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Fandom Gijinka academy

(Hm, well they may have to be in a different class then since i do not have anybody else to pair them with)

Kurusaki looks at aesami then he turns into a mightyena.

Sadi smiles at her opponent and turns into a shiny eevee

Moonlight nods at Yoruto."Good to meet you as well, The name is Moonlight."She turns into her umbreon form, rings glowing in the slight darkness.

Seriana looks at the darkrai and smiles."Ready as ever, Princess."She turns into a lugia.

(of course and remember you can still dodge so do not just say you hit someone)

Aria looked at her friend Ketsuban who had to drop out and she vulenteered instead."I will be bayah's opponent.

Maple looks at the girl she is fighting and her demenor changes and changes into a Leafeon.
Bayah tilted his head at his opponent, slowly. "Hm? Alright... but only if you want to. If you're worried about glitching, I'm sure nobody would mind. I'm sure you can keep it in check. Ya just need confidence." Bayah smiled in that bright way of his.

Serviah laughed and did a little twirl, transforming in a quick puff of smoke into an Arbok. Once she was fully a snake, she snapped forward and bit the air in an intimidating fashion.

Calypso shrugged and jumped in the air, quickly turned into Mandibuzz. She liked that form anyway.
(someone give me a full rundown. Also I'll let you all decide who river is with. )

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(Okay small change of plans just ignore that the pairings and almost fighting never happened since we are getting this a bit more organized and it shall take a small bit but the fighting will go on)
"I mean, I really want to fight, but my MissingNo form is really glitchy." Ketsuban frowns. "I just don't want to risk putting anyone in danger." She says as she turns into the ghost form of Missingno.


"My name's Yoruto." He says in his Braixen form to the Umbreon.

Roxanne gives the Leafeon a hard look. "This is gonna be fun!"

"Just remember I won't hold back. I don't care that you just gave birth a couple days ago at this moment; I'm going to go all out." Desdemona responds to the Lugia.

"Are you ready, Kurusaki?" Aesami asks in a serious tone. "And don't go all easy on my because I'm your girlfriend." Her voice shakes a little.

Koumori's wings flutter, not really wanting to fight but she knows she has to.
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(Wolfie, please stand by while I draw up official rules, guidlines, and such. I will go ahead and allow current pairings, but I need a list of every pairing that has been made so far)
(wonderful, everyone ready for the do over? ALRIGHT THEN. Please stand by, in roughly 8 minutes there will be a new post regarding information) 
River would step up to the mic as he presses the intercom button, his voice now being broadcast throughout the entire school.

"Ladies and gentlemen please! would you bring your attention to me! A feast for your eyes to see an explosion of catastrophe! Like nothing you've ever seen before, watch closely as I open these doors. Your jaws will be on the floor! After this you'll be begging for more."

Now sure that the intercom was working and he had everyone's attention, River continued, his voice booming loudly throughout the school.

(A quick intro)

"It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to your finals! Everyone will be taking part in them as an evaluation of your practical knowledge. You may have already heard about this, however you will be glad to know that I will be having it organized much, much, neater." his voice almost gives away his broad smile. "First of all, let me say this, all match ups that were previously given are now null and void. That is correct. Your previous matches are gone. Instead students will be required to register at the front office to receive a number."

(These numbers will start from 1 and go in order of who posts when. So for example if you post directly after someone claims number 2 then you would be number three.)

(how the number system works)

"This number will then be randomized following the next few days of the exams! You will face each other in one on one combat and will be urged to use full force. That being said, these battles will be rated on performance, not success. You are not to kill or severely injure any other combatants. Failure to comply with this will be met with immediate expulsion. The matches will be decided in a few hours from now randomly. These will be posted and shown for everyone to see as well as timing of each individual fight."


