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Fantasy Heroes of Driesen(CLOSED)

Klaus narrowed his eyes at the sword, inspecting it briefly. He couldnt detect magic or anything of the sort.. his guess was as good as any other.

"Weeell, from my perspective this appears to be a sword. You could probably use it for slashing and thrusting." On paper, a response like that would ooze sarcasm.. but the way Klaus said it, it was as though he were teaching a child what a sword was.. but skipping the warning about not using swords. "Slashes would be good against light armor or exposed flesh.. but a thrust could crack through armor and penetrate tougher hides. Is this a satisfactory response, sir? If this blade is magical or something of the sort, I would recommend inquiring with a Wizard or Witch as to its effects."
Levi stood in amazement as this man talked. he was essentially threatening to kill him and the guy just kept talking like everything was a joke. the air was growing slightly colder still and the people that had been staring at him kept their gazes fixed. Levi's grip on the weapon softened and he allowed let terrifying memories to seep in for a couple seconds. He then sheathed his weapon and attempted to apologize, but the words wouldn't come out. The man seemed to understand though. It was then that he noticed two other people standing with him. He had been completely oblivious to them this entire time. So he calmed himself and allowed the room temperature to stabilize, and with slightly more confidence, he asked, "What do you call yourselves?"
Marcus had been sitting down for a while before he felt... cold. It was that same feeling that he got while next to Levi in the line. However, Levi was nowhere nearby and this seemed like a slightly more intense cold. He scanned the room to find the source of this and found him on the far side of the room. He look infuriated and immediately unsheathed his weapon. Marcus was about to yell out to the masked victim, but he nd around and started communicating with him. It wasn't out of fear like you would expect, and it wasn't even in a boastful manner. He couldn't really tell how he reacted because of the mask, but there was something a little off about him. However, that's pretty normal for most of the people here... Marcus observed for a while and watched as the situation derailed. He didn't particularly want to interact with any of them, but he honestly didn't want to just sit there and wait. He wanted to do something...
Jack, now certain his alliance was now strong enough to support itself, headed out to find a final member, one that was skilled in hand to hand combat to bolster the entirely ranged group. To this effect, he stepped inside a building many had gathered within, observing the area carefully and finally settling on a man doing nothing in the corner. Something appeared to be happening, so an interjection would be appreciated, he reasoned, before strolling over to him.

"Hello there... I'm Jack, a wizard. Have a moment?"

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Levi anxiously awaited to hear a response, but before they could speak- "Thalia'Sur, Heinrich Klaus, Jackson Montgomery"- what the fuck was that!? The people were talking, but he didn't care. Where did that sound come from!? He looked around... the tall man that had put him on edge at the start had disappeared... How much time had passed? Seconds, minutes... hours!? The group of people he was speaking to were staring at him. "Him..." There it was again! He looked down and saw it... His katana was looking at him; it had no eyes, but that didn't seem to matter. This hadn't happened in years. Even in the past, he suspected it was his imagination, a self-created illusion. Levi began to shiver. An instinctual habit that hadn't occurred in so long. Everything was so cold now... "Him... a simple cut is enough". Levi slowly approached Jackson Montgomery. He was talking to Marcus, but Levi didn't care. All his thoughts were scrambled but an overpowering one ruled them all. He pulled his katana out slightly... "just a scratch..." He seemed to notice right as Levi got to him, but it was too late... While still partially sheathed, Levi casually ran the unsheathed part of his blade along Jackson's wrist. He completely ignored Jackson's reaction and awaited further orders. Out of his peripheral vision, he could see "Herensuge" crawling up Jackson's arm. "Good, Now the other one..." Levi looked toward Marcus, who was shocked and slightly confused. In an instant, Levi brought the unsheathed part of the sword along Marcus's wrist as well. Then it stopped... In an instant, everything seemed to return to the way it was... Levi collapsed on the ground and started breathing heavily. His body temperature increased to its normal levels, and he looked up at the two men. Surprisingly, only Jackson seemed to be affected by Herensuge. Marcus's arm was overcome in red markings that seemed to be devouring the "infection". Shit, What have I done? Levi looked around and surprisingly, nobody except the two men were aware of the situation.
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A tall looking man approached Marcus. He greeted Marcus and told him his name. He seemed like a nice guy, but right as Marcus was about to respond, Levi walked up. He didn't look... normal. Something was really wrong with him. His eyes were different than they normally were, and he seemed completely oblivious to his surroundings. Before he could analyze the situation further, Jackson winced in pain, and Marcus saw a small amount of blood trickle from his hand. That wasn't the weird part though... A black marking appeared and started to spread along his arm. Marcus asked if the man was okay but before he could hear the response, a sharp pain allocated in his own wrist. Immediately after that, a more intense pain emerged from his arm. Marcus's vision went blurry and all he could see was a mixture of red and black on his arm. Then it stopped... His arm was back to normal. He looked at Levi and noticed that he was on the ground breathing heavily. Marcus had no idea what was going on and sat in a shock-like state.
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Klaus gazed off into the distance. He was murmuring to himself.. mostly it was just his name, but there were other murmurings mixed in, though they were intelligible. Something about "dining on heart"...


