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Fantasy Gods of a new Galaxy


Some random dude on the Internet
In the vast universe, life grew independently with no god to rule them but yet they believed they were created by one. There is one galaxy which is devoid of Life and purpose and because of these reasons gods were born to give it purpose. Can these new gods find this galaxy purpose or will they fade away in the dark, black void.
In a flash of light, a large Creature was floating around in space. It's skin darker than black, eyes Redder than blood. The large god soon crash landed on a planet which had Red Water, Black ground, it's forest were Blue. Soon creatures that had never been on the planet before began to spring forth with new life like they have been there waiting for centuries. The large god stood up looking at the beings and walked away exploring the lands of the world. The world itself seems to be filled with corruption... A fine home for a god such as Archdemon. As he walked around for a bit he soon got an idea of creatures who could help further corrupt worlds. He then sensed other gods entering the galaxy but decided to pay no mind to it.



@The Suspicious Eye


A lone figure appeared out of the void. His eyes a shining amber, that matched his hair. Where am I? He thought. This cold is unnerving. It was only a blink, but in a matter of moments, an array of colour suddenly burst in front of him. It wasn't long before he felt himself sinking towards the planet, and he dropped beneath the clouds that blanketed the lands beneath. The oceans gleamed with light from a number of suns overhead, and the lands were filled with mountains and chasms of mineral and rock unending. Well this world is pretty. He glanced around, but there was nothing except tides that reached out for several moons beyond, and storms that floated out of reach. A thunderous sound erupted as he crashed straight into a mountain.

"It's really lonely though..." He murmured, and he sighed, but his sigh released something mystical. A superfluid vapour escaped his lips, it had left behind silver wisps in its wake. As he watched them roll down the mountain he had landed on, they split apart, flying around, as if searching for something, before they disappeared into his surroundings. It wasn't long before something emerged. Bodies of rock sprung forth from the ground, with glowing crevices for eyes, and crystal isles began to emerge from under his feet, bringing him up to float with the storms and clouds that had suddenly became sentient. Suddenly, something caught his attention. Something had entered the world beyond the skies, he cocked his head up to watch the empty skies above him that were beginning to dot with stars. Who were they?
The first flare of the galaxy's young Sun brought forth more than just a flash of fire; from the light itself, a being was hurled towards a nearby planet. The new being, a coalescence of light, landed on a vast, flat planet flooded with the intense light from the Sun.

The first thing the god would see was the celestial body from which he had sprung forth. He knew with all his existence, then, that he had to learn more about it. Looking out into the vast void beyond the planet, he grew concerned and puzzled, and resolved to understand it.

As life was slowly blooming and emerging into the world from the cracks in the ground, he brought forth the first few great avian creatures from the air and light. After all, understanding existence was a massive undertaking, and he would need all the assistance he could afford.

But even as he focused on the new life developing on his planet, he became more and more aware of the vast void beyond his little light filled world. Out there, slowly coming into existence were a smattering of presences that felt similar to his own.

There was one prescence he was especially aware of, a presence that seemed to emit what he repelled. The moment he felt it, he recognized it, for it had been there with him the moment he had been brought forth from the Sun. It exasperated him, this being of Lies and Deceit, for it was something he instinctively knew he would never fully understand.
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"Hmmm" Draiochta said slowly as she flapped her powerful wings through the void. "I need a world to rule. No not rule. Raise. I need a world to mother. To raise." She smiled and flapped harder, until she came across a world. It was barren and covered in sand. She moved on. Another world, covered in magnificent mountains. She judged it to pointy. The next world was nice but chaotic. And besides she sensed one of her fellows had already laid claim to it. She flew away before she was detected. She flew past many worlds after that. None of them seemed to fit. After a while she stopped and meditated. I must find a world. But how? Oh yes magic, I have that. She reached into the font of energy inside herself and reached out through it, searching the universe for the perfect world. She didn't find one. She found something better.

