having any sort of.. Well, muscles, bones or how humans and the living now move.. Moving like her is surely different, the feeling of weight and yet freedom of movement, but wait!

Fayde started to converse with the guard, telling him that she and.. To be nice, even if the goblin did just chase her down the hall, that both of them were participants.

"I assure you, we have both been accepted.. Uhh the running?" Fayde looked at the goblin. "..Endurance training." He'll never know.. Right? Fayde thought, the guard seemed to accept it and lead her and the goblin to an elderly sire, who guided them to the -real- waiting area.. Which was somehow akin to a barracks.

Fayde scanned the room, quite a few had already found places, started talking, boasting and what not, some of these people looked dreadfully dangerous, at least, Fayde thought they did.

Carefully and somewhat timidly, Fayde moved forward, scouting around a bit more, she found a bench unoccupied. Might as well settle in and re-think some.. Strategies? Fayde didn't look if Ziegel had followed her, she did opt to at least tell her name.. If the goblin did. "So uh.. I am, G-.. Fayde Roliskall." What else should be added.. Uhh. Fayde got lost in speculation on how the best way to communicate with this goblin was. "The weather is nice?" She spoke in her hollow voice, not really thinking it was required to attempt to mask it to a goblin.

While speaking with the goblin, or if he.. It? Didn't follow her, -herself- Fayde looked around, Might see who is who..



Fayde Roliskall


Colosseum "barracks"

Essence status:

100% Normal

Orbs of Essence:

0/3 orbs

Essence Empowerment:


Klaus stopped in his tracks, his masked face darting in the direction of the woman, Thalia.

"This is the way contestants are supposed to go, yes?" Klaus asked her, folding his hands together. "I am participating in this shin-dig. I haven't heard much about it, but, aheh.. The nature of tournaments is that there are skulls to shatter, and the need for medics are always high."
Thalia silently giggled at his word shin-dig. The man's speech patterns were intelligent and superior to many she had encountered so far. She decided that talking to him might be helpful, so long as he wasn't attempting to kill her. "Y-yes, contestants head this way. You've signed up already?" She could use a cleric by her side. She didn't wear extravagant armor and may need some extra buffing if she is going to defeat some of these monsters. @DemetrioMachete
What a strange and mysterious being thought Ziegel for the tin woman had asked him a question about this thing known as weather. Ziegel wasn't exactly sure what the tin woman was getting at but at least he knew her name was Fayde. "Ziegel don't understand? What is weather?" he asked Fayde. Ziegel surveyed the area and saw a group of participants drinking wine before the battle, their strange behavior was very clumsy. Ziegel stared down at the iron nails on his fingers and started wondering when the tournament was going to start, but he would need to know what weather was before he did so, there was a lot that Ziegel needed to know about the world.
Jack walked up to the gate with a frown.


"Jackson Montgomery."


Jack shifted, crossing his arms.

"Necromancy, high summoning majicks, locale warping, graduation from Hythogar Mythic Academy at the top of all classes, and the ability to cook a mean Grotar stew."

The guard grunted and let him through. He immediately approached Thalia with a charming and relieved grin.

"Hey, Lia. Glad I made it through, and to see you did as well."

He turned to the man in the plauge doctor uniform, and raised an eyebrow, putting on a carefully calculated curious face.

"And you are?"

@Amber KB

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Fayde tilted her head slightly, she was again peering at Ziegel, and the hollow voice sounded as she spoke. "Well.. Uhh.. Weather, the sky above us, with the big orb of light and the white.. Weirdly shaped balls.. And it can some times rain.." I don't like it when it rains, means it can be thunder too.. "And it can get colder so there falls snow.. Uhh.. Anyway, it was -sunny- today.. As the big orb of light warmed everything, yeah?" Fayde slowly nodded, using hand movements as she spoke as aid to show what she meant, satisfied with her answer, she looked at Ziegel a few moments longer, then at everyone else in the room.

"Anxious? Excited?.. A bit fear.. What is fear?" Fayde spoke again but lower, She was feeling a uncertain dread, after all, who would she fight against, would she be strong enough? At least she had someone to speak with, so at the least she wasn't sitting alone, being more awkward and possibly attracting attention.. Unless, talking to goblins brings attention? Fayde shook her head. "Fidgeting isn't good." She spoke, again more to herself, even if she was looking directly at Ziegel.



