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Fandom Gijinka academy

Sagley thinks "........hmm ......" reads his book "oi uhh river i got a question for u well more of a proposial out of these four....who would you say needs training" shows marcus, logan kito and charlie.
River would get out a marker, look at the four. "Hmmmm...." He would make a giant black x on sagely's forehead. Amadeus would burst out laughing "River, I almost forgot how much I missed hanging out with you"
Taleo trained outside for a while before coming back into the school. HE sighed as he walked in, heading to his room.
River would nod, "It's an improvement, what do you all think?" Amadeus would give a thumb's up. "A true work of art."
Bam! Nichole shook her fist and said"stop with the yelling ya prick! Use ya inside voice ya hear meh?!" Pulling him to her eye level her ears flat. "Now you go and think about what you are doing to others thinking you're better than everyone or I knock your ego down some notches. " her voice dripping vemon.
Taleo stopped in front of his room door, wondering if should he take a swim and he decided to do it. He took his swimming boxer with him and went to the changing room by the pool. He changed there and throws hihs clothes onto a chair before jumping in, swimming around in the pool to get his mind cleared from the Legendary Gijinkas.
"Nicole do-!" It would be too late and Amadeus would already be scared and have tears in his eyes. "P-people are r-r-really scary, I-I don't wanna be here anymore." Amadeus would begin sniffling as the space around him would begin wavering. Amadeus would begin crying and small tears would begin opening all around. "Now you've done it...." Riven would say as he sighs and goes over to Amadeus and hugs him. "It's okay, Hoenn-kun is here."
Sagley smirked "goodie...a volenteer.." vines grab nichole tightly, slamming her to the ground.

Mar us snarls getting angry, but logan charges grabbing the serperiors head, throwing him through a wall.
River would look on and look down, noticing that Amadeus had once again become upset and he held on tightly to the space-lord as tears in space began to open all around the escalating scene. "Stop being so scary! I wanna go home!" Amadeus would begin crying uncontrollably.
Nichole sniffled and stood running out. "Hic im sorry!" Running faster and into the forest. She sniffled and held her shoulder. She felt that it was dislocated and cried more in pain.
Logan glares sharply "why do you think your better then us huh!!!" Sagley replies back with "ITS ALL I GOT!!! THERE.......i came here....not knowing what to expect" 
Marcus follows nichole "hay nichole wait wait....whats wrlong" hugging her softly.
River would look at Sagely, snapping. He would point a cannon at him. "I'll see you in hell! Icebeam!" He'd yell as a beam of ice shot straight for the grass type at full power.
Logan stops the ice beam, getting hit "r...river we need to not attack him...please if hes sorry then its ok...alright"

Marcus gets out oran paste "here" massages it on ur shouldef sofftly.
River would point to the various holes in the fabric of space that Amadeus had now created since they got him upset. "Look at what you idiots did! You may be a legendary and a knight, but neither of you have the least bit of what honor is or what discipline is, now you've upset a palkia who only wanted to be friends with everyone." River would attempt to console the crying Amadeus to not much avail.
"Sniffle i-i have to hic apologize to someone i-il be back. "She said standing and limped back inside. She found palkia and said"im truly sorry for my actions. Please forgive me. Im sorry for scaring you."she placed a basket of delicious treats in his lap."i-i hope you can forgive me...i-i dont like making others cry." Her voice cracking.
Sagley walks over, and goes to his knees and getting low as possible. Marcus hums s little lullaby "its ok shhh"

Logan looks "holy...." sagley looked up "im sorry amadeus.....i...i swear by arceus i will never fight again" snaps his sword in half.

Kito gasped "h....he means it..."
River consoles the timid palkia, "Shhh, see? everyone's getting along now, so stop crying alright?" River would dry Amadeus's eyes. Amadeus would nod as he looks at the basket of sweets and sees the pikachu hurt. "H-h-hoenn-kun she's hurt." Amadeus would place a hand on her and try to concentrate really hard, merging the cells back together on a molecular level using his powers of distortion. Amadeus would look up smiling after he had healed her up. "All better now."

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