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Fandom Gijinka academy

He would be pushed laughing a bit and would run into Seriana. "Oh. Sorry!" He says as he rubs the back of his head,


A voice would call out. "Desmonda-chan let go of poor Melody-chan!" A small tear in space would appear as a dimensional hole spreads and out comes Amadeus in a puff of confetti as the hole closes. "In the name of space and dimensions I ask that you stop being so mean Desmonda-chan!"

"Oh, isn't it just my favorite Chandelure?" The Darkrai let down the Meloetta onto the balcony, flying close to the fire type. "Oh and also my dearest Amadeus." She flies up to the Palkia, giving him a hug.

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Charlie glares "you better not be causing no commotion...as you recall i judge and punish those that go against there destiny....id hate for arceus to find out"
"Desmonda-chan!" he hugs her back. "Why are you being so mean Desmonda-chan? I thought you were really nice and wouldn't do anything like this back home." The Palkia would say pouting a bit and puffing out his cheeks. As he hears Charlie say this the Palkia looks sad "Everyone stop being so mean to each other. Please Mister Chandelure?"


River would step back a bit, a deep crimson red after being so close to Siriana. "I um... Sorry. Yes of course we're already friends, and I'm very thankful for it."
Somebody screeched from farther down the hallway, holding their head. Even from that distance, Nodan couldn't stand Arceus's name.

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Amadeus would grip onto Desmonda "That was really scary." It sounded like a Baynette. He would then perk up. "Wait, Desmonda-chan is going to my school?"

"Hmph, when did I ever act in such a way? What's nice?" She scoffs, laughing maniacally. "Haha, let him find out! What's he going to do? We are of completely different realms! I'm of the shadows and he is of the light!" She swirls in the air, without a care in the world. "And yes, I think we are roommates" She smiled at the Palkia.


Amidst all their fun, Aesami had just remembered about Kurusaki, so she dried off and headed towards the school to go to the wolf's dorm to see why he wasn't out with everyone. "Kurusaki?" She arrived at his dorm and knocked.

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Kurusaki used a well controlled shadow ball to open the door and he was lying on his stomach on his bed with his face buried against his pillowmand ears were lowered and his tail was limp."yeah?"
She went over to him and pushed him over on his side so that he could face her. "Why haven't you been with us most of the day? I've missed you." She remembered she was in her lacy, frilly bikini, making her a bit self conscious, but blushing a little.

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"But... But Desmonda-chan... What if Gigas-san hears about this?" Amadeus would actually shudder. "Last time he got upset it was really bad for everyone involved."
Kurusaki frowns."because you guys just ignored me and left me behind and did not even bother to ask if I wanted to swim so I just left and came in here."
"A relaxing place was that to much to ask" Melody mumbled to herself as she went from sitting to standing. Since she had no way of getting back to her room from where she was at and using phycic might not work out very well so she walked into the balcony doors to an empty hallway "as long as I don't become worried I'll be fine" she keped saying to herself as she now wandered the school (Time for me to sleep)

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"Uh, so what? I know how to beat a normal type." The Darkrai floated in the air on her back, as if she didn't care. "Back to my little prisoner... She said she wanted to leave the building to be away from everyone, and I helped her with that, and she faints on me? This is exactly why I don't help people." She smirks.


Aesami pouts. "Aww come on, is that it? My brother and I were just excited to meet the new students is all." She gave him a little smile and then leaned over and kissed his cheek.

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Kurusaki shifts his eyes so he breaks eye contact with aesami and it was really because of his past and he hated to be alone and two small tears leaked from the corners of his eyes then he whispers."I hate to be alone."
Aesami then pulled at the wolf Pokémon's arms to sit him up, giving him a tight hug. "I understand that."

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"You mean aside from him learning a large amount of fighting-type moves he can use and the fact that they can out speed you and can take a hit much more easily than you?" Amadeus would sigh. "Be reasonable, last time he got angry Arceus himself got involved. Plus they could be our friends."
"Who could be our friends?" The Darkrai looks at the Palkia, making eye contact.


Aesami tilts her head and kisses Kurusaki on the lips. "What were you crying about earlier? I can tell, your eyes are puffy." She frowns.

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"Melody could be if you weren't being so mean to her. I thought you'd stop being so hateful to others. You always seem to act so nice to me too."
"I wasn't being mean to her, I was simply taking her outside because that's where she wanted to go. And why would I want to be friends with something so dainty and fragile?" The Darkrai asks coldly. "I am nice to you because you are my only friend. I don't need any others." She gives the Palkia a heartless look, asking: "Don't you want me to be nice to you?"

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Amadeus begins to have tears in his eyes. "I thought you genuinely cared about me." The space around him begins wavering and starts to become unstable. "Why do you have to be so mean." Small tears would begin opening around them as the unstable space pokemon becomes emotional.
When Taleo is dragged to the pool, he just sits on the chairs nearby watching the others having fun in there. He thought that if he went to swam in there and someone made him angry, they would get a nasty shock and he absolutely doesn't want that to happen.

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