"However, this would be entirely unfair if it was a free-for-all. Instead there are two brackets, division one and division two. Division one is for legendaries and champions, these are considered to be not suited for normal students. This being said, a normal student can try their luck and sign up for division one should they care to, however a champion or legendary cannot sign up for division 2. Also, not fully evolved are not required to take this test as well as legendaries who have been deemed to be extreme threat or unnecessary to fight. The chief of these would be the ruler of space, Amadeus. I will be pleased to announce that I am division one, number one. This number is not rank as this is not a tournament, rather a series of single battles. The battlefield will be randomized, and it is advised that you do not mess this up. Even should you not win in your battle, you may be deemed to have a passing grade. That being said, the converse applies. You can win your battle and still fail. It is with this, I wish everyone good luck."

The mic clicked as River pressed the off button and smiled to himself.
(Moonlight, Kurusaki, Sadi, Seriana, Aria, Yushiro, Maple. Just sayin all my people who will participate)

(Just about all my characters head to the main office to get their number which im pretty sure would be 1 since i was the first to post)
(post ic, then message me your numbers with character names just in case. River is already #1 of division one, so division one start with #2 and division 2 start with #1)
(Also tell me which division you plan on competing in. One or two. ) 
*example post*

River heads to the main office, smiling, everything would go smoothly from here on out. He smiles and tells the secretary, "Hello I need to register for my final." the secretary smiles, "Mister River Stevens. You are a champion so you are division 1, you are also the first to sign up so that makes you #1! Good luck!"

Moonlight listened carefully to the announcements and she smiles before heading off to the main office to sign up just like Kurusaki, Maple, Sadi, Yushiro and Aria do then they get into their proper divison and get their numbers and the office lady says."Okay Yushiro goes to Division one and you are number two since you are the second to sign up for this while Moonlight, Kurusaki, Maple and sadi will be going to Division two and the first three of you will be one two and three." (So i am having Yushiro, Moonlight, Kurusaki and Maple Sign up)
Desdemona teleports to the main office, signing up and being labeled as Division one #3. Shortly after, Yoruto and Aesami arrived, being registered as Division 1 #4 and #5. Ketsuban, Roxanne, and Koumori also had signed up fro Division 2, numbered as followed: Ketsuban - # 6, Roxanne - #7, and finally Koumori - #8.
The announcements were heard all over the school, and of course the majority were swarming the office. One by one, they all signed up... well, except for Nodan, who politely asked to drop out as the Lord of Space did. He didn't feel like holding back on this day, so he would go train in another area. Serviah signed up for Division 1, #6, feeling confidant. Surprisingly, so did Catalyst, who was Division 1, #7. Bayah (Division 2, $ 9) had to drag Winter (Division 2, #10) out of her room so they could both sign up for Division 2. Sohzin decided to leave the experts to their game and signed up in 2. (Division 2, #11)
The announcements were given and Katharina and Kristian headed down to the office along with Selena and Bridget. They waited until it was each one's turn to sign up for the exams. Katharinia and Kristian signed up first in division 2 as #12 and #13. (Katharinia 12, Kristian 13) Selena signed up for division #1 as #6 but still felt a bit nervous going up against the other legendaries and champions. Bridget went for Division 2. She was more into other sports rather than pokemon battles so she knew she'd be terrible in the first divison. She signed up as #14. Each one of them was thanked by the woman in charge of the office.
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Taleo kept calm at the battle field and listened the announcement carefully before he headed down to the office and signed up. "So I'll be #15... I wonder who I will fight with..." Taleo thought to himself, walking to the battle field again.
Ceris walked into the office and smiled, getting #9 for division 1.

Azrael unfroze the pool and walked to the office. #10 was the number she was given and told division 1

Lue signes up for devision 2 and got #16
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Claire walked into the office, all confidence, and signed up in division one, taking number eleven.

Beryl, on the other hand, was incredibly nervous when she signed up, getting number twelve for division one.

Katrina bounced on the balls of her feet as she signed up, receiving number seventeen for division two.

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