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Fandom Gijinka academy

(the champion of sinnoh, a garchomp. Garchomp > most legendaries for his stupid abilities.) River would speak up "Enough, is this how a princess acts? Act with grace and dignity. You have regal blood in you so enough. You're a student here."
It came as a mild surprise to Serviah when the Pidgeot came up to them, but she made sense out the words she spoke and grinned, accidently showing off those fangs as she spoke. "Oh, I ssssssee. I'm thankful for the lovely compliment, however I'm quite more then a touch impresssssed in your ability to hide. A great skill to have, if I do say so,"

Bayah peered down the expanse of tile and brick. "...rumored to house some pretty powerful Gijinkas, to the point that thry're legendary. Don't see many of them though...

Perhaps the ghost should of looked behind him. If he did, he would of spotted the faint figure of a shadowed specter... right behind the quadlet group.

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The Darkrai the jumps off the end of the balcony, twirling up into the sky, maniacally laughing as a black cloak made out of dark magic forms around the elegant figure, covering her entire body. The darkness lifts, light returning over the area as the Darkrai smiles at the Lugia. "Just for you, my lovely." She flies back into her dorm with incredible speed, entering through the opened window.

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Sudenlly bayah felt a tap, as charlie looks "hay zipper face how you doing"

Sagley had heard he werent the only snake here, so he serched for this orher illustrious snake gijinki.
.....and serviah hadn't the faintest clue of the other figure behind her, either... referring to the ghostly fire type. For a serpent, she got distracted easily...it could be her downfall.

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[QUOTE="the-lich](Ok wats goin on i sleep and shddenly darkrai wtf also....lugia)

( xD ikr)

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(Everybody was allowed to have a legendary pokemon)

Seriana smiled."Thank you Princess, Now river would you like to take up that earlier request and go for a swim with me."
The Braixens then appeared, previously covered by the darkness. "Well we are still in bathing suits, so I guess let's continue our swim." The female Braixen says, curseying in front of the Lugia, the male bowing.

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"Well it certainly impressive if I say so myself " she glanced at the fancy doorways and the beautiful colors on the wall. "Does it feel like these legendaries are getting special treatment instead of a normal school life" she just doesn't get it but I guess her life was a silver platter so she shouldn't be one to talk.

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Seriana smiled and she bowed as well."It will be good to enjoy some fun."She went right to the edge of the balcony and the flat hard plates folded against her back and she jumped off the balcony with her arms against her sides and she twirled down with a swirling mass of wind and water.
The glitch Pokémon finally appears also, previously petrified, observing everything from her dorm's window. "I'm pretty sure the he was a she."

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"Did you just call me zipper face...." Bayah paused as the man floated up in the air. Thank god, too, for Bayah could get really sassy if he wanted to. Like one of those stereotypical black womans who don't take...

"If my suspicions are correct, a large amount of legendaries have joined the school," A man spoke from..well, nowhere. Serviah, not noticing that the voice was disembodied, only noded her head eagerly, "isn't this oh sssssso exciting?"

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River laughs as he goes to the balcony too. "Showoff!" He yells as he pulls his cannons off his back and plunges off the balcony, using his cannons to steer him mid-flight towards the pool.
Nicholas sees River Flying toward the pool "there will be a great wave here" he said. 
Until Nicholas sees a Lugia "Ok I need to go out of the pool" he said as he tried to swim away
River would laugh. "You legendaries, think you're so powerful just cause you're born that way, well let me show you what hard work can do!" As he says this he sprays his jets directly at the ground, rising a few stories into the air and then stops, falling shell first into the pool.
Aesami performed the protect spell on her and her brother, as they both jumped off the balcony holding hands, eventually hitting water. "That was like jumping off a gigantic diving board!" Aesami exclaims. "Exhilarating" Yoruto says, trying to catch his breath.

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Seriana chuckles as she pops up from under the water."Oh i do love being in the water much more then i like being on land though, if only this was deeper."She gives a slight smile and suddenly the bottom of the pool seems to stretch down and down and down until it is to dark to see how far it really goes."Much better."

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