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Fandom Gijinka academy

As he sits at the edge of the pool "Nichole I think your name is the female version mine or vise versa" as he laughs a little.

"No, Bayah, that'ssss not how you knock on thingsss. Honestly, you think ssssomebody of YOUR activities would have made enough noissse to last a lifetime..."

This was a little conversation held in a different area, not by the Pool. In fact, it was in front of Laurie's room..and again, it was just Serviah and Bayah causing havoc as usual. the Arbok and Banette seemed almost inseparable these days... especially after that Night episode nobody wanted to revisit.

"Oh, keep your skirt on Serpent Lady. It's the only way she can hear us, riiiight? I';m sure nothing horrid will happen." Even after the slamming door and the crystal, Bayah was confidant as ever in his ability to NOT screw up.
"Onee-chan has a crush! Onee-chan has a crush!" He would say teasingly as he splashes her. Then submerging almost completely, just keeping his face barely above the water. "You know...you all are pretty brave." He'd smile wolfishly.
Nichole giggled and smiled. 'I guess you can say that nick. Um can I call you nick?" Blushing. She wondered why. She only blushed around Marcus and nicholas for. "I do not!" Splashing river back.
Nichole swam around and hummed. "Ooh who likes highschool musical?" She asked randomly. "It totally lied! We dont break out into random singing." Pouting.
River would dissapear under the water. He would use his cannon to propel himself up above the water, high into the air as he leaps. "Gwarrr! Water type strike!" He would dive towards the Braxiens.
The sky then turns pitch black, the sun disappearing almost entirely, darkness flooding into any lit room, as a black figure flies across the dark sky. "Oh shit! What is that?" Yoruto exclaims.
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River lands and a massive splash comes between the two as he laughs whenever he comes up. "Water nuke! Take that!"
Nichole quickly dove under him and swam to the side of the pool pulling him out. She checked him being careful and pushed down on his chest some getting water out if it got into his lungs just in case.
Ryuu was flying around the sky until he sees a tyrantrum who fainted "wait he seems familiar...oh no" he goes to the fainted tyrantrum
The darkness then cleared away, the gijinka flying into the building. "What was that?" Yoruto and Aesami asked in unison.

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River sticks his tongue out at the two braxiens. "Water types." He holds up 2 fingers for victory. "What what is it?" he askes as he looks to the two now soaked foxes.
The Shadow flew over the building, which also plunged the two Gijinkas Inside into Darkness. Bayah could of been wrong, but he could of swore, for a split second he heard a veryyyy creepy laugh next to him. He assumed it was the Arbokian, but when he turned, Serviah was just staring at the door as she was doing before.

"..Did you hear that, or was that just me?" Bayah asked curiously. Not that he was scared! Hah, of course not. Nothing to be scared of... except-a-potential-stalker-but-those-were-rareee-ahaha-help...
Ryuu goes near to the fainted Tyrantrum "oh no what I'm gonna do" he said, he worries about the fainted tyrantrum "please can someone help him" he said
"Onnii-chan that was reckless! " Nichole said trying to wake nicholas up. Nichole tapped his shoulder and said"nicholas wake up!" She actually paid attention in some of her classes with this kind of thing. Nichole bit her lip and started cpr. "Cmon wake up." She said taking a breath and did it again.
"No, River, this is no joking matter." Aesami snaps with a shaky voice, getting out of the pool and slipping on a frilly red skirt, that she had brought with her, after she had dried off. "Yoruto and I are going to investigate." Aesami adds, removing the protect spell she had out on before they went into the pool.

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Nicholas coughs as he tries to get up "uggh my head hurts what was that" he said, he looked at his surroundings "Nichole is that you, dont wory its okay" he said as he gets up.

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