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Fandom Gijinka academy

The Luxray Ninetails pair looked at each other, then went on ahead into their separate rooms. "Ohhhh, heated rocks! I am SO cool with this... If only I could lay on those rocks, but there's water falling on them."

"Ooooo! Rocks! Just like at home on the mountain!" Bobby looked around the room, then climbed up rock-like steps to an elevated bed, then frame much like that of jagged rocks. "And they even put in an elevated bed, just like requested! This is SO awesome. Hey Nikki, come check out my room!"

Nikki however did not hear him. She marveled over the bed set into the floor of the room. All she had to do to get into bed was take a step down, and there it was. "There's no doubt- these people really try hard to make us happy. I asked for something like this. This is what I get... Awesome."

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'Greetings" she gave a long curtsy before standing up "I'm Lauren, Lauren Screech it is nice to be of your acquaintance"

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Circe nodded."It is nice to meet one of my students before the actual classes start tommorow and your first period class is the transformation class."
Bobby walked out of his room and left to look around. "Wow this place is huge! I'm probably going to get lost! ... That's bad..."

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Moonlight had since gotten out of her room which is a nice dark painted room with slightly rocky exterior but some grass as well and a moon painted to look like its glowing on the ceiling and a bed low to the ground with black sheets and a grey bed frame and there is torch burning with blue fire and that is when she bumps into bobby.
"Oops!" Bobby fell over and landed on his butt, his head whacking the floor. "Ow!" He cried, sitting up and rubbing his head.

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"What? Oh, no, I just wasn't looking where I'm going.." He looked up, his eyes met hers. He laughed nervously and looked away, embarrassed. "Hahaha..."

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It remained quiet for a while, then the Luxray stuck his hand out and cleared his throat, "I'm Bobby. Luxray. H-hi."

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Moonlight grasped his hand and she smiled slightly before shaking it."My name is moonlight, its easy to guess i am a umbreon."
"Ha... Yeah." He let her hand go, and stared for a bit, then rubbed his head nervously, between his ears.

Nikki meanwhile looked out her door and watched Bobby having this red faced exchange with an Umbreon. She smiled at the sight. Now he has someone else to have affections for. For she couldn't show him the love he deserved. Slowly, she turned away and disappeared once more.

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"Soooo, uhh-"

"Having fun, are we?" Nikki sweeped past, looking around for the showers. "Uhh-" bobby stammered,

"Oh no, don't let me bother you. I'm just looking for the shower.."

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Moonlight looked up at nikki and smiled."The shower should be in your dorm room unless you got one of those rooms were there isnt one."
"Yeah, there isn't."

"We have our own bathrooms?" Bobby asked. "I didn't really look around.."

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"Oh joy..." The Ninetails sighed and trudged away, found Bobby's room and stepped into the bathroom.

"... She's a friend of mine." He stammered, nervous.

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Hidden can't contain his evil cackle, first day here and everyones blushing and bumping into each other. Is this some sort of dating academy? "Don't turn too red there Bobby boy, might mistake your for a cherry." He says teasingly floating above his favorite little gijinka. He looks over at Moonlight smirking all the while. "You seem pretty knowledgeable of this place, what do a bit o' research before coming here Moonlight my girl?"
Bobby squeaked and his limbs locked up, and down he fell. He squirmed for a minute, then sat up and glared at Hidden. "HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME! Mister appears out of...walls, why are you floating... Thiiiing?"

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Moonlight sighs."Ignore him bobby, he is a ghost type so he can naturally float and go through walls and he likes to frighten people especially you since you kind of get scared easily it seems."
"Thing?" Hidden whispers to himself, he is no "thing." His playful demeanor turns into a cold stare. He floats downward toward the scared gijinka, dropping right in front of him, ignoring Moonlight. "I ain't a thing buddy, you best remember that."
Moonlight glares then stomps her foot on the ground and she ends up using a move her pokemon counterpart would be able to use and its dark pulse which makes the floor shake slightly and a dark aura go over it."Leave now hidden and with the way you act, we have the right to call you a thing."
"What- me? Timid? Frightened? Pfffft, never been scared in my life!" Bobby puffed out his chest, a completely fake smile on his face.

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