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Fantasy Gods of a new Galaxy

Draìochta paused, her finger hesitating on the spine of the darkened tome she was placing on one of the many millions of shelves she had created in her labirenth. She had coded, written and other wise hidden almost all her knowledge of magic within the halls of the complex, which extended underneath the entire surface of her world. all for her little creations. The cruthdraì were young, the first brood had just barely hatched from their eggs by the caretakers she created. She could feel their potential for magic and shape shifting even as she wove them together. Now she was leaving her knowledge for them to find. The caregivers, giant sentinels of stone and iron, would guard them. She was excited to see them grow. Not that she'd make it easy for them. She set another trap. The cruthdraì would earn their birthright or not get it all. She grinned and disappeared from the library, ejecting herself into the atmosphere. Grinning at how, well, magical her world looked. Something gave her pause though. Other gods were gathering. She had no desire to leave and meet them but she supposed she should ready herself for a visit. So she made a palace at the top of the highest peak of... Domham. That would be this world' s name she decided, thinking it needed one as she made a great stone castle for herself. She landed within her new home and, with some quick spell work made sure that any go attempting to come to her world would end up in her entry hall. And then she sat and waited. They would be arriving soon, she hoped, she could use some immortal company.

((Open invitation!))
kruphix decided he would go 'visit' the god who had been using his power the most. it was wrong to say he appeared, it was more like he was always their, and indeed he was, for kruphix was life's conscience, wherever life was, so was he. he stepped forward, he observed his surroundings, it seemed quiet pretty. the maker had done well, he admitted. he saw a swarm of dragons flying past, he reached out and snatched one. he grew a miniature version of himself out his arm to take a better look. "hmmm, good dental structure, must be a carnivore, wonder what it eats" he said before letting it go. @The Suspicious Eye
pbtenchi said:
kruphix decided he would go 'visit' the god who had been using his power the most. it was wrong to say he appeared, it was more like he was always their, and indeed he was, for kruphix was life's conscience, wherever life was, so was he. he stepped forward, he observed his surroundings, it seemed quiet pretty. the maker had done well, he admitted. he saw a swarm of dragons flying past, he reached out and snatched one. he grew a miniature version of himself out his arm to take a better look. "hmmm, good dental structure, must be a carnivore, wonder what it eats" he said before letting it go. @The Suspicious Eye
A young tiny woman flew up behind the god and smiled "It lives on air, sir." The young creature was a Wildling Mage, she was very small, like a pebble compared to the god. She was green and resembled a long pink flower, she seemed to be quite delicate and weak compared to the god. However she smiled warmly at the god. "You sir seem very powerful, might I ask who you are? You are no Wildling and yet.." She trialed off he seemed to be apart of her like deep within. It was so odd she floated around the odd new thing in her world and smiled. I sense no danger in him. So there is no need to call the others. She floated near him awaiting his response.

Otakuyaki said:
Xyr was gazing up at the stars, between the branches of Nim when he felt a heat rising beneath his collar and flooding his face as she giggled, but he wasn't quite sure what to call it.
"So to which world shall we go?" Feeling the tug at his pants, he turned as she asked.

"Hmm... I was mostly wandering around when I stumbled upon your world... All the other worlds I passed by earlier seemed to be made of the same stuff as my world, so they didn't intrigue me too much..." He replied, his words trailing off as he gazed off at something bright in the distance. Something that was
moving(@tanagerie). That's no star or comet... He thought to himself, as he turned down to the body of rock he was riding on, "Qiue, head that way." He instructed, as they sped in the direction of the moving light.

@The Suspicious Eye, sorry for locking you >.< I hadn't been getting notifications, and work keeps popping up everywhere))

Sylva didn't think about her her sectret world could have been so different from his. His creations were so similar in make, what could his world be like. The shimmering childlike body of the young goddess sat pensively. It wasn't until they started to move that she looked up and noticed the streak of light. In her excitement she stood up and leaned over toward the unknown light. "Faster! Faster! We have to go faster!!"

@Otakuyaki @The Suspicious Eye

Myelin left the world of Lies and Deceit, and circled pensively around the hunk of dismal confusion. He would like to correct everything wrong with that world, but like Ylenim had said, he was not yet strong enough to change everything, especially not in the domain of... That Particular Creature.