She flew as fast as she could towards it, then stopped at the edge. It was a well of magic energy. By her judgement it had almost as much as her. Perfect. She reached out to it, bringing her own magic to bear. She grasped it and spoke one word in an ancient language: Foirm. And from the energy, her world took form. First a core. Then layers of earth and stone. Then a surface. Then she decorated. Mountains, valleys, rivers, oceans. Everything a good world needed. She landed on the surface with a grin. Feeling the planet react to her magic. It was beautiful. She was going to love this world.
As the bright light opened in the void of the galaxy, a rappid green and blue light shot out. Th streak shot up the galaxy sending a green wave through the space. There was a sound coming from the streak of light as it blazed through the sky. If you listened closely you could hear it's voice shout. "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

The young goddess shot through the void towards a barren land covered in dying trees. With a loud Smack! The goddess hit the tree head first, placing her imprint on the tree. Slowly a train of green, yellow and blue light drained down from the imprint and into the base of the tree. A swirling portal formed and the goddess entered inton it. There the goddess looked at the world she was to command. It was barren and dying just like the exterior. "This simply won't do." Raising her hands, her body began to release waves and waves of energy. The land began to pulse with energy, then shook with a violent quake as gigantic trees and plant life began to grow from the ground.

She took a step and noticed a small skeleton of a young creature. She slowly picked up he bones and stroked it gently. A light surrounded the bones and small creature rose from the light. The tiny wolf rabbit blinked it's four eyes and mewed at her. With excitement the young goddess began to run through the world at lightening speed. As she passed through the world, balls of light, big and small appeared. From them fantastical creatures came forth, inbuned with some form of nature. Dragons, leaf men/women, rock creature, volcano beasts, wisps, mermaids/mermen, dryads, florals wolves and giants, some with powers that are unimaginable all living in a harmonious world of nature.

Looking out at her new world from the top of a mountian that reached up into space, she was satisfied. There was plenty more to do, more to make, more to play with, but something caught her attention. with a flash she poked her head out of her lush wild and out at the barren land. Sliding out of her portal she climbed up the dying tree. She looked up and whispered "Others.." She giggled with glee as she was eager to meet them. A tiny rock golem, new to the world called to her in a adorable moan. The goddess looked down at her new creation and smiled,in his hand was a flower. She climbed down and picked the youngling up. "Aye, let's go and play little one" she said as she slid back into the open portal.
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From the darkness and emptiness which was the void, a foul and treacherous creature emerged. Through some misfortune, for the planet at least, the creature was drawn to it, and woe to those who inhabit it.

This being was pure darkness, a vague terrifying form can be seen in the shadows, as if the being was made of shadows itself. Those horrid horns jutting out from its head. Huge claws are attached to long arms riddled with spines. Its featureless yet grotesque face made even more horrible by those glowing yellow eyes filled with malice and twisted joy.

Yet one thing felt wrong. This world is too...peaceful. It was filled with mirth and joy, everyone living their lives filled with happiness and kindness. But worse of all, they live a life without mistrust and lies.

"My my, this wouldn't do. This wouldn't do at all." She muttered, her voice sounding life two knives scraping against each other. She sounded vaguely feminine, but still terrifying nevertheless. "Come my precious. Make mommy happy and cause discord between husbands and wives, fathers and sons, set neighbors against each other. Plant in their hearts the seed of lie, and while the seed grows and blossoms, then so shall you." She said to her beloved creations, the dreaded Syphillis.

Somewhere in this world, something horrid is happening. She could sense it, a being of truth and knowledge, everything she despise and hate. She was filled with scorn as she found out that someone dares go against her will, which only fueled her desire to cause chaos and destruction upon this world.
For a moment there was nothing....nothing but deep dark space....then a small, grayish form appeared, resembling smoke as it moved around, growing larger and larger. It looked around the darkness and was aware of the other gods forming and making planets of their own....it seemed like a wonderful place it could have some fun in. These beings were interesting because they were like it and the two of them, these other creatures and this smoke like consciousness, would be able to influence and change each other..... The smoke like form grew tall and shapely, ultimately taking on the form of a voluptuous woman with fair, almost glowing skin, dark, amethyst eyes, deep rouge lips, and deep, amethyst colored hair full of volume as it flowed around her face and down her back, the ends of which slowly moving with her like the previous smoke being.... She was clothed in a long, dark, revealing dress, the trail of which moved like smoke as well as she moved....she wasn't quite sure where she had gotten this idea for this form....maybe something the consciousness that was her before she took shape had seen it somewhere before it settled in this time and space....