Fayde Roliskall


Colosseum "barracks"

Essence status:

100% Normal

Orbs of Essence:


Essence Empowerment:


Klaus spun with a startle as this new face approached. It seemed that this doctor was rather twitchy, possibly a bit paranoid of something.

"Ach, where did you come from!" His head shook rapidly, like a dog shaking off water. He coughed and groaned a bit, dusting off his black robes as he prepared to introduce himself.

"I am Heinrich Klaus, your doctor for this lovely day." the irony.. it made Klaus laugh. Undoubtedly there would be blood spilt today.. Hardly a "lovely" day.

"I take it the two of you are participating as well? If you are than splendid! I will be keeping you alive and on top of your game and healing any papercuts you receive in between fights."


@Amber KB
Jack smiled his patent grin.

"Well, that's nice. I thought for a moment there we'd be on our own."

He leaned on a wall.

"Which means I want you on my team. As of now, that means me and Lia. Hopefully a medic, soon, as well."

He raised an eyebrow.

Heinrich shrugged, and then folded his hands back together.

"I don't see why not. The more the merrier!" his attitude was so.. giddy. He then pointed a finger at Jack, his voice growing a tad.. Scoldy.

"Just don't get too banged up.. I wouldnt want to spend all of my time healing and healing and healing.. Healing leaves so little time for hurting."
Jack chuckled, timing the cutoff and pitch perfectly.

"Yeah? True enough."

He smiled.

"I'd be more than happy to have you helping by hurting."
Sigismund said:
Fayde tilted her head slightly, she was again peering at Ziegel, and the hollow voice sounded as she spoke. "Well.. Uhh.. Weather, the sky above us, with the big orb of light and the white.. Weirdly shaped balls.. And it can some times rain.." I don't like it when it rains, means it can be thunder too.. "And it can get colder so there falls snow.. Uhh.. Anyway, it was -sunny- today.. As the big orb of light warmed everything, yeah?" Fayde slowly nodded, using hand movements as she spoke as aid to show what she meant, satisfied with her answer, she looked at Ziegel a few moments longer, then at everyone else in the room.
"Anxious? Excited?.. A bit fear.. What is fear?" Fayde spoke again but lower, She was feeling a uncertain dread, after all, who would she fight against, would she be strong enough? At least she had someone to speak with, so at the least she wasn't sitting alone, being more awkward and possibly attracting attention.. Unless, talking to goblins brings attention? Fayde shook her head. "Fidgeting isn't good." She spoke, again more to herself, even if she was looking directly at Ziegel.



Fayde Roliskall


Colosseum "barracks"

Essence status:

100% Normal

Orbs of Essence:


Essence Empowerment:


"Why does Fayde look uncomfortable?" Questioned Ziegel, He couldn't read her emotions due to her face being covered but she seemed to shuffle a lot. Ziegel dug his sharp toes into the ground, the bench creaked and crocked silently in response, one of the men drinking wine had passed out on the floor and his friends were trying to pick him up. Ziegel wondered to himself if the people he was up against were actually any threat, casually getting intoxicated and falling on the floor. Some more serious figures would walk in every now and then but the others seemed quite the same, these men had to have had some qualifications to participate but they all looked like slender meat to Ziegel.

Ziegel thought the human race was a strange mystery, across from him sat a middle aged man who was well past his prime, sometime long ago he may have participated in a tournament such as this one but now he looks uninterested. Next to the middle aged one sat a youth, possibly Fayde's age trying to find his place in the world, he entered with a certain amount of qualifications but he'll probably be decimated into the colosseum. Humans, a race divided amongst itself is the most powerful species walking the plane of the world, how funny.

Ziegels feet started to hurt by digging his toenails so deep into the bench, he released the tension in his feet and wood splinters and shavings fell off the bench. Ziegel was growing impatient from having to sit still for so long and leaned backwards, hanging onto the bench with his legs. Seeing the world was very amusing to Ziegel, "Kekeke" chuckled Ziegel strangely.
Thalia had just found herself the least useful member of an alliance that she never really wanted to be a part of, to begin with. Her mind thought about the men whom now considered themselves her allies. She hadn't formerly known either of them, and both of them were equally unsettling to be around. She smiled at the two men, deciding if her safety mattered to her more than winning. "W-well, my new friends, it seems we've got ourselves an alliance!" She was attempting to be giddy. Lia had always been good at playing the helpless little girl act. She wasn't fearful of a damned thing(except, maybe, for men who hide behind masks).

