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Fandom Gijinka academy

"Pranks, But I believe that's only the beginning. He has picked a fight with nearly everyone whose already appeared in the academy. It's like Hidden's scouting out who is strong and who is weak. Like a bully, that one." Liana says, still clenching her fist tight. She unclenches her fist and looks over at Yoruto, who is still flexing like some hero. "I'm sure you could take him though." She says with a smile.
"Eh? Pssh sure I can." He smiles at her belief of him, making him blush a little. "That's terrible, someone should teach him a lesson!" Aesami exclaims. "What Pokémon is he?" Yoruto asks.

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Liana turns back to Aesami, and frowns a bit. "He's a Gengar, and a tricky one at that. Hidden floats around and phases through walls. People try to hit him, but he just laughs and becomes a transparent phantom. It is the same as trying to punch the air." She starts, a bit sullen. "I was able to surprise him and toss him away. But that was when he's off guard, I don't think he noticed. If he's paying attention he can phase at will."
"A Gengar, that's why. Natural-born tricksters." Aesami's tone becomes serious. "Hmm, poison and ghost, I think."

"So dark, ghost, and psychic. Gengars tend to be frail because of their low defenses, so a couple, strong hits of Shadow Claw, or Psybeam would do" Yoruto pondered.

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Liana smiles, Yoruto's a smart boy. "Yes, you are right. It's why he goes phantom, so he can't be hit. However, I also don't have any special moves." She re-extends her blades outward, showing them as examples. "I've only been able to use my strength and these blades when fighting. If it came down to it, I don't believe I'd be able to take him." She says, her face saddened by her own weakness.
"Heh, all my sister and I have are basically special moves, because we are Braixen after all." He looks at Liana. "Everyone has their strengths, it's just that we are better suited for this battle." Yoruto pulled a katana out of his tail, where a stick normally would have been on the actual Pokémon. Aesami pulled out a staff. "It may sound funny, but my sword can cast magic and cut, while Aesami's staff can do magic and physical attacks."

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"Wait- what?" She stammered. Where did that tape measure come from? Where did this girl come from anyway? "Uhhh... A model? Why do you need a model? Whoa, whoa, watch the bust!" She said, sitting up and wrapping her arms around her chest, suddenly self conscious.

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"To fit all of the clothing I make" she said more calmly "I don't make cloths for myself you know that just greedy" she stood up and helped the Gijinka up "I needed someone with enormous amounts of beauty to match my cloths and you fit the bill" she put the pencil in between her ear so she didn't have to hold it "I have to occupy myself from just working on my studies" she returned to the way she started with a perfect poise and moved out of her room back to the doorway. "I think we will get along" she then bolted before allowing the other to object.

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"Well that's flattering, but- hey wait!" She reached out to the fleeing Ghost-type, but she was already gone. "...." With another sigh, she retreated back to her bedroom and sighed, stepping down to her bed, throwing the covers up and crawling into bed. She slipped her boots off in bed and flung them across the room, then laid down with her head on the pillow, on her back, and stared at the ceiling.

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Liana stares at the two Braixen, a bit astonished. For such frail children they seem rather capable. "I see, you two are rather special. With your strenght I probably will not have to worry much about you two." She says, relaxing. "But still, please be careful. This Gengar bothers me, I don't know how far he is willing to take his pranks. He could be potentially dangerous."
"Yeah, we got this" Yoruto smiled, suddenly very confident. "Thanks, Liana" Aesami felt special, being believed in by an adult.

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Laura had got what she needed now she was rushing through the halls hoping she wouldn't run into anyone but she saw the many gijinkas talking to one another such variety of pokemon .

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Liana smiles yet again, happy to boost the twos confidence. They've made her stay all the more relaxing, Yoruto, Aesemi. She has found others to care for, those that perhaps she could call-...perhaps not. Never the less, she would care for them. Hidden will not lay a ghostly hand on these children, she will assure their safety while at this academy. "Pay no mind, but please, do not hesitate to ask of my assistance. I will try to do what I can. As I am aware of your special powers-" Liana pauses and pats Yoruto on the head. "- It does not mean you are impervious to any danger."
"Danger, hmph, if we've got a strong Haxorus like you, we can't be in any danger!" Yoruto exclaims. "Now, don't get cocky, Yoru, we don't know what we're really up against. He could be strong, even weak, we don't know." Aesami shrugs. "He could even be too much for us to handle, and I don't want you getting reckless." She said with a serious look.

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Bobby the Luxray watched the display of hostility between the three fire-types, and when he tried to check on his friend, he could only hear her sigh inside the room. He eventually gave up, and stuffed his hands in his pockets, wandering the halls, and accidentally bumping into Liana's back, at which point he looked up, and his ears flicked backwards in embarrassment. "Oh, excuse me..." He muttered.

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(I thought we were in the Braixen's room, it's cool though. x3)

"Hm? Oh? My apologies, I seem to be in everyone's way today." Liana replied, she could hear the embarrassed tone in his voice. After a few second of studying the Luxray she noticed he seemed quite down. "If you would be so inclined, please tell me what is troubling you?" She tries to say sympathetically. She nods at Yoruto, trying to give off the message that he may need help with something.
"Huh?" He looked up at the Haxorus towering over him, then blinked. "How could you tell...? Oh, nothing, I'm just, wandering around... Don't mind me. You clearly have other friends to talk to.." With that, not trying to be rude to the strong female, he turned to walk the other way, slowly.

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Liana has seen this kind of behavior before, it's not one foreign to her, as she herself has done it. Without hesitation she swiftly grasps the Luxray's shoulder in an iron grip. "You won't get away from me that easily." She said politely as she could muster, Liana's talked more in a day than she has in a few months back at the manor. "You obviously are down about something, it would make you feel better to vent. You are around friends here, no enemies."
Immediately the Luxray's back stiffened, his tail straight. He started to shake, clearly scared. This big Haxorus, who could probably very easily beat the crap out of him had just iron gripped his shoulder, and told him,"you're not getting away that easily."

That terrified him. He murmured something about his friend and fearing for his life. He would have probably fallen over if the Haxorus gijinka hadn't been holding him up.

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Liana could see his back stiffen, maybe she went too far? It's hard to deal with others. She didn't release her grip but tried to speak softer, seem less of a tyrant. "Your friend? Scared...what's scaring you?" She pauses for a moment, and has a saddening thought. "You..aren't scared of me...are you?"
"Maybe a little.. I'm easily scared, it's nothing against you" His voice came out as a high pitched squeak, his yellow eyes wide as he started to squirm stiffly, and soon he was explaining about his only friend Nikki and the two Braixen twins ( of which he was not aware of their presence) and the little hostile exchange, "and now Nikki's sulking in her dorm room, I convinced her to come here by telling her she'd make friends. Now so far all she's made are enemies.."

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"Oh, yeah, how's your harlot fox doing?" Aesami scoffed coldly as she noticed the Luxray from earlier, standing in her and her brother's room's doorway.

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Liana released the Luxray from her grip, a bit perplexed at the situation she is in. His friend has come across nothing but enemies, and two of them are people she has known. One in which she wished that she had never met, Hidden of course would be caught in this. "I- What exactly happened, both with you-" She looks over at Aesami with a frown. "-And with the ghost type."
Beaurmont said:
Liana released the Luxray from her grip, a bit perplexed at the situation she is in. His friend has come across nothing but enemies, and two of them are people she has known. One in which she wished that she had never met, Hidden of course would be caught in this. "I- What exactly happened, both with you-" She looks over at Aesami with a frown. "-And with the ghost type."
(OOC: You mean 3 people she knew, right?)

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