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Fandom Gravity falls. The new Mysteries

Anais looked torn. She shook her head. "I'll help you but only if you agree to leave Michi alone for a while."
It was becoming obvious that he was either partially or totally delirious, "Fox man spare life; why, why? The book! yes, the book, I want the book, I need the-" Then Anais walked up to Carter, "Hmm, Carter doesn't know!" Carter winced as he looked back and forth, childishly, "Nope, Carter doesn't think so. Blood bad. Oh! The book can help! The book, yes, the book!" Carter winced again as he reached into his cloak, and revealed the dusty old book from before, only now it had scratches on it, and the pages were starting to become stained with blood, "The page! What page? What page!?" Carter flipped through the book way too fast, and started stopping at random pages, until he found what he wanted, "Oh? Leave you... Alone? Carter can't do that. I need book number one!" It seemed strange that he just swapped to first person...? (sorry for long post lol)
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Carter was seriously starting to worry. "The others won't agree but your seriously starting to worry me. I'll fix you up and stop the bleeding," Anais said before she went into her cat form. She closed her eyes and hoped her power would work finally.
Lili was on one of her usual routes around town when she had stopped into an arcade. There wasn't much to do during the day for a ghost, and she knew of a friend who haunted the an arcade game there. His name was Greg the Ghoulish Gamer. He protected his high score on the game Fist Fighters 2000, and scare the kids who try to sneak into the arcade at night. Lili floated along, looking at some of the children play various games. She was particularly attracted to the Whack-A-Hungry-Hippo game. Floating over to it, she watched as the kids wack at the heads of the hippos as other kids controlled the hippos and tried to grab the balls that were suppose to represent food.
Carter's bleeding slowed tremendously, death by blood loss was evaded, and even if he did just go unconscious again, he seemed to be doing better already (rolled 18 on a d20!).
WoodenZebra said:
Cj was doing his best to get the guy off him and threw the backpack at Michi with the camera in his hand but notice there was no sd card,so Cj dropped the camera breaking it and reaching behind his back to get the sd card,or a bonus;the guy,"Sneaky one are you" Cj said
WoodenZebra said:
Cj was doing his best to get the guy off him and threw the backpack at Michi with the camera in his hand but notice there was no sd card,so Cj dropped the camera breaking it and reaching behind his back to get the sd card,or a bonus;the guy,"Sneaky one are you" Cj said
Jack frowns, jumping off of the guy. It wasn't the camera he was after, it was the backpack. He was going to take a second to make sure he still had the SD card, but quickly remembered that when he was in his shadow form his clothes were completely covered up by, well, himself. He glares at Michi. "You. Girl. Give me my backpack please." He says, not letting his guard down in case Cj tried to attack him.

@The Unamed Character @WoodenZebra
Anais opened her eyes. "It worked! It reall worked!" She said as she began jumping around. She suddenly stopped. "Why did it work then but not earlier? My power is so confusing sometimes.."
"Don't give it to him" Cj said pushing the guy into the ground and pick-pocketing him getting the sd ,"Finaly" Cj said
Jack punches CJ. "G-Give that back! I need that!" He says, seeming more nervous than anything else. He kept all of his photos on that SD card, including the ones of his now deceased parents as well as a few rather important ones of his findings in the forest. If he lost that then he wouldn't have proof anymore, not that anyone who saw his photos believed they were real anyway. His claws extend slightly, and he glares at CJ.
Cj fell at the punch but quickly flew away,"Ok lets make a deal.You delete every single photo me and the fox guy with me watching then I'll give it back" Cj said
Jack hesitates for a moment before deciding it too risky not to comply in this case. "Fine, just give me back the SD card." He says. He couldn't delete them now since CJ smashed his camera, but he'd delete them as soon as soon as he got back to his house. CJ would just have to follow him around until he got home, and either way he knew a way to back up the photos at the same time as he deleted them.
"Ok one sec" Cj said recreating the camera making it the same again putting the sd card in it then giving it to the guy
Jack gives CJ a strange look before shifting back to his human form and turning on the camera. What CJ didn't know is that the camera had it's own data storage. He never really used it, but any photos on an SD card would automatically be stored to the camera itself as well. He deletes the photos of CJ and Stratos from the SD card. "There done, happy?"
"Nope not yet" Cj said taking the camera from him,taking out the sd card,and then breaking it again,"Now I'm happy" Cj said giving the guy his sd card,"If you want a new one just ask." Cj said
Jack frowns. "You are a very, very strange person." He says, remembering something he read on the internet about deleted files being able to be retrieved using certain programs as long as they weren't saved over. He'd just have to hope that was true. "And I would like a new camera, the one you broke cost me 50 bucks."
Jack frowns. "You know, something about you reminds me of a symbol I saw in the forest. It was a pyramid with a single eye. You're jacket seems quite similar to the symbol, and you give off the same aura that the symbol did. I would show you a picture of it, but I'd have to buy a new camera first." He pockets the hundred dollars.
Carter came back from unconsciousness covered in sticky, dried blood, "Augh, wait. Where's Michi?" Carter asked the two people messing around with a broken camera and some money.
Cj looked at Carter,"Probably in town" Then he looked at Jack,"Yes of course I do.That thing is my" Cj looked around,"My Dad" Cj whispered
WoodenZebra said:
Cj looked at Carter,"Probably in town" Then he looked at Jack,"Yes of course I do.That thing is my" Cj looked around,"My Dad" Cj whispered
Jack frowns. "Let me guess, your dad happens to be a demon of some sort. My parent told me to beware the demon with one eye, but I doubt it was you they were talking about." Jack shrugs. "You honestly don't seem very intimidating."
"I know,but my dad is pretty scary.Not like I'm gonna die scary but like I'm gonna kill you scary mixed with a hint of clown scary" Cj said
WoodenZebra said:
"I know,but my dad is pretty scary.Not like I'm gonna die scary but like I'm gonna kill you scary mixed with a hint of clown scary" Cj said
Jack frowns. "Well, he definitely doesn't seem like the kind of person I'd want to be around." He says, noticing that his backpack was still on the ground. He walks over to it and picks it up. "My parents actually used to tell me stories of your dad and some person they called the observer. If the stories are true then he was a person who wrote journals about all the strange stuff in gravity falls, and your dad was just a source of constant harassment for my parents. I kinda want to find out if the journals are real, mostly to see what I can learn from them."

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