Klaus awoke from his stupor with a startle. He looked around, and all he saw was the man from before, now on the floor.

"Did you trip? Sorry.. gazing at a squirrel." he excused himself and his lack of attention, looking over Levi. He didn't seem to bother looking at Jack.
The first voice Levi heard was the masked ma- Heinrich Klaus's... Levi quickly recovered and stood up. "I think I may have..." Damn, he thought, I don't even want to be here anymore... So much had happened in such a short amount of time. He couldn't let this continue. He wasn't normal, and he knew that, but he would prefer to not let other people know that.
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Thalia watched all of this drama unfold quickly and without warning. She was a little frightened and a little annoyed by the fact that her "teammate" was injured. She ran up to Jack and looked to the man that had just attacked him and right before a battle too. Did this man have no honor? "Are you all right, Mr. Montgomery?" she asked. The man seemed to be in pain, while the other man attacked did not, "What the hell just happened?" she asked them men with controlled calmness. Before they could answer a trumpet blast was sung out and an extremely tall human woman with sharp features and platinum hair stood before them:

"All who dare journey into the land of Driesen, enter the Golden Gates into our Grand Arena. Monsters lay ahead and your journey will be perilous. Any who wish may exit now, but once you enter through the Golden Gates, there is no going back. The Tournament starts the moment the beast lays eyes on you. Be ready."

Then she left, without another word. Lia felt her body pump adrenaline and power through her veins. She looked at Jackson and said, "If you are alright, it's time to go. Do you have any more business here?"
Levi had hated the wait period which shouldn't be much of a surprise. The gates were open and he finally had a chance to prove himself on the battlefield. He turned around to find a young elf grumbling next to Jackson. She must be Thalia'Sur. He sincerely apologized to Jackson and said, "Good Luck". He didn't want to "greet" any more people; he just wanted to leave. But he met Marcus's eyes on the way to the gates. "You terrify me... That's a good thing. Join me." Levi ignored Marcus's shocked expression and drew his sword out. The air around his wrist turned white with fog. He wasn't the only one this time... others began to prep themselves for the challenge ahead. This was the first step to a long journey...
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It was time for battle, the hour of reckoning had found them and was grabbing those who were still willing, the announcers' words confirmed it. Ziegel stared toward a gate being raised, a large hallway appeared revealing a gate at the end of it. Whether you were nervous or afraid if your mind was still functional you would proceed.

The clunking of heavy armor, the chainmail brushing against itself, and the dwarves picking up their axes could all be heard while they began their transition from the barracks to the hallway. Ziegel hopped onto the bench and onto Faydes shoulders as she was making her leave, He didn't care if it made her uncomfortable he wasn't going to be smushed into all the creatures. The contestants bunched together in the hallway at the ready. The cold temperature had transitioned into a desert heat as it seemed to drastically increase with the tension.