He felt as if he should be heading back to his planet--to plan or continue his research--but there was much to do out in the void, and even more to learn. Since he had started visiting one of the other immortal beings, he felt the obligation to visit the rest of them.

Where to go next? Myelin wondered. What a vast selection of planets that awaited him! However, as he flew through the void, he felt two particular presences (as well as two smaller ones) approach him. They did not seem hostile, so he stopped flying for a moment, and waited for them to approach. "And who is this?"
tanagerie said:
@Otakuyaki @The Suspicious Eye
Myelin left the world of Lies and Deceit, and circled pensively around the hunk of dismal confusion. He would like to correct everything wrong with that world, but like Ylenim had said, he was not yet strong enough to change everything, especially not in the domain of... That Particular Creature.

He felt as if he should be heading back to his planet--to plan or continue his research--but there was much to do out in the void, and even more to learn. Since he had started visiting one of the other immortal beings, he felt the obligation to visit the rest of them.

Where to go next? Myelin wondered. What a vast selection of planets that awaited him! However, as he flew through the void, he felt two particular presences (as well as two smaller ones) approach him. They did not seem hostile, so he stopped flying for a moment, and waited for them to approach. "And who is this?"
"Hmm..." The man looked at the ephemeral being that stood before him curiously. The light it radiated was warming, yet, soft, giving Xyr the impression that he could be blown away in the wind.

"And who is this?" The being inquired.

"I'm Xyr," Xyr smiled a small smile, as he began to wonder if he could breathe his breath upon the stars. Qiue groaned beneath him, and he patted it, before breaking off small bits of ice that were forming on his anima, "Sorry about this, Qiue... We'll go home later alright? I'll give you some rock to consume." He smiled as he patted it, and Qiue grunted a satisfactory grunt.
Otakuyaki said:
"Hmm..." The man looked at the ephemeral being that stood before him curiously. The light it radiated was warming, yet, soft, giving Xyr the impression that he could be blown away in the wind.
"And who is this?" The being inquired.

"I'm Xyr," Xyr smiled a small smile, as he began to wonder if he could breathe his breath upon the stars. Qiue groaned beneath him, and he patted it, before breaking off small bits of ice that were forming on his anima, "Sorry about this, Qiue... We'll go home later alright? I'll give you some rock to consume." He smiled as he patted it, and Qiue grunted a satisfactory grunt.
Myelin nodded at the God before him, "Xyr. A pleasure to meet you, especially after encountering the denizen of That Planet." Myelin waved a glowing appendage at Ylenim's planet. "I, myself, am called Myelin."

He glanced down at the rock Anima, "What an interesting specimen! Able to survive the vaccum of space... truly remarkable. I shall need to study them in more detail. But I do get ahead of myself; your... creation? Well, it seems uncomfortable. Perhaps we should move to a more... hospitable climate."
"ah, another creation, this ones sentient. oh, i do beg your pardon, i am kruphix, your makers... older brother." explained kruphix
The young goddess in her childish form hid behind Xyr. The problem with her shift is that she truly has childish tendencies. She peaked over at Myelin curious as to who he was. He smelled weird, so different from the other. Tilting her head she pouted, she didn't like to be ignored. She stepped out from behind Xyr and looked up at Myelin. "You look funny. Where's your face? Why are you so shiny? How can you talk? How can you hear? Where are we going? Will there be food?"

(Sorry I've been busy @tanagerie @Otakuyaki )
Ylemin watched as the being of light, that annoying and worthless creature, left her planet, she could not help but feel infuriated. Sure she is powerful, but only in her own domain. Compared to others, she is only their equal, maybe she even is inferior to them. And to someone as proud and arrogant as her, she will not accept it.

So, leaving her planet in the care of her beloved children, she left in search of more planets which needed her...teachings. She searched for a inhabited planet, those who are filled with sentient life. It was her original plan to go to her brother's (for that is what she wished to call her, mostly to annoy him) planet and wreck havoc, but since she is at the very best equal to him in terms of power, she knew she would have to bide her time.

And so she continued her search. She descended onto the first planet she found, one that met her criteria, and grinned as she surveyed it. Soon after she arrived, she let her darling babies to spread across this planet, having no regards to whomever deity resides here.