Better to keep your enemies close she thought. Lia looked at them for a moment and smiled with true joy. She could do this. She headed towards the Barracks with enthusiasm.

@LordOfThePitch @DemetrioMachete
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Shrio Date

Go - 100% / Shiro - 0%

Location - In Barracks


The parasite took a step forward in to the barracks where the other contestants had awaited. The first thing he saw upon entering were a few rough looking men enjoying a case of wine. He looked at the drunkards with a narrow eye, careful not to bring any unwanted attention to himself. They would not make it past the first round, it was unwise to drink before a battle. It was arrogant to indulge yourself so blindly, with a tournament ahead. He shut his eyes for a moment drawing in the emotions of those around him, curious about how the other contestants were feeling. Fear, unease, nervousness and end even a tad bit of confidence. It was difficult to pinpoint where each was coming from because of the density of the room, it was more so a general consensus. The most evident feelings of unease had come from the armored women not too far off from him. They were not to be enemies at the first portion of the tournament, and he would sustain less risk if his allies were more competent. He opened his eyes and walked towards its source.

He offered a warm smile to not appear to be threatening. "Nervous? There's no reason to be, you are among some of the finest fighters in Wolke, yourself included." He said, beaming. The instant he did he heard a shout coming from one of the drunkards as he fell flat on his back. "Well, most of us at least." He said with a nervous chuckle.

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As Cailan stepped toward's the steward's table, he caught the man behind it rolling his eyes and muttering something about "another cocky lordling." It was clear that the steward was not at all pleased with his job, and Cailan could not blame him. "Name." the steward demanded flatly. The elf removed his helm. "Cailan of the Wood Tribe Essandil." The steward scribbled the name inside his record book. He did not give his subject a second glance. More banal questions were asked and answered: age, race, occupation, and so on.

"What are your qualifications?" the steward finally asked. Cailan paused to clear his throat. "When I was young, I began training to fight with a spear, and I've been doing so for the past 150 years or so." That seemed like a good estimate, thought Cailan. The steward nodded as he jotted his words down in his record book. "Any recent exploits?" the steward asked, eyes pointing downward. "I. . ." Cailan began. A tightness formed inside his chest, and his eyes grew solemn. "I served in my clan's war against Unber tribesman during a conflict several years ago. I helped win many major victories."

The steward paused a moment, his eyebrows furrowed with indecision before he finally spoke again. "Alright, you'll do fine. Now head over to the barracks. NEXT!"
Marcus followed Levi through the sign in and answered his questions with ease.





Marcus who?

Marcus diverri




I'm handy with a sword and pyromancy magics.
(Notentirely a lie he supposed)

Alright you're good

Uneasily he followed the man named Levi into the barracks.
Being as Marcus farther down the line the barracks was near full by the time he had finally made his entrance. Many types of men and women and....things filled theroom he now found himself again with that anxious feeling. He felt his skin begin to harden as it frequently did when hesensed a fight so he thought it best to seclude himself from the others. he sat down by a fire and did his best to calm his nerves. He felt his body temperature rising and began to see smoke curling off of his favorite leather coat that concieled his sheathed dagger. He needed to calm down now. Don't think about fire. He thought to himself. An accident here could raise unwanted attention. He quickly shut his eyes and tried to calm himself and the smoke began to recede back into his now slightly charred trench coat. He could only pray that nobody would question the events that had just transpired as he sat back against the wall and began to attempt to get some rest.

