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Fandom Gijinka academy

Amadeus would nod happily in his new outfit that revealed his body. "Okay Nodan-san! This isn't as comfy as my normal clothes, but if it's for a fashion show I think I can deal with the embarrassment!"Amadeus would say, his cheeks just a slight tinge of pink.
"Thank you, Amadeus. I might be able to fix the comfort issue by the time the show comes on." He planned for this to be up and running in.... oh, about a Week or two, possibly sooner if he could figure out how the Control room for the automatic lights worked. He usually didn't need too long to sew, considering that his Orgin wings could serve as three extra set of needles. He wasn't so good as a technician.... The control room was a wreck, as well.
"well these designs wont start themselves i already got some of Nodans human models to present some of the outfits I've been putting together between my life and drama" she then turned to the shiny eevee and spoke very diligently "see that door over there it is the dressing room if you would be so kind but to go apply those measurements so I can get started on your very rural but modern dress and two piece (pants shirt) outfits that would be so excellent!" she was willing to measure for her but the eevee must had been subconscious about being nude in frount of someone else.
The petite ghost type sped to and through the campus on her purple and black roller-blades, swerving back and forth, going around the students that attended the school (some she had even jumped over), her lose, teal braid, that reached almost to her hips, swinging wildly. 'Heh, if I knew the school would be this crowded, I would have to set up my own human being slalom!' She laughed to herself.
Nodan casually grasped the cannister of Kerosene in his arms, making his way to the control room. He decided to drench the rubble with the thick substance, assuming that the property would burn away the plaster if touched by Fire.

Hopefully, not the school with it. Maybe Nodan was obsessed with fire, a pyromaniac.

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The shiny Spiritomb raced through the halls of the academy on her roller blades, seeing a Girantina gijinka. "Move 'outta the way!" She spoke loudly to make sure the legendary would step aside. He didn't hear her. "Oi! I said move, serpent!" She said louder, eventually coming just feet in front of the dragon Pokemon, making her do a giant jump over him, hitting the floor on the other side of him hard, a loud noise from the impact.
Amadeus would be watching intently, "Hey Lauren, are you going to be in the show too? huh, huh? I bet you'd be really great and super pretty!" Amadeus said with a smile, unaware of how many people he made hot under the collar by switching outfits. Amadeus would watch the spiritomb do a jump over Nodan and gasp, still in his alternate outfit as he hadn't had a chance to change out yet.
Move? Nodan did not plan, anytime soon, to move. But seeing as the Spiritomb made a jump over him, he didn't see why he exactly had to anymore.

He didn't seem too amused. "..... Madame, I was just a few seconds away from torching this entire room of rubble into ashes. While some pokemon can stand the consuming flames, a majority cannot. It would be a great idea to stand a bit away from that pile of plaster you happen to be next to." It was just a suggestion, but he didn't mean it in a rude way, especially the way it came out. Then again, if the kerosene got on her wheels.. there just might be a literal trail of fire after their wake.

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Ryuu was walking with his hand on his head "my head hurts where is the clinic again? wait I'm lost again" he said and faints on the ground.
as she received the information from the eevee she answered with upmost certainty "I am somewhat in the show I never actually walk the runway I just make the clothing that the people see on the runway and at the end me and Nodan come out for the end that's how the shows usally work but I don't make my own clothing" she then grew more quiet as she read over the measurements then set out to have a design made "oh this may be even more fun ten I would of been, but be prepared for random sizing because it will happen." She was gong to give the full treatment to all her modules "and Nodan i cant wait to see her outfit design."
Katrina grinned back at Lue as she took the fat folder flipping though the drawings. Lue was an amazing artist. "Too bad I've never heard Soltae's voice." She commented. If she had, she could take her transformation to a while new level. The fact that Lue was actually here clearly made her more happy and eager for this new school... even if she had an odd way of showing it. Then, randomly, she heard a voice from above them. She raised an eyebrow and looked in that direction. "Well, we have a guest." She said lightly.
The Spiritomb skids to a halt, a ghastly smoke coming from her wheels. "Then just do this." Small, blackish-blue flames appeared out of her palms, lighting the plaster and burning it to nothing in a small, controlled fire.
".... that works as well." Nodan was expecting more of a Catastrophic effect, but this stranger's way of things was quite easier. Probably less disasterous as well. "Thank you, then."

The being overheard the word 'design', as well. Out of habit, quite a few of his outfits were form fitting, but they would flare out in certain areas. He certainly hoped Lauren didn't cancel out the notion of Dressing up.... he had too many ideas in mind for this show.

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"Heh, I could tell you were expecting more of a 'bang', I know that look." The Spiritomb gives a smile. "I could have done that 'bang', no problem, but I kinda don't wanna burn down the entire school, so ya."
"Woww!" Amadeus would say amazed. "That's really really cool! What kind of Gijinka are you?!" Amadeus would walk up to her, wide-eyed.

Lue looked towards the voice and sighed. "So it seems. Well give me the folder and I'll put it up for now, wouldn't want it falling into the wrong hands. Or god forbid someone know I'm talented" She grinned at the old joke. Lue had been so Bored at thier old school that she got bad grades on everything (until the exam to see if you could pass the grade), on purpose. So she had the image of a good for nothing jokester. She shook her head and snatched the folder, making sure nothing fell out, and put it in an inside pocket of her Kimono. She turned back to the voice and grinned. "How may we help you on this beautiful evening?"
"Aw, but come now, the bangs are so much more fun!" Nodan snickered, using his hands for a mini - emphasis of his previous vision. " in most cases, at least. It would be a shame to burn the school down...this early."

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"Shiny Spritomb." She gave a big grin. "Name's Roxanne Emory Distortion, but just call me 'Roxi' or 'Em'." Her roller blades disappeared into a black wisp at the snap of her fingers, making her about a half-foot shorter, barely reaching to Amadues's chest. (Assuming Amadues is standard height for a dude, because she's short). She stuck out her hand to the Palkia.
Amadeus would look confused. "Distor-tion....?" he would tilt his head to the side. "You mean like Nodan-san right? Or do you mean more of a temporal distortion?"
"Nah, Distortion like 'Social Distortion', a human punk rock band." The petite Spiritomb smiled, looking up at the Palkia to meet her purple swirly irises with his.
Amadeus would tilt his head, "Rock....band? A band of rock types? but I didn't think humans could be any types." Due to being a space lord, he never had time to live his life normally, this was the first interaction with people he had outside of Desdemonda, Nodan, and Diagla aside from the manga he read.
"I would hate to sacrifice my equipment because an accidental fire lets not get ahead ourselves now" and stared at the punk rock styled girl "and who you might be anyway I mean pokemon wise I don't think I have seen you over the last two days that there has been students coming in" she looked through her colored fabrics for something selectable for the outfit she was currently making. She then sat in her sowing chair and ran the fabric through the machine after she cut it while waiting for an answer.


Melody was less nervous then she was before not only just because her ankle was distracting her but she was getting used to people again there were a heck of a lot of students in this school she thought as she roamed the halls with her crutches. She still would probably not be able to carry a conversation to her that was like having to not set of a bomb while disabling it.
"I'ma shiny Spiritomb." The ghost type responded to the Mismagius, laughing at the legendary. "Nah, American music, ya know? Not no band of people try'n to be Pokemon."

(I'm going to bed, bye guys)

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