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Fandom Gijinka academy

Nichole ate her burger happily and dipped her fries in her milkshake. "Whats that supposed to mean?" She said her cheeks full then she swallowed blushing. "Whats that supposed to mean?" (Ka)

River would blush as he looks down, "Yes and I'm um. I'm really grateful, especially one as pretty as you. So um, will you go out with me? I hope that as champion of Hoenn I won't disappoint you."
Marcus smiled "relax its cute" kisses his finger tapping her rosey posey cheeks 
Logan heard them talk, as he leaves the school becoming his cacoon mode again
Seeing nothing, Bayah turned from the window and started to walk towards the stairs. He'd leave the trio behind for the moment, besides...this was the perfect chance to explore the school. At least, the parts he hadn't seen.
Nichole got them some and smiled dipping her strawberries in the chocolate fondue. And bit into it. Chocolate got on her cheeks as she ate her favorite treat. (Kar guys you can think of the last two letters)
(Is it Karin? )

River would look shocked and almost ready to pass out from it. "I uh.. um... thanks."
Siriana giggled then she pushed him right into the pool before diving in herself."If you pass out, i will bring you to your room, yes i must be a stalker since i already know where it is."
Lauren did not take the fact that Bayah she was too emersed in the the world of fashion to notice his leaving of the area


Melody was now completely lost and have no idea where she is going so she was stuck to the point of opening random doors until she found a janitors closet. It smelt of public swimming pools and lilac scent spray and was lit with a single bulb so she his in here turned off the light closed the door and sat on the tile ground. She decided to pass the time by humming music which always turned out beautiful even if she didn't try.

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"Was it the champion's belt that gave it away?" he says as he searches for her in the water.
"i Was hoping to try a model walk here, too in a few days..." Honestly, the Giratina could be cold-hearted when his real side showed, but he couldn't help but to act wholeheartedly interested when it came to these topics. "I'd love to have you help me organize it..."

Serviah was just bouncing on her heels and chittering away in excitement. greeeat, the sewing club is moving on.


"Damn it, stairs." Bayah had opened a dusty old closet, and found out that a bunch of creaking, rotting steps met his face. It was the undiscovered second floor....yep. Looks like a horror moving WAITING to happen.
The palkia would perk up. "Hold on... Could it be that...." He looks away and opens a dimensional rift, one would open right in front of Nodan and there would be Amadeus staring at him intently."N-Nodan-chan?"
River sighed as he smiled and dove down deeper to where she was. Being a water type, pressure and oxygen didn't really bother him much.
River would blush as he looked on. He couldn't believe how gorgeous she was. Even under the water it was clear to see that his entire face was a deep crimson.
Siriana smiled slightly then she started twirling around in the water until a small tornado enveloped her and she burst out of the pool and into the air with a shimmering display of water droplets and her fins spread out on either side of her.
"You had me at walk" Lauren spoke "I will be your right hand woman" she thought for a minute before asking "what is the theme of the show" at the same time a pakia had came into view and shouted as if he knows him and refers him as chan?


Melody was still in the the janitors closet (wow I never thought I'd type less then a sentence)

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