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Fantasy Gods of a new Galaxy


Calia pouted, pushing out her lower lip as Draiochta, left her without filling her tea cup. "...." Calia filled the cup with her own tea magically and taking a sip. She looked at Vortem and smirked at his comment about the short lived hospitality. Her smirked becoming a devilish smiled as he continued - she was right! He was fun! She disappeared in her smoke and reappeared in front of him, touching his chest as he continued to speak, she moved arouns him, letting her hands trail up his chest and to his shoulder, where it was met with her other hand as she held him from behind. "So how should we go about discovering some of them?" She asked him, her voice soft in his ear. She disappeared and reappeared with her arms folded beside him, she moved and bumped him gently with her hip,"Maybe we should explore and have some of our people help us." She suggested, her blood red lips smirking once again as she raised an eyebrow,"I'm sure they would enjoy this place as much as we would."
"That would be divine, besides getting our followers familiar with the planets could serve us well." Vortem'mut said with a smile, he opened a portal to his planet, a horn seemed to call out from it, and stepped through Aztru'na, three warriors, and a mage, named Ortev'ka the grand magistrate. They kneeled before him, and he motioned them to rise, "Come, we will be viewing the worlds before us in the endless war." Vortem'mut than motioned towards Calia, "This goddess has authority equal to my own, do you understand?" They all nodded, though Aztru'na and Ortev'ka were hesitant. "As for your entourage?"
Calia smiled as he agreed to her idea. She stayed close to his side as he called his people and gave them instructions, her facial expression being serious and composed as he told them that her authority was equal to his own, not hinting at all how pleased she was inside at his words. Flattery of any kind was and easy way to please Calia. She raised an eyebrow as he addressed her and nodded,"One moment." She said and turned, dragging her fingers through the air, creating her typical portal of shadows and smoke. She stepped through to her throne room in her temple, leaving the portal open behind her. She clapped her hands and a Priest of her temple and a demonic guard came and knelt before her,"Bring me the champion as well." the Priest stood up and tapped his staff and in and instant the 'champion' appeared, a particularly large male of her species. "You have all been chosen to explore this new plane with these others," she showed them Vortem and his people through the portal. She lead them through and closed it behind her. "This is Nicrat, the Head Priest at my temple, this is the demon guardian, Sinalt, and this is my favored champion of many battles, Dracos." She introduced them,"This god is to be obeyed as if his words were my own." She returned the compliment by giving a similar order to her own people. They nodded, not daring to speak unless told to in the presence of the gods. she looked at Vortem,"I think they would benefit from a demon to aid them in their travels, do you mind if I provide them?" she asked Vortem, not wanting to give his people anything he didn't want them to have. "it would help them cover more ground more quickly and aid them in combat if it is needed." she added, making sure their people didn't hear her discussing this with him.
"That is fine, creatures of such nature do not scare us." Vortem'mut answered Calia, "Now where shall our venture take us first, there are many gods out there, each of their domains still virgin to our taint. Vortem'mut looked at Calia's minions, the champion seemed strong, and he knew the power of priests, but he was curious how strong were they really, Ortev'ka still could kill foe up close with a blade, but he also knew arcane arts, her priest Nicrat seemed not to hold the same prowess as the champion Dracos. He was interested to see if his initial impressions are true, or if Calia and her children were a powerful ally as Archdemon was.
She nodded and waved her hand in front of her, a small cloud of shadows and smile appeared and twisted, separating into four and finally taking the shape of two wolf-like creatures made of shadows and night sky with red stars as eyes and her magical smoke as their breath and swirling around their paws and tail. They were about the size of a Clydesdale horse each, two per a group of three wasn't so bad, and one demon could easily fit two each. Each of Calia's group had their own strengths and weaknesses. Nicrat possessed powerful magic directly from the life tree of Calia's that kept the planet alive, Sinalt the demonic guardian possessed some magical attacks but also had brute strength and incredible size, but finally Calia's personal champion, Dracos was a perfect specimen of her race - he had broad shoulders and a strong build, however his best skills were that which she gave their race, his main skill set were that of a rogue who also possess powerful weapons and martial arts skills.