Either way she became bored fast, she felt a need, a hunger to cause some trouble...to meet other beings, but she wanted to see what she could do first so she decided she'd try a test run and make some toys. she focused in front of her and another small stream of smoke appeared, twisting into a small circle. She reached out and touched it, leaving her own trail of godly smoke from her finger, it erupted into a planet, it had good places and it had bad places, things that could be beneficial such as beautiful lakes and streams with vast, lush plains and forests, and things that could be difficult like barren lands filled with caves and empty spaces beneath the rocky earth, volcanoes with flowing lava, and generally harsh terrain that would be difficult to live in. She found the place in the center of all of it, it was here desserts, forests, waste lands, oceans, and plains met and she made herself a space.....a place that she could watch from. She appeared there under a grey tree with purple leaves and black flowers with thorns, a tree all her own that would signify her presence in this world. And there she created two more figures, a man and a woman - because what could cause more mischief? And she chose colors, abilities, and qualities she liked and disliked to aid and to hurt them - she felt a strange feeling for her new toys.... yes she wanted them to please her, yet she wanted them to suffer and be imperfect in many ways as well. She was good and evil things for them....she finally found what she liked and as they stood there she looked at them,"...." She looked at them for a long moment and then decided,"We will need more...." She created several different beings and sent them off to different areas of her world to populate and interact all for her entertainment.

"Now..." She turned around and looked at the tree,"Can't let anything happen to you....lets make something nice to keep you in." She said with a dark smile. This tree was the constant source from which her powers fueled this land, and if it were destroyed or removed the planet wouldn't survive very long. To combat this she pulled mountains up around it with a few volcanoes for good measure, and then made difficult to maneuver canyons around it as well, all of this being in her favorite color pallet of grays and purples. Finally she raised a temple around the tree and put the tree several stories neath the ground, giving it pools of dark water to drink from and only a single marble hallway for it to be reached should she need it, and upstairs she created a throne room of sorts, again all dark marble but here she also added luscious fabrics that felt good on her skin like velvet and silks and finally she protected guards and priests to protect her temple, however she gave the guards a little extra - giving them powers that made their eyes glow red and access a small portion of her tree's magic....something you might call a demon. the priests were her original creations though, sure they could use magic, but she liked them how they were...beautiful. She sat in her throne that was long like a bed with a soft cushion so she would be comfortable with her feet pulled up on the end of it so she was sprawled out in front of her followers. The priests bowed to her,"Mistress what are we to call you so that we may let the world know of your greatness and of your deeds?" She smiled darkly and stood up, raising her hands for a grand entrance,"I am Calia!" She said, her name scrawling on the temple outside so that everyone would know what it was for. And as she saw her name the world she created trembled and its inhabitants outside of her sacred land momentarily cried with pleasure and pain feeling their goddess for only a moment. She smiled and resumed her 'seat',"Now, entertain me." She said and the smoke from the bottom of her dress curled up her body, engulfing her and soon she vanish, reappearing outside her world and watching it with interest...however she would soon get bored of that as well. She looked at her people and wish she had some form of pleasure for herself...but it just wasnt' as much fun with toys as it would be with someone real like herself. She looked over her should at where she knew the other gods were and wondered....

(sorry its really long, its just her entrance though xD ill dwindle soon lol)
There sat a distant planet, far from the reaches of the sun, the land covered in a thick ash with vents spewing it constantly, the air however was clear, in a blood red twilight with a single moon sitting above the ash clouds. It was almost serene for the dismal location, but this would be the last time it would be like this. With a sudden crack energy shot into the largest mountain, there lava began pouring down, forming river's and lakes. It seemed to have a set path, a goal to its seemingly random movement. Then a screech was heard from the pit of the volcano and the other began erupting. This was the birth of a god, one who's land would remain a testament to the power of destruction and power. Then the shadowy figure emerged, his clothes were like ink, and his skin as pale as the moon. As he walked paths in the lava formed, hardened obsidian. In a large valley lava poured forming a deep lake, there the god stood in the center of it, creating an altar. This would hold his pour, and give him his true name. He pulled from the lava an obsidian blade and jabbed it into the center of the altar, a pulse wave was sent across the galaxy echoing a painful creation, murder.

