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Fandom Gijinka academy

Liana gets up slowly and pats her pants off a bit, this floor is quite dirty. "It is of no importance, please think nothing of it." She says calmly, trying to seem sincere as possible. The gijinka seems to still be uneasy, like something is plaguing her mind. Liana quickly bows her head slightly and looks her in the eyes. "My name is Liana Sciafor, and I'm new here. Would you mind telling me yours?"
After dusting herself off, she introduced herself. "My name is Aesami Kasai, and this is my twin brother Yoruto." She said as her brother walked out from behind her. "We're Braixens" He added, hiding his face full of blush.

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Liana stays silent for a moment, observing the two Braixens. While studying them see suddenly noticed thier furry ears, charming, cute and...they look so warm. A sudden flushed feeling is felt in her face and she reaches up, perplexed. Blushing? She's never done that. Ever. However she wanted to feel their ears, feel the warmth. Liana shook her head, trying to not seem strange and extends out her hand toward the boy. "Nice to meet you two, just how old are you?" She then realizes her handshake automatically went for the boys ears, she just couldn't resist.
"Go ahead" Yoruto said to her, moving his head under her hand. "We're 14 and a half." Aesami informed her.

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"I heard upsetting noises and i wanted to check to see if my fellow classmates were ok" she said it in a kind manor "so if you haven been having a good day i would like to improve it" she then curtsied as a king gester "I almost had forgotten to tell you my name its Laura screech but you can call me Laura" she but out her hand as a handshake like the proper young lady she was.
Liana's cheeks flush an even more bright red, she didn't mean to make it so akward. Hesitantly at first, she gently rubs the young boy's ears. It had an calming effect on her. "Thank you, I- I didn't want to come off as strange to you two. I've just got a...thing for warm and fuzzy."
"Mmm, it's fine. It's...very soothing, actually." Yoruto said with a slight blush. "Hmm... maybe it's because you have scales...and blades" Aesami examined Liana, poking at the blades on her forearms.

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Liana gave a rather large smile, still rubbing Yoruto's ears. "Perhaps it's due to my being a Haxorus, I've always loved heat. Due to my body being naturally cool." She moves her left arm a bit outward and flexes slightly, forcing the sharp blade to shoot out more. Now a long scythe like blade protrudes out of her arm, shining beautifully. "You can touch it if you want, but be careful. It is very sharp."
"I can see that" Aesami said while scanning her dangerous qualities. Whilst rubbing his ears, Liana had hit the right spot, making Yoruto let out a small moan. He quickly covered his mouth, and ducked away from her hand. "S-sorry" He looked away in embarassment.

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Liana giggles slightly, and then covers her own mouth. When did she become so...girly? "It-It's fine, sorry if I startled you." She manages to get out before looking away. Yoruto is adorable, she could pet him all day. "Where are you two staying? I did not see you walk in."
"No, it's just that ears are s-sensitive" Yoruto informed her, still attempting to cover his embarrassment. Giggling at Yoruto's reaction, but also a little irritated at Liana for doing so to her brother, she responded to her question. "Oh, we came in a couple hours ago on the bus. We already have our room."

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Liana returns to her original composure and stares down the hallway, trying to see which room would be theirs. She wonders why they do not have name plates next to the doors. "I see, I did not notice you two." She then gets a sudden thought. "Pardon my intrusive manner, but where might you two be heading off?"
"well madame Nikki i would hope you feeling somewhat better then you did before" Lauren took a long glance at the girl before her face lit up "your absolutely perfect" the girl knocked her to the floor before wrapping a tape measure around her and collecting measurements of her waits chest arms and legs "your going to be my new module" she said with a sparkle in her eyes.
"Eh? What do you mean?" Aesami questioned, as they arrived at a dark red door, their dorm.

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She paused a moment to stare at the red dorm room door. It was different than hers, which was dark green. "I meant to say, are you two heading somewhere in particular?"
"Uh, I guess you could say we were just wandering about." She said while opening the door to a fire type paradise. The first thing Liana feels is an intense heat coming from inside the room. "Come on in, I mean, if you want to..." Yoruto added.

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The intense heat coming from the room felt fantastic on Liana's skin, It gave her a blissful sensation that was welcoming. "If you would allow me, I'd gladly stay for a bit." She says with a smile, trying to hold back her glee.
"I hope it's not too hot for you in here" Aesami says as she leads her inside. Yoruto throws himself onto the bed and sits on it. "I looove this room so much." He smiles, letting his eyes wander around the room, like he did just about a million times when they first came into the room.

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Liana lets herself in and stands in the middle of the room, trying to get a good feel of it. "It is quite a nice place, I wish my room was this warm. But the intense heat would probably bother my roomate." She explains. The room was rather on the large side, with beds on each end. "If I may, why did you come to this academy?"
"Well, we just weren't accepted at normal schools, for obvious reasons, so when we got the letter to go to this school, we couldn't refuse. What about you?" Aesami replied. "Who's your roommate?" Yoruto asked.

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Liana closed her eyes for a bit, remembering a few memories from the past. She's never been to one of the normal schools before. "My roomate is a grass type named Daisy, she's a very sweet girl." Liana says smiling slightly. She opens her eyes and looks back down at her hand, rolled into a fist. "I had to help her because a certain...annoyance was bothering her."
"Hehe, grass types are fun to play with" Yoruto mumbled. Aesami was intrigued. "An annoyance? What, a bug type or something?"

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Liana felt a chill go down her spine, every time HE comes to mind she gets this bad feeling. "I wish it were a bug type, he's worse than that. You may have heard about him already, a ghost type named Hidden." She tries to explain, a twinge of anger escaping.
"Hmm, a ghost type? I know some moves to take care of that..." Yoruto flexed his arm, looking at his muscles. "Nevermind my brother, but what did this "Hidden" do?" Aesami asked.

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