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Fandom Gijinka academy

"I'm not angry at you i promise how could I forget my book heroes" she had a distant look in her eyes as if she was remembering the past then noticed the blushing Gijinka with the embarrassed look. "I don't care that your one piece of clothing from being naked it is kinda really early in the morning and I know beater then to blush at nudity its basic anatomy we just think its wrong as an instinct" she then threw him his shorts and shirt. "I had them cleaned that fight last night got you and your clothing really dirty i was being kind."
"...Oh. I thought they were short shorts. I tried a pair...hhhh... not my cup of tea, they were so tight." He didn't exactly explain what areas they were tight ON, Though. So don't get any ideas. "Personally, I just sleep in a Pancho and shorts, all's right with the world... well, unless you're proper like Stalker lady over there." Bayah giggled, though he did not mean the insult in a bad way at all. just a stated fact. Serviah wouldn't know much on the subject of sleepwear, her servants just threw her pajamas that varied from nothing to feetsies. There wasn't exactly anyone to compare with, so she found it normal.
"Oh, uh, thanks, Lauren." Yoruto was shocked at her kindness. "And they aren't short, they almost go to my knees." The blushes emerged again as he imagined the Banette in boxers; as a result, Yoruto covered his face, hoping no one would wonder what he was red from. He then slipped on his pants and shirt.

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"Well it looks like your awake now" she noticed that Yoruto could now be compared to an cherry he was so red "Mister Bayah i don't think we needed to know that piece of information" she took off her overcoat witch now made her shirt and breast more visible as well as her mini skirt "does anyone else think this morning is unusually hot I'm sweating right now I wish the school would turn on the indoor air conditioning."
"Oh, and you comment on my lack of clothing?" Yoruto scoffed. "You're wearing a miniskirt and a rather showy top." He added. "And I think it's a nice temperature in here, but it could be a little hotter." He smiled at Lauren.

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"I guess they want to roast us alive in here. I don't think I taste good, really.... Then again. If you drenched me in catsup I suppose-"

Serviah interrupted the Ghost-type with a raised eyebrow. "Bayah, I don't think anyone would care to eat you in the firssssst place, darling. Caanibalism is frowned upon in most societies."
"Well we aren't exactly human, now, are we? And most of us here aren't the same race, well except for siblings, like me and my twin sister." Yoruto spoke up, despite of the female Arbok appearing out of nowhere, making him let out a little squeak from shock.

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The Arbok tended to do that a lot. She was so tall you'd think it impossible, but she was also thin as a stick. And in the dim light, her dark clothing blended in with the scenery in a well-balanced tone. "Oh dear...you are right." By the way she smiled, you'd think she was looking up a book for '101 ways to cook a Pokemon.' And that squeak was cute, just like the rest of him. Like that child brother she never did have.

"... There will be no eating of other Pokemon in this room, in any case." Bayah waved his hands stubbornly. Blood would just make a mess. ... Someone had actually bit him a long time ago in his room once. Though the other was young, and didn't really know what he was doing.
"And I don't think a human could do this-" Yoruto opened his mouth, revealing small, pointed teeth, and attempted to let out a fire ball, only what came out was a ball of smoke and a tiny flame. "Ugh, well I guess my body is still tired from that fight..." He cleared away the smoke, then pulled his arms behind him, then up and over his head in a stretch.

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"But there is a large difference between my what you would call skimpy outfit and your lack of clothing I can use mine to get an advantage" She moved a bit forward showing more cleavage just enough to render him useless before she did an demonstration attack.
Barely being phased at her attack, he sighed at his lack of male development. "Well, it's not my fault I'm too young to be a distraction without a shirt on. I'm only 14, you know, and I'm not a freaking bodybuilder." Yoruto frowned at the Mismagius.

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Bayah looked over to Lauren's demonstration attack... oh, who am I kidding, he was staring at her boobs, like all guys would do at this moment. Servian seemed to notice the teen's gaze, and promptly whapped him upside the head. "No. Bad horny teenager."

The protests of not being Horny, nor a teenager, fell on deaf ears. There were more important matters at hand.