The god stood laughing maniacally at his domain, he broke the bridge to the altar, to get to it would be hard for any man, but he had to make it hard for any god to get to. However to do this he would need power, and in other words, worshipers. He walked to the ashen fields in front of his birth place. He then took another blade and stabbed each of his hands, out poured his black inky blood, "Be born my sons and daughters." As his blood mixed with the ash in the ground creatures began rising, they screamed as they slowly emerged, crawling the way from the ground. There skin was grey like the ash, their eyes a glowing ember like the lava that flowed through the land. They were muscular and tall, but they stood proudly, their hair was a pale white. They began to gather around the god who stood before them, they stood there for awhile just basking into the fearful presence of the god until one of them spoke. The creature in question kneeled before the god, "Master..." his voice was dry and raspy, "What are we?" to this the god laughed, his airy voice filling all of their ears, "You are the Mor'shaki, but more importantly you are Kadra'thek, and will be the extension of my will." With that the god placed his hand on the head of Kadra'thek the blood from the god's hand began to seep into Kadra's head, he began screaming, pain was entering his body, but slowly the god faded. Kadra now stood even taller, his eyes were a burning red and black markings were adorned on his skin. The rest of the Mor'shaki kneeled before him, another began to spoke, "What shall we call you, and what shall we do now?" The god now stood at the edge of the volcano, a crater in the side of a mountain with a pool of lava inside of it, "I am Vortem'mut, god of Bloodshed, the Watcher of Battle. To your other question is not a simple answer, this world is full of life and death all natural but we must introduce chaos and with it the unnatural death. However, we can't do that with nothing, we must do something greater, we must build an Empire." With that statement lava poured forth from the ground quickly hardening into obsidian, quickly the people built the city of the Mor'Shaki, and then they built around their birth place the town of death, 'Morg'ikus'. At the precapace of the volcano sat Vortem'mut in his mortal form, adorned in gold armor he sat proud on a throne. His guards and warriors stood at the ready. Already his people where spreading, his Harbinger's creating new city across their planet. Vortem'mut spoke across the land, " Let be known the land of Battle, and the home of Murder be named, Itraski will stand tall to the testament of our power." With that the Mor'shaki began chanting, drums beating already for soon war would be on their front, and the end of it long away in sight.
Calia watched her little planet and all of her new toys for a few moments, to them years passed - but that was of little concern to her. She could fast forward, rewind, play, paused her small world, she was present at any time and any place she needed or wanted to be, but she for now she was growing bored. She yawned and pulled a few strings here and there, threw in some jealousy, some malice, and finally a whole lot of lust. She smirked as she watched them fight, love, and crumble. "Hmmm...this is a little too easy though." She said and pouted. She shrugged and let her small planet go, letting it hold its place in space. She turned around, sensing all of the other auras, they all seemed interesting, some seemed dark, some seemed light, good, evil, neutral,"I bet they would pose some different entertainment..." She said and a smirked set in on her dark, blood red lips. "But who to play with?" She asked worried for a moment as she folded her arms,"Lets see," She smirked again,"Eeny, meeny, miney, mo, I, don't, want, to, stay...i, want, to, go...there!" She pointed at a certain planet with a certain god that appeared near the same time as she did.

Calia watched the planet and it's god for just a moment, knowing he would sense her soon and there was no point in hiding. A small stream of smoke appeared nest to Vortem'mut, and it soon became the figure of a voluptuous woman - however she kept herself invisible from his people, to wanting to interfere with his toys. After a moment the smoke disappeared revealing Calia with her fair, porcelain skin, blood red lips, and amethyst eyes and hair, dawning her dress that clung to and revealed much of her body, again the edges of it twirling and moving like smoke as well as the tips of her voluptuous hair. She put a hand on her hips and let her eyes fall on the same beings he was watching. "Now this is certainly interesting." she said and looked at him with a smirk,"You did all of this yourself?" Her mere presence was unsettling in itself, she was a beautiful, dainty female however her aura was disturbing as if you just knew she was trouble. "I hope its okay that I came to watch a little bit, my toys were getting a little dull." She said and gave him a pouty lip before smiling seductively again,"Not to mention I was getting loney over there all by myself." She looekd back at his people,"So whats a hansom thing like you working on over here? If," She looked at him,"..you dont mind me asking of course." Calia waited, not going to give her name until he asked for it. Her tones were playful yet twisted and young yet seductive, but that was just her.