"well we can explore this world, or we can try this one," She opened a small window to Xyr's world, the god of sentience and thinking,"I feel like this planet possesses powerful creatures we might be able to use." She raised an eyebrow, then opened another window to Prevada's world,"Or this one seems like we could have some fun..." she said and smirked and looked at him, waiting on him to make a decision.
Vortem'mut peered through the portals, the first was home to a land full of exaggerated examples of life, magical and mystic the powerful denizens were extravagant examples of the land around them, They could be useful, it also be good to learn of the more powerful enemies. The world was interesting to say the least, he was curious who had created this planet and where they sat in the grand scheme. He then peered into the second portal, this one was a curious sight, the world was clearly divided, those of good and those of evil, however they did not war, they hardly even fought verbally. This was interesting example and was even more curious as to the creator of such a place. Both were interesting regions, but it seemed that the first existed in the normal chaotic state of wilds, while the other was a society clearly divided but unified. "I'd say the second, look at it's people good and evil barely warring each other, that is something we must fix." Vortem'mut said with a sadistic grin, "Ladies first." He said his hands gesturing towards the portal.
She listened to him, glad he picked the second one, this one seemed like so much more fun! so much more chaos to cause! "Why thank you!" She opened the window winder to make a full portal and walked in, leading her people in as well. "Ulgh, what kind of god would make a world like this? Its so.....orderly." Calia said and shuddered, Nicrat and Dracos rode on one demon together and Sinalt rode on one by himself being the massive creature he was. They looked up at her and Nicrat was the first to speak this whole time,"What are our orders for exploring this new land?" He asked. She looked at him,"hmm.....Find out why they are like they are and then help them to see our ways." She looked at Dracos,"And you find their weaknesses and how to easily defeat them. Sinalt make sure to protect them and crush anyone who opposes them." She folded her arms and looked out at the world,"Other than that just have fun, go crazy. Think of this experience as a reward for being so loyal." She added. "Any other ideas Vortem?" She asked Vortem.

@Eris Discordia
"Things are to orderly here, Ortev'ka asses their powers and attempt to begin the spread of corruption here. Aztru'na I want you to try and find any 'sympathizers' who would like to aid us." Vortem'mut questioned the command of 'go crazy' but he think he got the gist of it, "Overall sew the seeds of their own destruction at your discretion." Vortem'mut then turned to Calia and smiled, "Why don't we do as we are destined and sew our own chaos through this planet?" He said, however his eye were glowing a burning red, this was what his people called Eirkorzan, or 'Bloodthirst' it was innate in all of Itaski's denizens, they sought blood and chaos and in this state they are highly focused on those very things.
She watched as he gave his people orders and just like that they were off. She smiled devilishly as he spoke to her,"Ooohhh Vortem! I like this side of you!" She said, her voice lusty for him as she bit her lip. These were the most romantic words she could have ever hears. "Sounds like a wonderful plan! Lets go!" She said with excitement.

(so what? Do we go and find the goddess or go meddle with her people...and if so how? xD )
(Thinking messing with the inhabitants in a crazed state with some strangely peppy 50s music going on in the background.)

Vortem'mut grinned at the goddess's words, a crazed roar came from his throat that seemed to shake the planet itself to the core. He gripped his spear in a gleeful charge towards the inhabitants, he longed for good slaughter the beasts on the previous planet only drove his thirst further, he sought conflict, war, and this was to be the start of it, the beginning of the Endless War. This yell did not only effect this planet, but back on Itraski a new being emerged, or rather an ancient being emergedm the Azorat, or Ashborne, these are creatures that are made of lava and ash, the first met with the soldiers preparing war machines, they began to offer their services instantly, adding to the war machine. They were skilled forgers, furthermore they could be molded into blades, giving the sword a level of sentience and magical properties.

(something like this? [media]

[/media] )
She smirked and laughed as he roared and left, this was going to be too much fun! He went one way so she figured she'd go the other. Unlike him she went for a different approach, she let the shadows cover her again and she hid, moving from shadow to shadow through out the civilization, like cupid only twisted, making the inhabitants feels a strange lust causing them to immediately pounce on each other, starting orgys here and there, in other places she made a well placed thrown rock or drink to start up full blown fights and brawls in entire buildings. Finally anyone she hadn't affected yet she produced the feeling of anger for the chaos in them, starting riots against the irrational behavior. At each scene she stuck around for a kiss or a quick laugh before moving on, again moving and causing chaos from shadow to shadow as fast as Vortem could kill people. The longer Calia's riots, fights, and orgys went on though people start dropping like flies, killing each other over women, alcohol, -some of each she had distributed, some of the 'women' being Calia's own toys shape shifting to fit in-, and the general behavior of everyone else. Everyone under Calia's influence's eyes filled with dark shadows and their breath became like smoke, and she left behind something here and there to mark her handy work, for Chaos she left behind a golden apple and for orgys she left behind a dark stone like an opal with greys, purples, and blues swirling inside of it.

(something like that????? )
(Pretty much, doing what we do best.)

