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Fandom Gijinka academy

Daisy looked at the braixens and she had not heard about the fight."Why are you two in here?"


Mrs. Chansey looked at the baby fang and she said it would only hurt for a moment then she gently tugged on the tooth to pull the baby fang out so the new one could grow in.


Yushiro looked surprised when he was kissed on the hand but he did smile."Hello."
The chandelure walked behind leaving a ghoulish frost like chill, then whispers in his ear "i remember you .did u remember a sheltered boy of 14..unable to talk to you"

Kito roared in pain yelling.
The young male Braixen got up out of the bed. "Eh, we got in a fight with a big Mightyena" He says sheepishly. "Oh, no, you started it. I was just trying to save your furry butt" The twin brother's sister refuted as she sat up, her golden hair a mess.

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"Oh, no, no, no! It's all fine now" The small female fox jumped up out of the bed, forgetting her sprained ankle. "Hey, you're hurt, remember?" The male quickly caught her as she started to fall.

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Yushiro felt a chill run down his spine when somebody whispered in his ear and he nodded."Yeah now i do remember you."


Daisy nodded."I remember that Mightyena his name is Kurusaki and from what i have heard, is that he did not want to hurt either of you but that was the only thing he knew how to do since as a young child, he did not even have a place to live just a mother who went off to have flings with other guys and his mother was a fire type so he has a kind of hatred to them but for some reason he does not hate the girl."


Mrs. Chansey pulled the fang out and smiled."There you go kito, all done."
Charlie gave a soft kiss near his ear nibbling the tip then stopped "heh glad you do...ill see you soon...right. ." Gives a wink walking to room

Marcus pulled our his fake pistol as it shook "rrrr"
Yushiro blushed."U-uh yeah, see you s-soon."


Daisy looked at kito and picked him up."See all better now."


(Time for some drama)

The infirmary door opened slightly and kurusaki stuck his head in the door way with his eyes downcast so he would not scare Aesami."Hello."
"Uh, hi, Kurusaki." Aesami didn't have any emotion when she saw the Mightyena enter.

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Kito nodded smilling as marcus saw kurasaki, grabbing his neck pinning him to the wall "one good reason..why i shouldnt kill you!!!"

Sobek looked at him "holy sh-" just then charlie decided to watch yushiro using mind eye attack he read the mews mind.
"No, stop!" Aesami yelled out, blowing a fire ball in their direction to get their attention.

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Kurusaki gagged slightly but he still managed a smirk."I do not know what i did to............you because i do not even know you but...........i still get attacked and i could hear you guys.......talking earlier, you do not like Violence and killing me would be...........considered violent."


Daisy had since carried kito out of the room so he would not have to see all that violence.


Yushiro had since gone to his room and was laying on his bed, reading *Insert yaoi manga name here*
Wishtobeawolf said:
Kurusaki gagged slightly but he still managed a smirk."I do not know what i did to............you because i do not even know you but...........i still get attacked and i could hear you guys.......talking earlier, you do not like Violence and killing me would be...........considered violent."

Daisy had since carried kito out of the room so he would not have to see all that violence.


Yushiro had since gone to his room and was laying on his bed, reading *Insert yaoi manga name here*

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Marcus smiled "your right you dont know me or atleast..." raises hat eyes whwre red "you dont know marky" sobek looked "o sob hes a skitso!!!"

Charlie appeared behind him phased with just head through the wall "having fun"
Kurusaki smiled then whispered."You should not have raised that hat."Almost faster than a electric type can move, he lifts both feet up and kicks them into, marcus's face and his eyes.


Yushiro sat up with a squeal of surprise and looked at charlie."Dont do that, you scared me."
Yoruto went over to them, putting his hands on Kurusaki's and burning them slightly. "Stop, both of you." He glared at them, fire in his eyes

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Marcus crashes through the wall, then just gets up "thats it!!!" Thunder strikes all over the place zapping the sides.

Sobek looked then used his body to take hits defending the school "nnn ow!"

Charlie slightly leans to his face, slowly stealing a kiss from his still upside down
As soon as he is free of the grip on his neck, kurusaki shifts into his mightyena form and flee's the room.


Yushiro giggled and kissed him back.
Marcus was going beserk zapping everything, till sobek rugby tackled him to the ground.


(Sorry fangirls u get no more yaoi of charlie x yushiro)
Aesami does her best to hop over to Marcus on one leg, remembering her sprained ankle. "Please, stop..." She had a sad look in her eyes.

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Kurusaki fled all the way back to his room.


Daisy on the other hand was trying to keep a very excited kito, out of the room since as a electric type, he loved anything to do with electricity.
Kito looked at daisy then at marcus "huh get off marcus you dumb dummy bully!!! I bet u caused this huh you stupid crocodile" hits him over and over doin nothing. Sobek looked "why am i the bad guy"

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