( @Arstias )

(Also this is what I imagine her dress looking like to the left. im very visual xD )

Vortem'mut saw the girl materialize from the smoke in front of her, he could feel her aura pulse with evil and desire, he felt the others already, but he had no interest in them now, but she was different, "Ah a divine mistress falls before me." Vortem'mut got up from his throne, "This world has much to offer, but these people aren't bred for growing or healing." He rose and guided her to the obsidian fortress that stood, "These people are bred for war, even now they train and build all in preparation for the inevitable." He looked towards the fiery sky, "But these are the mere pawns, more powerful creatures lie in this earth waiting to be freed like I once was." He continued to watch his warriors practice, by now they all adorned themselves in the gold armor, their bodies painted with red and white paint. They rushed each other in quick battle, although large they remained nimble. He eyed the goddess that stood before him she was beautiful in every way, pale skin, bright lips, however these things were trivial to Vortem'mut, he saw things greater, "If you are so bored of your creations it seems they lack purpose, look before you, this is only a pocket of what my people are doing in preparation. In the eastern mountains they construct machines of war, to the north my mages manipulate the earth and fire that spews from the core. They all have one goal, and that is destruction, murder, and chaos." His voice grew with anticipation has he got closer, but he let out a sigh, "However this land isn't the best it could be, the creatures that lie inert seek so much more, have you not listened to you're world as it has listened to you?"
He had no name--for the greater truth did not need a name--but his creations, the Hyperians as they called themselves, referred to him as "Myelin". It would have to do, he supposed, until he understood the Universe in its entirety and learned everything that there was to learn. By then, his true name will be known by him, and he would be able to cast away this temporary name.

Some time had passed since the creation of his Hyperians, and Myelin had been content to exist and research the vast unknown.

He had learned much about his own planet, and even a little bit about the Sun he has came from. He was also starting to understand that the pinpricks of intensity out in the void were gods, just like him. He was also getting better at discerning which ones sought goodness and truth like he did, and which ones preferred neutrality.

One thing that he was observing, but not understanding, was the nearest planet to him. A creature made of darkness, chaos, and lies resided there.

Whatever it was, he was equal parts drawn to and repulsed by it. He was baffled, perplexed, and disturbed by the ease and willingness the prescence had when it came to perpetuating everything Myelin sought to destroy.

His research's evidence was also starting to point out some disconcerting facts—mainly that he, God of Truth and Knowledge, and the Deity of Lies and Deceit were once part of some greater existence together. This revelation made it worse for Myelin, so much that he decided to leave his domain one day and travel to the Other Planet.

It wasn't hard to find the other being, when the being—a Goddess, apparently—seemingly sucked in everything he had ever stood for. "And what is it you think you're doing?" he demanded to know.

She smiled, extremely pleased by his greeting to her, she liked the sound of a divine mistress. She nodded as she listened to him tell her about his people then allowed him to guide her to his 'obsidian fortress'. It reminded her of her temple on her own world she created of dark marble. As she listened to him she felt herself getting excited, his world sounded exciting! A real place she could hang out! War, fighting, bloodshed - sounded chaotic to her! Just as she was feeling herself getting excited and filling with anticipation he brought up her own world with her own people 'lacking purpose'. She pulled her hair over her shoulder and ran her fingers through it until she touched the smokey 'endings' and then she let then start at the top of her hair again as she continued to listen to him. She grinned happily as he compared them to his own race, a race that were continuing to prepare attacks - she didn't exactly like militaristic preparation - it was far to orderly, but she could forgive it since it would cause chaos in the end. As she grinned down at his world as he described it more for her, her eyes seemed to fill with a hunger, a lust, a twisted excitement to see it progress and crumble to pieces! Yet she also wanted it to grow, to spread and wreak havoc.

She paused thoughtfully and let her mind dwell on his questions and points as he finished speaking. Calia pursed her lips and thought for a moment, contemplating what he meant and what she should say. She finally shrugged and looked at him,"I created my small world and its inhabitants purely for my own entertainment. I never thought to listen to them, they are there for me - not the other way around." She said a bit selfishly,"Do you think I could gain more entertainment out of them if I intervened and 'listened' to them a bit more?" She asked him, she placed a hand on her hip and motioned to the air with another one as if to motion to her own world far away,"I mean I have been manipulating them where I see fit, however they are just so...." she thought for a word a moment then look at him,"Predictable. I can control every aspect of their loves - I don't think any have thought to question me yet." She folded her arms, waiting for his response. She looked back at his world,"but I do have another question," She took a small step forward as to look at it closer,"All of this preparation....what is it for?' She turned and looked at him,"will they be fighting each other or is there a different opponent?" She asked him, "And secondly....why do they fight? Simply because it is their purpose?" she asked him,"I created my own toys to be beautiful and conniving." She said thinking fondly of her own race,"They are the most beautiful colors of blue, purple, and grey - just like I like." she said with a bright smile then looked at him, waiting on him to answer her.