Vortem'mut laughed as he saw some of the more combative denizens began to motion towards him, he leapt forward into the masses and swept his blade around, they quickly fell their blood beginning to pool in the street. He noticed people trying to flee, then quickly from the ground emerged lava that quickly hardened. They were caged animals in a lion's den, Vortem'mut grinned with glee, his natural form began to flicker through his mortal form, as the energies flowing through him couldn't properly flow through the mortal body. He saw a small child run in fear, he saw a mother try to stand in front of him, they were cowering, they were weak, pathetic. A mother bear doesn't beg, a mother bear fights, he quickly sent his spear through them. When he lowered the wall he noticed a sizeable sum of foes outside gathering to assault him. They opened fire with their magics creating a thick wall of smoke, they were then ordered to hold their fire, they thought for a moment this beast was slain, then Vortem'mut's cynical laugh emerged from the smoke, he leaped into the mass of fighters compeletly unscathed, he kept on laughing as he slaughtered through them all.

(Ah, it's great being a god of murder, you're really good at it.)
Calia was continuing to move through the civilization when she sensed the army attacking Vortem. She smirked, this was the perfect time for her to show him what she could do. She let the shadows cover her and she appeared over the battle no longer in her elegant dress, but in her demonic armor themed with demon claws. Her two favored weapons were firstly a hand cross bow with blades tipped with poison and occasionally for close combat a glaive. Unlike Vortem just diving in, Calia rounded from the back, taking them out first stealthily with the hand crossbow, jumping from shadow to shadow, until finally her presence was known and she took out the glaive, cutting them down one after another, blocking any of their magic attacks with her own dark magic, finally dispersing some of her guardian demons, who began to cut down warriors as well.
Vortem'mut watched Calia with interest, So this is how she fights, indirect, yet effective. Vortem'mut grinned at Calia, he began to circle around his prey, almost as if he's putting on a show, each move planned, executed, and on to the next. He tried to round them, backs turned to Calia to allow her more attacks. He broke the spear int two refined blades, as he began to seal off the area. He moved a gracious machine of slaughter, moving and attacking with efficency, the blood began to pool, but the blood was being absorbed into his body, his tattoos now glowed a bright red like his eyes. His body ruptured into his revitalized form, before he had to exist in the mortal form as he thirsted for blood, but now the blood was beginning to spill, his spirit and energy were now fueled with the his fallen foes.


(Probably my last post for the night.)

"I doubt you need to worry. The other side, as you call it is little threat to me." Draíochta said with a smile," Though your concern is welcome and very appreciated. I take it you are the one who spred those, birds across my world?" She spoke of the Hyperians casually, as if they were a guest there for a few days.
@The Suspicious Eye

Kruphix "breath? funny thing, technically that flower is already breathing, plants expire too, - here it turned into a lengthy speech containg aerobic an anaerobic respiration, photosynthesis and the secret of identical twins. (sorry for late reply)

Arstias said:
Vortem'mut caught the liquor, "Well that was a short lived hospitality." Vortem'mut said, taking a drink quickly after. "So we have this place to our selves now, what shall we do?" Vortem'mut gave a joking wink at Calia, "There are many worlds out there to corrupt and disrupt, but there is this place, the land of magic is bound to hold many secrets." Vortem'mut placed a drop of blood into his liquor, he enjoyed the mineral taste, it was the life blood of many creatures, to consume it was the ultimate destruction of life, consuming the very necessities of it.
sorry, Arstias, but you should consult the life god before saying anything about the nature of life. Kruphix IS life, life cannot be destroyed, it is endlessly recycled, Kruphix isn't life personified, hes life given thought. atleast thats my idea of it.
pbtenchi said:
@The Suspicious Eye
Kruphix "breath? funny thing, technically that flower is already breathing, plants expire too, - here it turned into a lengthy speech containg aerobic an anaerobic respiration, photosynthesis and the secret of identical twins. (sorry for late reply)
The fairy laughed at the silly figure. "Sir, sir, not the flower. She is the mother, her child will breathe his first breath today." The rhythmic styles of the drum began to speed up. The Wildlings began to gallop around the flower and rock formation. The Wilidlings stopped as the drums stopped beating. They watched the blue flower begin to pulse. A wave of warm energy began to grow. The fairy smiled in awe "It's beginning!" The blue flower began to vibrate and blue pollen began to rise from the plant and into the rock figure. The flower glowed and glowed until the rock formation began to do the same. Suddenly a two illuminating eyes appeared from the rock and it began to move. Slowly lifting up it's large head it took a reverberating gasp and exhaled.

