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Fandom Gijinka academy

"Well pleasure to meet you... Never met anyone from Kalos. I'm from Johto." She sat up and stepped up from the bed, walking over to Yoruto and Aesami, and looking at them both.

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"Yeah, we met a Mismagius earlier, but i think that's Sinnoh; I'm not sure." Aesami responded while running her fingers through her tail.

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She looked at Yoruto, then raised an eyebrow, and pressed the back of her hand to his forehead. "Are you okay? Your face is all red, you don't have a fever..."

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Yoruto jumped from embarrassment and covered his cheeks with his hands. "Oh, no, it's nothing! I'm fine."

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"Mhm.. Alright. BOBBY!" The Ninetails rushed to the dorm next to hers and opened the door, "Bobby, I'm using your bathroom!"

"Okay." The male voice came from the rocky bed frame, and his head popped up as he crawled down and out the door. He took one look at Yoruto and sighed. "Victim to Nikki's good looks. She doesn't realize how pretty she is."

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"Ah! No, it's.." Aesami intertwined her fingers with her brother's and squeezed his palm, signaling that there was no point in trying to explain. "I'm Aesami, and this my twin brother Yoruto. We're Braixens. I'm guessing you're a Luxray? Or a Luxio?"

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"Right the first time. Sorry if I started off on the wrong foot there. Not the first person who thinks Nikki is good looking is all. Myself included. She just doesn't realize how pretty she is. I'm Bobby, Nikki's only friend." He held out a hand to the twins, wondering who was going to shake his hand.

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Yoruto reached out first and shaked his hand, then Aesami. "Aren't you a little young to be a Luxray?" Yoruto spoke up.

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"Well, living with Nikki? Theres nothing but gaining levels and eventually evolving. I was a Luxio by the time I was 11." Bobby said bluntly. Living with Nikki was like trying to wrestle a Croconaw with no arms. It was dangerous. Nikki was rash an always getting into fights with wild Pokemon, other gijinka, or humans. It was dangerous, but life with Nikki was never truly dangerous. With her, he felt like he could do anything.
"Well how old are you? We evolved around that time too" Aesami questioned him.

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"17, just barely older then Nikki, her birthday is tomorrow, in fact." He looked at the two Braixen, then leaned back against the wall.

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"You're 17!? I thought you were, like, 14, or 15!" Aesami exclaimed. Yoruto had a shocked expression on his face.

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"Nope, I'm older then that. Birthday was a few weeks ago." He replied, crossing his arms over his chest. When he looked at them, he raised an eyebrow, "why, do I look THAT young?"

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"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, you just look younger!" Aesami backups a bit. "Leave her alone, she didn't know." Yoruto steps in front of him.

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"Whoa, whoa, calm down kids, that was NOT supposed to scare ya. Besides, I'm really not that big of a threat.." Bobby held his hands up, not exactly sure how he'd scared them. "It's all cool, no offense was taken in any way."

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"Well my sister is sensitive, and she didn't know." Yoruto said to Bobby. "I-I am not!" Aesami exclaimed. "Well in case you were wondering, we're both 14, halfway 15." Yoruto added.

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"Well nice to meet you both." Bobby said, leaning back on the wall.

Nikki then walked out of his dorm room, brushed past Yoruto and into her dorm room once again.

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When Nikki passed by him, his nose was filled with her invigorating scent, instantly making him blush again. "Provocative freaking cat." Aesami growled as Nikki went by.

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"I'm a kitsune, actually. And, sorry that's the smell of my shampoo. Lilacs." She muttered, glancing pointedly at the male Braixen twin, then disappearing into her dorm room.

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Aesami hisses at her and grabs Yoruto's hand, pulling him out of the room and leaving.

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The girl sighed as she heard the female Braixen hiss at her, and slowly she slid down to the floor, her back against the door. "Already making enemies.. That's a new record..." She sighed, running a hand through her blonde hair. "I came here because I honestly wanted to make FRIENDS, not enemies..." She sighed and tipped her chin up as she looked up at the ceiling, a sad glow to her eyes.

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(Aroura dear, the door is closed.)

The Ninetails looked up: was someone speaking to her? Slowly she stood, brought her face back to neutrality and opened the door to her dorm room. "Yes... Can I help you, Mismagius..?"

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Liana is still walking through the empty hallways, searching needlessly for...well she doesn't exactly know. Hidden was around earlier, and that chill she felt would have been caused by no other. She then stopped walking and paused for a second, contemplating. "Perhaps I'm wrong...there are many ghost types here. Any one of them could have passed my room." Liana whispers, trying to make sense of her feeling. Whatever caused it has moved on, and she can't feel anything. Slightly agitated for leading a blind search she sighs and walks backwards toward her room. She passes many doors that which she paid no mind to the first time. All leading into different dorms that she guessed would hold new students. Just how many gijinkas will attend this facility?


Hidden finally reaches his dorm room, for some reason near the farther side of the building. His floating can come to be quite useful. "Well, let's take a looksie shall we?" He phases through the door and floats inward, examining the room around him.
The grijinka had heard an upset groan the hall near the door had heated up so she decided to knock on the warm door "hello anyone in there i can feel you heat from out here" she knocked politely one more time no answer she was nearly going to walk away from the heated room taking a couple steps back "well then im gonna go" (i have fixed it)
While storming off, Aesami accidentally bumped into Liana, knocking herself over. She then jumped up to apologize. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" She turned red from embarrassment.

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