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Fandom Gijinka academy

Hidden turns to the floating (girl? I totally didn't look at the character sheet), a bit annoyed with her sudden appearance. She better be here to get naked too. Or bring apocalypse. She can stay if she does that. "Oi, you here to bring the apocalypse?
Moonlight just ignores the darkrai for the moment and she just shucks hidden's pants right off and puts him in the tub, not at all fazed anymore by seeing him naked.
(Sign up section, pg 14)

"Heh, maybe I might." The female Darkrai responds in her usual cold manner, somewhat ignoring the now-naked ghost, and turning her paper-white skin the slightest of pinks.

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Laurens crystal glowed in the corner of the room suggesting she woke up from her long needed nap "shall i bring the bone repairing syrum from my bag for your pain it restores strength as well so you can walk again" the red crystal flashed again in a red pulsing action suggesting that she as on hold for the moment waiting for a reply from either one of the gijinkas for an ok.


Melody now was twirling throughout the halls super excited for being able to make a decision without fainting it was becoming a great day for her she couldn't help but sing. Then she remembered there was still people in the halls and was reduced to an embraced puddle of nothing causing her to cautiously look around for any onlookers or people listening to her.
Amadeus floated on his back in the pool. He thought of everything that happened this year. He was still single though, and he didn't know why. Maybe no one liked him, or no one cared enough. He frowned a little bit. This probably concerned him more than anything else.
Hidden sits in the tub next to Moonlight, kinda angry, kinda happy. It was a strange feeling. What he did know is that he hoped to god that sound he heard wasn't Lauren talking to him too. "I have no idea what's happening currently, but I sincerely hope you are about to completely lay waste to this place." Hidden murmurs, putting a hand over his face. "I love good destruction."
Moonlight looks at him, blushing slightly."Well i heard of this new place in town where you can go and smash things for a little bit of money, i could take you there instead of starbucks."
"Well I'm kind of a Darkrai, queen of the shadow realm and all things terrifying, and I love to see people suffer and destroy things, and I'm not going to pay to do so." The ghost gave a slight smile, glaring at the Umbreon. "I have to be going, actually." She said coldly. "And I don't think I need any help destroying things." The Darkrai sneered, disappearing.

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The ghost then appeared by Amadeus in a black wisp. "What's wrong with you now?" She asked.

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Verbal Warning for Gijinka Academy

Hey, guys.

This roleplay is skirting along the rules too often, what with all it's near-sexual occurrences. I'd like for all of you to re-familiarize yourselves with the RPN rules...


Be careful with what you post, and be mindful that the posts should adhere to the site rules. Any future offenses after this verbal warning will result in a physical warning, which can affect your account's access.
Amadeus looks up at her," Hey Desdemonda-chan. I was just thinking to myself. It's been nearly a year and seeing all these happy couples kind of makes me wish I had someone as well."
"Why would you want that? It's just someone else to deal with, well, unless you find the perfect person, I guess." Desdemona sighs, looking off onto the distance.

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Amadeus sighs, "Because I'm lonely of course. I want someone to be there for me every step of the way and hold me when I get scared and tell me everything is gonna be alright in the end. That's what I want."
Desdemona floats over to be behind Amadeus, putting her arms around his neck, her hands falling to his chest. "And this is comforting?" She asks, a bit confused.

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Amadeus would grab her arms and pull them tightly around him, sighing softly, "Very comforting actually."
Desdemona was a but shocked by Amadeus's action, but she accepted it and stayed where she was. "Care to explain to me how?" She sighed, laying her chin on the top of the Palkia's head.

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"It lets me know that someone's here for me, like I'm protected. It feels like you're here to shelter me and chase away anything bad that may happen to me. Like I actually have someone to help me through everything that is happening." amadeus sighs as he pulls her arms tightly around him and nuzzles into them.
Meanwhile Taleo was in his room, reading some books and was working on something.

(Sorry. Random post going through. xD )

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