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Fandom Gijinka academy

Reverand smiled at her for her comment about him "Yeah I know whatcha mean lets get outta here." He walked away with her slowly down the hallway just thinking about what happened. He was happy that she didnt make a bee line away from him as soon as she got the chance too. "So would you wanna got some food...together...sometime?" He said in a failed attempt at being smooth.

Claire looked over at Reverand and smiled back at him. "Hm... food and sometime, huh?" She started, linking her hands behind her back as she walked. "Who could resist such an offer?" She was teasing him a little, and hopefully he'd realize that she wasn't being entirely sarcastic. "Yeah. I'd like to do something like that sometime."

Reverand blushed again at her and sighed thinking she had just denied him "...Oh thats okay I understand." Suddenly perking up when he realized what she had actually said. "You would? Really that's great." he said will a big stupid grin on his face. "I mean of course." He said trying to make himself seem more confident than he really was as he stood up straight.

Claire laughed quietly at his reaction. Is this for real? He was so awkward and cute... how could she resist? "So... where are you from, anyway?" She asked since she didn't really know him. "Johto, right?" She guessed, trying to make some conversation and hoping to get to know him better at the same time.
Reverand smiled at the fact that she had guessed where he was from correctly and looked down at her as they walked. "Yeah, how did you guess?" He laughed and cocked his head to the side as he waited for a reply from her. "And where might you be from? Because I haven't seen anyone as pretty as you around here or johto."

A warmth was felt on Hidden's arm, something that felt foreign to him. His eyes were closed so he could see nothing but darkness, the haze covered most of his conscience. He tried to move, but his body wouldn't respond. Worry and confusion gripped at him, where exactly was he? Hidden was about to lash out with all his strength when he heard a quiet breath. The breathing was low and constant, like that of someone sleeping. Hidden very slowly opened his eyes, squinting at the ceiling above him. Luckily the room was dark, so no light burned his weakened eyes. "..." He looked to his right, a small figure lays upon his arm, resting her head. He tried to whisper the persons name but his throat was dry. An annoying constant beep kept replaying, giving Hidden a headache. "P-please...shut that...d-damn thing off." He exclaimed with all of his might, it only coming out a faint whisper.


Liana picked up the towel left for her by Uxti, she's a real sweet heart. The sweat was pouring down her face, today's workout was a good one. She'll need to be prepared for whatever opponent she faces in the future, Liana needs to have the strength to win. She puts the towel over her shoulder and packs up the gym bag. The wind blows gently on her face, it feels cooling. She looks up at the sun, day dreaming a bit. "It's been a while since..."


The fires of purification illuminate the room, bringing a light feeling of serenity around Uxti. Her meditation was quite effective in ridding her of a headache she's had for hours. She floats in the middle of the drawn circle in her room, legs crossed, arms held together. The charm on her face, the ancient symbols glowing with mystical energy. The energy flow is exactly how she needs it, now she can begin the ceremony.
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"I guess I'm just a little lucky." Claire commented, looking back at him. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Rev." She said, smiing at him when he called her 'pretty'. "I'm from Unnova, born and raised." She said with a slight grin. "You should visit sometime. I think you'd like it."
"Well it got me a smile...and that's far enough for me." Reverand smiled at her as she spoke of where she was from. " I don't know if I've even ever heard of that place." He said slightly sad because of his lack of knowledge of her region. He couldn't attempt to impress her with any of his knowledge.
Moonlight had since fallen asleep while caring for hidden but she snapped awake when she heard him.....Speak, it had been a long, long time since she had heard him say anything and she sat up. Her dimmed rings glowing slightly brighter now that she is awake and she fumbles to turn off the machine which was actually a heart beat monitor then she looks at him, smiling and surprisingly enough she hugs him tightly."Oh thank god your awake."
Hidden's face turns a light shade of red, why's the girl who almost successfully committed murder hugging him? Where is he? Moonlight was warm despite her cold personality towards Hidden. Her hug made him feel...better. He returned the hug with all the strength that he had within him. It wasn't much, his arms were rather skinny a weak now. As he looked at her, her hair seemed to have grown a bit longer, her rings still glowing bright. "You've...gotten prettier..." He admits. He's too weak to fight against himself at the moment.