All their eyes peered through the squares, sand blew into the hallway and onto the boots of the competitors. The silence was eerie, like a group of pioneers listening intently on some unknown creature in the wilderness on the hunt. The difference was that both the pioneer and the creature shared the same room, they both were against savage beasts and would not hurt each other. Ziegel ran his fingers along one half of his body, the scars resembling demonic art, it was scratched onto only the most vicious of Goblins, the mark of a warrior.
Marcus was about to say something when a tall woman announced the start of the tournament. It was already time!? He felt like he had only been in the barracks for moments. The wood elf that had rushed towards them now was focused in and talking to Jack. He noticed Levi apologize to the man he had cut, but the mark remained on his arm... Right as he turned to look back at the woman that announced the start of the tournament, he caught Levi's eye and heard Levi ask Marcus to... join him? Marcus was heavily taken aback by this. Join him? Of all people... There was a few seconds of silence then... "Yeah, I got you." He couldn't believe his own words... It was honestly the curiosity. The burning passion to find more about this man that led him to this choice. He noticed Levi draw his sword and did the same. Marcus then took a step forward and faced the entrance. "Let's do this..."
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Klaus now looked to Jack.. he noticed the cut upon him. Klaus gazed upon it for some time.. until he heard the announcement. Now there was no time for tomfoolery, it seemed.

"Here is my first opportunity to prove my use."

As Klaus approached Jack, he pulled away from his robes, what appeared to be a hand sized shield, with a symbol emblazened into it. This symbol was a white circle with a blue cross piercing it. Klaus murmured beneath his breath as the symbol began to glow. Two seconds after, the glow beamed to Jack's wound, closing it over, what blood had escaped his body turned to ash on his skin, and crumbled away.

"Poof! Aha.. All better." Klaus chimed, walking with a skip and a hop towards the arena.

Shrio Date

Go - 100% / Shiro - 0%

Location - THE ARENA

The trio's conversation was cut short by the abnormally tall woman's announcement. His head turned and he peered forward towards the womans direction. So things were finally about to start. "Good luck in the arena." He intoned, to the two whom he had just became acquainted with. Go was confident he would make it through the first round, and would use the opportunity to observe to people around him, measure their competence, and how much they would be of use to him in a real team. The room rapidly started to empty, and he soon followed suit, standing from his seat and following the eager crowd. He pondered what sort of fiends had awaited him. Nothing too powerful since could be contained and captured, but he still approached the arena with profuse eagerness.

It was a test to see where he stood versus the mighty residents of Driesen. If he were to conqueror the land and claim his prize, then he would finally be able to dispel the affliction that had been plaguing him for centuries. A true freedom. It was the first time in a long time, where he felt true unbridled excitement. He tilted his head upwards, glaring at the golden gates above him. There was quite a bit of humor to it, the golden gates were representative of the idea of heaven, and many of these contestants were not going to make it past this proving ground. It was a cruel sort of humor.

He stepped through those golden gates with a smirk plainly on his face, he would not be one of them.

Jack grinned at Klaus.

"Already I'm glad youre on my side. The 4 of us will be unstoppable."

The sound of the announcement rang out through the hall. Jack raised an eyebrow, and turned to Lia while she spoke.

"Of course not. Let's go through."

@Amber KB
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Anne Solaire

Anne had sat near the back of the line away from where most of the discussion was being held, for once deciding to be more of an observer than anything. She kept a hand on one of the gun-like constructs strapped to either hip at all times, just incase someone decided to attack her or anything. Stealing them to use against her was useless, that's not what she was worried about. Not everyone knew that though, though they knew they were extremely rare artifacts, and tried to steal them from her often. Not only that she wasn't exactly trusting of all these strangers yet. She had nothing against non-humans, but, still. Her dis-trust in this rather huge crowd went to everyone for the sole reason of what it was for.

Several people were staring at her, though she was sure it was for her attire more than anything. She didn't really mind at all either way though. After a while the doors opened and an announcement was made for everyone to walk through that had qualified, and so she followed the rest of the contestants inside, eager to get the competition started.

A short walk through an empty street brought Cailan to the barracks' great doors, where the other contestants were waiting within. The two guards standing out front eyed his pointed ears with disdain. The humans of Lobaiser held no love for the Elves, nor for any race that was not their own, for that matter. That had been made abundantly clear the moment he approached the city gates. Cailan pretended not to notice, keeping his best placid poker face as he strode on in. He could deal with their hostility.

