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Fandom Gijinka academy

Hidden stares in Moonlight's eyes, grinning like he just won a race. "So you fell for me eh? Was it my manly charm? My chiseled good looks.? The way I throw dark balls of evil energy? That gets all the ladies." He says happily
Moonlight shook her head."It is because you are the first to defy me and because your really silly besides i know you fell for me first."She wags her ringed tail and her ears twitch.
"First to defy you huh? I defy everyone babe, it's my style. Eh, but I did think ya to be a cutie when I first saw ya. Even when you glared at me filled with hate, I could see the admiration in your eyes." Hidden whispers playfully, getting a kiss is not a bad way to wake up from a coma. Now there's the part of getting back into the loop.
Moonlights digs one nail into his skin just because she can then in her own playful way she says."You still cannot call me babe but you can call me Moony."
River looks up to the sky. He would be fighting Beryl, it was kind of ironic. Two iconic figures from the hoenn region duking it out, yet he didn't mind even a little bit. If anything, it would prove to be extremely interesting. River closes his eyes as he rests under a tree, taking in the relative calm.
"Ow, ow ow. You're as feisty as I remember you to be huh." He says wincing a bit at the pain. Hidden grins yet again, he feels a bit like himself. It makes him want to pull another prank, he frowns a bit when he remembers his frail body. "So moony, what's it that been going on? Who're you fighting against?"
Oda had finished tanning her back and and no reason to be whearing a two piece so she put back on her kimono and moved across the floor leaving behind a frozen lawnchair that eventually melted. The palkia was still at work so she decided to leave the pool area so she started to pack up her things.

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Moonlight rolls her eyes at him and takes her nail away from his arm then she chuckles."Oh not much, besides training as much as ever since i heard that the finals would be fighting and they had not announced all the match ups yet so i do not know."
"With your killer nail attack technique you'll do just fine." Hidden teases as he rubs his arm. He tried to look around for a glass of water perhaps but found nothing. "Could you let me lean on ya? I need to grab some water."
Amadeus sighs as he goes to the side of the pool and lays his head down on his arms, with his upper body out of the water. He notices the frosslass and waves, "Heya"
Moonlight smiles."Sure."She helps him stand then lets him lean on her shoulder because she is pretty sure that he would face-plant with the floor again otherwhise.
Out of boredom, Bayah eventually started to juggle the stones in the air using psychic, next to Lauren's sleeping figure. When the announcements came on, he gave a concerned look over to Serviah. The look ln her face was that of an excited fighter again, evil grin and all. ". . ."

(Quick question, is there any rules on egg moves :?)

texting on the tablet, hurrah.
Hidden and Moonlight get over to the sink and he's able to get a glass of water, it took more work than he thought it would. Man, if she wasn't here he'd never get the damn water. "Thanks." Hidden says trying to sound thankful, he usually doesn't show a "nicer" side, it's foreign and strange to him. He doesn't have the strength to do much, but he knows he can pull a little somethin'. After drinking the water he swishes some in his mouth and begins blowing bubbles outward, trying to entertain her.
"Greetings" he wasn't like his happy self he seemed more down or more calm then usual from the short time she has been her she caught on to the characteristics of a person. "You seem a bit different today" she spoke softly to him as she sat at the edge putting her feet into the warm water due to direct sunlight. (I'm off to bed)

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Moonlight looks at the bubbles and giggles."Hm, well i know what i am going to do with you now. I am going to give you a haircut and some new pants to wear since those ones have been on you for literally months and your welcome hidden." (goodnight Aroura)
(heads up: VERY important poll going on in the ooc discussion. I suggest EVERYONE check it out)
Well Hidden can't say no to a haircut, his hair is practically at his shoulders now. Hidden hasn't worn any other pants then the ones on him now. They haven't ever gotten dirty per say. "I guess I can go for a haircut, your not gonna lop my head off right? I see a moonlight with scissors as a dangerous disaster."
(Could anyone give me an idea of what is going on? Use the OOC comments below to prevent spam in the RP section, please.)
Moonlight giggles."No i am not going to cut your head off."She brings him back over to the bed and sits him down while she rummages around for the scissors then she smiles when she finds them and she goes back over to hidden and sits cross legged behind him and she starts to brush and snip some of his hair.
"You cut hair often?" Hidden asks trying to make small talk. Now that he's thought about it, he hasn't actually talked to Moonlight without tryin' to joke around, flirt or annoy her.
Moonlight shakes her head."No, not besides my own."She snips away at the long hair until it is still a bit long but it only goes down to his jaw line and hangs in his eyes slightly then she smiles and kisses him right on the cheek."That is much better."
Hidden reaches up and feels his hair, it was cut to a good length, around the same as before. Good thing she didn't snip an ear, he thought laughing. "Ahhh, I wake up after sleeping for 8 months but I'm still tired." He leans back and falls onto Moonlight's lap, not caring for anything. "What time is it exactly? Actually, what day even?"
Moonlight looks at him and smiles."Technically that kind of coma is still like sleeping since your brain is still active just it cannot wake up so truth be told you have not truly slept for eight months, like just think of a very lazy man that cannot move worth a darn, oh and it is Tuesday and for the time it is about 5:oo pm."
"Heh, as if I could be lazy. I got pranks to pull, and fights to do." He says cackling once again. Hidden looks back at Moonlight, starring into her eyes. "You could help me out there ya know, do all sort of fun stuff. Cause lots o' problems and panic. It's great." If a grin could kill a man, it'd be Hidden's cause of death. He reaches up and starts playing with Moonlights hair.

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