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Fantasy Gods of a new Galaxy

pbtenchi said:
"ah, another creation, this ones sentient. oh, i do beg your pardon, i am kruphix, your makers... older brother." explained kruphix
(Ahhhh, sorry I overlooked it)

The small fairy looked at him "My maker? Oh Sylva! If you are her brother then you are ours as well." She bowed deeply to kruphix. Standing back up she smiled "we Wildlings are all the same." She flew around him in the blink of the eyes. The rhymic beat of the drums pulsed throughout the forest. "There is the festival of breath today. If you would like to come and join us." She tilted her head curious to the entities response
@theunderwolf @CrimsonEclipse ((Just waiting on you two right now...))


The Niskaru started to hunt the local wildlife on the planets Archdemon left them on. On the wild planet, Animals ran past Kruphix and the little fairy like they were running from something. A wolf looked at the god of life with begging eyes until the bushes rustled. A faint growling sound could be heard and a Niskaru lunged at the wolf and stabbed if twice with it's two claws. It looks like it's about to drag the body away and it will do so unless Kruphix wishes to do something. @pbtenchi @The Suspicious Eye
Vortem'mut looked at the portal Archdemon entered, Reconnaissance could be done ahead of time, it also be fun to introduce himself to the locals.

Vortem'mut dropped red blood and placed his spear in it, a portal opened to the same location. He saw the gods drinking tea, pathetic if this was his enemy it would be an easy slaughter, something that none of his men sought. Back on Itraski his forces began developing warmachines ranging from giant ballistas to trebuchets. His Commander, Aztru'na was watching the Niskaru, they were hunting some of the lava beetles, he noticed their vicious nature, they would be good warriors.
"a celebration? well whom i to decline" said kruphix, before shrinking to a size closer to that of the wildling "of breath you say? could you please explain?" asked kruphix
Draìochta smiled and put on a genteel expression, 'Welcome all, to my world its a pleasure to have you here. There's tea and refreshements on the table but I must insist you all introduce yourselves first, before enjoying my... hospitality." She put some edge in the end of the statement, annoyed at the lack of manners among the other gods.
Calia was still giving her attention to Archdemon, whose shoulder she still sat on, when Draiotcha spoke to them, addressing Calia, Vortem, and Archdemon so rudely. Calia disappeared, engulfed by smoke, which appeared in front of Archdemon and Vortem, the smoke fell and revealed Calia. "Don't get to excited. I don't think that's why we're here." She said, tossing some of her thick, purple hair over her shoulder. "And don't take those tones with me." She said sharply,"I am Calia! The goddess of Chaos and Lust and you should be lucky to be graced with my presence, not to mention by the presence of my companions here," She said, allowing the two of them to introduce themselves. "We came her because we were BORED, not to drink your silly tea!" she said, mocking the woman as she folded her arms, cocking a hip and raising an eyebrow,"what are you the god of anyway? tea parties?" She snickered at her own joke, not impressed by her attitude. Calia's aura still putting off the strange sensation of lust and anger - hoping to start a fight or an orgy - she'd take either one.

@theunderwolf @Archdemon @Arstias
Archdemon had spoke in the two goddesses minds.... "I am The god of Corruption and Darkness, I'm called Archdemon...... And these are my Companions..." He looked at Vortem'mut "This is the god of Bloodshed and Murder Vortem'mut." Calia had just introduced herself so there was no point introducing her. Having a little side conversation with Calia "Nice try on Seducing me but I'm not interested." He then turned to the other gods and spoke in everyone's mind though the conversation was mostly directed at Calia "I would advise you not anger the god of Magic cause I don't think it would be very appealing if you were turned into a bug or something."