The barracks themselves were more akin to a glorified waiting room than anything resembling shelter. Instead of beds there were benches, all shuffled and pushed around to suit the needs of the fools who occupied them. Speaking of fools, there were an awful lot of them in attendance here today. About five of them gathered around a keg of wine, drinking themselves blind. Not a good way to prepare oneself for a battle. Cailan saw another fool slice two mens' wrists with his blade, as if he couldn't save his senseless bloodlust for the tournament. Either that steward wasn't doing his job right, or the tournament had much lower standards than Cailan once thought.

But there was one soul in the room that struck him as odd, however. An elf girl, judging by her long, sharp ears, stood close to the gate alongside several others. Cailan could only see the back of her head, but he felt something . . . strangely familiar about the lass, but could not pinpoint how. Suddenly, she turned her head to talk to one of the men who'd been cut, and Cailan's heart skipped a beat as he began to recognize her face; a face that had haunted his dreams for the past five years.

"Be merciful, Lord Essandil." Fariel Unber had begged before she died.

No. Cailin told himself, shocked. That can't be her! It was all coming back now. All the memories, the horror, the shame, the guilt. Like insects to a festering wound. Cailan froze in place, staring blankly off at nothing, a paled look of terror on his face. Moments later, Cailan's mind was forced back into reality as a tall woman's voice boomed throughout the room. The games were about to begin. The final lines of her announcement were met with cheers from nearly everyone, except for Cailan and a few others.

The gates creaked open, daylight poured into the barracks, and warriors rushed out to their dooms in droves. The wood elf girl was nowhere to be seen. Slowly, Cailan followed the other contenders into the arena, cursing himself about what just happened. That flashback was going to be the least of his problems now.

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Fayde Roliskall

Fayde was about to answer Shiro's question. Why exactly..Hopefully to find an aim? A purpose.. Yet she was interrupted as the Announcer came and shouted the words that made almost everyone in the waiting room turn heads. "You too, Ser Shiro." Fayde quickly remarked as he left.

with a few moments of staring, Fayde suddenly felt weight on her shoulders, she glanced back up at Ziegel.

"I guess this is how goblins call others for friends then?" She felt somewhat elated before taking her tower shield in her right hand. Would this be weird? I saw people talk about wielding weapons.. Handedness, I do not require something like that. Fayde thought to herself as she went forward.

The walk wasn't bad, sure, some rushed and pushed a little, a few, Fayde stayed a bit away from, the ones who had been drinking and the golem she saw earlier and a few other oddities. "So.. Uhh, Ziegel? I was umh." Fayde spoke in her hollow voice, taking a few moments to collect herself again she spoke a bit louder. "Was thinking if we joined forces?" Making her way under the Golden gate, she peered at it slightly. Pretty, must have been expensive to make.

She made her way past it, taking her first steps into the Arena, Fayde scanned the place. A lot of people watching. Fayde took one more glance back up at Ziegel, before raising her shield into a defensive stance. "Courage is making something happen, We'll do this." Fayde spoke up, watching the rest of the Arena for whatever beast that would be upon the participants, and a small bit for Shiro, at leas she knew two people, better than trying to go do this alone.



Fayde Roliskall


The Arena

Essence status:

100% Normal

Orbs of Essence:


Essence Empowerment:


Sigismund said:
Fayde RoliskallFayde was about to answer Shiro's question. Why exactly..Hopefully to find an aim? A purpose.. Yet she was interrupted as the Announcer came and shouted the words that made almost everyone in the waiting room turn heads. "You too, Ser Shiro." Fayde quickly remarked as he left.

with a few moments of staring, Fayde suddenly felt weight on her shoulders, she glanced back up at Ziegel.

"I guess this is how goblins call others for friends then?" She felt somewhat elated before taking her tower shield in her right hand. Would this be weird? I saw people talk about wielding weapons.. Handedness, I do not require something like that. Fayde thought to herself as she went forward.