The whole forest began to cheer in joy and excitement. "The newest Mage has taken his first breath! Oh what a happy day indeed!" The drums beat again accompanied by a wave of other instruments, creating a fanatic but cheerful melody. The Wildlings danced around their new kin laughing and singing in all kinds of languages. Each one so different yet holding hands together like nothing was wrong. Some of the younger creatures began to hop around and climb on the new mage. The new mage smiled warmly and rocked his head to the tune.

The fairy shouted to them "Time for the feast!" With a cheer food began to appear around them, sweets, bugs, meat, grass and all kinds of other things. The fairy turned to Kruphix and smiled "Did you enjoy the celebration? We always forget how important out breath is, so we celebrate the first and eventually last one we have." She crossed her arms and smiled fondly "It's a beautiful thing we all share here in the Wild, from the plants to the animals to everything else in our world. Even those who don't understand the importance of a breath in our would. It is live, it is love, it is our whole being becoming a part of something bigger. Our Great Sister taught us that, and we intend to celebrate her knowledge."

"You must pardon me for the intrusion," Myelin addressed the shimmering image before him. "I did not wish to offend; had it been up to me, I would have consulted you first about letting my scholars live on your planet to learn from you and your creations."

He made a gesture in the vague direction of the world outside, "However, the... Other One... seems to have already taken root. She is welcome to live her own existence however she wishes on her own planet—that is her own creation and domain, after all. But I find it rather intolerable that the sneak would go out and obscure the knowledge she doesn't have a right to."
Ylemin chuckled, seeing the annoying god trying to usurp her control over this planet. "I'm afraid that you are mistaken. You see, I had permission to exert my influence on this planet. You sir, are the one who is trespasging." She said, appearing from behind him. "Also, do not even try to fight my Syphillis. Your little birdies will be snacks for them."
"I believe I am the one who decides who and who is not allowed to "Exert influence" over my world." Draíochta said pointedly, "And your scholars are welcome here, despite my other guests assertation." She eyed the two. The dark god was openly hostile, and Myelin was somewhat reserved. Interesting. She could use this a clash between the two could lead to the creation of a lot of magic, provided she gave them the means . "One question though," She asked Myelin," will your scholars exchange knowledge with my people?"
If Myelin had eyes, he would have rolled them so hard they would be permanently pointed backwards at his skull. Luckily, he didn't, so that danger didn't exist.

"I should have known you wouldn't have been far from your... creatures," Myelin said, turning partially to face Ylemin.

Upon hearing the Goddess of Magic speak again, he turned back towards the apparition and bowed, "I am much obliged. You are very kind." He shot a pointed look at Ylemin, although it was hard to tell (what with him not having any eyes). "If you would permit it, my scholars would be most ready and eager to share their knowledge and learn from yours."
Xyr simply looked on at the storm-cloaked peaks in the distance, sighing. Wonder what they're up to...

"Hey, Sylva," He turned to the miniature Sylva who was still within earshot of him, "I'm gonna take a quick look around this place, just for a breather." He smiled, and a silvery-white vapour flew out of his lips as he spoke, before he turned around and walked a couple steps, before he more sentience flowed from his lips. Hands sprung forth from the ground before him, and small Anima emerged, leaving behind a hole from which they were made of. Peering in, he glanced around at the grey rock inside. Well this is kind of boring... He turned back to Sylva with the miniature Anima in tow, "On second thought, I'd rather not..." He turned to Qiue and beckoned him to open his mouth, revealing a portal back to his homeland, through which the Anima disappeared, as fast as they had emerged.
Otakuyaki said:
Xyr simply looked on at the storm-cloaked peaks in the distance, sighing. Wonder what they're up to...
"Hey, Sylva," He turned to the miniature Sylva who was still within earshot of him, "I'm gonna take a quick look around this place, just for a breather." He smiled, and a silvery-white vapour flew out of his lips as he spoke, before he turned around and walked a couple steps, before he more sentience flowed from his lips. Hands sprung forth from the ground before him, and small Anima emerged, leaving behind a hole from which they were made of. Peering in, he glanced around at the grey rock inside. Well this is kind of boring... He turned back to Sylva with the miniature Anima in tow, "On second thought, I'd rather not..." He turned to Qiue and beckoned him to open his mouth, revealing a portal back to his homeland, through which the Anima disappeared, as fast as they had emerged.
Sylva looked at him in awe "Wow your mouth can do that! That is so weird!!" Suddenly a huge rush of energy waved through her and she began to grow. Her hair grew longer and then her body until she was back to her normal self. Looking at her hands she smiled "Hmm, that was a odd burst of energy, something must be happening on my planet." She stretched out and put her hands behind her head. Looking around at the new planet she sighed "well what is going on in this place it's so empty and boring. Where is everyone? Who rules this planet?"

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