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Fandom Gijinka academy

River would pinch the bridge of his nose. "for arceus... Look I'm gonna explain this. He's an Yveltal. That means he's a darkness flying type. He does have some defense against things like special moves, however he is still weak to ice. Yes, he can drain life as is seen from Oblivion wing and yes they do have a destructive side, however just like any other Gijinka pokemon they can be knocked out."
Nichole tackles him and said"gimmie back my notebook! "Blushing some trying to get it away from him. It wasn't yaoi but there are somethings people dont need to read.
River would sigh as he looks to Sagely. "Sheesh... That stupid legend. It gives people more trouble."


Amadeus would look up and suddenly brighten up. "Oh hi! Sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." He'd rub the back of his head. "I didn't hurt you did I?" he asks as his eyes go big from concern.
"N-No... Y-You didn't..." Taleo shook his head and snapped out of it, answering the Palkia as he shivered in fear.
River would suddenly go pale. "Um... Um... Onee-chan have I mentioned how much I love you?"


Amadeuss would notice him shivering "Oh no are you cold? Let me warm you up!" he would give the jolteon a big warm hug.
Nichole said"no why whats wrong?" Shining with innocence and sweetness. "Dont worry you can tell me anything! " getting off charlie and walked over.
River would get on his knees. "I ate the pocky cause you left it on my bed. I thought it was a present, but you probably just forgot about it"
Nichole's smile fell and her eye twitched. "You. WHAT?!" She picked him up and shook him. "THAT WAS MY TREAT!!!! MY SNACK!! AND YOU ATE IT?!" her expression dark. "Sigh here." Handing him two packs."theres a game you can play with it you know."
Charlie sighed "and no i didnt put it, i put somthing for you to post to that yaoi magazine"

Logan kicks the water humming, with a biiiig smile.
"But..but it was so delicious and I thought you were giving your onii-chan a treat."
The palkia would look genuinely concerned as he looks him over. "What's wrong? Are you sick? I'll help heal you back to health! Just count on doctor Amadeus!"
River would look confused, "Game?" he would tilt his head to one side. "I've never really had pocky much so I wouldn't know."
"N-Nevermind... I'll go back to my room..." Taleo shook his head and walked back to his room, his face pale as he is quite scared right now.
Vharlie catches pokey "i made two copies btw so you can ahem..have your own hehe"

Marcus smiles sitting down "so uhh river can i ask...where u born or raised in hoen"

Kito smiles as logan coughs "bum badum ba dum badum badum bum ba dum badum badum" continues that beat as kiyo sings "hearrrt and souuul it makes me go outt of cooontrol"
"I'll walk you back to your room then! I don't want to make sure you collapse from being sick." Amadeus would smile cheerfully up at the jolteon. "It's my honor as a palkia and as the keeper of space! I will make sure my friends are safe from harm no matter what that may be, even a virus!"


River would look up. "Oh, well it's actually a complicated story. I was not born there. And my early life I actually spent in Kalos. My family moved fairly early and apparently the strain was too much. My mother and father split and well... From there the rest is Hoenn history."
Nichole sighed and said"ok so you and whoever you like each bite one end of a pocky stick -munch munch- and eat as much as you can til you get to the middle. And bingo instant kiss." She nodded sitting down.

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