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Fandom Gijinka academy

Moonlight blushed slightly when he started playing with her hair like the first time he did that and just made her look like a absolute tomato."This school does not need anymore Problems or panic."She poked his nose and giggled.
"Ah but that's the thing moony my darling!" Hidden says exaggerated, "This school is in need of chaos! Which is why they need me." Of course he can't really do much but poke fun at Moonlight and blow bubbles, it's not really that threatening in the least. He needs to get back into shape first. Moonlight's hair is a lot softer than his for some reason, it's fun to play with. "Were you just waiting by the bedside while I was out? You couldn't have been right?"
Moonlight smiled."Actually yes, i spent most of my time caring for you besides when i had to go to my classes or when i wanted to go and train. Yes i have a good side."She took out the ponytail she had in and it turns out her hair was much, much longer then before so it almost reached the middle of her back where before the best it could reach was her shoulders.
*whistles* "Man, your hair is pretty long. Looks a lot shorter than it is huh?" He says taken in by her long hair. "Guess I should properly thank ya huh?" Hidden leans up, with all that he has, and kisses moonlight's nose. "Soon as I get my muscles back, I'm gonna cause mayhem. The school will remember who I am once again!"
Moonlight smiled and rolled her eyes at hidden and it was a wonder where the dumb blonde jokes came to be since She was definitely not dumb in fact she had A's in all of her classes and the fact that she was a fighter as well easily dumb founded the nit wits who thought they were the best since she has made quite the ruse for herself and she can make herself look like a cute, dumb and weak girl."You will only cause mayhem if i allow you to and would you like to come outside for a bit since i have to go and fight a few other gijinka who think they are like the best fighters and i would like you there to watch them get their A** kicked."The way she said it was actually quite cute.
Hidden cackled happily. "Maybe I don't have to cause the mayhem, you'll end up doing it for me." He exclaimed, watching a good fight is always entertaining. Course, it might be annoying if he can barely stand.
Moonlight smiles then she just straight up picks him up and carrys him outside to one of the battle fields and she sets him down on of the benches for people who want to watch fights and she greets three self arrogant gijinka and it turns out she also has a type disavantage to all three since two are fighting type and one is a bug type, their is a machoke gijinka and a Scyther gijinka and a hitmonlee gijinka and she chuckles. 
Moonlight fights against the Scyther gijinka first who looks like he could easily beat her since he is at about 6,2 in height and looks to weigh about 170 pounds and she is only at a good size of 5,9 and she only weighs about 120 pounds and it turns out the Gijinka is really fast to but that is the first mistake he made by relying mostly on his speed.

the Gijinka lets out a vacuum wave which sends out spinning blades of air that can hurt badly but she uses that to her advantage by well somehow jumping on the invisible blade of air and using it to spin kick the Scyther which makes him stumble and she quickly uses one of the newer moves she learned of Poison jab followed quickly by a shadow claw and that knocks the Scyther out and sends him tumbling to the ground with a loud thump and he is dragged of the battle field by his friends and she just smiles not even breathing heavy yet."Now who is next."

As it turns out it was the Machoke gijinka next and to say the least he was beefy looking but also just as stupid so she just waited there calmly while the guy charged her and then she kicked his feet out from under him then she started pelting the guy with shadow ball after shadow ball then she used sing and dream eater which just gave the guy bad nightmares and he was taken off the field as well.