(Anybody who wants to interact, your planet may be the one I'm on)
Draìochta felt the coming of another god to her world. She felt the release of the creatures too. Sighing, she activated the teleportation wards and sucked the god into her palace. The god came easily,but it took more energy than it should have. She'd have to re-tune her summoning spells for other deities in the future. She rolled her eyes and put some tea on as she waited for the other god to fully materialize. Sentinels She commanded mentaly, destroy the dark interlopers. Leave only one alive. She felt them move to her will and turned. "Hello." She said to the now fully formed god,"I don't believe we've met."

Vortem'mut eventually tired of simply killing the creatures, sure he was the god of murder, but others need to kill, over the course he had a few of the bodies with him, till he stumbled upon a weird creature, it had perky ears and four eyes. He took some of the meat he had and tried to feed it to the creature, but it wouldn't take it, so then he forced it in the creatures mouth, and for a second it's eyes turned red, it began hunting. "There we go, who knows maybe this one will stir others. He sighed as he looked at this land full of life, "So much life, there must be a sentient species, perhaps this will be the planet I begin my attacks on, full of life, thriving, wonder what the creator looks like."
Ylenim chuckled as someone tried to summon her, most likely the deity that rules over this domain. If she had wished, she could have easily resisted the spell and stayed where she is, but what would be the fun in that? Instead, she allowed her self to be teleported, wanting to meet whoever rules this plane of existence.

She observed the creature who summoned her. She seems pretty normal, almost impossible to distinguish from a human, but there's something off. It seems that this is not her only form, and she can only speculate what this creature really looks like. Once she's done observing, she sensed that her darlings are being attacked, and she just grinned to herself. "Did you really think that my babies are that weak? After all, between the two of us, this may be your domain, but in that short time that my babies had, they were able to sow discord and lies from your people, so please don't underestimate them." She said in her usual grating voice, sounding a bit too sweet and laced with poison.
Draìochta laughed, "Well I'm just going to assume that nothing in that was your name." She said with an academics smile, like she had just found a brand new book of secret knowledge," And in response to your little "Darlings..."" She said slowly, "My creations are not so flimsy to be destroyed by lies. In fact, a little secret keeping will be good for them. And as for your creations, well I'd prefer not to have them around, If you'd remove them I'll make it worth your while, I have certein, advantages I believe you could use." She turned and removed the tea from her cojured flame, "Oh and how do you like your tea? I'd make it black but I worry your shadowy self may be offended."
Her eyes gleamed, she merely chuckled as she moved closer to this despicable and stupid being. "Oh my, I never thought a lady such as yourself would be this harsh, I mean, to kill your own subjects? My, it seems that I really did pick the wrong planet to be in." She said, knowing this would cause her to be puzzled. "You see, if my babies were in plain sight, they would be very vulnerable and susceptible to attacks, and as a loving mother, I would never want that to happen. So, they make their homes in the body of their hosts you see. They fill in the gap in their hearts, and that is where they reside. So unless you want to kill your own subjects, then my babies are safe from harm." She said to her. "Oh and as for the tea, please don't bother yourself with such things. After all, I'm not so weak that I need mortal food to survive."
"I believe I have been misunderstood on several levels." The goddess said slowly, "If my people cannot resist yours, they are useless to me. They are experiments. You are part of that experiment. I gave them the greatest source of power in the cosmos. They will exorcise your creations They are doing so now. Your presence will be eradicated from my world. Or you can take my offer, and use my gift to destroy your enemies, which I'm sure you have, gods of truth maybe? And as for mortal sustenance, my experiments yield delicious results. It would be wrong not to enjoy them."
And with this, Ylemin knew one thing. She is an ally. "Interesting. It seems that our interests are not that different after all. Well then, in that case, I would be interested in being your ally, but on one condition. Spare my babies and let us harvest whatever we can from your people. That is my only condition, and should you be unwilling to comply, I would gladly leave you in peace, that is, until I've gathered enough strength to destroy you." She said, suddenly appearing right in front of her. "So then, do we have a deal?"
@The Suspicious Eye @Otakuyaki

((Aka: Myelin talks too much and should shut up))

This was new to Myelin. This... young god peeking out from behind Xyr, all bright-eyed enthusiasm and curious questions. Well, if she was willing to fire off so many questions, she had to have a desire for knowledge, which meant that she wasn't a bad god at all. Nodding his head, Myelin addressed the seemingly young one.