He was going to have to get used to being around this many powerful people.
Levi walked into the barracks and sat down, alone. It was the only bench without people on it left at the time. He scanned the room and began to study the interactions between people. The variety of people was overwhelming. On one side, a troll was singing to an elf, directly to his right was a woman in armor talking to a goblin, and in front of him was... that man. He could see him clearly now. His mask was the same... everything turned red and blurry as he approached the man. The walk seemed to take an eternity but now... he was right behind him. He was so close that he could reach out and touch the man. Hatred welled up inside him; he unsheathed his blade, but the rasp of the blade hitting the scabbard caused the man to turn and face him. Levi couldn't tell what the man was feeling because of that damn mask! Was It fear... rage? amusement!?
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Fayde continued to twiddle a bit. One thing is to fight to defend Castle Skall.. Or fight to survive.. This is showing.. What if someone goes to far o- She looked at Ziegel again as he spoke about her being uncomfortable. "Not used to big crowds.. Or being in a room with quite dangerous people.. Well.. Some." Fayde took a quick glance at the ones drinking, Fear.. I know that, fear makes you drink, Roliskall called it liquid courage to the last experiments he made.. "I've never seen a city this big.. And now, we are to be in the middle of it, with thousands of people watching?" She had only seen one construct other than herself in the line, it was someone she didn't know, and didn't seem to be the most sociable construct..

Not that she was very good, fretting over everything. Fayde made and eerily resounding sigh. "It's the unexpected, I do not know what will happen out there." She spoke again, shortly a figure approached her and Ziegel, just as the goblin started to laugh.

Fayde looked the stranger up and down. Finely dressed.. An aura of magic, different than Ziegels.. Not that it matter, most of these around me have energies. Fayde bowed her head slightly.

"I'm good, Ser, Master Roliskall always told me it was okay to be nervous.." Fayde continued to fiddle with her gloved fingers, but she did at least stop shuffling on the bench. "It is the best indicator that what you are doing is.. In some way, important to you." Fayde nodded. Calm, reassure, preparing is half the battle, Fayde. "Just the sheer number is a bit astounding on me.. I've mostly stayed in castle Skall, and that was many years ago, I just have to get used to everything again.. And I'm babbling, Ser." Fayde almost glanced at Ziegel, as if on cue the goblin would help her, but she kept her gaze at the stranger. "Fayde.. Roliskall, Ser." You can do this Fayde, go you! Fayde thought, her gloved hands as restless as ever.

@Reznor @Brinie


Fayde Roliskall


Colosseum "barracks"

Essence status:

100% Normal

Orbs of Essence:


Essence Empowerment:


Sigismund said:
Fayde continued to twiddle a bit. One thing is to fight to defend Castle Skall.. Or fight to survive.. This is showing.. What if someone goes to far o- She looked at Ziegel again as he spoke about her being uncomfortable. "Not used to big crowds.. Or being in a room with quite dangerous people.. Well.. Some." Fayde took a quick glance at the ones drinking, Fear.. I know that, fear makes you drink, Roliskall called it liquid courage to the last experiments he made.. "I've never seen a city this big.. And now, we are to be in the middle of it, with thousands of people watching?" She had only seen one construct other than herself in the line, it was someone she didn't know, and didn't seem to be the most sociable construct..
Not that she was very good, fretting over everything. Fayde made and eerily resounding sigh. "It's the unexpected, I do not know what will happen out there." She spoke again, shortly a figure approached her and Ziegel, just as the goblin started to laugh.

Fayde looked the stranger up and down. Finely dressed.. An aura of magic, different than Ziegels.. Not that it matter, most of these around me have energies. Fayde bowed her head slightly.

"I'm good, Ser, Master Roliskall always told me it was okay to be nervous.." Fayde continued to fiddle with her gloved fingers, but she did at least stop shuffling on the bench. "It is the best indicator that what you are doing is.. In some way, important to you." Fayde nodded. Calm, reassure, preparing is half the battle, Fayde. "Just the sheer number is a bit astounding on me.. I've mostly stayed in castle Skall, and that was many years ago, I just have to get used to everything again.. And I'm babbling, Ser." Fayde almost glanced at Ziegel, as if on cue the goblin would help her, but she kept her gaze at the stranger. "Fayde.. Roliskall, Ser." You can do this Fayde, go you! Fayde thought, her gloved hands as restless as ever.

@Reznor @Brinie


Fayde Roliskall


Colosseum "barracks"

Essence status:

100% Normal

Orbs of Essence:


Essence Empowerment:



The strange entity approached, Ziegel didn't remember him earlier but he sure was a strange sight. Fayde's nervous banter ceased for a moment as the creature seemed to glide towards them, the creature exchanged words with Fayde. Ziegels mind went blank as soon as Fayde continued with her nervous banter, strange presences loomed everywhere and there was a good portion of them within the barracks. Ziegel realized the way Fayde used her last name in different contexts, it seemed she used her name the same way she used it to describe somebody else. If this was true who was this other Roliskall, she referred to it as her "Master." A possible relative?

