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Fandom Gijinka academy

"Hmm, I'll start...here." She pokes at the Banette's right thigh with a nail, bringing up her hammer and driving the nail into his leg, blood spraying from the area (at least I think that Bayah has blood xD ). "And there's nothing about me that's 'sunshine'." Desdemona hisses at the puppet Pokemon, readying another silver nail at his wrist on the same side.
There actually WAS blood, believe it or not. But it wasn't crimson, it was Black... and it glowed with some kind of creepy, otherworldly light. As for the reaction of the Pokemon HIMSELF... Well, he didn't feel pain as he used to, but it still hurt. It was just dulled, not what it should be. Yet it was enough to make him groan slightly and clench his fist against the clasps that held him.

Yet he still felt like dragging on a pointless conversation. "Surely....something has to be brighter about you then the rest. That's how the world turns, Darlin'...." And as an added bonus, let's add this little fact. Those years that Bayah took to make him at least the TINIEST bit calmer then he was before his episodes? Yeah, due to all this stress, you can expect that to crack pretty quickly.

"No, I'm all darkness." Desdemona scoffs, marveling at his flowing black blood. She hammers more nails into her victim, until they eventually cover his arms and legs. "Hehe this is coming out nicely." Her crazed smile returned.
At one point in tis torturous act, Bayah stopped the pained grunts and.... started chuckling. A faint sound that filled the room with a different voice then his previous one. He may or may not have snapped after the seventh spike that was delivered nicely into the stitches covering his throat. So while it had the potential to have a smoother quality to it, it was choppy due to the faint coughs that were trapped.

"Then believe what... you want. My belief..." Perhaps he was just rambling now. " Darkness.... holds potential to hide the good. Light... has the quality to reveal the evil.
The Darkrai was in shock at the Banette's reaction to her means of torture. "Heh, maybe I should use other ways of tormenting?" She asked him, thinking of other methods.
"Heh......ha.....ah..........." His voice fell silent, and the talk of dark and light ceased. Unless whatever he mumbled in between his faint laughing bouts were something on the subject, but it was doubtful. Though he felt tired, he refused to close his eyes. He was curious, oh so curious at what she could possibly do to him next, that hurt him just that more. Either way... in his new mind, he would faint. Curiosity was so deadly at times.

Hah, DEADly. What a pun.
River would shiver, not sure what to think as he had never felt this before. "What are you doing? T-that tickles." He'd gasp slightly.
During the doll Pokemon's procedure, the Darkrai happened to notice the stitch lines in the Banette's body, as the nails ripped parts of his clothing when impaled into his skin. "Hehe, what happens if I pull these?" She wonders, yanking a set of sutures from his shoulder, them quickly sliding out from under his skin.
The expected reaction was to scream at the top of his lungs, for that is what normal folks would do at having their stitching removed. But then again, Normal folks would be thrashing about and NOT giggling as if on Nitrogen. Which happens to be laughing gas.

Instead, Bayah stopped laughing, going stock still. . The stitch came undone without any resistance, and the rest of the pieces fell along like a domino effect... which caused the rest of his arm, up to his shoulder, to fall off and flop uselessly to the floor.

"...." Even now, he had to make a sarcastic quip. "I don't...suppose you could...get that?" He asked weakly.
"Y-you're so mean. Legendies are such mean gijinka." River squirms slightly as he falls over.
Siriana smiles then she pulls him back up into a sitting position and gently bites the sensitive part of his neck."Well i can hear the quaver in your voice, that means you like what i am doing."
Desdemona removed the nail from his neck, only to reply with: "No thanks" As the mysterious and sadistic female disappeared in a black wisp of shadows. The poor Banette was left on the torture table, nails stuck in his body, only in hope that someone would happen to wander down the creepy corridor to find the tormented Pokemon.
River would shiver. "N-no fair! Taking advantage of a poor boy who has no idea what to do." He would wrap his arms around her.
Siriana gently nibbles his neck."Well it seems like it is instinct though i do not really know much of what to do either, really it is just try and find out."
As Ryuu continues to go to the second floor he saw the stairs were crumbled "hmm well anyway i can fly" and he floats as he see something weird.

Unbeknown to the being of Darkness, the tortured figure had won his own battle. What it was, would be unbeknown until the time came. If the time came.

As soon as she left the room, he yanked roughly at his remaining arm. The stitching was torn badly, sure, but it allowed the cloth to bend so he was free. However, he hadn't the want, nor the general strength to get the legs off. So instead of attempting, he rested his elbows on his knees.

... The amount of pressure it took for him to physically separate his physical senses from his mental was overwhelming, but it was half the reason why he didn't scream nor cry during that ordeal.
Just by plain curiosity, the gijinka Pokemon was wandering the dark corridors below the school, the unseen halls of the academy. Though unafraid of the dark, the Missingno's attention of just wandering was stolen by the sound of giggling. 'Who in their right mind would be down here?' She thought to herself as she notices a Rayquaza. "What are you doing here?" She asks the green dragon.
Siriana smiled and her breathing was slightly heavier than usual."I am glad, i am doing a good job."she trails her lips up his neck then kisses him, wholeheartedly.
"Why down here?" She asked the dragon Pokemon. "Oh, and I heard giggling down here, would you like to investigate with me?" She questioned softly, a bit afraid of what there might be, honestly.
"And I can't rememberrr...Darling, you aren't the only one to drive to hell. Oh dear, We'll meet again, Miss Sunshine."

Couching out these final words to nobody, Bayah finally rolled his head back, passing out.

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