"I was born of The Sun, that ever radiant and enlightening celestial sphere that sits in the centre of this galaxy. It is a symbol of truth and goodness, and I am but a meager representation of it. I search to acquire all the knowledge there is to acquire, for I am a being forged from the fires of truth. Thus, I need no 'face'."

The odd rock creature seemed rather uncomfortable, so Myelin motioned for the two Gods to follow him to the nearest planet. He had been planning on visiting it, anyways.

As he drew closer, however, he felt a familiar stirring of dissent below. Had Myelin any eyes, they would have narrowed in anger, "It's That One again. Out to make an embarrassment of herself."

@CrimsonEclipse @theunderwolf

Sylva understood absolutely nothing of what Myelin was saying. All of those big words and sparkly lights mesmerized her. She was in a daze, her head was spinning around confused. She stared at him blankly with shining young eyes. Sylva tilted her head and asked in curiosity "soooo how do you see? And what do you eat? And how are you so shiny? Are you a boy or a girl? How old are you? Do you have hair? Where do you live? Are there more of you?" Sylva was so curious she continued asking annoying questions till they became closer to the planet. She stopped when Myelin spoke popping around to see. With a childish inquiry she smiled "Who?!"
Draìochta grinned at the sudden teleportation, this was going to be an interesting universe indeed, "Your creations and mine will learn much from each other. We have a deal," She sat back and sipped her tea then paused sensing more presences, "Now i hope you are civil, it appears i have more guests, which means more tea. ' She turned and busied herself with making more of the delicious drink. Then impatient she sent a telepathic Declaration to those gods standing above her home. Would you all just come in? I don't want to have to teleport you inside.

@The Suspicious Eye

Xyr hadn't been speaking much. His stiff face had a disgruntled look in his eyes as they stared on at the planet they were headed. He could hear voices coming from the planet, very clearly in fact, and he definitely didn't like them. Suddenly, one of the voices spoke out.

Would you all just come in? I don't want to have to teleport you inside.

He turned to Sylva and Myelin, before he patted Qiue and sent them down.
Archdemon soon grew bored of the world and it's inhabitants. He felt a god nearby though it felt weaker than him. He turned around and summoned another portal "This world is boring...." Before he left the world he left behind some Niskaru to spread his influence across the planet. He motioned for the other two to follow and stepped through the portal into a palace of sorts and a waft of tea filled the air. He observed the two gods in front of him then lumbered over to the god serving tea. He didn't say a word but just glare at the two gods with his red eyes.

((okay practically everyone is here on one planet so I'm going to stop tagging people))

The little god sure was... something else. Myelin had no idea how to answer her. Luckily, he was spared from stumbling over his words like a newly hatched bird by a voice that Declared right in his mind.

Seeing Xyr wirelessly descend, Myelin made up his mind and followed the god towards the palace in the distance. As he flew over the land, he caught sight of the distasteful Syphillis swarming below.

"How... bothersome," he commented. "What blasphemy it is to release creatures of secrecy and deceit in a land buil upon knowledge!"
Calia nodded to Archdemon's comment,"Yeah, not sex, no chaos - BORE!" She added, sticking out her tongue and following him to the next planet. again she cut a slit in the air and smoke poured out before it opened and she stepped though the opening, entering next to Archdemon. She breathed in the tea-soaked air but exhaled quickly. "Not my drink of choice..." she muttered. "So whats more exciting about this planet than the last?" She asked him, striking a curvaceous pose, cocking her hip and placing one hand on it. She looked at the two new gods, her dark, thick hair cascading down her back, the ends wisping off and moving like smoke as well as the end of her dress. Her skin was fair and porcelain, her lips a dark, blood red, and her eyes were a dark, deep amethyst color, contrasting perfectly with her skin to be striking.

Her whole are was dark yet enticing, just like her. The mere presence of her being in this place would make one begin to think slightly erotic thoughts and make someone more aggressive, of course she evoked this aura weather its effect on the other gods would be strong to not she didn't care, she certainly didn't need it to cause trouble - she was the temptress of the gods and she was here with the god of corruption. She moved and smoke enveloped her, smoke curved around Archdemon and gathered on his shoulder, it cleared and revealed Calia. "You know though Cutie, you and I could always go off and have some fun of our own." She said seductively to him with a smirk as she leaned over and rested a hand on his head. Of course this was just her wonderful personality.

@Archdemon @Arstias

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