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Fandom Gijinka academy

Marcus eyes widened "where is she please tell me" he was very panicked he wanted to let her know.

Sobek smiled, kissing her hand "your skin is so soft and real nice, sweet yet with tons of spiiiice"
Daisy looked at marcus."Well She has fled back to her room again, because she is taking care of another student who she shares her room with, a ghost type by the name of hidden may have passed out after some undelightful events occured but i think she has a few feelings for him."
Amirokka blushed a bit before she took her hand away from him. "Oh, how rude of me, I never asked you three your names, even though we have been talking for a bit. I'm Amirokka, by the way." The beautiful moth curtseyed in front of the Joltik, Galvantula, and Bellosom gijinkas, already being familiar with Sobek.

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After the incident with the fight, Bayah had retreated to his room. He sat down on his bed and looked up to the floating crystals that hung above the furniture like stars. They looked so in place there.... it was strange, to say the least. His entire life had been filled with strange twists and turns, but nothing came this close to being....normal. Was normal even the right word?

"... issss THIS the room?" A curious voice asked outside of his door, which snapped him out of his daze. Someone he had not heard before, actually. An older voice with a toxic undertone. And that...was not normal. And instead of waiting outside, which was most people would do, the stranger slammed open the Gijinka's door, and what do you know..another bang echoed through the halls.

"ASGHDON'TDOTHATSOMETHING'SSURELYGONNAHAPPENNOWDONGSDFJUI" Bayah couldn't form a coherent sentence in the short time he locked eyes with the older female, who giggled. "Hello to you, too! ^^"
"Another loud noise how perfect" Lauren got out of bed still in her pj's a short sleeve shirt and pajama pants. She walked out into the hallway then to her neighbor witch now had a woman in purple standing in the room. She felt a bit awkward cause currently she looked like a slob with squinted eyes it didn't help she forgot her glasses either. "Some of us haven't woken up yet Beyah mind keeping it down" she said as her hair puffed up.
The serpentine woman's eyes widened in what looked like... shock? Shock at her own carelessness, according to her. "Oh, my stars! I'm terribly sssssorry, but that little scene might of been my fault. I'm just a peck impatient, that bus trip certainly wasn't the best, and with the traffic and all, why, I'm just ready to pop off! I didn't realize this little one was occupying the room.... Perhaps I'm not in the poison corridor after all..."

Bayah rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Uhm...it's okay, Poison chick. And sorry about that, Lauren. I'll try to be quieter. No promises?" He half-heartedly chuckled,,, but the presence of this new arrival was kind of unsettling, with her talkativeness.
"Well I'm awake now might as well get ready" she put on her glasses so she could see the woman more clearly. She had a great figure maybe even beater then hers and dark eyes that were to be adored her dress was made up of beautiful purples and a mesmerizing pattern. "I'm going to get dressed now give me a bit" Lauren turned around and went back to her room at the same slow why is it morning pace.
"See you soon, darling! Oh, she seemed ssssso nice, I think we're going to be great friends, don't you, little Banette?" The woman clapped her hands together and looked on after her, those sleeves of hers whipping with her movements. It gave her a rather intimidating figure. Bayah blinked once, twice, three times. ".... I'm...not going to bed, am I?" He asked nobody in particular. Bayah didn't hold the spunk he usually did, not at 4 in the morning.
The young male Braixen left the infirmary because he heard loud noises. He appeared at the source of the sounds, golden hair ruffled, in only his yellow and red boxers, obviously exhausted. "Eh, what's all the yelling about..?" He managed to say through yawns, not noticing the snake-like female.

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Lauren went back to her room and slumped over as she got in the shower followed by putting on her cloths then shoes and brushing her hair all toped off with her nice hat. "Much beater" she sighed and walked back out of her room to the neighbors door where there was an exhausted Banette with a happy go lucky Arbok "you know I never asked your name how rude of me" she waited for the Arbok to respond. While in the hallway there was a half naked Braixen in the hall she would ignore that for now.
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When the fire-type entered, Bayah's eyes widened, and he started to mouth 'SAVE YOURSELF' over and over again, hoping the Fox wouldn't be caught by the affection of the Arbokian. However, Bayah had terrible luck thus far, and it certainly wasn't going to stop now.

