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Fandom Gijinka academy

Perhaps it was the dusty air getting to his head, but with each change in scenery, Bayah felt less and less terrified out of his brains. It was replaced with a more...Giddy feeling, as if you were cheating Death himself and he was running out of moves, only to reach for his scythe. He looked down into the dark abyss, felt the dark magic push him slowly forward.... and realized that sometimes it was BAD to have night vision.

If this was his end, the growing part of himself said... Might as well go out with a bang. "Yes, Miss Sunshine. You are just utterly Peachy today. Did something lovely happen recently?" His voice was laced with sarcasm, and a chuckle escaped him. It wasn't one of joy... in fact, it wasn't easy to tell WHAT it was.
Melody felt behind her and noticed that there was an old dumbwaiter in the back of the closet "its now or never" she pressed the button for the third floor. When she opened the small door that had helped her move floors she fell out landing on a man with white hair. She blushed with embarrassment then just blushed in general for he was quite handsome.

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"Why, yes, something favorable did happen, if you may ask." The dark type says coldly. "I became the ruler of this deficient school." She remarks. "Now, boy, what do you fear?" She asks the doll Pokemon.
As Nicholas was walking he hears an Echo "is someone calling me gonna check it" as he ran towards the echo he found a Rayquaza.
River blushes as he's lead through the academy. "See... your room? See a girl's room?"
"...Well, Okay. Ruler sound cool and all, I think. Be careful, though. A lot of people I know hate Imperialism...."

Bayah paused at her next question, and turned his head to the back of his body to stare at her awkwardly. Why would she ask such a question, and did she REALLY expect him to answer that? And besides.... Bayah forgot what he was afraid of a LONG time ago. Back when he was still trying to cast dark magic. Well, maybe he was afraid of surprises, but that was trivial. So were stalkers.


". . . ." Nodan looked up at the ceiling, and for whatever reason it opened up and deposited the lost Melody onto one of the two white-haired males. This academy was getting stranger and stranger by the minute. Serviah blinked at the supposed super-star, then her gaze wandered over the two other legendaries.

"Well, issssn't thissss a pleasssent little group?"
Siriana giggles."yes a girls room."She leads him to the legendary wing of the academy and opens her door and her room is quite well windy since the blanket on the bed with made of well a very dark bluish smoke and the room is very big with rafters up above to jump on a some are floating in the air and their is a tornado type of thing in the middle of the room so the platforms are always moving around.
The Darkrai laughs a bit at the puppet. "Haha I knew you weren't going to respond, I just simply asked to ask." She gave the Banette a fake smile. "Oh yeah, and about your little...comment..from earlier; I think you should be punished." Desdemona gave him a terrifying glare equipped with a crazed smile.
River looks at the room. "Wow... it's so much different from mine. I just have a plain old room. Yours is so big and open and you have so much space. I don't ever think that I could ever use all of this."
Lauren was plesently surprised she had not known there was a dumbwaiter in the hall or that a girl had fell from it she was had to see due to the hair in front of her face. She must have just got here Lauren thought as she watched the girl sit on Nodan.


She was about to stand up before she collapsed again "owwwww my ankle really hurts" she had attempted to stand up a third Time only to no prevail. This time she stayed sitting down but got off the white haired man. "I'm super sorry I should had been careful then I wouldn't of knocked you to the ground" she looked down at her feet avoiding eye contact.

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Siriana smiles."Well i am a legendary after all."She jumps onto one of the platforms and keeps doing that until she reaches the top one and sits down their, while it slowly swirls around the tornado.
River would use his cannons to propel himself up and keep him hoisted in the air as he flies next to the platform "I may not be a flying type, but I can get around with these"
"Does this punishment include ripping my limbs off... Because I'd like to keep those, please." Even with this sudden adrenaline rush, Bayah was put off by that insane smile. And this girl seemed JUST the type to tear off his arms and slap him around with them. Not a pretty image, but when you're a ghost, you tend to be a pessimist.


Instead of falling to the ground and yelping in pain, Nodan tended to descend to one knee when people fell on him. Perhaps it was because his shoulders were so broad, that nothing moved him. Short of a full-out tackle.

"Don't apologize for something that wasn't your fault, dear." The Giratina hummed, his eyes glowing in a slightly unsettling matter that might throw somebody off. His actions and his visual concept spoke two different things.

"Ssssince when did we get a Dumbwaiter, anyhow...." Serviah wondered aloud. "And where in the worldssss is Bayah?"
River looks surprised. "O-oh thanks..." He would sit beside her close, his breathing heavy having never had the chance to be so close to a woman before outside of fighting.
River would freeze up as soon as he feels her and sigh softly. "I never knew legendaries loved tormenting people so much." He'd say smiling a little bit.
Lauren did not know where there little mischevious friend was as he had seemed to vanish into thin air. Maybe he went out for fresh air.


Melody sat on the nearest bench in the hall so her ankle would feel a bit better. The man still stared in her direction making her axsiety act up she attempted to keep conversation but words wouldn't leave her mouth.

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(Aroura, should we just assume you landed on the giratina then?)

Amadeus would look at Melody, getting very close and being unsure of what personal space was. "I think I've heard of you before... you're a Melleotta. I've never met one." His eyes would suddenly go big "ooh ooh! that means you have an ultra-pretty voice right?"


River would sigh as he feels her against him. "You're so mean.. " He'd reach his arm around her and hold her tighter to him. "But I'm a little crazy and willing to forgive you since you're so beautiful."
(Hehehe now he's going to meet the psychotic and sadistic part of Desdemona Philomena Eris > :D )

She laughed maniacally as the dark room suddenly turned light and Bayah was strapped to a flat table, his wrists and ankles strapped down, his arms and legs stuck out (think starfish formation, because I couldn't think of how else to explain it :P ). The Darkrai appeared with a hammer, and nails with barbs. "Remember, nobody can hear your screams down here." She says softly. "It looks as if you met a terrible fate."

"Mayhapssss He retreated back into his room. In any case, a Melloetta, I heard? the lassssst I've heard of the name wassssss back when that sssssssinger..." Her voice trailed off as she tried to put the rhetorical pieces together. Nodan just examined the female on the bench for a while, wondering in the back of his head just why she was blushing so red.


"... You're THAT insecure to resort to torture... because I called you Miss SUNSHINE? I'm sorry, but some people might consider that a compliment...." And not a means of driving nails into his dead hands. To add insult to injury, the man could feel a few stitches around his shoulder pop out of place. Maybe those Limbs would prove useful to her AFTER all.

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