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Fandom Gijinka academy

River would walk over to her parents. "Hey you must be onee-chan's parents, right? I'm River Stevens." He'd hold out a hand.
Her dad shook his hand and said"hi im Daniel kudo. Thats my wife ciara kudo and you've met my out of control daughter." Nichole dropped some of her drawings. And nearly cursed. "Nichole, what are you doing drawing this kind of stuff?! Or writing it for that matter!" Her dad said. "What happened to my innocent daughter?!" He said falling to his knees crying. "She died when I discovered the joy of boy x boy! " Nichole said. "This is what happens when I dont get to go anywhere and I have just a computer and stuffed animals!"
River would put a strong hand on Daniel's shoulders. "Worry not. For I am the champion prize fighter of Hoenn and now her Onii-chan, I will protect her and look out for her the best that I can. No matter how bad things will be."
Bobby looked at the Pikachu, then eyeballed the no doubt graphic pictures. It's like a car crash, he just couldn't stop looking at it... He soon started to sniffle. "Oh god why can't I stop looking at it..." He remarked, his eyes void and forever. "And once you see... You can't. Unsee..."

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All the while ciara was trying to pull Nichole from the tree. "No I'm not going home! Hey you're gonna rip my dress mom!" Nichole said hanging onto the branch for dear life. She fell as her dress ripped. "Wah!' daniel nodded sighing.
River would point his cannon at the ground. "HYDROPUMP" he would propel himself into the air and onto the branch. He'd sit down next to her. "Heya Onee-chan."
Nichole tried to cover her lower half now with what remained of the bottom part of her dress. "Hey onnii-chan. " blushing now and looked away. Pidgey, now named romano, got the piece and flew back up to nichole. Ciara facepalmed and her parents left.
River would look at the art. "I didn't know onee-chan liked it so much when men touched each other in such inappropriate ways. I knew you were into yaoi but..."
Nichole blushed and said"i-its not that bad! Is it? " Blinking. "Why am I in a tree?" She looked at river and back at her dress. "Why is my dress ripped like someone tried to claw me?"
Taleo sighed and walked back into the building. He wanted to make friends but he couldn't and he didn't know why he couldn't.
"I... Are some of these of me onee-chan? Do you really love yaoi that much?" River would blush as he looks down. "You came up here. Hold onto me and I'll jump down"
"Hey, I'll come with you." Yoruto, the male Braixen, said to the Jolteon while catching up with him.

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Nicholas was walking around to see interesting things until he see someone fell of the tree "is she ok?" he said,he looked for a second and continues to walk
"Well then make yourself at home I will be cooking things unless you decide to Cook instead and if you have alergys to any kind of food let me know cause I dont want to send you to the hospital on my account" she had sat at her mirror and asked to look into the student hallway. The image changed into a depiction of the twins an joltion as well as a shirtless boy according to his outfit was a blastoies "oh looks like there is alot more students now" the mirror returned to a reflection of herself. (Fixed it)

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River would cling onto the pikachu with one strong arm. "Alright hold on!" He would point his cannon in the opposite direction and fire, propelling them both extremely fast, catching up to the jolteon. River would slide as he tries to stop and sighs, letting go of the pikachu. "Here you go Onee-chan. Something the matter?" He says as he looks to the Jolteon.
"I-I'm ok..." Taleo saw the Pikachu girl and gave her a wry smile, scratching the back of his head, wondering why he is being called all over the place.
"Are you...sure? He says as his deep blue eyes look at Taleo. I'm here to help you know."
"T-Thanks... Nichole... Is it?" Taleo nodded and accepted the poffins before starting to taste it.

"These are really good!" Taleo smiled, enjoying the poffins. He finally looks better, seems that he is hungry or something after the trip to here.

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