Liana walks slowly to Uxti's room, reaching into the bag to look for something. "It's open." a voice says from the other side of the door. Liana shrugs and smiles, opening the door to a floating girl. "You always know when I'll be here-" "And what you'll say." Uxti finishes. It's always a bit annoying when she finishes your sentences, but it's just her nature. Liana reaches into her bag and pulls out the bag of candy Uxti wanted. "I've retrieved this for you, as a thanks for the towel." She says happily. Uxti nods with a slight smile on her face. "Thank you. Place on table." Liana puts the bag of candy on the table and begins walking out of the room, before turning back and bowing at Uxti. She shuts the door and walks back to her room.
Moonlight pulls back slightly and she smiles at hidden then she blushes slightly at the compliment and her ringed tail wags then she moves some of her hair behind her ears."Well thank you and do you remember why your here?"
"No one's going to turn off the god damn heart sensor you shit" Richard headman says as he kicks in the door to Moonlight's room. "now get up off your ass and train with me, you've been out for 8 months ye ferget" also he has a cigar in his mouth and doves appear behind his back and a bouquet of blood red roses in his hands.
Hidden watches the doves fly around the room in a hurry, causing the room to explode with loud noise. "WHO YOU CALLIN' A FERGET?" Hidden somehow manages to scream, his inner power seems to have returned. He grabs moonlights hand gently and points at Richard, angrily. "WHAT YOU DOING HERE ANYWAY, I'M HAVING A MOMENT WITH MY MORTAL ENEMY."
Claire shrugged. "It's probably not that different from other regions. It's a bit isolated from the others, though, so that might be why." She told him. "If you want to know anything specific, I'd be happy to tell you."
Moonlight looks at the door and glares then she stands up and walks over to the door and pushes the honchcrow out with a yell of."OUT."She shuts the door in the guys face and locks it then she walks back over to hidden and poofs the pidgeons away."Much better."
"welllll, Exuuuuuuse me if I get in the way of you and your little lady friend I've been busting my ass training and waiting for your little ferg dreaming to end so I could buddy up with ya, but nooooooooooooo i guess you deserve a little lady time...." Richard was pushed out of the room with roses in hand and dove shit in his tracks.
Hidden's anger reaches a boiling point, and he furiously tries to get up from his bed. It ended with his face hitting the floor, hard. "That...little...I'll..." He huffed, trying to get up off the floor. He doesn't want to be made a fool, he must make others look like fools. It's his JOB. Especially in front of Moonlight, he cannot look weak.
"I hear the sound of face hitting floor that MUST be hidden, back to your old ways huh!" says a very passive aggressive Richard on the other side of the door.
Moonlight looks at him for a moment then she puts him back on the bed and pokes his nose."You can get revenge when you are strong enough, now calm down hidden."She looks at the door."LEAVE OR I WILL MAKE YOU LEAVE."
mumbling "god dammit" Richard walks away, he knows when a woman's truly upset with your presence. He knows this from his moms long nights out and calling her son a disgrace when she comes home drunk and he learned especially well when to avoid the violence of another from the beatings his father would give him " see ya round hidden i'll be in the room next to you" he calls as he closes the door to his room.
"Good....riddance." Hidden whispers. His body already reached it's limits. Perhaps he should have tried to get out of the bed. He begins to rub his forehead, trying to remember who that guy was again. All that comes back is a conversation he had with the guy that keeps coming up. (Flashback moment) "I'm making my own group...my own gang...with it I'll be taking this school. I was thinkin', you're pretty strong. Why not join in with the big guys? Instead of hangin' with the weaklings. You in?"
Moonlight shook her head then she spoke kind of softly."Hidden it has been a long time since well your i guess i could say accident, you had hit your head and hard and well that knocked you into some kind of coma and it has been eight months since you were last awake. That is why you are so weak right now."
"Eight...months?" Hidden says surprised. He raised his head up slowly to look at his body, what he saw made it seem true. His body was skinnier than before, and pale. It's like he hasn't eaten in forever.
(-Decides on some foreshadowing-)

Deep in the forest that was conveniently located next to the school, Bayah and Serviah were wandering about in the deep throes of the area. You see, The serpent wanted to try out a new move that she had learned in a book. Due to the lack of company in the forbidden area, she had brought her favorite little sack of cloth with her. Instead of Bayah actually training with her, he just watched as she continuously used Sludge bomb on a tree, and the probability of this tree dying was pretty damn high.

". . ." he leaned back from a particularly close shot, wincing at the sizzling sound of the ground dying beneath him. It was frightening, to say the least. But when the sludge cleared, there wasn't just earth there anymore...

"Huh, what are these?" His question stopped Serviah in her tracks to look curiously over. The poison had cleared to reveal several, triple colored stones that shined an odd color in the light.

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