Back on the planets the Niskaru began to find nesting grounds so that they can populate. They had found a cave on the Wild world and settled in it, corrupting it with their presence. ((It looks like a Xenomorph nest from the movie Aliens)) On Itraski the Niskaru had started making their nesting grounds and territory and were running off Animals and the locals because they were invading their territory. One local actually tried to kill a Niskaru in vain. His intestines were ripped out of his body.
Calia twisted up her lips and disappeared, reappearing behind Vortem, she stood on small waves of smoke so that she was tall enough to hug her arms around his shoulders, touching her cheek to his helmet, letting her purple hair fall over his shoulders and whisping around his face. She smiled at Archdemon,"Thanks for the advice, but there isnt much I fear." She said, licking her lips as she smirked at everyone else. She let one hand move and stroke Vortem's cheek, her skin soft, leaving behind a string of smoke that cleared quickly. "I'm glad you came Vortem." she said to him specifically. "It wouldn't have been much fun without you." She added in Vortem's ear.

Calia really didn't worry about what the other goddess could do, after all Calia had magic of her own and she wouldn't be afraid to use it - not to mention she went everywhere trying to cause some trouble with a capital T.
pbtenchi said:
"a celebration? well whom i to decline" said kruphix, before shrinking to a size closer to that of the wildling "of breath you say? could you please explain?" asked kruphix
The wildling was surprised that he shrunk to such a size, so easily but smiled politely. "It is a glorious celebration, a new Wildling Mage is about to take a new breath into this world. We are all converging to celebrate the first breath it will take." The Wildling led the way towards the drums. There millions of various Wildlings of different size and shape were stomping to the beat of the drums around a small blue flower and a dark rock formation. The fairy Wildling moved him closer to the blue flower and smiled "Ah here he is." She motioned to show the blue flower more clearly. "He is close to taking his first breath into this world. It is a magical experience we are all honored by your presence." The Wildlings all bowed at him as the continued to move in rhythmic beat.
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((can i get a count of who all is in my house?))

"Well rude as you are Calia, it is a pleasure to meet you." Draíochta said reservedly, "Observing the goddesses vain attempts at seduction. As for tea, I think you will find it anthing but boring, maybe I should prepare you a batch with some how should i say it, performance enhancers?" She flicker her hand and cup appeared, filled with a bright pink fluid, "Not that you'd need them of course, but I suspect a being such as yourself may... enjoy them And as for you Archdemon, I admire your insight into my true nature." She grinned and took a bow, halfway between theatrical and respectful, "For all those present, I am Draíochta goddess of magic in all its forms, and lover of knowledge, now how can i, as a good host, entertain you." She finished with a devilish grin.
Vortem'mut chuckled at Calia's charms, he looked at the new goddess, Draíochta, "Well met." He eyed her with curiosity for she was on neither side, also by the sounds of it Archdemon had something to fear of her. "Would you have anything stronger, the weak leaves can barely get through to my taste." He stayed respectful, this was neutral ground, he would strike his enemies here, that would wait for the battle field.

Back on Itraski a warband of groups began to protest against Aztru'na and the Niskaru, but Aztru'na stayed adamant until a fight actually broke out between the two forces, however Aztru'na had Vortem's favor in the outcome, not to mention the Niskaru. The little rebellion was quickly quelled, and thus as Vortem'mut hoped, a pecking order was established, Aztru'na was now the person people looked up to, the prime example of a Mor'shaki.
Archdemon looked at the goddess "I'm not here for any entertainment, just establishing contact..." He then opened a portal to his own world. He looked at his two companions "If you wish to see my world then follow." And he stepped through it into his own world which he named Corruptis. On the planet the Niskaru walked towards him and growled with glee as their master returns. They had gained a large amount of territory on the planet while he was away but it seems like they couldn't cross the Dark Red Sea so they began to established Nests across the land. A large creature came walking towards the god, it was way bigger than the Niskaru until it spoke an odd language. Archdemon nodded in approval as he spoke "It seems like this Niskaru is a type of lord to the little ones.... I wonder if they'll continue evolving..."

Back on the other worlds these noble Niskaru Types began to appear as well and they seemed to be creating a small army of Niskaru for further expansion.

http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110704003241/reckoning/images/d/dd/Niskaru.PNG ((This is the Niskaru Tyrant))
Calia smiled endearingly at Vortem as he chuckled at her advances- finally someone with a sense of humor. She turned and glared at the woman when she addressed her though,"No thank you, but I appreciate it." She said, waving a hand in front of the cup, her shadows engulfing it and disappearing. Calia wasn't feeling very gracious today- or at least not with this woman. She disappeared and reappeared on Vortem's shoulder, listening to him being cordial with her - that was fine, he could be as cordial as he wanted but Calia was going to do whatever she felt like.