"I'm sure you'll have plenty of...later developments. But you were in a fight? Are you alright....do I need to beat sssssome sssssense into ssssomebody?"
"you happen to be a sad sad boy I could destroy any boy just with this pose" she stood back, perfect posture of cource in her thinking pose "well you cant say I didn't try" she let out an external sigh of discontent.
"Gah, if you guys are just going to make fun of my...uh, hormones.. Then I'm going back to the infirmary to be with my sister." Yoruto's fox ears lowered slightly as the frown covered more of his face.

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"We'll kindly stop now then." Seeing as Bayah was either going to stare at Laurie again, or just GIGGLE at the word 'Hormones', the serpent lady quickly threw the bed covers over his head, muffling any sound he would of made until he took them off. "Perhaps a conversation change should be at hand."
"No, it's fine... I have to check on her anyways..." Yoruto said in a low tone, walking out the room. 'Ugh why do girls have to be so mean and difficult, always making fun of me?' He sighed while thinking to himself.

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"If.....you say so" she kinda felt bad for putting the fox pokemon on a bad mood and ran up and hugged him flowed by an "I'm sorry" then allowed him to be on his way "Try not to wake her up she is a very good girl she is what I wish I was" as he walked away she turned to the two others "am I a bad person"
"Take care. Say Hi to that girl for me, will you?" Bayah called from under the covers and their grasped, and waved, along with the 'Farewell' of Serviah.

"Oh, dear me, no... you aren't a bad person. it's just morning and everyone's still tired, I would assume." Serviah continued, patting the back of the purple-clad sorcerer. "Breakfast IS the best way to start the day, perhaps he'll see you again then?"

"....." Bayah decided to keep his zippered mouth shut, though he had a few guesses to the real reason. the girls didn't do anything bad, per se, but.... Egos were likely flattened with teasing involved.
Yoruto entered the infirmary, with his sister, Aesami, being the only one really there, well except for the occasional Chansey gijinka that appears every so often. Noticing his sister to have rolled onto the far left side of the bed, like she usually does -laying on her side- he joined her under the covers, putting his arms over her shoulders and pulling her close to him.

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*A day prier to recent events*

A mysterious black limo appeared on the school grounds, and out of this limo came a tall, dark and well dressed man. "I'm tired..." This is Richard Headman, and he's really tired. "I'm really tired..." He'd just got off a flight from his father's mafia HQ to this school and he had some serious jet lag. He was wearing an Italian made suit and fedora in all black and he had an annoyed look on his face. Richard skulked his way toward the entrance of the school to sign in, while being followed by his body guards. When he finished signing in and getting his dorm room keys he shooed the guards off, Afterward he made his way toward his dorm room, all the while being extra careful not to run into anyone. eventually he made it to his room. Honestly his room was rather dull: a desk, a bed, a night stand and a lamp. Just the way he liked it: orderly and clean. He wasn't prepared to make a persona for himself just yet, So he proceeded to fall face first into the bed and made off to the land of amazing dreams of hostile takeover.
[QUOTE="Swift Beurezu](Huh... you guys all wanna timeskip to morning :? It'd probably be easier.)

(Haha it already is morning, so just a couple hours of time skip)

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[QUOTE="Swift Beurezu]Heehee, Well yeah. A few hours.)

(Yeah, sure)

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PlaguedWithInsanity said:
Amirokka blushed a bit before she took her hand away from him. "Oh, how rude of me, I never asked you three your names, even though we have been talking for a bit. I'm Amirokka, by the way." The beautiful moth curtseyed in front of the Joltik, Galvantula, and Bellosom gijinkas, already being familiar with Sobek.
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The joltik jumped up and down "hi hi hiiii my name is kito terrain, its suuuupa cool to meet you a ...a...

Akuna mattata....i cant say your name" he felt bad as he made a sad face.

The galvantula tilted his hat "evening little lady name is marcus, plesure to meet ya" smiles softly, just then he niticed kito was gone. 
Laa la...going to the vending machine" kito was skipping before bumping into a tall purple lady, looking up at the super tall lady. ".....eep....."

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