Ziegel looked upwards from the ground, Fayde looked rather uncomfortable from the strange creature in front of her, his body leaned at an awkward angle to the side like some puppet attempting to stand upright. Ziegel leaned backwards too quickly and he fell from the bench slamming his back to the cold dirt of the barracks, "Beeenk!!!" Ziegel squirmed. Ziegel would have to take a moment before he could stand up again, he looked at the large coat that the parasitic creature wore. Ziegel would tug on the garment, his hand gripping onto the leathery texture.

Ziegel ducked his head under the coat then his whole body shortly after. You could see his body moving around the creature from the inside of the coat, the creature wasn't fazed by this but everyone around him seemed utterly confused. The inside of the coat fealt rather different from the outside Ziegel thought while moving around in the coat. His head popped out under the creatures chin, he crawled over the parasites face and onto the top of his head where he sat.

Shrio Date

Go - 100% / Shiro - 0%

Location - In Barracks



Castle Skal... The name was unfamiliar, so could only guess that she served there as a knight or guard of some sort, particularly because of the attachment that she had indicated she had held for the place. It must relatively new, considering that the woman could not have been too old, judging by the fact that she is participating in the tournament. From the outside she appeared to be a normal human, there was still something uncanny about the voice, Go could not place a reason as to why it sounded so peculiar. There definitely was something more to this woman... "I've never had the privilege to serve a place in a castle or anything of the sort, though I have defeated more than a few monsters, you can call me Shiro Date." He returned, again borrowing the name that he had remembered.

Go was going to take a seat besides the armored woman on the bench when he felt a strong pull in the direction opposite of him, nearly falling over. Go could only squirm around while the primal creature violated his personal space. The violated parasite could only smile awkwardly and hope that it would be over soon, as the creature climbed around him grabbing and tugging this way, and that. The mountain goblins face was just a few inches from his own and the scent was nowhere close to pleasant

The assault was finally nearing its end, he let out a wince when the goblin used his face as leverage. He could barely support the creatures weight, when it opted to using him as a chair rather than somewhere else on the benches below him. "You know, I've heard that mountain goblins have a fine taste when used in stew. The texture of their skin can be quite delectable when prepared properly." Go half joked, a hint of red evident in his cheeks.

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Brinie said:

Shrio Date

Go - 100% / Shiro - 0%

Location - In Barracks



Castle Skal... The name was unfamiliar, so could only guess that she served there as a knight or guard of some sort, particularly because of the attachment that she had indicated she had held for the place. It must relatively new, considering that the woman could not have been too old, judging by the fact that she is participating in the tournament. From the outside she appeared to be a normal human, there was still something uncanny about the voice, Go could not place a reason as to why it sounded so peculiar. There definitely was something more to this woman... "I've never had the privilege to serve a place in a castle or anything of the sort, though I have defeated more than a few monsters, you can call me Shiro Date." He returned, again borrowing the name that he had remembered.

Go was going to take a seat besides the armored woman on the bench when he felt a strong pull in the direction opposite of him, nearly falling over. Go could only squirm around while the primal creature violated his personal space. The violated parasite could only smile awkwardly and hope that it would be over soon, as the creature climbed around him grabbing and tugging this way, and that. The mountain goblins face was just a few inches from his own and the scent was nowhere close to pleasant

The assault was finally nearing its end, he let out a wince when the goblin used his face as leverage. He could barely support the creatures weight, when it opted to using him as a chair rather than somewhere else on the benches below him. "You know, I've heard that mountain goblins have a fine taste when used in stew. The texture of their skin can be quite delectable when prepared properly." Go half joked, a hint of red evident in his cheeks.


Ziegel bopped Go on the forehead to show his appreciation for his joke, in fact when Ziegel discovered a missing leg one time when he still lived in the cavern he thought it belonged to a large chicken. Biting into the the leg it tasted nothing like he expected it too, the taste was bland and it smelled rancid. When Ziegel took a closer look he realized he was biting into a dismembered leg of his own species, since then Ziegel is much more pickier with what he eats. Back in the barracks the drunken men where trying to have a boxing match but were too intoxicated to hit each other hard enough.