The walk wasn't bad, sure, some rushed and pushed a little, a few, Fayde stayed a bit away from, the ones who had been drinking and the golem she saw earlier and a few other oddities. "So.. Uhh, Ziegel? I was umh." Fayde spoke in her hollow voice, taking a few moments to collect herself again she spoke a bit louder. "Was thinking if we joined forces?" Making her way under the Golden gate, she peered at it slightly. Pretty, must have been expensive to make.

She made her way past it, taking her first steps into the Arena, Fayde scanned the place. A lot of people watching. Fayde took one more glance back up at Ziegel, before raising her shield into a defensive stance. "Courage is making something happen, We'll do this." Fayde spoke up, watching the rest of the Arena for whatever beast that would be upon the participants, and a small bit for Shiro, at leas she knew two people, better than trying to go do this alone.



Fayde Roliskall


The Arena

Essence status:

100% Normal

Orbs of Essence:


Essence Empowerment:



The second gate would be raised, some contestants were pummeling through each other to get sight of the arena in all of its glory. An announcer standing atop a tower would be telling a story about the creation of the colosseum and the fate of those who managed to get past the first round, Fayde looked upwards toward Ziegel and asked to join forces in uncertainty. Ziegel nodded his head once in agreement, thus forming a pact between the two. Ziegel would push gently on Faydes' cranium and placed his feet on top, squinting his eyes halfway to stare towards the other gate,
"Courage is making something happen, we'll do this together." Piped Fayde, the uncertainty left her voice as she firmly planted her shield onto the ground.

Ziegel grinned from ear to ear, something you would see The Grinch do. The tension had reached the boiling point within the competitors
"The tournament begins when the beast lays eyes on you" Ziegel repeated in his mind, His eyes were eyeing the large gate across from him, the sound of the announcer had ceased as he concluded his story. Today will be a day where twelve people would cement themselves as Heroes of Driesen. And this is where they would set it in stone.
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Jack gathered all of the members of his new alliance around in a loose huddle.

"Alright. Now is more important than ever as a time to learn each other's strengths and weaknesses. I can control magic on a massive scale, and summon allies,but I'm almost all offense and one stab would pretty much kill me. Next?"

@Amber KB @jabronie @DemetrioMachete
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As Marcus walked toward the entrance, he spotted a very... strange looking guy. He honestly looked more like a young teenager than a grown human male. Obviously he had to atleast be 18 to enter as a human so there wasn't really any doubt in his mind about the man's age, but that wasn't what was strange about him... there was something else. His eyes seemed to be filled with courage and determination, but there was more depth to it than that... Something he couldn't unravel. The young man soon noticed Marcus analyzing him and immediately shifted his eyes towards him. @Brinie

From the other side of the arena, a second trumpet blast blew, and the iron gates from the other side began to lift. Banging and loud stomping ushered from the depths of the holding cell. Then it's enormous head peeked out of the darkness. A rock giant with stony features and death on his mind ushered out of the cell with slow, heavy movements that took him incredibly far. He is almost 25 feet tall. Onlookers are protected by magical "nets" that the giant can't get through, but contestants have no safe zone. Fight to win. Fight to survive.

Those who are incapacitated during the match are disqualified and moved into a safe zone for healing.

(Won't be able to post for a while, so I'll just say that I fight as showy as possible to impress the others and entice them to join his newly formed Grand Alliance of the Golden Rose. Awesome name, I know.)
Thalia walked into the arena with her new alliance. She knew that this was the easiest of the monsters, but she didn't expect something quite so massive. This was from southern Driesen? Hopefully, the size of the beasts became less intimidating through the match and through the adventure through Driesen that she hoped to be a part of. She readied her bow, unsheathed her first arrow, and stood in the battle-ready stance she had learned long ago. She nodded at Heinrich and Jackson, a signal that she is ready when they are.
(Alright, nice. I have maybe 20 more minutes of hard bought time)

Jackson nodded back and formed a small cyclone of tentacles and bones around his feet to carry him skyward and keep him levitating as he spread his arms wide, bringing forth from the ground 3 squads of skeleton warriors and ordering them into a phalanx with locked shields. He reached one of his tentacles and grabbed one of the monsters by the leg, throwing it out like a ragdoll.
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