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Fandom Gijinka academy

"You mean music from America? Sorry I don't really listen to music... this is my first time out ever really." Amadeus would blush slightly, hating to admit that he was still new to the modern world.
"Usually synchronizing with a guitar, bass. It's unknown why they call it rock, though..." during the chat, the Giratina had produced a pair of sharp needles from the depths of his cloak, effeciantly sending off a message with a combination of body language, and those eyes of his....I may stitch and sew for a living, but I can STILL cripple you with this tiny thing.

".... Lauren, are we to be using any sort of lace for this outfit?" He asked over his shoulder.

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"I'm more of a classical kind of person or symphony music" she responded diligently as she finished the sowing and flipped it inside out to show the outside it kind of was jean vest it kind of looked worn witch was intentional "awwwww looks like I didn't sow it correctly" which means it going in her closet to never see the light of day. "I'm shure there is plenty of lace for dresses if you want it of course."
Ryuu got up "why did I faint I need to ask someone where the clinic is" he said as he walks slowly until he saw some Gijinkas talking "I think this is the first time I see a Palkia and Spiritomb anyway I need to ask them" he said.
"I guess so since it is not purple or goes with my beautiful outfits" she handed over the vest that was planed for disposal to Amadeus and returned to her somewhat lit sowing environment and grabbing more pieces of cloth for a different outfit something with frills.
"Dear, I'm sure you did great." Nodan pointed out to Lauren while working on another curtain that caught his attention. He wanted the material to be able to reflect the nearby light in a certain way, so he had gone to works sewing the cotton over with silk. He noticed Ryuu for a second, and tilted his head. "Hm? Are you lost,there?"

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(Yay I actually get 15 more minutes) "Oi! What're you doin'?" The Spiritomb was shocked a bit. "Makin' an outfit for me, or somethin'?"

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Amadeus would look at the spiritomb. "No, this one is ruined, but if you want, I think I can restore it."
Kristian and Katharina walked through one of the academy's main halls. Kristian looked around at their surroundings while his twin sister read her book next to him. "You're going to bump into something if you don't look where you're going Katharina..." He warned her.

Katharina looked up at him for a moment and rolled her eyes. She faced her boom again, "I doubt it. With you walking next to me the chances of that are slim." He frowned slightly at her but she paid no attention to anything but what she was reading.

Kristian began to look ahead again and saw a group of other gijinkas that seemed to be working on something. Katharina looked up again for a moment and saw them as well. The gardevoir smiled, "Looks like they're sewing. Maybe this is the sort of social time our parents wanted us to have with other students." She put her book back into her shoulder bag. "Let's go meet them Kristian." The gallade boy looked at them with distrust.

"You sure about that?" He asked.

"Of course! Stop with the additude already ok?" She already started to walk ahead of him.

He sighed, "Fine." And the two went after the group up ahead.
Airagog said:
Amadeus would look at the spiritomb. "No, this one is ruined, but if you want, I think I can restore it."
(What kind of outfit is it? And what color?)

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Amadeus would look at the vest and concentrate, shifting space around the vest slightly so it realigns and fits again. He would look at the newcomers after he is done and the palkia would wave. "Hey you two!" He would give them a carefree smile.
The Giratina eventually finished with the curtains.... well, after they dropped down about 5 times, to which he finally snapped and roared at the sheets to 'KEEP IN YOUR PLACE'. His voice reached a volume that made the room shake a bit. Luckily, that was all....as an added bonus, the lifeless fabric actually listened to him for once in the fifteen minutes that passed.

Eventually, a familiar Arbok character skipped into the scene. "Oooh, ssssso he went through with the ssssshow? Exciting!" The snake woman had to agree to model, and recruit in the event of a runway. We all know how persuasive she can be.

"By the way, it ssssseems we are acquiring sssssome company,"

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"No! It's not ruined!" The Spiritomb exclaims, taking the vest. "I'll have it, if you guys think it's 'ruined'."

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Katharina smiled and waved back to the Palkia and tugged her brother to move faster. "See? They're pretty friendly huh?" She said.

"They only said one thing directly to us." Kristian sighed.

The twins reached the group and Katharina decided to talk seeing that her brother showed no interest in socializing. "Hello! How may we help you?" She politely asked.
Amadeus would smile at Ryuu, "I sure don't! Maybe Laura knows? And I know a way you two can help me. You can be my new friends at the academy and help me around!" Amadeus would say cheefully, his bubbly disposition showing.

Lue narrowed her eyes as the other gijinka walked away without so much as a word. "Well that was really rude.... and stupid." She grinned wickedly and took out her sketchbook and art pencils. She looked at the retreating gijinka two more times before sketching a perfect version of him on the paper. She repeated it with his sides and back before closing it and nodding. "Lets go have some fun, Kat." She shifted into a Sharpedo gijinka she'd met once and began walking to the school.


Lauren continued to so ruffled pieces to the bejeweled dress so it spoke of refined nature. She didn't notice the other people that happened to show up to the abandoned autotorium.

(I'm sleeping now night y'all see you tomorrow)

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Kito and logan where playing tag while kito was running he tripped over somthing. When he eventually looked a loud scream accorded, logan ran over to see a fellow gijinki wrinkled to a skeleton. (Soz g2g)

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