She was legitimately wondering what she was asking...looking for more ideas to improve her own world and make it more entertaining, she would enjoy an exchange of ideas.....and maybe later other things.

(sorry had to make a dirty joke xD )
The idea that the dark god had stared to materialize right in front of him. A black portal appeared as a Creature popped out, landing on its feet with upmost grace. It looked around as more started to pour out the portal all scattering about, hunting the wildlife like a primal beast. Some stayed at looked at the god and walked up to him, they began to size him up and then did a type of bow. They walked off into the forest hunting, killing, eating, and possibly mating to reproduce. The god had noticed a dark magical aura on them and decided to dig deeper and by doing so he noticed that they could be conjured by being with sufficient magical capabilities. The god created a dark portal large enough for him and selected a destination, he chose a planet with two Dark gods on it since they we're somewhat like him. He stepped through it and appeared before the two exiting a black portal. Archdemon looked at the two gods sizing them up but otherwise not saying a word.

Vortem'mut listened to the goddess's words her questions were right in there meaning, but somehow he wondered a bit himself, "You see them has toy's, play things for a child, to me they are much more. They are my sons and daughters, from the moment they grew from the ash we all shared one common thirst and that is for blood. A general must place faith in their soldiers, this world is full of a natural cycle of death and birth, we are the wrench in the grand machine, we kill before the cycle is through, their blood and bones fuel this world's power and it's inhabitants." He looked into the great hordes of training warriors, "War to us is not just what we do, it is us as it is the world we stand on. Look back at your people, did you not create them in your ideals, did they not listen to your word? Chaos and Evil will run rampant, but a stampede is more dangerous than a lone bull. To ask why we fight would be to ask why we breathe, why we desire. While life goes on it's way and death comes at it's herald time, we disrupt it all for it is our purpose, beyond this ashen planet exist many worlds of life. In time my people may fight for power, see who will lead the charge, but all will answer to my call and march to the beat of the drums of war." As he finished that sentence he sensed a new presence, one even darker than he and his compatriot combined, he bowed before the figure, "To who do I owe the honor, and do you bear the banner of cog or wrench?"

(Side note, this is pretty close to what his 'mortal' form looks like.)

"Hmm... What should I do indeed..." Xyr was staring off into the cold dark void. He wanted to know what was going on out there. He wanted to see other planets, but he didn't want to leave his Anima behind, "Maybe I should go out for a bit..." He looked down at his creations. They were living relatively peacefully, and they were establishing their territories. It will just be a short while...

Xyr hopped onto a floating boulder Anima, before he spoke to it, "Let's go that way," The Anima began to turn upwards before it drifted past the atmosphere and picked up speed. Hurtling through the cold dark void, ice began forming over the Anima's body, but it didn't seem to care, so neither did Xyr.

"Which one looks interesting?" He looked around at the planets that were passing quickly, before he saw a planet in the distance. Filled with something he had never seen before. As he approached, he could see them clearer, and he gasped. They sprouted out of the ground, and they twisted upwards, spreading out. Yet, they seemed very dead, and he climbed down. He could hear sentient beings in the distance, but they sounded muffled. Feeling bad for the object in front of him, he breathed a breath upon it, and watched it twist and turn, coming to life as a large glowing crevice glowed and a jaw opened in the bark. They were truly remarkable creations.

((@The Suspicious Eye, I'm on your barren world rn :P pardon my intrusion))
Calia nodded as she listened to him, it was an interesting thought - creatures that were made for more than fun. She wasn't entirely sure that the two of them were entirely the same though, he lived for war and battle, she lived for chaos and lust, and chaos, well it just wasn't planned unless she planned it herself, and even then it just came naturally to her. If it was fun, it was chaos. But she supposed she wouldn't like anyone who was too similar to her, so it was alright that they viewed their toys and their existence differently. She was just about to open her mouth for a thoughtful response when she felt the other presence as well and it took away Vortem's attention. She raised her eyebrows and smiled at the new god who was with them. Now his aura was interesting, it certainly was dark - she glanced at Vortem as he bowed his head, he seemed to have the same feeling Calia did. She smiled back at Archdemon,"Its a pleasure." She said not bowing her head, but raising her chin as a lady of wealth might - but that was just her vanity showing, and she didn't seem to mind. Of everything she'd seen since she appeared she loved herself the most. But who wouldn't? she was smart, fun, and beautiful. She continued to smile at Archdemon, waiting on his response to her and Vortem - realizing now she still didn't know either of their names.
Sylva was racing with the dragons when she sensed something unfamiliar. She could feel it in the air something much more calmer than her wild instinct. Waving to the dragons she leapt over her world, jumping from tree to mountain, till she reached the portal. She could feel it being opened by the unknown entity.