She turned and watched as Archdemon left them for his own plain. She made face and let out a small groan,"Ooohhhh! I'm so tired of jumping around! I'm going to stay here a while." She said and disappeared once again, reappearing in a chair next to Draiochta. She looked at her as if she were growing bored,"So. The goddess of magic huh? That's nice." She said, leaning back in her chair - no longer harboring feelings of any kind for the woman other than Calia didn't feel like moving again. Shadows appeared in front of Calia and cleared leaving a tea cup of her own that was grey and rimmed with onyx,"I'll take some of the plain tea please." She said, leaning back in her chair. As she sat down next to the goddess though you could see she became more relaxed and less caring about appearances because her aura died down, leaving anyone near her feeling a little calmer in more than one way.

She looked over at Vortem,"If you stay here with us I'll sit in your lap." She said and winked, again hoping he'd find it as humorous as he did her first attempt. Sometimes she was just affectionate.
Draíochta smiled as Archdemon left and tossed a flask of strong liquor at the last, un-introduced god. "Enjoy." She said simply, knowing that this strong tonged god would enjoy the taste. Then, left alone, she decided that she neeed a change. She needed to meet some of the more good aligned deities. So after slowly finishing her tea, she materialized herself a cloak and exited her palace. Then, turning to face the magnificent building. She needed to seal it somehow, the mortals would not react well to finding the home of a god. After a moment of consideration, she focused herself and called a massive storm to conceal the entire mountain. Then with a confident grin, she departed, leaving her planet in a flash. She flew around for a while until she found a interesting looking world. She landed easily, at the edge of a forest. And looked around. She had landed near the edge of a festival. It looked intresting, so she slipped within the throng, cloak hiding her appearance, and settled in to watch.

@The Suspicious Eye @pbtenchi
By the time Myelin arrived on the surface of the planet, most of the other gods had already left the place. At least, he couldn't feel them in the area anymore.

"How rude of Her to release her... Spawn upon an unsuspecting and innocent world. They are going to cause irreversible damage to the stores of knowledge on this world," Myelin said, partially to himself and partially to explain to his companions (@The Suspicious Eye @Otakuyaki). He waved his arm, a stream of light arcing out from it before it materialized into a flock of Hyperians. "Go forth and preserve the knowledge of this world."

Hoping to see the Goddess that resided on the planet, Myelin made for the swirling storm capped mountain.
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Someone stepped in her palace. Draíochta felt it when the being crossed the threshold. It was another god. that was certain, no moral could find her home. "Well I need to greet them." She said slowly, "Hmm oooh! Finally a chance to use that!" She ginned and split her consciousness in half. Then with a little flair of energy, she sent it to her home on the mountain. The fragment manifested itself in front of the god in a pillar of light, Which slowly coalesced into a solid projection of the goddess. Like she was there, but she was on the verge f flickering out. "Welcome." The figment said, "You'll have to forgive me for being away right now, I have decided to wander a bit. But all things aside, welcome to my home, would you do the honer of introducing yourself?"

Vortem'mut caught the liquor, "Well that was a short lived hospitality." Vortem'mut said, taking a drink quickly after. "So we have this place to our selves now, what shall we do?" Vortem'mut gave a joking wink at Calia, "There are many worlds out there to corrupt and disrupt, but there is this place, the land of magic is bound to hold many secrets." Vortem'mut placed a drop of blood into his liquor, he enjoyed the mineral taste, it was the life blood of many creatures, to consume it was the ultimate destruction of life, consuming the very necessities of it.

A figure mainifested in front of Myelin from a bright flash of light. He assumed it was the Goddess of this planet, though she seemed just about to shimmer out of existence.

"I am known as Myelin, God of Truth and Knowledge. I felt the presence of... The Other Side make its way here and feared for the worst."

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