Ziegel wondered how long it would take for their minds to corrode enough for them to drop dead. A scent filled the air, a foul smell and Ziegel responded with a loud "BLECK!!!" Sniffing himself Ziegel realized it was time for Ziegel to clense himself. He would release a gas off of his skin, the odors and scents left him in the form of vapor and headed towards the drunken men. Ziegel smelled himself once more, the foul stench had been removed and replaced with the smell of the fluorescent crystals in the cavern he grew up in.
Klaus arrived in the barracks.. and silently, he seemed to lose himself.. So many fleshpuppets people to heal and poke at. The doctor would have been ever so giddy... But then he heard something.

It sounded like a blade being unsheathed. He turned to face the perpetrator. Heinrich's head tilted to the side, to convey confusion at this action.

"What..?" he asked to this Levi. Klaus's hands remained open, conveying no hostility. "You got a problem? Or... are you selling that sword?"

Listening closely to the stranger introduce himself, and possibly how he was accepted. Would she be called a monster? Fayde thought, before her train of thoughts rolled in she was abruptly stopped as Ziegel fell down from the bench, with a weird screech.

Fayde almost reached a hand over to help, but the goblin had already gotten up.. And over to climbing Shiro.

"Ahh, excuses, Ser!" Fayde exclaimed, she stood up, trying to see what she could do to stop Ziegel from violating Shiro, although, Ziegel finally climbed up on Shiro's head. Fayde stood a bit dumbfounded, she began to snicker, the sight itself was humorous.

Without really acknowledging it much, the sight helped her calm down, Not everyone needs to be serious for this, right.. No need to mix the unknown with the known. Fayde nodded to herself, giving herself an internal smile.

Then Ziegel began exclaiming again, Fayde wasn't entirely sure what the goblin just did, but she did see some energy leaving him, Goblins produce stuff like human do when breathing?.. She shook her head. "Again, sorry, Ser Shiro." Fayde said, before reaching up to grab Ziegel and lift the goblin away from Shiro's head, if -successful-, Fayde would be holding Ziegel momentarily between her arms, close to her chest, her thoughts blurring as she spaces out.

He's no taller than Aerus.. That was so long ago.. Did any of them survive? Would.. Would any ancestors remember me?

A few hollow stutters, she places the goblin down again, before quickly seating down again. "Someone should stop the drunken ones before someone gets hurt." She spoke quickly.

If the goblin proves to resist her attempts at taking him away from Shiro, Fayde simply gives them both a shrug, before sitting down again.

Either way, Fayde turns to look at the drunken half-brawl going on. People are getting rowdy.. Wonder if an announcer or some guard will call us.. How many more are out there signing still?

@Reznor @Brinie


Fayde Roliskall


Colosseum "barracks"

Essence status:

100% Normal

Orbs of Essence:


Essence Empowerment:


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The masked man appeared to be confused based on the tone of his voice. He still... wanted to run his blade through the man but refrained for a second. People were starting to notice and the room temperature had already dropped by about four degrees... I don't even know anything about this man, Levi thought. Fuck! He knew he should put the weapon away and proceed in a logical manner, but he couldn't. He squeezed the hilt of the blade as hard as he could to relieve tension and asked in a dark, shaky voice, "Do you know... anything about this sword?"
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Shrio Date

Go - 100% / Shiro - 0%

Location - In Barracks



Shiro sighed with relief as the extra weight was lifted off his shoulders. He felt something peculiar occurring atop his head, but decided it's a better idea to pay no mind to strange chemical process that was transpiring. The rowdy little goblin was proving to be quite a trouble maker. A fact that was already cemented in his head from the previous display during the sign ups. Ziegal was the goblins name, he recalled hearing from the sign up that had occurred not long ago.

The parasite peered over to the source of noise with a disappointed expression. The drunkards were still having their fun, even if it was for detriment of everyone else. It was better to pay them no mind, in this state they were only really good to serve as fodder for those whom maintained a clear head. "It's better to just let them. I'd prefer they get disqualified before they get in anyone's way." He intoned, scanning the room for some sort of guard. He did not want to get in their way, preferring to save his energy for the arena. He only needed to pass the first round to earn easy passage to Driesen.

He took a seat on the bench, finally getting an opportunity to relax. "So, why are you two participating in this tournament?" He inquired, idle conversation was a good way to pass time whilst this event was being sorted out.


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