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Fandom Gijinka academy

"I would assume the theme would relate to the olden days of....." He paused for a second, stiffening ever so slightly...

When the rift opened, Nodan had to refrain from stepping back, due to the close proximity of the rift. It was an inner influence to flinch.... He DID have a first-hand experience of being attacked with Space itself.

"...Ah, Amadeus." A glint of familiarity appeared in his eyes. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"


".... IS ANYBODY DOWN HERE. I HOPE SO, BECAUSE I ALMOST DIED /AGAIN/ ON THOSE STEPS." The Banette had reached the safety of solid ground after the descent of the staircase, but he was none too happy when they started crumbling underneath him. He just wanted to find the stranger and never, EVER have to look at another railing again.
River would aim his cannons down and propel himself up into the air, spinning and creating a fountain of water behind him, chasing after the Lugia laughing all the while.


The palkia would smile widely "Nodan-kun!" Amadeus would step through the rift. "Neat neat neat! Desdemonda-chan and Nodan-kun are here! I'm just glad Dialga-chan isn't. Diagla is so scary and mean."
"Yes, I'm fine." She snaps at Amadeus, exploring the building in search of the Banette. "And oh, boo hoo for you." She says coldly to the Yvetal.
". . . .?" Nodan casted a glance to the Darkrai in mild surprise. Yet what did he expect? It seems as if ALL of his old acquaintances were back... except, as mentioned before, Dialga.

"I'm sure He isn't THAT bad anymore, Amadeus....Then again, he might as well be. As long as he stays far..... FAR away from here."

Well, after a day long episode that consisted of ripping his favorite shirt, Trying to strange Mesprit AND stopping Time itself just so he could mess with all of them.... you couldn't blame anyone for hating the 'Lord' of time.
"Heh, not as bad as me!" Desdemona giggles while flying off, locating where the Banette had been by sensing the path his soul had went. "Hehe, found you." She smirked, going through walls and disappearing so she wouldn't be seen, but heading in the direction of the Banette.
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River would look on and laugh. "Interesting rain dance. Looks like quite the storm"


Amadeus would go to hug the giratina. "I missed you Nodan-kun!"
"Oh if it isn't another legendary of sinnoh" she mumbled to herself so that she would not interrupt the two as she glanced a Serviah then back at the two engaging in conversation.


Melody had heard a voice a ways from where she was at but refused to talk back. She also stopped her humming so she sounded like she wasn't there.

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"I'd suppose I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss you as well." Since the Palkia was far differant then the others Nodan had met, he didn't have a problem admitting this. Besides, how COULD you hate him? He was just so friendly....

Serviah chuckled next to Lauren. "Awww, that'ssssss kind of cute. Don't worry my friend, I'm ssssure He and You will talk all about your walk after thisssss...."


Of course he didn't notice Desdemona. Bayah isn't a person to pay attention,he just loved to rush into this. "I AM GIVING YOU THREE SECONDS TO COME OUT, OR I WILL BE FORCED TO RUN DOWN THIS HALLWAY AND CONFRONT YOU MYSELF." He yelled as loud as his voice would allow, though it was clear he wasn't intent on carrying out that threat...
Desdemona then appeared behind the Banette, whispering at the back of his neck, intent on scaring the doll Pokemon. "Heh, I've never heard of a ghost type to be so afraid, especially of a measly corridor or some decrepit stairs."
River would smile broadly "I think that's really cool that you can do that. I can make rain storms and hail storms, but that's only thanks to rain dance and hail."
River would nod and smile widely "Yeah, I still wanna know how you found my room though without me knowing."

As riven says this he notices the Rayquaza falling into the pool, since he hadn't died off yet he dives in and goes to get him out of the pool.


Amadeus would look at the one who said 'oh great another sinnoh legendary' "I'm sorry, were Desdemonda and Nodan being mean? They can be really really mean, but they can also be really nice. I'm sorry if he's causing you trouble."
The Ghostly, Possessed doll whipped around whilst hearing that sentence, and in his surprise he kind of spread his arms and did this Whirly- tornado impression with the limbs.

"W-what!? Afraid, I... There's a differance between Afraid, and Hindrance, Mrs.Sunshine..." Let's be honest, the Banette was startled at the new arrival. But what she said about him being afraid almost implied that he was weak.... and that he was not. Just jumpy, is all. His growing pride wouldn't allow him to prove her theory right.
Melody became terrified and his behind some cleaning equitment and she started hyperventilating as she though she was going to meet her end. Even after the shouting had died down it still was a bit noisey for an abandoned hall.

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Ryuu got out of the pool but his costume is soaked he finds a room and calmly walks to it to change to his other costume.
Desdemona had let out her maniacal laughter at the Banette's comment. "HAH! Sunshine?." The room that they were in turned black instantly at the dark type's hand motion- only making her luminous, ice blue eyes visible amidst the darkness. She used her ghastly magic to push the doll Pokemon just a couple inches, where the floor had seemed to disappear. 'Hehe, time to play an illusion on this little puppet.' She thought to herself with a smirk. 'Maybe I should play with this doll's strings?'
River would shake himself dry as he helps Ryuu out of the pool and would dry off himself. "Why later? Why not now? And whose room are we going to?"
River would smile, "Of course... It's so simple why didn't I realize that. And why are we going there?"

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