Just one more to go, this will be easy as pie. Moonlight thought in her head as the last guy approached her but that is not what is happeing as she is sent flying backards with multiple spin kicks and she lands on the ground a cry of pain before forcing herself to stand up but she actually falters slightly because she did not let it on but she still had scars from the last fight and they still hurt alot.
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Richard walks up and sits next to hidden with a smile on his face "wassup ole pal of mine?" slapping hidden on the back. hidden looks confused. Richard obviously planned out this meeting as moonlight is too busy fighting to notice their conversation.
"Oi mate, what're you doin' here?" Hidden asks calmly, rubbing his back from the pain. He looks down at Moonlight still fighting the other Gijinkas. Well as long as she is happy and killing others its fine, my how delightful it looks to see others in pain. He looks back at Richard, smiling at him happily. Hidden shrugs his shoulders and puts his fist out to fist bump Richard.
*Fist bump accepted* "so I heard from a little "birdy" that you plan on become numero uno. I could probably help with that" Richard is visibly excited after not seeing hidden for so long.
Hidden scoffs and begins to play with his own hair. "Yeah, I'll be the strongest Gijinka out there. Nothin'll stop me from my final goal of taken out that damn ball of fire in the sky." He puts his fist, weakly, in the air. The sounds of fighting reverberate around Hidden, it's actually quite the nice feeling.
Richard is pleased "Of course you'll be the strongest, remember what we promised each other?" The Honchcrow stretches his wings and lied with his back against the seat. "those where some good times... all that destruction and chaos...." Richard has a far off look in his eye.
"What we.....promised?" Hidden whispers, something feels wrong. Richard is acting like he knows Hidden, which is weird, Hidden doesn't know anyone. Right? He begins to rack his mind for a promise, a feeling like he knows comes about, but he can't...remember. Richard turns back toward him and smirks and puts his hand on Hidden, giving him a noogie. "Ow, oi, stop that. How...do we exactly know each other? I feel...like I do."
Moonlight finally bested the hitmonlee and left the three gijinka passed out on the ground and she walked over to the two of them and she smiled at hidden but just about gave a death glare to the honchcrow and her looks could definitely kill if they actually killed and she sat down on the bench on the other side of hidden while mumbling."Self arrogant douchebags." 
(gtg for now will be back around 3:oopm)
Hidden nudged Moonlight playfully with his shoulder, he does want to see more fighting of course. He then noticed a scrape on her knee, must've been from the fight she just had. "You alright there?"
Moonlight looks at hidden and smiles then she pokes his nose."I am fine hidden or should i say Skeletor, maybe if your good. ill take you to the starbucks in town later though not like you need anymore energy."She sits up slightly and kisses him.
Hidden throws his arm around Moonlight, feeling giddy. Being called Skeletors a new one. But, ey, things can happen. "I can always take some energy, I need power to fuel my RAGE!" He says at the top of his lungs. He grins again and starts laughing. "Now, as long as you two can play nice we won't have any problems."
Moonlight giggles at the way hidden acts then she looks over his shoulder at the honchcrow."Hmm, i do not think that is going to happen, but if you take a shower then i will take you to Starbucks now."
(hiddens face right now after hearing that)
Hidden was almost all for starbucks until he heard news of a shower. His past coma was caused while in the shower, it was like returning to the scene of a crime. A bit of fear gripped at his throat, preventing his from moving. He grinned a bit oddly and began to laugh slowly. "I-I-I don't think I need one of those. I-I feel clean."
(Probably his face.)
Moonlight watches his odd behavior and she frowns."How about a bath then and not a shower, maybe i will even join you if you agree."She smiles slightly with her playful antics.
Hidden sits there a moment, a bit confused. His wants overlapping each other, giving him a FRIGGIN' ANNOYING HEADACHE. Naked Moonlight bathtime heralds top priority, though previous pain from the bathroom requests he do no such thing. Ever see that episode of spongebob? Basically the same thing. Suddenly Hidden realized himself to be remembering an old episode of spongebob when Rich pokes him in the face, very painfully actually. When Hidden awoke from his day dream he realized he had been squeezing his own arm very hard, bruising it. "Oh...I...uh..."
Moonlight giggles at the way he reacts."Just come on, you dimwit."She says playfully then grabs his hand and tugs him back into the school and into her and his room.
Richard is upset he didn't get to spend more time with his friend "That woman is ruining our friendship" he says while wondering the halls of the school, when he spots a peculiar sight.
*Hidden was taken into their room, he was unable to decline her. But it's ok, he's probably happy to see a naked Moonlight.*


Liana moves swiftly down the hallway, trying to look for the correct room. She passed by Hidden and Moonlight as she walked by, she nearly pulled out her blades and attacked Hidden on sight. However, she notices his feeble body, how poor its condition is in. She stops herself and bows in respect, then continues her way down the hallway.


The meditation had finally finished, it was done successfully in earnest. Uxti let herself down from her floating stance and sat on the floor a moment, stretching her muscles a bit.

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