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Fandom Gijinka academy

She had kissed Lysandere one more time bee for getting up and collecting her supplies "I'm sorry I have to go so sudden but I have a friend I promised to help" and with that she was gone.


After visiting the school nurse she was greeted with bad news it will be weeks before her ankle returns to good condition. "I hate being stuck in bed" she mumbled as she lay the motionless.

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Lysandre watched as she left the room and he touched his lips with his fingertips. He couldn't believe he just did that... He smiled his heart still beating fast.
River nodded. "Yep! I guess you could say I'm a celebrity." He'd laugh. "But aside from what, what brings you here?"
Bayah smiled widely to the glitch. "Mm-hm. Way better." .. But of course, his mood had to be ruined when Serviah ran in the room.

"Oh, there you are, Dearie. I overheard a conversation about Nodan and Lauren planning to sssssstuff you into a Lolita dress? I wonder what sssssize you wear..." Of course, it was fake, but the serpent couldn't help to tease the little guy after that conversation about Masculinity.

"...... Guys." Bayah slumped back against the pillow.

"I am suddenly sick. like, so sick, there's invisible streams of blood going down my eye sockets and nobody knows.
"Uh, can you leave him alone please?" The Missingno asked the cobra Pokémon nervously. "He just kinda needs some time to rest." She added, staring at her feet.

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Amadeus would appear stealthily behind the giratina and pounce on him. "Nodan-san!"
"Swim team?" River would look confused. "I'm not really known for swimming. " river would laugh.
"Hmhm, Pity.... Oh well, I sssse ssssomething hassss happened when I had my back turned. My deepest apologies." The cobra pokemon had previously suspected the man was just sleeping, but hearing the tone in her voice, she assumed different. she bowed with one hand to her chest and rushed off.

Bayah looked to the empty door, then to the Missingno Pokemon, and back. ".... Oh, well...then. She...left this time?"

Serviah? Leaving... calmly?

Those two words in the same concept just didn't fit....
Ryuu flies around to have fun until he flies fast and crashes a wall with great Impact "Oww I'm such an Idiot" as he walks to a corridor
ANOTHER Person popped in the room he was in. Nodan assumed this place was abandoned, and he wouldn't be caught off guard again. Guess again, because this is NOT the land of no souls and floaty rock-like things. He jumped at the contact, his concentration haven been on the curtains. "Ah! Uh.... Hello, Amadeus."
"NODAN" she was now in a large room looks like it hasn't been used as she saw the dark figure with that palkia she was never good with names. She dropped all her sowing equitment off nearby then aproched him not saying a word unless he spoke to her but she was happy to wait for the palkia to talk first.


Melody went down stairs to the main hallways but was forced to use crutches due to her little accident. She was too worried about falling over to become a nervous mess.

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The Palkia would wave, "Hiya hiya!" He would get wide-eyed at the Eevee's different colors. "Ooh ooh! you're a shiny aren't you! Oh Arceus-sama! a shiny! That's soooo cool!" The overzealous palkia would be laughing. "I'm Amadeus von Reginald! Call me Ama-kun or Amadeus!"
"..Ah, I've found the solution to the lighting problem!" Turning back to the curtains, he drew them up next to the wall of the stage and... set them on fire, using the power of the alternate world. Much better.

He chuckled softly, watching the Palkia try to get acquainted with the Eevee. Seeing as he had attention on another for the time being, he proceeded to turn to Lauren. "Ah, Lauren, I'm glad you could make it. I was wondering where you were, for a moment."
Amadeus would look really impressed, "Wow! your colors are so amazing!" He'd smile warmly as he noticed the other newcomer. "Oh hey there! Do you need help with anything?"
"No or at least not really I will be working with Nodan as his right hand woman on his extravagant fashion show" she stared off into the distance as if she was imagining the fantastic show. She then turned to Nodan "it was a few other things in my life that I was dealing with before I came here" she spoke nothing but the truth to her technical mentor.

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The mentioned Designer was mumbling under his breath, so quiet that nobody could hear: "I am 95% positive that this place will not burn to the ground, however that kerosene over there shall be removed..."

He blinked once at the mention of his name. "A part? Well... Of course you may. In fact, it would be greatly appreciated, for I happened to overlook the motion of models when I planned this.... Silly me." Nodan smiled awkwardly... Hopefully, Lauren was better at social skills then he was. At times, he was not at all charming.
"What he MENT to say I'd that the only thing we require are all of these sizes" she pulled out a list of sizes from forearm to ankle "have the application turned into me and don't gain or lose any weight anywhere until the show is over cause then I'll have to re sow it and I would like not having to" she gave her the form with questions about her "this is so I can get to know you more I hope that you are still willing to walk for us I like the great assistant I was have gotten the runway info posted on Nodan's Pokebook (the Facebook equivalent)"

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"H-hey Nodan-chan. Is it okay if I show up to your fashion show too?" Amadeus would already be changed, looking like this:

"Lauren, I don't have a Pokebook." Nodan deadpanned. And he CERTAINLY Does not remember having a list THAT long on any website, yet there it was, right down to the detail! A ridiculous length, to be sure, but he didn't require the whole thing....

Huh. Lauren WAS his number-one fan.

Seeing the Palkia- in this new outfit made him stare for slightly longer then necessary. Admittedly, it would be one of the ONLY times he would admit he would be in shock. However, he quickly snapped out of it and walked closer to examine the cloth. ".... Well this is new, I haven't quite seen that sort of style around this part of the world. It's reserved for the nobles...." A grin worked his way to his face. "..With a few adjustments, by all means, you are welcome to join, Amadeus."

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