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Fandom Gijinka academy

Bayah stopped his obsessive knocking and turned around, smiling with a wide grin. "Oh yeah, you're fighting. But we got you into division two. No offense, but i didn't think that you would want to fight with the champs and legend players." He added this with a shrug. he didn';t see anything wrong with the lower levels.
Richard busts the door down he is very visibly tired of being pushed around he yells in a crow like fashion "You can't take my only friend from me you harlet!!" Richard then swiftly grabs hidden in a princess fashion and high tails it out of there leaving moonlight absolutely stunned when Richard sprouted wings and flew out the window. Absolutely unaware of where he's taking hidden. Meanwhile Richard lands in lauren room and asks for her help "Look we've only just met, but there's a psychopath trying to take my friend away." he says as he shakes hidden in his arms and then lays him on the bed.
She shot him the I'll staple you to the wall look then relaxed as she drank another sip of tea. "Well I'm not bothered by it but don't say I didn't warn you for I'm not reliable for any accedents I may cause" her toned don't to a lot more dim as she finished her tea and put the cup into the sink. "I'm shure that both of you are prepared for the destruction that is fighting." She looked at the bird with a not so friendly look before she shooed him out she was not getting caught up with gangs.

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"...... We've already discussed the staple thing, let's NOT." Bayah pointed at the woman with one of his long sleeves and did his best to NOT look at the stapling device in the corner. Serviah clapped her hands. "Of coursssse we're ready for fighting! Aren;t we, darling..."

Well, Bayah was going to give a venemous answer, but a Richard and Hidden made an appearance through the window, and then the older man started blathering something about a Psychopath, which only proceeded to excite Serviah's inner gossiper.

"Aw, that'sss so sweet of you to ressscue him~"

Bayah just looked at her with a strange expression.
"Well I need a well deserved break ask these two for assistance I was not one for violence anyways." She turned to her mirror to see her refection "oh Hidden what an exelent diet you have been useing you look as skinny as ever" she giggled a little bit at the unmoving Hidden. She had no intent on assisting the mafia anyways.

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Moonlight just stood there for a moment then she face-palmed and calmly walked to Laura's room and into it with a quick smile at her friend then she went over to hidden silently and picked him up then carried him out of the room again and right back to her and his room.
". . . Oh my god. Lauren actually wants to take a break." The motion of what the ghost said Shocked Bayah, almost as if Lauren had grown a second head. He turned slowly to Serviah and Richard. "... That's like. I thought Nodan would have to lock her in the Distortion world before she would take a break. "
River sighs as he takes a stroll outside, looking to the stadium being built to house the new battles. He smiles to himself as he thinks how amazing this was going to be. He would be one of the M.C.s and would also be a fighter. He wondered who he was going to fight against as he realized it wouldn't be long before the match-ups would be decided.


Amadeus sits in the pool and sighs, instead of the fighting final he had opted for the written due to how dangerous it could be if he got out of hand. Plus, to be quite honest he was terrified of combat. He sighed and floated on his back, relaxing his body.
Moonlight just shrugged."Hm, not much clue either but yeahhhh about the thing i was saying earlier, you get that surprise after you fully agree to training with me."
"I have no words for what just happened..." Richard cackles "if that's the way the game is played" he strolls back to his room not a care in the world, though he is absolutely pissed. He's got calls to make...
Lauren was at the point of falling asleep in her chair due to exaustion. Actually she stood up from the mirror she was sitting at and dropped dead with sleep looks like she worked herself to sleep.


Oda watched as that palkia entered the pool while she was sunbathing but she payed him no mind for he looked hard at work. Her mental timer went off as she flipped to tan her back which compared to the now tan ground was ghostly white.

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The room fell eerily quiet, no Richard to come bursting through the door exclaiming something. He had seemed like the kind of guy to do such things. Moonlight won the battle for sure, but I wonder if she won the war. Richard will be back. Hidden began rubbing his forehead, a bit annoyed. Whatever, this was not what he wanted to wake up from a coma to. "I'll train with ya, sure. Just be sure that if you end up fighting with Richard, you be careful. I won't be havin' you hurt Moon."
(Okay.... I need one more legendary for division 1 to be complete. Then I will proceed to fill in the holes on division 2. )
Moonlight looked at him."Do you really think that he would be able to hurt me that much, Besides that fact that i was defeated and hurt once while you were conked out and i had to stay in the infirmary for a little bit but yeahhh, this is the surprise."She leans down and just straight up kisses him, right on the lips to.
".. Oh, you need to go to bed." Serviah put a hand on her hip, nevertheless sweeping Lauren up and tucking her into the ghostly bed she liked so much. Bayah had looked from the now mclosed door, to the duo, wondering if everyone had vanished. When that was confirmed, he spoke up.

". . . So, do you think I can be some sort of seller on the black market with these stones?" It was intendes as a joke, but it only reminded Serviah of a large man with a trenchcoat, asking strangers to buy watches. That made her chuckle.

texting on the tablet, hurrah.
River taps the microphone as it is broadcast throughout the entire school.

"Ladies and gentleman please! Would you bring your attention to me! I am please to announce the following match-ups as follows! These matches will be in this order and will be decided when they will be later. They will also be posted in the front office. The lineup is as follows:

#7 Selena v #9 Azrael.

#8 Cerise v #4 Desdemona.

#12 Melody v #13 Reverand.

#2 Yushiro V #5 Serviah.

#3 Seriana V #10 Claire

#11 Beryl V #1 River.

#14 Logan V #6 Catalyst.

I wish you all good luck! and just because someone is your friend I ask that you do not hold back and do not worry, these fights will be heavily spectated and regulated!"

The intercom clicks as River signs off.
Moonlight's lips felt soft on his, it was a gentle kiss and it make his heart skip a beat. Hidden was caught off guard, but he felt great. He held Moonlight's hand tight, not wanting to let go.
For a few more moments, Moonlight held the kiss since she actually quite liked it as well then she pulled back slightly and smiled with a slight blush.

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