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Fandom Gijinka academy

Hidden grins, looking down at Bobby puffing out his chest. An idea crosses his mind, something that almost makes him laugh. "Alright, I'll bolt. But I heard that gijinka's could spar each other here, I think I know who my first opponent is going to be." He then pokes Bobby in the chest, pushing his arm through his body. "You'll be my first victim on the road to power." Hidden exclaims before laughing again and floating away down the hall.
Nikki suddenly appeared in front of Hidden, with a scary face like no other. "Oh. I see. Your THAT type." She advanced on the ghost type, eyes narrowed to slits, giving her pretty face a very creepy look. "You know, if theres one thing I HATE, it's rude ghost types. If theres another thing I hate, it's BULLIES. You pick on Bobby, you pick on ME. And I, am someone you don't want to pick on." She grabbed the Ghost type by the hair and pulled him down to her level, a deep menacing growl coming from deep in her throat. "YOU, are my first target, BUDDY. Now scoot before I decide you need to be cooked rare."
The Ninetails shoved the Gengar against the wall, then walked away, her eyes lingering on the floating figure for a moment, then turning to her electric type friend. "Are you okay?" She asked him.

"I'm fine..." He said, dusting off his clothes and running a hand through his hair.

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Hidden grins, another girl with impressive strength. Surpassing all these people will truly be a proof of his soon to be dominance. "Alright girly, you got it. But keep in mind, call me a thing and I won't just float off." He starts before his grin turning into a dark frown. "I'm not just another pretty face bully." He fixes his attire and then floats off again, still cackling annoyingly.
"I must apologize but I will be leaving my room so i must ask for everyone to leave so i may lock the door" she had put her teacup in the sink and washed it flowed by putting the sweets in the black fridge. Then walked over to the mirror with a black lace design as the frame and brushed her hair before putting back on her hat "how utterly perfect!" she then walked to the door. "Actually you can let your self out just lock the door" she left the room in a floating quickness passing by a floating male and two other Gijinka.
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The Ninetails ignored the ghost type. "Be careful, Bobby-"

"I know, okay? I'm just a magnet for trouble, because I'm timid!" He shot back.

"Yeah, I know."

"Okay? I'm fine, really... Only looked like a complete fool.." The Luxray boy looked at his friend, then with his tail dragging on the floor, he trudged back to his dorm room and closed the door.

Nikki sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "I worry about him so much.."

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Liana finally put away her things and packed away everything. The room has a nice feel to it, gave off a tranquil aura. She was just about to sit in her stone bed when she felt a shiver down her back. "...Hidden..." She gets up unhappily and begins walking outside her room before turning back to Daisy, still ecstatic over her new room. "I'll be right back, I feel the need to...hit something." Liana says as she walks out. After marching through the hallway she see's a Luxray trudge unhappily into a room. She walks up and sees Moonlight and a new girl standing frustrated and distant. Something seems off, but she shouldn't bother in other peoples problems. Without stopping Liana walks past the two girls silently, trying to avoid contact.
A Meganium looked out of her room and skipped down the hall, stopped skipping when someone passed, then began to skip again once they were gone. She saw Moonlight and smiled big. Someone she knew! She ran and tackled the Umbreon happily. "Moony! Moony! Hiiiii!"

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Lauren had rushed off to the catacombs to think about the events that have already happened and to read her special................... when Lauren reached into her bag to find that her book was gone she let out a shriek that could probably heard throughout the school "where could it be I don't remember dropping it" she nearly broke out into tears for her special book had disappeared. She rushed down another hall hoping it was just laying around somewhere that she had been before.
Two young Braixen, boy and girl twins around the age of 14, walked into Lauren's sight, the male holding a book. "You mean this book?"

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"Where did you find that" she reached out for it in desperation only to trip on her dress then running twords the two Braixen "oh thank you oh so much for finding it" her face showed large amounts of glee.

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"You left it in the hall near Lysandre's room. We thought we would return it." The female Braixen responded and smiled at Lauren.

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"That's so kind of you " she hugged the twins for finding her special book then realized what she was doing and let go in fear of making them uncomfortable "I'm sorry so many things are going through my head I must be a bother"

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The male was shocked and started blushing, while the female accepted the hug, returning the embrace. "No problem. I'm Aesami and this is Yoruto." She gestured to herself and her brother.

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"It is nice to meet you I am Laura, Laura screech" she had the book handed to her as she looked through the pages and sighed silenly. "I am in your debt call me when you need me but make an emergency for this is only once"

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"Will do, Miss Mismagius." Aesami smiled at her, wrapping her hand around her brother's and walking down the hall. "See you later" She said to her.

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"Oh and be warned there is a strange ghost type wandering through the halls picking fights so please be carefull" she then activated her levitate ability and went on finding a quiet place to read and stormed down the hallway hopeing not have to run into people.

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"Heh, we could probably take 'em" Yoruto responded. "No, no fights-!" Aesami refuted.

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Nikki looked at the Umbreon Bobby had been talking to, then walked away, and disappeared into her dorm room. She sat on her bed, and thought, quietly.

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Nikki then hears a knock on her door, succeeded by a young female voice. "Hello? Umm, can we come in? I'm a Braixen and so is my brother that's with me. We just thought it would be nice to meet the fire types of this school, and maybe make friends, because, you know, fire types and fire types have more in common than fire types and another type, I guess."

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"Sure... Come in."

The Ninetails straightened her back and straightened out her clothes. Her many tails fanned out around her folded legs. "..."

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The female walked in, holding her twin brother's hand. "Wow, you're beautiful, I wish I could be as pretty as you." The male tried his best not to stare. "Well, uh, back to why we're here, I'm Aesami and this is Yoruto." She pointed to herself and her twin brother. "If you can't tell, we're Braixens."

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"Me? Pfft. This just comes with the tails." She murmured, the words almost inaudible. "Nikki, Ninetails. You two are twins, I presume?" Her ears flicked in Yoruto's direction, and she smoothed her hair down.

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