Instead of peaking out from the portal she turned into a green, blue and yellow dust and hid in the trees on the surface. She moved from tree to tree and studied him. He looked a lot like her, although she could sense something different running through his veins.He has something different from me. It smells safe, unfamiliar but safe.He seemed nice enough to her, so she decided she would meet him. Sylva slowly arose from the earth behind him and poked his shoulder. "Hi!" she waved alt him like a school girl. Rocking on her heels she smiled "So whatcha doing?"
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Sylva looked at Theban as he fell over and couldn't help but giggle. It was sweet how she had startled him. She watched him get up and stammer about something, before following to where he pointed to. There in a tree was something she hadn't made, she looked at it for a moment curious as to what it would do. Then it. smiled at her and her faced beamed with joy as she smiled back.

She walked over to the creature and inspected it. It was fascinating something so similar yet different, she was amazed. She turned to him and smiled "I'm Sylva" pointing to the Anima she asked "Did you make this?"

(@Otakuyaki, lol I love your username it reminds me of my old one, It was Sukiyaki)
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The new worlds order came to be as new beings came about. One in particular seemed to be dark yet also had a soft spot. A female figure stepped into the universe and descended to her planet. It was quite and dark. The female started to walk the earth and as she did the earth became bountiful with dead trees or deadly plants. Even deadly creatures started to roam the world. This world was covered in a a layer of mist and bogs even swamps. Skeletons, ghosts, ghouls, wraths, and wisps all resided here. The were happy to be. Yet the creator could not create life only take it. Her name was Azphine. She was a deadly beauty. Her world to her was perfect. She enjoyed the creatures that roamed her bogs and marshes.

Azphine however did feel that there were others in this universe. She wondered if she should visit them,but who wanted a visit from death herself, or even to visit her domain. No she was content in her own world and loved all her minions as she called them.

@Otakuyaki[/URL], lol I love your username it reminds me of my old one, It was Sukiyaki)
"These are my creations, yes." Xyr climbed onto the rock Anima, which he travelled to the barren planet on, and it let out a disgruntled groan as it shook the ice from travelling off. The ice had made its joints slightly stiff, and the ice landed on the barren soil before melting into the soil.

"I'm Xyr," He looked around them, "It's hard to imagine you can live here all by yourself, isn't it boring?" He eyed the barren wastelands that seemed to stretch on end, nothing moved, in fact, nothing seemed alive, except for the uncountable voices he could hear in the distance.

((@The Suspicious Eye, I took Otaku and decided, "Why not fry it?" And that's how I got my username xD ))
The creature, which can even be considered a deity, go by many names, but as is her nature, none of them true. Though this name may, or may not, be a lie, this is what her loyal servants use to call upon her. Ylenim. She had sent her precious ones, her chosen creation the Syphillis, to spread her lies across this pitiful world she is on. As she had expected, her precious Syphillis did their jobs, and they did it well.

They planted lies in the hearts of the inhabitants, reaping the bountiful harvest of wars and chaos, burning kingdoms and broken homes. Oh how mighty the powerful of a deceit and untruthfulness can be. A single lie can start wars between kingdoms, animosity between friends, hate between husband and wife. And with each lie uttered, with each act of deceit committed, the stronger the creature, and by extension the Syphillis, becomes. And the stronger they become, the more lies they can plant.

But her peaceful and bountiful harvest have been disturbed by the arrival of a recognizable nuisance. This deity felt linked to her, but the link was a twisted one indeed. He, for she can at least identify it as male, was the embodiment of everything she isn't, truth and knowledge. He is her polar opposite, yet she felt as if they were one and the same.

She scoffed at his question, both the manner he asked and the question itself sounded astoundingly ridiculous to her. "What am I doing? Why the same thing that you are, doing whatever it is I please." She answered him, her grating voice filled with mocking respect.
kruphix was everywhere. he was part of everything. he decided he should be somewhere. in a blazing instant, something that had filled the entire universe was gone, manifested into one place, and there was kruphix. he was the god that had to exist without life, in a sense he was an impossibility, but he had to exist. what was the universe without him?

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