". . ." The purple-haired woman stared at the Braxien for a second. It seemed as if she were mad, but that proved to eb the opposite.

She squealed an honest-to-god squeal. "Oh my stars, aren't you just the cutest thing everrr!?" ... Right before she was able to hug the living daylights out of him, Lauren had re-appeared, halting the advances of this mystery Poison-type.

"Ah, you're back... My name is Ssss...Serviah Machidole, Mi'lady. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, miss...?"

"Whew... dodged a bullet there, friend. Don't worry, we're just having another reunion party up in here." Bayah didn't seem to mind that he was Half-naked. That's okay, at least he wasn't nude and yelling while waving his pants in the air. We don't want THAT kind of party.
"Heh, what's with the women and me?" The Braixen asks Bayah, blushing a little. "They all seem to think I'm cute" He mumbled, pulling up his boxers a bit, covering the scar on his left pelvic bone, but also giving himself some modesty.

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"good morning Yoruto you have no pants and there is a new student today, my name is Lauren screech" she followed with a curtsy as respect and turned around to see Yoruto I'd recommend getting some pants love she said as she re-entered the hallway "well miss Serviah this is one of our other students he was in a little fight yesterday but he is recovering." she then proceeded to warn her about the troublemaking ghost Hidden and there was a rumored mafia boss in the building. She is the one on top of the news dew to her red gems giving her the new info 24/7.
Socially, if there was one thing you could catch from Serviah, besides her love of the cute and innocent, was her love of pure Gossip. "Oh my, but that DOES sound intriguing. A Mafia boss would certainly spice thingsssss up a bit, and thisss..Hidden? All the more fascinating." For now, it seemed to be the best time to take her leave from the younger men. With an especially devious wink in Yoruto's general direction, she waved to the both of them. "You two take care now, I'll see you both soon, I believe." And she followed the Mismagius out the door, eager to learn more about this school.

"....Women, though. They can be the most confusing things in the world...I would think the Bad-boy image has gone down the drain." Bayah silently sighed in relief at Serviah's leave, he didn't fancy being teased once again. "I've heard nothing but adoration of the cute and cuddly. I Think you have that talent on lock. But with great power..." Bayah rolled his wrist, knowing that the common quote would be finished without having to say anything. "I'd bet you could get anyone in school if you wanted. Heh..."
"Uh, well most boys, uh, don't sleep with pants on, uh, sorry" The Braixen blushed even more at Lauren's comment. "Uh, if I get this right, I get all the women from my, uh, 'adorable-ness'...?" He was confused at this concept. "Uh, my name's Yoruto, by the way." He stuck out his hand for Bayah.

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"im shure he knows who you are you and that Mightyena did almost start a war in his room" she stared at him with an intense look almost as if you screw this up I will wring you neck until it snaps in two "but im shure you wouldn't mind introducing yourself would you" she waited for his response.
"Hey hey, don't threat the guy. He was just looking out for his sister, the big guy just got defensive. Anyway..." Bayah shook his hand violently, until it finally was freed from the deep, dark confines of his sleeve. "Ah, there we go. My name is Bayah, nice to meet you.

Besides..." He added this next part with a quick glance to Serviah and Laurie. "..Who needs pants, shorts and stuff are much better in the summer."
"Yeah, I know who you are, uh, Lauren? Remember, on the first day? My sister and I found your book, and that's when we met." Yoruto smiles, ignoring Lauren's intimidating look. "It's kinda 4 in the morning, so, like I said before, I don't sleep in pants. And they aren't shorts, they're my boxers." He adds with a slight blush emerging on his cheeks.

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